Chick-fil-A restaurant in CA will pay employees $17 an hour

Why is Microsoft a Nevada Corporation?

Why is Walmart procurement, logistics, and transportation privately held LLC's?

It doesn't matter what tax rates are, it's what you pay. Almost every corporation in the US pays low single digit/revenue.

Family trusts funneled through a corporation pay the same as corporations.

Why is Microsoft a Nevada Corporation?

Tell me why?

Why is Walmart procurement, logistics, and transportation privately held LLC's?

Prove they are.

It doesn't matter what tax rates are, it's what you pay.

I agree.

Almost every corporation in the US pays low single digit/revenue.

We tax them on income, not on revenue.

Family trusts funneled through a corporation pay the same as corporations.

Which used to be 35%.

Already answered numerous time for you.

Back to the subject of the thread; We now know that fast food can pay a living wage.

No you don't. what we know is one guy is going to try to run a Chic-fil-a paying people $17 dollars an hour.

Give it a year or two to see if it works or not, and this is a specific case, and can't really be applied to other chains automatically.

If "one guy" can do it, why can't all the guys do it? Does he have a magic potion, or does the industry lie about profits?

Because profits are low idiot ..

So that Chick is more profitable than any other?
Yet you can't refute anything I post.

Also, the Bandini Family made billions.

I already refuted your lies about "Nevada Corporations", your lies about the Waltons owning the trucking portion of WalMart, your lies about the tax rates corporations pay, your lies about the taxes trusts pay.

I'm sure I could list more examples if I wanted to...…..

Why is Microsoft a Nevada Corporation?

Why is Walmart procurement, logistics, and transportation privately held LLC's?

It doesn't matter what tax rates are, it's what you pay. Almost every corporation in the US pays low single digit/revenue.

Family trusts funneled through a corporation pay the same as corporations.

Why is Microsoft a Nevada Corporation?

Tell me why?

Why is Walmart procurement, logistics, and transportation privately held LLC's?

Prove they are.

It doesn't matter what tax rates are, it's what you pay.

I agree.

Almost every corporation in the US pays low single digit/revenue.

We tax them on income, not on revenue.

Family trusts funneled through a corporation pay the same as corporations.

Which used to be 35%.

Already answered numerous time for you.

Back to the subject of the thread; We now know that fast food can pay a living wage.

Yes, your lying answers were noted and mocked.

Because you can't refute my post.
Why is Microsoft a Nevada Corporation?

Why is Walmart procurement, logistics, and transportation privately held LLC's?

It doesn't matter what tax rates are, it's what you pay. Almost every corporation in the US pays low single digit/revenue.

Family trusts funneled through a corporation pay the same as corporations.

Why is Microsoft a Nevada Corporation?

Tell me why?

Why is Walmart procurement, logistics, and transportation privately held LLC's?

Prove they are.

It doesn't matter what tax rates are, it's what you pay.

I agree.

Almost every corporation in the US pays low single digit/revenue.

We tax them on income, not on revenue.

Family trusts funneled through a corporation pay the same as corporations.

Which used to be 35%.

Already answered numerous time for you.

Back to the subject of the thread; We now know that fast food can pay a living wage.

No you don't. what we know is one guy is going to try to run a Chic-fil-a paying people $17 dollars an hour.

Give it a year or two to see if it works or not, and this is a specific case, and can't really be applied to other chains automatically.

If "one guy" can do it, why can't all the guys do it? Does he have a magic potion, or does the industry lie about profits?

If "one guy" can do it, why can't all the guys do it?

If workers at other places produce $10 of value an hour, paying them $17 is stupid and will soon run you out of business.

Without employees, a restaurant makes nothing.
Why is Microsoft a Nevada Corporation?

Tell me why?

Why is Walmart procurement, logistics, and transportation privately held LLC's?

Prove they are.

It doesn't matter what tax rates are, it's what you pay.

I agree.

Almost every corporation in the US pays low single digit/revenue.

We tax them on income, not on revenue.

Family trusts funneled through a corporation pay the same as corporations.

Which used to be 35%.

Already answered numerous time for you.

Back to the subject of the thread; We now know that fast food can pay a living wage.

No you don't. what we know is one guy is going to try to run a Chic-fil-a paying people $17 dollars an hour.

Give it a year or two to see if it works or not, and this is a specific case, and can't really be applied to other chains automatically.

