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...I think we should take all the blacks in Chicago and spread them around in your and my neighborhoods. Just close down Detroit. Close it. It's not a place anyone can live. Then after 10 years people can move back to the city but you have to have a job and own a home. And only enough low income housing that people can work at the grocery stores and shopping malls.

Of course a democrat would want Big Brother to dictate where Americans can, can't, and must not live. Then legislate the building of dachas for the members of the intelligentsia and the politburo, with plenty of servants available to them and you've got the democrat fantasy of control, communism, and hypocrisy.

How is the ghetto experiment working out?
No idea what you're talking about, fool.
At this point he needs to change his login as sillyboob
What do you think needs to be done? Unkotare doesn’t like the idea of closing ghettos. I think it’s a great idea. Sorry but if you live in Detroit and you don’t have a job you have to move. If you can show your 2019 tax returns you can stay. If you don’t have tax returns then you have to get the hell out.

If not, what do you think needs to be done?

I also think we need black police to police black people.

And we need to give huge tax incentives for companies who will open up businesses in detroit. And those business districts need to be heavily patrolled. No bums. No loitering. No stolen cars or mugging.

This is also why I’m in favor of diversity programs where companies go out of their way to hire qualified black people.

And whites shouldn’t be teaching blacks. Find qualified black people who can teach and have them teach black children.

I know black people have to do better themselves but these are some things we can do on our side to help. If black men have good paying jobs then they will be less likely to be deadbeat dads. Then they’ll spend more time with their kids.

If I’m wrong tell me what you think needs to be done.

All can see from this ^^^^^ stinking pile that democrat racism and hypocrisy persist unabated.
...I think we should take all the blacks in Chicago and spread them around in your and my neighborhoods. Just close down Detroit. Close it. It's not a place anyone can live. Then after 10 years people can move back to the city but you have to have a job and own a home. And only enough low income housing that people can work at the grocery stores and shopping malls.

Of course a democrat would want Big Brother to dictate where Americans can, can't, and must not live. Then legislate the building of dachas for the members of the intelligentsia and the politburo, with plenty of servants available to them and you've got the democrat fantasy of control, communism, and hypocrisy.

How is the ghetto experiment working out?
No idea what you're talking about, fool.
At this point he needs to change his login as sillyboob
What do you think needs to be done? Unkotare doesn’t like the idea of closing ghettos. I think it’s a great idea. Sorry but if you live in Detroit and you don’t have a job you have to move. If you can show your 2019 tax returns you can stay. If you don’t have tax returns then you have to get the hell out.

If not, what do you think needs to be done?

I also think we need black police to police black people.

And we need to give huge tax incentives for companies who will open up businesses in detroit. And those business districts need to be heavily patrolled. No bums. No loitering. No stolen cars or mugging.

This is also why I’m in favor of diversity programs where companies go out of their way to hire qualified black people.

And whites shouldn’t be teaching blacks. Find qualified black people who can teach and have them teach black children.

I know black people have to do better themselves but these are some things we can do on our side to help. If black men have good paying jobs then they will be less likely to be deadbeat dads. Then they’ll spend more time with their kids.

If I’m wrong tell me what you think needs to be done.

All can see from this ^^^^^ stinking pile that democrat racism and hypocrisy persist unabated.
What did Rudy do to clean up New York? That’s what I want to do. What Rudy did.
What the fuck is going on with Chicago? 52 people shot this past weekend. ONE WEEKEND. This has got to be seen as a dire crisis.

Something has got to change. I wonder what any Chicago-area members here think might be productive. And NO, this is not an invitation for anyone's racist bullshit. A great American city is virtually under siege, and something's gotta give.

The city proper isn't where the problems are in fact you can see all the great sights around Chicago and never go near one of their ultra-violent neighborhoods

It's a good example of how violence and crime are concentrated in very small areas
What the fuck is going on with Chicago? 52 people shot this past weekend. ONE WEEKEND. This has got to be seen as a dire crisis.

