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What the fuck is going on with Chicago? 52 people shot this past weekend. ONE WEEKEND. This has got to be seen as a dire crisis.

Something has got to change. I wonder what any Chicago-area members here think might be productive. And NO, this is not an invitation for anyone's racist bullshit. A great American city is virtually under siege, and something's gotta give.
Fella.... it doesn't fit the narrative so no one gives a rat's ass.
#BLM/left media/Democrats are not interested in ANY dead black person... including a CHILD... that is killed if the killer is black. They only care if they are white.
It is like putting all of your efforts in curing your cold and not paying attention to the fact you have stage 4 cancer.
They are literally - that stupid.
People who smoke cigarettes still go to the doctor when they have a broken arm. Black people will worry about quitting cigarettes but first they have to get their arm healed first. Just because they smoke doesn't mean that their broken arm isn't also a problem.
total bullshit---that makes no sense at all
St Louis most dangerous city
high murder rate
because mostly blacks are murdering blacks
and what do blacks say?? excessive police force will not make it safer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes--IDIOCY
..they are murdering each other --over 8 per DAY--and they concentrate on the cops!!!
..and they graduate at lower levels--their culture is the main problem--NOT police

I'm just saying that blacks have their own problems aside from their problem with the police. But why are you trying to distract from the one problem they have?

Back in the 1960's after the riots the president sent people to Detroit to see why blacks were so angry. The report found that police brutality and the lack of economic opportunity were the two main things. Same problems today.

Honestly since American corporations would prefer to send jobs to China and Mexico rather than to poor black communities, I say we have to break up the black communities. Blacks only make up 15% of the population in America so I think we should take all the blacks in Chicago and spread them around in your and my neighborhoods. Just close down Detroit. Close it. It's not a place anyone can live. Then after 10 years people can move back to the city but you have to have a job and own a home. And only enough low income housing that people can work at the grocery stores and shopping malls.
What the fuck is going on with Chicago? 52 people shot this past weekend. ONE WEEKEND. This has got to be seen as a dire crisis.

Something has got to change. I wonder what any Chicago-area members here think might be productive. And NO, this is not an invitation for anyone's racist bullshit. A great American city is virtually under siege, and something's gotta give.
Fella.... it doesn't fit the narrative so no one gives a rat's ass.
#BLM/left media/Democrats are not interested in ANY dead black person... including a CHILD... that is killed if the killer is black. They only care if they are white.
It is like putting all of your efforts in curing your cold and not paying attention to the fact you have stage 4 cancer.
They are literally - that stupid.
Same way you don't seem to care as much when a white kills a white. But when a black kills a white boy you guys love to talk about that right?
What the fuck is going on with Chicago? 52 people shot this past weekend. ONE WEEKEND. This has got to be seen as a dire crisis.

Something has got to change. I wonder what any Chicago-area members here think might be productive. And NO, this is not an invitation for anyone's racist bullshit. A great American city is virtually under siege, and something's gotta give.
Fella.... it doesn't fit the narrative so no one gives a rat's ass.
#BLM/left media/Democrats are not interested in ANY dead black person... including a CHILD... that is killed if the killer is black. They only care if they are white.
It is like putting all of your efforts in curing your cold and not paying attention to the fact you have stage 4 cancer.
They are literally - that stupid.
Same way you don't seem to care as much when a white kills a white. But when a black kills a white boy you guys love to talk about that right?
bullshit again!!!!
...whites don't go apeshit when a white criminal is justifiably killed by cops--

...that's not what's being said---what's being said is blacks go apeshit when a cop ''''kills'''' a black criminal---but not when a black murders a black = doesn't make sense
..they are thinking with emotions and not brains
What the fuck is going on with Chicago? 52 people shot this past weekend. ONE WEEKEND. This has got to be seen as a dire crisis.

Something has got to change. I wonder what any Chicago-area members here think might be productive. And NO, this is not an invitation for anyone's racist bullshit. A great American city is virtually under siege, and something's gotta give.
And race has nothing to do with it...
White gangs are less covered by the media, and less punished – even though 53% of gang members in Mississippi are white

Others grew up like he did: the child of poor crack and opioid addicts, ripe to be ensnared by a world promising brotherhood, loyalty and respect.