If "one guy" can do it, why can't all the guys do it? Does he have a magic potion, or does the industry lie about profits?

If "one guy" can do it, why can't all the guys do it?

If workers at other places produce $10 of value an hour, paying them $17 is stupid and will soon run you out of business.

What Percentage of Small Businesses Fail? (And Other Need-to-Know Stats)

What is the Small Business Failure Rate?
20% of small businesses fail in their first year, 30% of small business fail in their second year, and 50% of small businesses fail after five years in business. Finally, 30% of small business owners will survive their 10th year in business

Why do they fail?
How are we going to know? It's a private company.

The better question; Why would a business person put him/herself in financial failure? Paying $17.00/hr isn't financial failure because profits are huge.

We will know when they are still paying that and are still in business.

Plenty of business owners run some that fail, usually it's a vanity project they have on the side. Some sports teams run at a loss for decades, but the owner can afford it because they make their money somewhere else.

Again, this doesn't prove anything. this shows one guy paying above average wages at one location, for one franchise.

Your extrapolation of this to anything else is currently unfounded.


Sports teams make hundreds of billions from direct and indirect taxpayer subsidies. That's why they're profitable (barring a winning year for ticket sales). The Knights and Raiders in Vegas are costing taxpayers billions. Thank God we have a Democrat that is pushing back and making the teams pay for their own roadways into the stadiums and not take the money from school budgets.

And again, if one guy can do it, why not all of the guys? You still haven't answered that question. You accuse me of "extrapolation."

Your push against paying workers a living wage sounds like Putin trying to annihilate western culture.

Plenty of sports teams have operated at a loss in the past. What has changed the metrics is today's large TV contracts, and those are all in trouble due to changing metrics in how people watch sports.

My issue is purely economic. How can government mandate people being paid more than the value of their labor without expecting either 1) businesses to close 2)prices to go up or 3) businesses to cut costs via reduction in quality or increases in productivity with parallel reductions on staffing?

No one is owed a living wage if they can't provide value of labor to justify their being employed.

How much do you pay the people that make you all of your money? Seems there is a chick owner that knows.

How much do you pay the people that make you all of your money?

Enough to meet your staffing needs, not so much that you go out of business.

How much is that?
Why is Microsoft a Nevada Corporation?

Tell me why?

Why is Walmart procurement, logistics, and transportation privately held LLC's?

Prove they are.

It doesn't matter what tax rates are, it's what you pay.

I agree.

Almost every corporation in the US pays low single digit/revenue.

We tax them on income, not on revenue.

Family trusts funneled through a corporation pay the same as corporations.

Which used to be 35%.

Already answered numerous time for you.

Back to the subject of the thread; We now know that fast food can pay a living wage.

No you don't. what we know is one guy is going to try to run a Chic-fil-a paying people $17 dollars an hour.

Give it a year or two to see if it works or not, and this is a specific case, and can't really be applied to other chains automatically.

If "one guy" can do it, why can't all the guys do it? Does he have a magic potion, or does the industry lie about profits?

You desperately want the fast food industry to have massive profits, so desperately that you keep reciting as an article of faith that the entire industry is lying about its profitability (in the face of all the government's auditors and regulations surrounding reporting), all without any corroborating evidence. Basically, you are claiming that the entire finance industry is one massive conspiracy, despite the fact that it cannot long survive on inaccurate or false reporting.

The fact is, the fast food industry as a whole does does not run on high profit margins. Only those who produce a high quality product and thus can charge higher prices are able to generate higher profits. The ones that go for the lowest prices also do not have high profit margins.

More Putin propaganda? All of Corporate America has massive profits. Keeping worker poor propagates Putin's plan to annihilate western culture. That makes you a commie. Ironically, my use of "commie" is the very first time it's been used correctly on the USMB.

The financial industry? Are you sure you want to go there? Need I remind you of the Bush bailouts of 2008?

All of Corporate America has massive profits.

How massive, as a percentage of sales?
You desperately want the fast food industry to have massive profits, so desperately that you keep reciting as an article of faith that the entire industry is lying about its profitability (in the face of all the government's auditors and regulations surrounding reporting), all without any corroborating evidence. Basically, you are claiming that the entire finance industry is one massive conspiracy, despite the fact that it cannot long survive on inaccurate or false reporting.

