Chicago Records Snowiest November Storm in Over 100 Years

Apparently the OP is oblivious of how global warming works.
Yes....apparently in defiance of all logic and physics the warmth makes things colder. I haven't quite figured out how warmth equals cold but I'm sure one of you will trot along and explain it.....or not...
Except the OP wasn't about cold; it was about snow. Raise the temperature a few degrees and it could still snow, but now the atmosphere will hold more moisture, basics physics, resulting in more snow.
You can't explain it to them. I tried before. They think evaporation is a "wild liberal theory".


See how it shows the sun on the right.

See how it shows ice and snow on the left.

They refuse to see the connection.

Care to explain how something with a residence time of nine days can linger around from summer to winter? I've pointed out this time problem before but you tards can't seem to understand how time works.
So says someone who thinks the only time water evaporates from the ocean is in the summer.

Wrong again. The only time the temps are warm enough to do what you claim is in the summer however. The winters have been bitterly cold and that renders your claim ridiculous.
Residence time for water vapor is nine days. You get a nice warm day and the water vapor does indeed increase....FOR NINE DAYS. Then it drops back to normal.
Nine days is plenty of time for snow to form. What makes you think that's some sort of barrier? I think you're grasping at straws. It's not the difference between summer and winter. The physical effect is present at all times. Each degree of temperature has its own saturation point. When we're talking "warm" it doesn't have to be summertime warm, just warmer than it was before.

Th problem with your contention is of course months pass from the hot days of summer ill the bitterly cold days of winter. It's really simple. Why are you religious utters so incapable of understanding simple physics.
Apparently the OP is oblivious of how global warming works.
Yes....apparently in defiance of all logic and physics the warmth makes things colder. I haven't quite figured out how warmth equals cold but I'm sure one of you will trot along and explain it.....or not...
Except the OP wasn't about cold; it was about snow. Raise the temperature a few degrees and it could still snow, but now the atmosphere will hold more moisture, basics physics, resulting in more snow.
You can't explain it to them. I tried before. They think evaporation is a "wild liberal theory".


See how it shows the sun on the right.

See how it shows ice and snow on the left.

They refuse to see the connection.

Thanks for the evaporation lesson.... I think we learned that in what, first grade?

Now, why don't you evaporate.
Awesome. Let's all lobby for Chicago to let all of its residents dump their raw sewage, chemicals, and garbage into Lake Michigan!
Awesome. Let's all lobby for Chicago to let all of its resident dump their raw sewage, chemicals, and garbage into Lake Michigan!

Typical progressive comeback. No one has said we should ignore pollution but leave it to a progtard to drop the argument down the level of a 6 year old.

Where the fuck do you morons come from...
Awesome. Let's all lobby for Chicago to let all of its resident dump their raw sewage, chemicals, and garbage into Lake Michigan!

Typical progressive comeback. No one has said we should ignore pollution but leave it to a progtard to drop the argument down the level of a 6 year old.

Where the fuck do you morons come from...

The conservative consensus is the kill the EPA.
Awesome. Let's all lobby for Chicago to let all of its resident dump their raw sewage, chemicals, and garbage into Lake Michigan!

Typical progressive comeback. No one has said we should ignore pollution but leave it to a progtard to drop the argument down the level of a 6 year old.

Where the fuck do you morons come from...

It's the marking of an intellectual midget... if you don't buy in to their crackpot theories then you obviously must want to drink polluted water.

Yep, there you have it... makes perfect sense doesn't it?
BFD it snowed

Man those Chicagoans are a bunch of pussies if they whine about a foot of snow
Another thread full of mouth breathers who don't understand the difference between weather and climate.
Awesome. Let's all lobby for Chicago to let all of its resident dump their raw sewage, chemicals, and garbage into Lake Michigan!

Typical progressive comeback. No one has said we should ignore pollution but leave it to a progtard to drop the argument down the level of a 6 year old.

Where the fuck do you morons come from...

The conservative consensus is the kill the EPA.

If it isn't doing it's job in a proper fashion it should be killed. The EPA is trying to pass laws extralegally. That is bullshit and a complete abrogation of the Rights of the People of the USA. That is the very definition of tyranny.
Awesome. Let's all lobby for Chicago to let all of its resident dump their raw sewage, chemicals, and garbage into Lake Michigan!

Typical progressive comeback. No one has said we should ignore pollution but leave it to a progtard to drop the argument down the level of a 6 year old.

Where the fuck do you morons come from...

And what age level would you assign to the asinine point of the OP?
Another thread full of mouth breathers who don't understand the difference between weather and climate.

Yes, we're pointing out that very fact. Every time it's warm you twits claim it is global warming showing that the warmers are the most confused people on the planet.
Awesome. Let's all lobby for Chicago to let all of its resident dump their raw sewage, chemicals, and garbage into Lake Michigan!

Typical progressive comeback. No one has said we should ignore pollution but leave it to a progtard to drop the argument down the level of a 6 year old.

Where the fuck do you morons come from...

The conservative consensus is the kill the EPA.

The EPA like most bloated government bureaucracies has become entirely too political... it has long outlived its usefulness and today serves no purpose other than to regulate us to death. The fact that it supports crackpot theories like AGW is all you need to know. Every good cause eventually becomes a racket.
Awesome. Let's all lobby for Chicago to let all of its resident dump their raw sewage, chemicals, and garbage into Lake Michigan!

Typical progressive comeback. No one has said we should ignore pollution but leave it to a progtard to drop the argument down the level of a 6 year old.

Where the fuck do you morons come from...

The conservative consensus is the kill the EPA.

If it isn't doing it's job in a proper fashion it should be killed. The EPA is trying to pass laws extralegally. That is bullshit and a complete abrogation of the Rights of the People of the USA. That is the very definition of tyranny.

See what I mean. Trying to fight pollution is 'tyranny' in the mind of a RWnut.
Awesome. Let's all lobby for Chicago to let all of its resident dump their raw sewage, chemicals, and garbage into Lake Michigan!

Typical progressive comeback. No one has said we should ignore pollution but leave it to a progtard to drop the argument down the level of a 6 year old.

Where the fuck do you morons come from...

And what age level would you assign to the asinine point of the OP?

The same level as every warmist asshat claiming that every warm record being broken is due to manmade global warming. They are all equally ridiculous claims and yet you twits fall all over yourself making those very claims.

Every time one of these heat records is broken you look back and the majority of them are from the 1930's, and most are being generated to the UHI effect which was much less in the 1930's. Add to that the dat falsification and most of these claims fall apart when compared to the raw and not "adjusted" data.

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