Ivey’s future was not in a black organization, however – it was in one of the oldest and largest white gangs in the US, the Simon City Royals.

“The world should know there are whites struggling in hoods as well as any other race, and more often than not those kids become gang members or drug addicts,” he says.

Ivey was 12 when he began sniffing Scotchgard. He soon followed his adoptive parents and two uncles – all school dropouts – into addiction. His dad made $20 an hour as a carpenter, but most of it paid for their habits.

By 15, Ivey had dropped out of school and broken into probably 200 houses, robbed a crack dealer, had a cop kick his face into the pavement, and started selling meth to support his own addiction. He went in and out of juvenile detention and Mississippi’s notorious “training schools” that, before being reformed, were near-torture chambers for mostly African American and poor white delinquents.

How did Mississippi solve their white gang problems? Or have they solved their white gang problem yet?
Nassau County has a great system...
No jury will convict a cop for putting a bullet through a punk.
...I think we should take all the blacks in Chicago and spread them around in your and my neighborhoods. Just close down Detroit. Close it. It's not a place anyone can live. Then after 10 years people can move back to the city but you have to have a job and own a home. And only enough low income housing that people can work at the grocery stores and shopping malls.

Of course a democrat would want Big Brother to dictate where Americans can, can't, and must not live. Then legislate the building of dachas for the members of the intelligentsia and the politburo, with plenty of servants available to them and you've got the democrat fantasy of control, communism, and hypocrisy.

What the fuck is going on with Chicago? 52 people shot this past weekend. ONE WEEKEND. This has got to be seen as a dire crisis.

Something has got to change. I wonder what any Chicago-area members here think might be productive. And NO, this is not an invitation for anyone's racist bullshit. A great American city is virtually under siege, and something's gotta give.
Fella.... it doesn't fit the narrative so no one gives a rat's ass.
#BLM/left media/Democrats are not interested in ANY dead black person... including a CHILD... that is killed if the killer is black. They only care if they are white.
It is like putting all of your efforts in curing your cold and not paying attention to the fact you have stage 4 cancer.
They are literally - that stupid.
People who smoke cigarettes still go to the doctor when they have a broken arm. Black people will worry about quitting cigarettes but first they have to get their arm healed first. Just because they smoke doesn't mean that their broken arm isn't also a problem.
Perhaps it is striking out because of personal failures. They are not the only ones. But it rankles them because it seems the onus is on their way of living. I would not like that. And experiencing things like that sucks. This surveillance age has people screwing over others. The good of the videos and audio has a lot of bad in it also.
What the fuck is going on with Chicago? 52 people shot this past weekend. ONE WEEKEND. This has got to be seen as a dire crisis.

Something has got to change. I wonder what any Chicago-area members here think might be productive. And NO, this is not an invitation for anyone's racist bullshit. A great American city is virtually under siege, and something's gotta give.

Take it up with Jesse and Alfred. They should be able to come up with a catchy chant folks can recite while marching in circles accomplishing absolutely nothing.
...I think we should take all the blacks in Chicago and spread them around in your and my neighborhoods. Just close down Detroit. Close it. It's not a place anyone can live. Then after 10 years people can move back to the city but you have to have a job and own a home. And only enough low income housing that people can work at the grocery stores and shopping malls.

Of course a democrat would want Big Brother to dictate where Americans can, can't, and must not live. Then legislate the building of dachas for the members of the intelligentsia and the politburo, with plenty of servants available to them and you've got the democrat fantasy of control, communism, and hypocrisy.

How is the ghetto experiment working out?
...I think we should take all the blacks in Chicago and spread them around in your and my neighborhoods. Just close down Detroit. Close it. It's not a place anyone can live. Then after 10 years people can move back to the city but you have to have a job and own a home. And only enough low income housing that people can work at the grocery stores and shopping malls.

Of course a democrat would want Big Brother to dictate where Americans can, can't, and must not live. Then legislate the building of dachas for the members of the intelligentsia and the politburo, with plenty of servants available to them and you've got the democrat fantasy of control, communism, and hypocrisy.

How is the ghetto experiment working out?
No idea what you're talking about, fool.
What the fuck is going on with Chicago? 52 people shot this past weekend. ONE WEEKEND. This has got to be seen as a dire crisis.