The fact is, the fast food industry as a whole does does not run on high profit margins. Only those who produce a high quality product and thus can charge higher prices are able to generate higher profits. The ones that go for the lowest prices also do not have high profit margins.

he also ignores that most of these chains run on the Franchise model, and the Franchisee's operate on far smaller margins than the parent companies do.

But like a good little socialist, he ignores the people who deserve the profits for the risk they take, and instead want's the government to dictate how they make a living.

He also seems to think that a business owner opens a store and sits back, watching the money roll in. He apparently cannot conceive of the reality that a new business owner will often not even take a salary for a long time until he generates enough revenue too pay himself. During that time, the employees have to be paid regularly, and can end up making more than he does.

And that employees can't have their earnings taken back if the company fails, but an owner can have their assets taken, even if properly protected via incorporating, (they usually have to use personal property as collateral to start the business in the first place)

True. That's why wealthy business owners are relatively rare. Most fail several times before they finally get everything lined up and running right.

Idiots seem to think it's easy. If it was, everyone would be doing it.

wealthy business owners are relatively rare

What color is the sky in your world?

Every business owner that I know is wealthy.

Both of them?
I already refuted your lies about "Nevada Corporations", your lies about the Waltons owning the trucking portion of WalMart, your lies about the tax rates corporations pay, your lies about the taxes trusts pay.

I'm sure I could list more examples if I wanted to...…..

Why is Microsoft a Nevada Corporation?

Why is Walmart procurement, logistics, and transportation privately held LLC's?

It doesn't matter what tax rates are, it's what you pay. Almost every corporation in the US pays low single digit/revenue.

Family trusts funneled through a corporation pay the same as corporations.

Why is Microsoft a Nevada Corporation?

Tell me why?

Why is Walmart procurement, logistics, and transportation privately held LLC's?

Prove they are.

It doesn't matter what tax rates are, it's what you pay.

I agree.

Almost every corporation in the US pays low single digit/revenue.

We tax them on income, not on revenue.

Family trusts funneled through a corporation pay the same as corporations.

Which used to be 35%.

Already answered numerous time for you.

Back to the subject of the thread; We now know that fast food can pay a living wage.

Yes, your lying answers were noted and mocked.

Because you can't refute my post.

I pointed out your lies. Sounds like refutation to me.
Why is Microsoft a Nevada Corporation?

Tell me why?

Why is Walmart procurement, logistics, and transportation privately held LLC's?

Prove they are.

It doesn't matter what tax rates are, it's what you pay.

I agree.

Almost every corporation in the US pays low single digit/revenue.

We tax them on income, not on revenue.

Family trusts funneled through a corporation pay the same as corporations.

Which used to be 35%.

Already answered numerous time for you.

Back to the subject of the thread; We now know that fast food can pay a living wage.

No you don't. what we know is one guy is going to try to run a Chic-fil-a paying people $17 dollars an hour.

Give it a year or two to see if it works or not, and this is a specific case, and can't really be applied to other chains automatically.

If "one guy" can do it, why can't all the guys do it? Does he have a magic potion, or does the industry lie about profits?

If "one guy" can do it, why can't all the guys do it?

If workers at other places produce $10 of value an hour, paying them $17 is stupid and will soon run you out of business.

Without employees, a restaurant makes nothing.

Without profits, a restaurant closes.
We will know when they are still paying that and are still in business.

Plenty of business owners run some that fail, usually it's a vanity project they have on the side. Some sports teams run at a loss for decades, but the owner can afford it because they make their money somewhere else.

Again, this doesn't prove anything. this shows one guy paying above average wages at one location, for one franchise.

Your extrapolation of this to anything else is currently unfounded.


Sports teams make hundreds of billions from direct and indirect taxpayer subsidies. That's why they're profitable (barring a winning year for ticket sales). The Knights and Raiders in Vegas are costing taxpayers billions. Thank God we have a Democrat that is pushing back and making the teams pay for their own roadways into the stadiums and not take the money from school budgets.

And again, if one guy can do it, why not all of the guys? You still haven't answered that question. You accuse me of "extrapolation."

Your push against paying workers a living wage sounds like Putin trying to annihilate western culture.

Plenty of sports teams have operated at a loss in the past. What has changed the metrics is today's large TV contracts, and those are all in trouble due to changing metrics in how people watch sports.

