Chicago cop expected to be charged in teen's death

The kid came at him with a knife. Do blacks now get a free stab?

Depending on how terrible the childhood of these inner-city "angels" endured they get several.

Or at least until they hit a major artery, vein, or organ.

Have you never heard about slavery?

Have you never heard about slavery?

Weren't the slaves freed about 150 years ago?

How many of them are still alive?

Just for the record I don't use emojis or sarcasm tags.
I'll wait to see the video, although based on the actions of the city to delay its release, I have to think it's not going to play very well.

And just in time for a Black Friday protest on Michigan Avenue.
I have seen the video the guy was walking away from the cop and the cop started shooting less than 10 seconds after he was out of the car and unloaded all 16 shots even though the man wen't down with the first two. I believe in due process and innocent till proven guilty and want to hear the cops side of the story but right now I can't imagine anything the cop could say to justify his actions.
The thug wasn't stopping or raising his hands at all. He was a thief breaking into cars, and had a knife, plus jacked up on PCP, and he resisted arrest. Lethal force was warranted at that point. The fact the officer used his whole clip is irrelevant.
That savage will be taken care of in prison
No he wont. Didnt you hear? He died after the cop shot him a bunch of times. That saves the tax payers a lot of money. You might even say we... dodged a bullet.

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The thug wasn't stopping or raising his hands at all. He was a thief breaking into cars, and had a knife, plus jacked up on PCP, and he resisted arrest. Lethal force was warranted at that point. The fact the officer used his whole clip is irrelevant.
Did anyone say how many bullets hit the kid?

Doesn't that have any bearing on this case?
Maybe there's more to the story, but right now it looks like this cop was way out of line.

I burn this car in protest.

A thug resisted arrest while armed with a knife within about 12 feet of the cops partner, after they had already interacted with the thug and saw he was high as a kite.

That kid was a lethal threat to the partner and the cop shooter is totally justified in what he did.

The best that could be done now is to compost the thugs remains and plant some cat tails over it.

Fuck him and all these ass holes.
Another savage with a badge going down

CHICAGO — A white Chicago police officer who shot a black teenager 16 times was expected to be charged with murder Tuesday, just a day ahead of a deadline for the city to release a squad-car video of the shooting.

Veteran officer Jason Van Dyke is expected to be indicted in the killing of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald, an official close to the investigation told The Associated Press. The official spoke on condition of anonymity so as not to pre-empt an announcement of the charge.

Source: Chicago cop expected to be charged in teen's death ::

Another nothing thread.

So far no one is claiming that the cop isn't in big trouble.

Guno starts an argument and no one comes.
Another savage with a badge going down

CHICAGO — A white Chicago police officer who shot a black teenager 16 times was expected to be charged with murder Tuesday, just a day ahead of a deadline for the city to release a squad-car video of the shooting.

Veteran officer Jason Van Dyke is expected to be indicted in the killing of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald, an official close to the investigation told The Associated Press. The official spoke on condition of anonymity so as not to pre-empt an announcement of the charge.

Source: Chicago cop expected to be charged in teen's death ::

Another nothing thread.

So far no one is claiming that the cop isn't in big trouble.

Guno starts an argument and no one comes.
I didn't see any proof other than a video of some hoodie wearing dumbass walking down the center of a street stopping traffic....
The guy slashed police vehicle tires and smashed his knife wielding hand on the windshield of a police car - I mean if you were going to shoot the guy for "provocation" reasons, then /that/ was the time to do it. They didn't and instead just tried to corral the guy, I don't know what their plan was (like to just follow the guy around until he came down or what) but it all ended when Van Dyke jumped out of his car and opened fire. One has no choice /but/ to ask why out of all the officers he was the only one to jump out of his car and shoot the guy despite the other "aggressive" actions the guy had made. I personally cannot come to much other conclusion but that Van Dyke was acting "on his own" and not under the "SOP" the other officers were following.
I'll wait for the dash cam video before condemning the cop, especially considering the kid was possibly on PCP.

See the dashcam now?

Can yiu count the number of people who tried to sweep this shit under the rug? But yeah, let the system work...the same system that didn't charge him with a crime until they were forced to release the video because of peotests.

The same system that allowed 3 cops to go into Burger King to tamper with video evidence and aren't facing any charges.

I'm sure this will turn out like the others. Taxpayers pay the police for their fuck ups and the cop won't do time. To which everyone can pretend the system worked.
I'll wait for the dash cam video before condemning the cop, especially considering the kid was possibly on PCP.

See the dashcam now?

Can yiu count the number of people who tried to sweep this shit under the rug? But yeah, let the system work...the same system that didn't charge him with a crime until they were forced to release the video because of peotests.

The same system that allowed 3 cops to go into Burger King to tamper with video evidence and aren't facing any charges.

I'm sure this will turn out like the others. Taxpayers pay the police for their fuck ups and the cop won't do time. To which everyone can pretend the system worked.

I see this guy doing time
If he does its a slap on the wrist while the 3 officers that erased the evidence get off Scott free.
I'll wait for the dash cam video before condemning the cop, especially considering the kid was possibly on PCP.

See the dashcam now?

Can yiu count the number of people who tried to sweep this shit under the rug? But yeah, let the system work...the same system that didn't charge him with a crime until they were forced to release the video because of peotests.

The same system that allowed 3 cops to go into Burger King to tamper with video evidence and aren't facing any charges.

I'm sure this will turn out like the others. Taxpayers pay the police for their fuck ups and the cop won't do time. To which everyone can pretend the system worked.

I see this guy doing time
I'm not so sure. You could technically say he was fleeing, but if an officer has reason to believe he is a danger to the public, he can shoot that person. The guy was wacked out on PCP, acting aggressive and openly wielding a knife. I think that classifies him as armed and extremely dangerous.
Thug had a knife so yeah he got shot. Doesn't mattter how many times he was shot. Dead is dead.

The family has already extorted 5 million dollars from the taxpayer. Now look for chicongo to placate the protesters by increasing welfare checks. It's all about money - taking money from working whites and giving it to lazy blacks.
I'll wait for the dash cam video before condemning the cop, especially considering the kid was possibly on PCP.

See the dashcam now?

Can yiu count the number of people who tried to sweep this shit under the rug? But yeah, let the system work...the same system that didn't charge him with a crime until they were forced to release the video because of peotests.

The same system that allowed 3 cops to go into Burger King to tamper with video evidence and aren't facing any charges.

I'm sure this will turn out like the others. Taxpayers pay the police for their fuck ups and the cop won't do time. To which everyone can pretend the system worked.

I see this guy doing time
I'm not so sure. You could technically say he was fleeing, but if an officer has reason to believe he is a danger to the public, he can shoot that person. The guy was wacked out on PCP, acting aggressive and openly wielding a knife. I think that classifies him as armed and extremely dangerous.

The time is against him for that defense.

He basically pulled up, got out of his car, and started shooting.

and the kid was moving away from him at the time.

Other cops on the scene before he got there werent' shooting, why did he?

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