Something has got to change. I wonder what any Chicago-area members here think might be productive. And NO, this is not an invitation for anyone's racist bullshit. A great American city is virtually under siege, and something's gotta give.
Fella.... it doesn't fit the narrative so no one gives a rat's ass.
#BLM/left media/Democrats are not interested in ANY dead black person... including a CHILD... that is killed if the killer is black. They only care if they are white.
It is like putting all of your efforts in curing your cold and not paying attention to the fact you have stage 4 cancer.
They are literally - that stupid.
People who smoke cigarettes still go to the doctor when they have a broken arm. Black people will worry about quitting cigarettes but first they have to get their arm healed first. Just because they smoke doesn't mean that their broken arm isn't also a problem.
yeah... so you are not supposed to go full retard...and you did
My comparison is quite accurate, yours is... just stupid.
You do realize more blacks have now died due to protesting than killed by cops last year?
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What the fuck is going on with Chicago? 52 people shot this past weekend. ONE WEEKEND. This has got to be seen as a dire crisis.

Something has got to change. I wonder what any Chicago-area members here think might be productive. And NO, this is not an invitation for anyone's racist bullshit. A great American city is virtually under siege, and something's gotta give.
You can't change it......only at the margins.....but the reality is....there is no magic solution that fixes everything....

There is so much self hate that has been in place for decades and it just keeps being passed down from generation to generation.....

But unfortunately, it is human nature -- and settling things with violence has been glorified in this country since it was created....
...I think we should take all the blacks in Chicago and spread them around in your and my neighborhoods. Just close down Detroit. Close it. It's not a place anyone can live. Then after 10 years people can move back to the city but you have to have a job and own a home. And only enough low income housing that people can work at the grocery stores and shopping malls.

Of course a democrat would want Big Brother to dictate where Americans can, can't, and must not live. Then legislate the building of dachas for the members of the intelligentsia and the politburo, with plenty of servants available to them and you've got the democrat fantasy of control, communism, and hypocrisy.

How is the ghetto experiment working out?
No idea what you're talking about, fool.
At this point he needs to change his login as sillyboob
What the fuck is going on with Chicago? 52 people shot this past weekend. ONE WEEKEND. This has got to be seen as a dire crisis.

Something has got to change. I wonder what any Chicago-area members here think might be productive. And NO, this is not an invitation for anyone's racist bullshit. A great American city is virtually under siege, and something's gotta give.
Fella.... it doesn't fit the narrative so no one gives a rat's ass.
#BLM/left media/Democrats are not interested in ANY dead black person... including a CHILD... that is killed if the killer is black. They only care if they are white.
It is like putting all of your efforts in curing your cold and not paying attention to the fact you have stage 4 cancer.
They are literally - that stupid.
People who smoke cigarettes still go to the doctor when they have a broken arm. Black people will worry about quitting cigarettes but first they have to get their arm healed first. Just because they smoke doesn't mean that their broken arm isn't also a problem.
yeah... so you are not supposed to go full retard...and you did
My comparison is quite accurate, yours is... just stupid.
You do realize more blacks have now died due to protesting than killed by cops last year?
Aren’t you willing to die to protect your rights? Like if they came for your guns wouldn’t you fight?
What the fuck is going on with Chicago? 52 people shot this past weekend. ONE WEEKEND. This has got to be seen as a dire crisis.

Something has got to change. I wonder what any Chicago-area members here think might be productive. And NO, this is not an invitation for anyone's racist bullshit. A great American city is virtually under siege, and something's gotta give.
Fella.... it doesn't fit the narrative so no one gives a rat's ass.
#BLM/left media/Democrats are not interested in ANY dead black person... including a CHILD... that is killed if the killer is black. They only care if they are white.
It is like putting all of your efforts in curing your cold and not paying attention to the fact you have stage 4 cancer.
They are literally - that stupid.
People who smoke cigarettes still go to the doctor when they have a broken arm. Black people will worry about quitting cigarettes but first they have to get their arm healed first. Just because they smoke doesn't mean that their broken arm isn't also a problem.
yeah... so you are not supposed to go full retard...and you did
My comparison is quite accurate, yours is... just stupid.
You do realize more blacks have now died due to protesting than killed by cops last year?
Aren’t you willing to die to protect your rights? Like if they came for your guns wouldn’t you fight?
Like... that question makes no sense in the context of the topic
...I think we should take all the blacks in Chicago and spread them around in your and my neighborhoods. Just close down Detroit. Close it. It's not a place anyone can live. Then after 10 years people can move back to the city but you have to have a job and own a home. And only enough low income housing that people can work at the grocery stores and shopping malls.