My issue is purely economic. How can government mandate people being paid more than the value of their labor without expecting either 1) businesses to close 2)prices to go up or 3) businesses to cut costs via reduction in quality or increases in productivity with parallel reductions on staffing?

No one is owed a living wage if they can't provide value of labor to justify their being employed.

How much do you pay the people that make you all of your money? Seems there is a chick owner that knows.

How much do you pay the people that make you all of your money?

Enough to meet your staffing needs, not so much that you go out of business.

How much is that?
Enough to meet your staffing needs, not so much that you go out of business.
They can afford to come charge higher prices because they put out a quality product.

Profit in fast food is huge, they don't have too.
Horse shit. Profit is not "huge". A McD's franchise owner would be thrilled to manage 6%. (4-5% is typical.)

That's net profit. Profit for fast food is anywhere between 30 to 40% same as a typical restaurant.
Net profit is what counts when it comes to keeping the restaurant open and growing, hiring and paying more employees, etc. Basically, you don't have a compelling argument.

My compelling argument is that the fast food industry has lied and a franchisee from Chick-fil-A has called them on it. Good for him!

Net profit is typically only looked at when you're a publicly traded company and you're paying your investors or stockholders based on net profit.

Again..... he just posted that Chic-Fil-A charges higher prices, because they produce a higher quality product. This is undeniably true.

Not all stores make the same amount of money, to pay higher wages. This place did not "call them on it". That's just mythology you made up in your own head.

In fact, not even all Chic-fil-a's make the same amount of money to pay higher wages. You are talking about one store, in the most expensive state in the Union.

Lastly, you are crazy if you think that a business owner does not look at his net profits, when determining what wage to pay employees.

You clearly know nothing about business.
It is for them. Not so much for the rest.

Chick Fil A buys their product from the same place every other fast food chain buys theirs, why would there be a difference?
Well now, I'm glad you asked. Chick Fil A charges higher prices than other fast food chains do. They can do that because they provide a higher quality product and eating experience. Thus, they are more profitable. I mean, how did you not know this?

Then why do Chick-fil-A and Canes have identical prices?

Why is that significant?

You stated that "Chick Fil A charges higher prices than other fast food chains do." I compared apples to apples and proved you wrong.

No? Canes is cheap. Not comparable. At least I don't think so. Canes is cheap food. $1 for a large finger. $5 for 5 fingers. They are all just tossed in a fryer, and dumped on your plate. Cheap. Very cheap. To me, they are not similar.

Sports teams make hundreds of billions from direct and indirect taxpayer subsidies. That's why they're profitable (barring a winning year for ticket sales). The Knights and Raiders in Vegas are costing taxpayers billions. Thank God we have a Democrat that is pushing back and making the teams pay for their own roadways into the stadiums and not take the money from school budgets.

And again, if one guy can do it, why not all of the guys? You still haven't answered that question. You accuse me of "extrapolation."

Your push against paying workers a living wage sounds like Putin trying to annihilate western culture.

Plenty of sports teams have operated at a loss in the past. What has changed the metrics is today's large TV contracts, and those are all in trouble due to changing metrics in how people watch sports.

My issue is purely economic. How can government mandate people being paid more than the value of their labor without expecting either 1) businesses to close 2)prices to go up or 3) businesses to cut costs via reduction in quality or increases in productivity with parallel reductions on staffing?

No one is owed a living wage if they can't provide value of labor to justify their being employed.

How much do you pay the people that make you all of your money? Seems there is a chick owner that knows.

I don't own a business myself, i work in Engineering, Construction to be exact, and know the basics of economics.


He started paying $17.00/hr TODAY. The fire storm for livable wages for the middle class has started.

And as I said, that does ZERO to prove that it is a viable business model.

And if the best you can hope for is a $17 an hour fast food job, you are not middle class, and you will never be middle class.

A Chick franchise is over one million. Why would you think this guy doesn't have a viable business plan?

Your saying that $36k per year is NOT middle class?
Already answered numerous time for you.

Back to the subject of the thread; We now know that fast food can pay a living wage.

No you don't. what we know is one guy is going to try to run a Chic-fil-a paying people $17 dollars an hour.

Give it a year or two to see if it works or not, and this is a specific case, and can't really be applied to other chains automatically.

