Chicago cop expected to be charged in teen's death

Fortunately we live in a world where the history of racism and injustice is responsible for every human action.
Fortunately we live in a world where the history of racism and injustice is responsible for every human action.
You live in a fake world where racism does not exist but Christians are being persecuted by Starbucks ...all you Right wingers are the same whiny entitled white pussies...always crying because its you who is supposed to decide if racism exists
Fortunately we live in a world where the history of racism and injustice is responsible for every human action.
You live in a fake world where racism does not exist but Christians are being persecuted by Starbucks ...all you Right wingers are the same whiny entitled white pussies...always crying because its you who is supposed to decide if racism exists
I wonder what ShootSpeeders new excuse will be since an all black or even majority black jury has never ever happened in history.
Profiles: Who are the O.J. Simpson jurors?

  • 28-year-old married black woman, works for the post office, high school graduate; said as a young child, she watched her father beat her mother and "as an adult I don't go for any man being abusive to me''; said she wasn't familiar with DNA; was "shocked'' to hear Simpson was a suspect.
  • 24-year-old single black woman, works at a Los Angeles hospital, one year of college; said she has had no experience with domestic violence; said of both sides in the case: "Everybody has a lot to lose or gain.''
  • 50-year-old divorced black woman who works as a county collections vendor, two years of college; said she "respects (Simpson) as an individual based on his past accomplishments.''
  • 32-year-old single Hispanic man, delivers Pepsi, high school graduate; said Simpson was "a great football player.''
  • 37-year-old married black woman, works in a post office, high school graduate; said she doesn't think Simpson "acts too well'' in movies and described the freeway pursuit that ended in Simpson's arrest as "stupid.''
  • 38-year-old single black woman, environmental health specialist whose father was a police officer, college graduate; said the 911 tapes of Nicole Brown Simpson calling for police help as Simpson broke through her door in October 1993 "sound frightening.''
  • 52-year-old divorced black woman, postal worker, high school graduate; described Simpson as "only human.''
  • 22-year-old single white woman who handles insurance claims, college graduate; said she was shocked when she heard Simpson was a suspect.
  • 43-year-old married black man who works as a phone company salesman, high school graduate; said he thought Simpson was a good football player; alternate juror until Jan. 18.
  • 60-year-old divorced white woman who is a retired gas company clerk, one year of college; said she was the lone holdout in another murder case and managed to get other jurors to change their minds; alternate juror until March 17.
  • 44-year-old single black woman who fixes computers and printers for county Superior Court, high school graduate; said Ms. Simpson "wasn't a saint''; had no opinion about whether Simpson is innocent or guilty; said in jury selection, "If I'm not picked, I can look at it and say, they let a good one go;'' alternate juror until April 5.
  • 71-year-old married black woman, retired cleaning worker, completed 10th grade; said of the case: "I haven't come to no conclusion one way or the other. ... I don't know nothing about no O.J. Simpson;'' alternate juror until May 26.
  • God you're a fucking idiot!
  • Go crawl under your rock asshole! And what was the result of a majority negro jury? They let OJ a double murderer walk free 100% based on the fucking color of his skin! Fucking hippo *****!!!!!

How about you sum up your point because I'm not falling for this grenade throw post
I guess given all the compelling evidence you've presented racism is the only possible motivation

You punk ...the "Police Officer" has a fucking history of being abusive to Black people...
The LEO's past history has no legal relavence to the event that took place. Any jury will be instructed by any judge to disregard anything they have heard of the LEO's past history. The Pros. knows full well if they try the 'sneak' any past history to the jury the Pros. will be held in contempt. VERY serious blot on a Pros.
As usual you've climbed on the wrong horse pal. Do you EVER get too embarrassed and stop doing it? No.
Because you're a stupid LIB pussy dummy.
Let me refresh your memory, what's left of it:
Big Mike
Officer Wilson
You have quite a history pal. The history of a fucking LOSER!
I be careful of posting too much pal.
Your local LE agency reads every fucking post here.
Your big mouth and your warrants are going to send you back where they should never have let you leave.
How about those cat food sandwiches for lunch every day?
You obviously have come to like them.
funny isn't it how swat teams and hordes of cops can talk a white dude who shot up a PP down without killing him..........or how cops can arrest racists after they have shot up black folks in church or on the street.........but they can't get a knife away from a young black man who has not hurt anyone..................instead he gets shot 16 time

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