Of course a democrat would want Big Brother to dictate where Americans can, can't, and must not live. Then legislate the building of dachas for the members of the intelligentsia and the politburo, with plenty of servants available to them and you've got the democrat fantasy of control, communism, and hypocrisy.

How is the ghetto experiment working out?
No idea what you're talking about, fool.
At this point he needs to change his login as sillyboob
What do you think needs to be done? Unkotare doesn’t like the idea of closing ghettos. I think it’s a great idea. Sorry but if you live in Detroit and you don’t have a job you have to move. If you can show your 2019 tax returns you can stay. If you don’t have tax returns then you have to get the hell out.

If not, what do you think needs to be done?

I also think we need black police to police black people.

And we need to give huge tax incentives for companies who will open up businesses in detroit. And those business districts need to be heavily patrolled. No bums. No loitering. No stolen cars or mugging.

This is also why I’m in favor of diversity programs where companies go out of their way to hire qualified black people.

And whites shouldn’t be teaching blacks. Find qualified black people who can teach and have them teach black children.

I know black people have to do better themselves but these are some things we can do on our side to help. If black men have good paying jobs then they will be less likely to be deadbeat dads. Then they’ll spend more time with their kids.

If I’m wrong tell me what you think needs to be done.
...I think we should take all the blacks in Chicago and spread them around in your and my neighborhoods. Just close down Detroit. Close it. It's not a place anyone can live. Then after 10 years people can move back to the city but you have to have a job and own a home. And only enough low income housing that people can work at the grocery stores and shopping malls.

Of course a democrat would want Big Brother to dictate where Americans can, can't, and must not live. Then legislate the building of dachas for the members of the intelligentsia and the politburo, with plenty of servants available to them and you've got the democrat fantasy of control, communism, and hypocrisy.

How is the ghetto experiment working out?
No idea what you're talking about, fool.
At this point he needs to change his login as sillyboob
What do you think needs to be done? Unkotare doesn’t like the idea of closing ghettos. I think it’s a great idea. Sorry but if you live in Detroit and you don’t have a job you have to move. If you can show your 2019 tax returns you can stay. If you don’t have tax returns then you have to get the hell out.

If not, what do you think needs to be done?

I also think we need black police to police black people.

And we need to give huge tax incentives for companies who will open up businesses in detroit. And those business districts need to be heavily patrolled. No bums. No loitering. No stolen cars or mugging.

This is also why I’m in favor of diversity programs where companies go out of their way to hire qualified black people.

And whites shouldn’t be teaching blacks. Find qualified black people who can teach and have them teach black children.

I know black people have to do better themselves but these are some things we can do on our side to help. If black men have good paying jobs then they will be less likely to be deadbeat dads. Then they’ll spend more time with their kids.

If I’m wrong tell me what you think needs to be done.
So.... you're basically saying the answer is segregation and preferred hiring based on race.
Sorry... absolutely not.
What the fuck is going on with Chicago? 52 people shot this past weekend. ONE WEEKEND. This has got to be seen as a dire crisis.

Something has got to change. I wonder what any Chicago-area members here think might be productive. And NO, this is not an invitation for anyone's racist bullshit. A great American city is virtually under siege, and something's gotta give.
You can't change it......only at the margins.....but the reality is....there is no magic solution that fixes everything....

There is so much self hate that has been in place for decades and it just keeps being passed down from generation to generation.....

But unfortunately, it is human nature -- and settling things with violence has been glorified in this country since it was created....
You also have the gang bangers in control of the entire south side, and spreading...They can be there 24/7 while the cops can't.

The cops will just arrest you and take you to jail, while they'll kill you without batting an eye.
...I think we should take all the blacks in Chicago and spread them around in your and my neighborhoods. Just close down Detroit. Close it. It's not a place anyone can live. Then after 10 years people can move back to the city but you have to have a job and own a home. And only enough low income housing that people can work at the grocery stores and shopping malls.