If "one guy" can do it, why can't all the guys do it? Does he have a magic potion, or does the industry lie about profits?

You desperately want the fast food industry to have massive profits, so desperately that you keep reciting as an article of faith that the entire industry is lying about its profitability (in the face of all the government's auditors and regulations surrounding reporting), all without any corroborating evidence. Basically, you are claiming that the entire finance industry is one massive conspiracy, despite the fact that it cannot long survive on inaccurate or false reporting.

The fact is, the fast food industry as a whole does does not run on high profit margins. Only those who produce a high quality product and thus can charge higher prices are able to generate higher profits. The ones that go for the lowest prices also do not have high profit margins.

More Putin propaganda? All of Corporate America has massive profits. Keeping worker poor propagates Putin's plan to annihilate western culture. That makes you a commie. Ironically, my use of "commie" is the very first time it's been used correctly on the USMB.

The financial industry? Are you sure you want to go there? Need I remind you of the Bush bailouts of 2008?

And you heard this where? I insist on evidence.

This what?
No you don't. what we know is one guy is going to try to run a Chic-fil-a paying people $17 dollars an hour.

Give it a year or two to see if it works or not, and this is a specific case, and can't really be applied to other chains automatically.

If "one guy" can do it, why can't all the guys do it? Does he have a magic potion, or does the industry lie about profits?

You desperately want the fast food industry to have massive profits, so desperately that you keep reciting as an article of faith that the entire industry is lying about its profitability (in the face of all the government's auditors and regulations surrounding reporting), all without any corroborating evidence. Basically, you are claiming that the entire finance industry is one massive conspiracy, despite the fact that it cannot long survive on inaccurate or false reporting.

The fact is, the fast food industry as a whole does does not run on high profit margins. Only those who produce a high quality product and thus can charge higher prices are able to generate higher profits. The ones that go for the lowest prices also do not have high profit margins.

he also ignores that most of these chains run on the Franchise model, and the Franchisee's operate on far smaller margins than the parent companies do.

But like a good little socialist, he ignores the people who deserve the profits for the risk they take, and instead want's the government to dictate how they make a living.

Franchisee's operate on far smaller margins than the parent companies do.


But like a good little socialist, he ignores the people who deserve the profits for the risk they take, and instead want's the government to dictate how they make a living.

Sorry chuckles, I'm a capitalist racketeer.

You are saying that investors should get a bigger chunk than the people that do the work?

It's true. Try proving it's bullshit.

They should get whatever piece they can, because they are the ones taking the risk, not the employee.

The employee earned money is just that, earned and gone. It can't be taken back.

The owners investment can disappear. In most smaller businesses they also do a lot of the management and such, so yes, they deserve more.

Why would a franchisee pay one million plus to make less than the franchisor? That's stupid.

The risk of the business owner is predicated on the skill of said owner. When I start a business, it won't fail.
We will only know that if they stay in business.

and by paying $17 an hour they will attract harder workers, and will probably fire anyone who doesn't perform and replace with others who can.

Your standard $8.00 an hour get along get along fast food employee won't last here.

It's the publicity numb nuts! The story has gone world wide. This guy has has received millions in advertising by spending peanuts comparable. He's also let the proverbial cat out of the bag. Fast food CAN pay a living wage.

Sure, if you produce a superior product, charge higher prices, and demand better from your employees.
This Little Piggy Went to Market

If you can't, you have no right to be in business. But incompetents can make money by cheating their workers; that's why many are still in business despite the Free Market preachers pretending they can't make it.

How the hell is it cheating their workers to remain in bussiness?

Apparently, it is preferable to go out of business, this ensuring that no one has a job, than to pare the workforce down to the most essential and pay them what their labor is actually worth, and stay in business.

Name one business that has failed due to paying their employees to much.
If "one guy" can do it, why can't all the guys do it? Does he have a magic potion, or does the industry lie about profits?

You desperately want the fast food industry to have massive profits, so desperately that you keep reciting as an article of faith that the entire industry is lying about its profitability (in the face of all the government's auditors and regulations surrounding reporting), all without any corroborating evidence. Basically, you are claiming that the entire finance industry is one massive conspiracy, despite the fact that it cannot long survive on inaccurate or false reporting.