Something has got to change. I wonder what any Chicago-area members here think might be productive. And NO, this is not an invitation for anyone's racist bullshit. A great American city is virtually under siege, and something's gotta give.
You can't change it......only at the margins.....but the reality is....there is no magic solution that fixes everything....

There is so much self hate that has been in place for decades and it just keeps being passed down from generation to generation.....

But unfortunately, it is human nature -- and settling things with violence has been glorified in this country since it was created....
You also have the gang bangers in control of the entire south side, and spreading...They can be there 24/7 while the cops can't.

The cops will just arrest you and take you to jail, while they'll kill you without batting an eye.
If we are looking for cops to be the answer to all of society's ills -- we are already in trouble......

It is a multifaceted problem and it takes multifaceted solutions....

Simply arresting people and throwing away the key won't solve it....and I damn sure don't want to hear that from folks who pretended that the 94 Crime bill was bad..
...I think we should take all the blacks in Chicago and spread them around in your and my neighborhoods. Just close down Detroit. Close it. It's not a place anyone can live. Then after 10 years people can move back to the city but you have to have a job and own a home. And only enough low income housing that people can work at the grocery stores and shopping malls.

Of course a democrat would want Big Brother to dictate where Americans can, can't, and must not live. Then legislate the building of dachas for the members of the intelligentsia and the politburo, with plenty of servants available to them and you've got the democrat fantasy of control, communism, and hypocrisy.

How is the ghetto experiment working out?
No idea what you're talking about, fool.
At this point he needs to change his login as sillyboob
What do you think needs to be done? Unkotare doesn’t like the idea of closing ghettos. I think it’s a great idea. Sorry but if you live in Detroit and you don’t have a job you have to move. If you can show your 2019 tax returns you can stay. If you don’t have tax returns then you have to get the hell out.

If not, what do you think needs to be done?

I also think we need black police to police black people.

And we need to give huge tax incentives for companies who will open up businesses in detroit. And those business districts need to be heavily patrolled. No bums. No loitering. No stolen cars or mugging.

This is also why I’m in favor of diversity programs where companies go out of their way to hire qualified black people.

And whites shouldn’t be teaching blacks. Find qualified black people who can teach and have them teach black children.

I know black people have to do better themselves but these are some things we can do on our side to help. If black men have good paying jobs then they will be less likely to be deadbeat dads. Then they’ll spend more time with their kids.

If I’m wrong tell me what you think needs to be done.
So.... you're basically saying the answer is segregation and preferred hiring based on race.
Sorry... absolutely not.
Not segregation. The exact opposite. Blacks need to move to the suburbs where the jobs are.

Everyone loves Rudy because he drove the bums out of nyc. What did he do? Let’s do that.
NYC of the 1970s - 90s, that Guiliani cleaned up, is not the same problem as Chicago. They are two different things.
The problem in Chicago is far-far-far more difficult and multi-faceted.
Some is due to corporatism, the single greatest problem to face everyday Americans of ALL colors - and no one talks about it.
Some due to short sided liberal social policies of the 1950s - 1980s.
Some do to liberal pandering and excuse making dealing with blacks, that not only doesn't solve the problem,, but exacerbates it and makes it multi-generational just like the liberal social polices decades before.
What the fuck is going on with Chicago? 52 people shot this past weekend. ONE WEEKEND. This has got to be seen as a dire crisis.

Something has got to change. I wonder what any Chicago-area members here think might be productive. And NO, this is not an invitation for anyone's racist bullshit. A great American city is virtually under siege, and something's gotta give.
You can't change it......only at the margins.....but the reality is....there is no magic solution that fixes everything....

There is so much self hate that has been in place for decades and it just keeps being passed down from generation to generation.....

But unfortunately, it is human nature -- and settling things with violence has been glorified in this country since it was created....
You also have the gang bangers in control of the entire south side, and spreading...They can be there 24/7 while the cops can't.