Of course a democrat would want Big Brother to dictate where Americans can, can't, and must not live. Then legislate the building of dachas for the members of the intelligentsia and the politburo, with plenty of servants available to them and you've got the democrat fantasy of control, communism, and hypocrisy.

How is the ghetto experiment working out?
No idea what you're talking about, fool.
At this point he needs to change his login as sillyboob
What do you think needs to be done? Unkotare doesn’t like the idea of closing ghettos. I think it’s a great idea. Sorry but if you live in Detroit and you don’t have a job you have to move. If you can show your 2019 tax returns you can stay. If you don’t have tax returns then you have to get the hell out.

If not, what do you think needs to be done?

I also think we need black police to police black people.

And we need to give huge tax incentives for companies who will open up businesses in detroit. And those business districts need to be heavily patrolled. No bums. No loitering. No stolen cars or mugging.

This is also why I’m in favor of diversity programs where companies go out of their way to hire qualified black people.

And whites shouldn’t be teaching blacks. Find qualified black people who can teach and have them teach black children.

I know black people have to do better themselves but these are some things we can do on our side to help. If black men have good paying jobs then they will be less likely to be deadbeat dads. Then they’ll spend more time with their kids.

If I’m wrong tell me what you think needs to be done.
So.... you're basically saying the answer is segregation and preferred hiring based on race.
Sorry... absolutely not.
Not segregation. The exact opposite. Blacks need to move to the suburbs where the jobs are.

Everyone loves Rudy because he drove the bums out of nyc. What did he do? Let’s do that.
...I think we should take all the blacks in Chicago and spread them around in your and my neighborhoods. Just close down Detroit. Close it. It's not a place anyone can live. Then after 10 years people can move back to the city but you have to have a job and own a home. And only enough low income housing that people can work at the grocery stores and shopping malls.

Of course a democrat would want Big Brother to dictate where Americans can, can't, and must not live. Then legislate the building of dachas for the members of the intelligentsia and the politburo, with plenty of servants available to them and you've got the democrat fantasy of control, communism, and hypocrisy.

How is the ghetto experiment working out?
No idea what you're talking about, fool.
At this point he needs to change his login as sillyboob
What do you think needs to be done? Unkotare doesn’t like the idea of closing ghettos. I think it’s a great idea. Sorry but if you live in Detroit and you don’t have a job you have to move. If you can show your 2019 tax returns you can stay. If you don’t have tax returns then you have to get the hell out.

If not, what do you think needs to be done?

I also think we need black police to police black people.

And we need to give huge tax incentives for companies who will open up businesses in detroit. And those business districts need to be heavily patrolled. No bums. No loitering. No stolen cars or mugging.

This is also why I’m in favor of diversity programs where companies go out of their way to hire qualified black people.

And whites shouldn’t be teaching blacks. Find qualified black people who can teach and have them teach black children.

I know black people have to do better themselves but these are some things we can do on our side to help. If black men have good paying jobs then they will be less likely to be deadbeat dads. Then they’ll spend more time with their kids.

If I’m wrong tell me what you think needs to be done.
So.... you're basically saying the answer is segregation and preferred hiring based on race.
Sorry... absolutely not.
I’m saying companies that are all white need to diversify. In a country as diverse as ours why is any company all white?

And sorry but many corporations have diversity programs. You may say absolutely not but it’s absolutely happening.
...I think we should take all the blacks in Chicago and spread them around in your and my neighborhoods. Just close down Detroit. Close it. It's not a place anyone can live. Then after 10 years people can move back to the city but you have to have a job and own a home. And only enough low income housing that people can work at the grocery stores and shopping malls.

Of course a democrat would want Big Brother to dictate where Americans can, can't, and must not live. Then legislate the building of dachas for the members of the intelligentsia and the politburo, with plenty of servants available to them and you've got the democrat fantasy of control, communism, and hypocrisy.

How is the ghetto experiment working out?
No idea what you're talking about, fool.
At this point he needs to change his login as sillyboob
It's "Silly Boo Boo" ;)

He's kinda "special".
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