The fact is, the fast food industry as a whole does does not run on high profit margins. Only those who produce a high quality product and thus can charge higher prices are able to generate higher profits. The ones that go for the lowest prices also do not have high profit margins.

he also ignores that most of these chains run on the Franchise model, and the Franchisee's operate on far smaller margins than the parent companies do.

But like a good little socialist, he ignores the people who deserve the profits for the risk they take, and instead want's the government to dictate how they make a living.

Franchisee's operate on far smaller margins than the parent companies do.


But like a good little socialist, he ignores the people who deserve the profits for the risk they take, and instead want's the government to dictate how they make a living.

Sorry chuckles, I'm a capitalist racketeer.

You are saying that investors should get a bigger chunk than the people that do the work?

It's true. Try proving it's bullshit.

They should get whatever piece they can, because they are the ones taking the risk, not the employee.

The employee earned money is just that, earned and gone. It can't be taken back.

The owners investment can disappear. In most smaller businesses they also do a lot of the management and such, so yes, they deserve more.

If it was as easy and risk free as some of these like to pretend, we'd all be millionaires.

The only reason your not a millionaire today is because you have no balls.

I've listed the three things you need to start a profitable business.
he also ignores that most of these chains run on the Franchise model, and the Franchisee's operate on far smaller margins than the parent companies do.

But like a good little socialist, he ignores the people who deserve the profits for the risk they take, and instead want's the government to dictate how they make a living.

He also seems to think that a business owner opens a store and sits back, watching the money roll in. He apparently cannot conceive of the reality that a new business owner will often not even take a salary for a long time until he generates enough revenue too pay himself. During that time, the employees have to be paid regularly, and can end up making more than he does.

And that employees can't have their earnings taken back if the company fails, but an owner can have their assets taken, even if properly protected via incorporating, (they usually have to use personal property as collateral to start the business in the first place)

True. That's why wealthy business owners are relatively rare. Most fail several times before they finally get everything lined up and running right.

Idiots seem to think it's easy. If it was, everyone would be doing it.

wealthy business owners are relatively rare

What color is the sky in your world?

Every business owner that I know is wealthy.

When your top position ever had is fry cook (assistant) everyone may appear wealthy.

When you have nothing intelligent to write, you go into attack mode. That's very ignorant of you.
Already answered numerous time for you.

Back to the subject of the thread; We now know that fast food can pay a living wage.

No you don't. what we know is one guy is going to try to run a Chic-fil-a paying people $17 dollars an hour.

Give it a year or two to see if it works or not, and this is a specific case, and can't really be applied to other chains automatically.

If "one guy" can do it, why can't all the guys do it? Does he have a magic potion, or does the industry lie about profits?

You desperately want the fast food industry to have massive profits, so desperately that you keep reciting as an article of faith that the entire industry is lying about its profitability (in the face of all the government's auditors and regulations surrounding reporting), all without any corroborating evidence. Basically, you are claiming that the entire finance industry is one massive conspiracy, despite the fact that it cannot long survive on inaccurate or false reporting.

The fact is, the fast food industry as a whole does does not run on high profit margins. Only those who produce a high quality product and thus can charge higher prices are able to generate higher profits. The ones that go for the lowest prices also do not have high profit margins.

More Putin propaganda? All of Corporate America has massive profits. Keeping worker poor propagates Putin's plan to annihilate western culture. That makes you a commie. Ironically, my use of "commie" is the very first time it's been used correctly on the USMB.

The financial industry? Are you sure you want to go there? Need I remind you of the Bush bailouts of 2008?

All of Corporate America has massive profits.

How massive, as a percentage of sales?

Corporate America's big, fat profitable year

Corporate America's big, fat profitable year

There ya go!
It's the publicity numb nuts! The story has gone world wide. This guy has has received millions in advertising by spending peanuts comparable. He's also let the proverbial cat out of the bag. Fast food CAN pay a living wage.

Sure, if you produce a superior product, charge higher prices, and demand better from your employees.
This Little Piggy Went to Market

If you can't, you have no right to be in business. But incompetents can make money by cheating their workers; that's why many are still in business despite the Free Market preachers pretending they can't make it.

How the hell is it cheating their workers to remain in bussiness?

Apparently, it is preferable to go out of business, this ensuring that no one has a job, than to pare the workforce down to the most essential and pay them what their labor is actually worth, and stay in business.

Name one business that has failed due to paying their employees to much.

Plenty ..

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