The cops will just arrest you and take you to jail, while they'll kill you without batting an eye.
If we are looking for cops to be the answer to all of society's ills -- we are already in trouble......

It is a multifaceted problem and it takes multifaceted solutions....

Simply arresting people and throwing away the key won't solve it....and I damn sure don't want to hear that from folks who pretended that the 94 Crime bill was bad..
Who said that the cops were supposed to be the answer to all of society's ills?...That's a strawman argument.

My point is that the violent thugs have control of the streets, and being a relatively law abiding citizen on the south side is pretty much equivalent to a hostage situation....Getting involved with the police, to just root out only the most heinously violent of them, is a death sentence....And having a mayor who is openly hostile to civil order in general, and the police in particular, is just gasoline on the fire.
This is also why I’m in favor of diversity programs where companies go out of their way to hire qualified black people.

All the qualified blacks have been hired. Now companies are scraping the bottom of the barrel because their "woke" employees are whining.
I thought their wages were up and they’ve never done better?

If the economy was really great they’d be able to leave for better jobs. And companies would be raising wages to be competitive. None of that’s happening.
...I think we should take all the blacks in Chicago and spread them around in your and my neighborhoods. Just close down Detroit. Close it. It's not a place anyone can live. Then after 10 years people can move back to the city but you have to have a job and own a home. And only enough low income housing that people can work at the grocery stores and shopping malls.

Of course a democrat would want Big Brother to dictate where Americans can, can't, and must not live. Then legislate the building of dachas for the members of the intelligentsia and the politburo, with plenty of servants available to them and you've got the democrat fantasy of control, communism, and hypocrisy.

How is the ghetto experiment working out?
No idea what you're talking about, fool.
At this point he needs to change his login as sillyboob
What do you think needs to be done? Unkotare doesn’t like the idea of closing ghettos. I think it’s a great idea. Sorry but if you live in Detroit and you don’t have a job you have to move. If you can show your 2019 tax returns you can stay. If you don’t have tax returns then you have to get the hell out.

If not, what do you think needs to be done?

I also think we need black police to police black people.

And we need to give huge tax incentives for companies who will open up businesses in detroit. And those business districts need to be heavily patrolled. No bums. No loitering. No stolen cars or mugging.

This is also why I’m in favor of diversity programs where companies go out of their way to hire qualified black people.

And whites shouldn’t be teaching blacks. Find qualified black people who can teach and have them teach black children.

I know black people have to do better themselves but these are some things we can do on our side to help. If black men have good paying jobs then they will be less likely to be deadbeat dads. Then they’ll spend more time with their kids.

If I’m wrong tell me what you think needs to be done.
So.... you're basically saying the answer is segregation and preferred hiring based on race.
Sorry... absolutely not.
Not segregation. The exact opposite. Blacks need to move to the suburbs where the jobs are.

Everyone loves Rudy because he drove the bums out of nyc. What did he do? Let’s do that.
NYC of the 1970s - 90s, that Guiliani cleaned up, is not the same problem as Chicago. They are two different things.
The problem in Chicago is far-far-far more difficult and multi-faceted.
Some is due to corporatism, the single greatest problem to face everyday Americans of ALL colors - and no one talks about it.
Some due to short sided liberal social policies of the 1950s - 1980s.
Some do to liberal pandering and excuse making dealing with blacks, that not only doesn't solve the problem,, but exacerbates it and makes it multi-generational just like the liberal social polices decades before.
This is also why I’m in favor of diversity programs where companies go out of their way to hire qualified black people.

All the qualified blacks have been hired. Now companies are scraping the bottom of the barrel because their "woke" employees are whining.
I thought their wages were up and they’ve never done better?

If the economy was really great they’d be able to leave for better jobs. And companies would be raising wages to be competitive. None of that’s happening.

I thought their wages were up and they’ve never done better?

True story.

If the economy was really great they’d be able to leave for better jobs.

The ones who are truly qualified can do that. It's like the demand for tech employees in 1999.
...I think we should take all the blacks in Chicago and spread them around in your and my neighborhoods. Just close down Detroit. Close it. It's not a place anyone can live. Then after 10 years people can move back to the city but you have to have a job and own a home. And only enough low income housing that people can work at the grocery stores and shopping malls.

Of course a democrat would want Big Brother to dictate where Americans can, can't, and must not live. Then legislate the building of dachas for the members of the intelligentsia and the politburo, with plenty of servants available to them and you've got the democrat fantasy of control, communism, and hypocrisy.

How is the ghetto experiment working out?
No idea what you're talking about, fool.
At this point he needs to change his login as sillyboob
What do you think needs to be done? Unkotare doesn’t like the idea of closing ghettos. I think it’s a great idea. Sorry but if you live in Detroit and you don’t have a job you have to move. If you can show your 2019 tax returns you can stay. If you don’t have tax returns then you have to get the hell out.

If not, what do you think needs to be done?

I also think we need black police to police black people.

And we need to give huge tax incentives for companies who will open up businesses in detroit. And those business districts need to be heavily patrolled. No bums. No loitering. No stolen cars or mugging.

This is also why I’m in favor of diversity programs where companies go out of their way to hire qualified black people.

And whites shouldn’t be teaching blacks. Find qualified black people who can teach and have them teach black children.

I know black people have to do better themselves but these are some things we can do on our side to help. If black men have good paying jobs then they will be less likely to be deadbeat dads. Then they’ll spend more time with their kids.

If I’m wrong tell me what you think needs to be done.
So.... you're basically saying the answer is segregation and preferred hiring based on race.
Sorry... absolutely not.
Not segregation. The exact opposite. Blacks need to move to the suburbs where the jobs are.

Everyone loves Rudy because he drove the bums out of nyc. What did he do? Let’s do that.
NYC of the 1970s - 90s, that Guiliani cleaned up, is not the same problem as Chicago. They are two different things.
The problem in Chicago is far-far-far more difficult and multi-faceted.
Some is due to corporatism, the single greatest problem to face everyday Americans of ALL colors - and no one talks about it.
Some due to short sided liberal social policies of the 1950s - 1980s.
Some do to liberal pandering and excuse making dealing with blacks, that not only doesn't solve the problem,, but exacerbates it and makes it multi-generational just like the liberal social polices decades before.
yeah... sad.
The #1 cause of the destruction of the middle class, and most don't know what it is.
And THAT.... shows you how well distracted and misinformed the general public is without any news source that is not corrupt.
What the fuck is going on with Chicago? 52 people shot this past weekend. ONE WEEKEND. This has got to be seen as a dire crisis.

Something has got to change. I wonder what any Chicago-area members here think might be productive. And NO, this is not an invitation for anyone's racist bullshit. A great American city is virtually under siege, and something's gotta give.

The problem is the policies of the have the mayor, the states attorney, and all 50 seats in city hall held by the democrats. They do not think criminals are fairly treated, so they just let them out over and over again.

Then, they attack the police.

The same thugs are the ones doing the majority of the shooting...they get arrested, they get bail, or no-cash bail, and they get released...they get another gun and do more shooting....rince and repeat.....

They have to start holding gun thugs without bail, and they need to use the Feds to charge the gang members...they will get longer sentences if they do, and they can be sent out of state and away from their gang support.....that would be a start.
actually St Louis has a much higher murder rate
STL higher on the Most Dangerous City lists

And they have the same problem.....the democrats have been in total control of St. Louis since 1949, Chicago since 1931.....

Both cities have a revolving door policy for known, repeat gun offenders...

Also, Chicago gangs have alliances with democrat party makes locking them up even harder...
What the fuck is going on with Chicago? 52 people shot this past weekend. ONE WEEKEND. This has got to be seen as a dire crisis.

Something has got to change. I wonder what any Chicago-area members here think might be productive. And NO, this is not an invitation for anyone's racist bullshit. A great American city is virtually under siege, and something's gotta give.

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