Chicken Little

It's a little over the top for Wolf Blitzer to call Trump "Chicken," especially after Anderson Cooper called Trump a "liar" yesterday.

Trump is not going to face the press when he knows he is going to get hammered and would have no real answers. It is prudent on his part to not present himself for ridicule and embarrassment in front of the entire country.

So, back off CNN. Trump is just defending himself as any coward would do.
Trump is the greatest President you will see in your life.

He'll be remembered by history as the worst President this country has ever elected.
And there is nothing his supporters can do to change that.
Especially after this virus and resulting economic collapse
Communist China is totally responsible for creating the virus and spreading it throughout the world. If an economic collapse happens it will be because of Democratic governors insane shut downs. All I see Trump doing is handling this problem better than anyone else in this country would be capable of doing. It's a shame he has to fight the Democrat party and the MSM who continue to make a hard job much harder.
CNN = Liars
Why haven't you downed any bleach yet?
I'm not a progressive democrat.

No Mikey. You are NOT a Progressive Democrat. That pleases us much more than it does you.
I'd have to become a horrendous liar and traitor to do so.
Youre already a liar and a traitor. Why do you think its smart to get better at that?
I think they were correct when someone here said you were the biggest liar on this board.
"Someone said"
Your imaginary friend doesnt count. :)
He isnt lying. Im the one who said it. Youre the biggest liar on this board.
Maybe he's just an ignorant liberal, excuse the redundancy.

It's a little over the top for Wolf Blitzer to call Trump "Chicken," especially after Anderson Cooper called Trump a "liar" yesterday.

Trump is not going to face the press when he knows he is going to get hammered and would have no real answers. It is prudent on his part to not present himself for ridicule and embarrassment in front of the entire country.

So, back off CNN. Trump is just defending himself as any coward would do.
Trump is the greatest President you will see in your life.

He'll be remembered by history as the worst President this country has ever elected.
And there is nothing his supporters can do to change that.

And Hillary Clinton will be known as the worst Presdident not elected.

Fuck you.

Which means absolutely nothing. A hamster would have been an improvement over Trump.
Like I said, what really pisses you Trump supporters off is the fact that you backed an incompetent moron. And you're all shocked and indignant when he gets called out for acting like that.
No one to blame but yourselves.
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It's a little over the top for Wolf Blitzer to call Trump "Chicken," especially after Anderson Cooper called Trump a "liar" yesterday.

Trump is not going to face the press when he knows he is going to get hammered and would have no real answers. It is prudent on his part to not present himself for ridicule and embarrassment in front of the entire country.

So, back off CNN. Trump is just defending himself as any coward would do.
Trump is the greatest President you will see in your life.
He IS the greatest one I've seen in MY life, and I was born in 1961. Right now I'd rank President Trump as #3 all-time behind only Lincoln, my #1, and Washington, my #2. That's great company to be among. And after getting another 4 years because of most likely being re-elected in November, or whenever the election turns out to be, Mr. Trump will have a very good chance to move up to my #1 choice.

It's a little over the top for Wolf Blitzer to call Trump "Chicken," especially after Anderson Cooper called Trump a "liar" yesterday.

Trump is not going to face the press when he knows he is going to get hammered and would have no real answers. It is prudent on his part to not present himself for ridicule and embarrassment in front of the entire country.

So, back off CNN. Trump is just defending himself as any coward would do.
Trump is the greatest President you will see in your life.

He'll be remembered by history as the worst President this country has ever elected.
And there is nothing his supporters can do to change that.
Especially after this virus and resulting economic collapse
Communist China is totally responsible for creating the virus and spreading it throughout the world. If an economic collapse happens it will be because of Democratic governors insane shut downs. All I see Trump doing is handling this problem better than anyone else in this country would be capable of doing. It's a shame he has to fight the Democrat party and the MSM who continue to make a hard job much harder.

The United States of America waits for no country or individual to act before we do. Trump was briefed on this virus as far back as November but didn't want to upset the applecart of his campaign. And it ended up being the wrong thing to do. If he comes back from Davos on January 23rd and does his job, maybe we don't have to lock the country down and maybe, just maybe, he seals his re-election before one vote is even cast in the Democratic primaries/caucuses.
Typical Trump

When the going gets tough, Trump runs away

It's a little over the top for Wolf Blitzer to call Trump "Chicken," especially after Anderson Cooper called Trump a "liar" yesterday.

Trump is not going to face the press when he knows he is going to get hammered and would have no real answers. It is prudent on his part to not present himself for ridicule and embarrassment in front of the entire country.

So, back off CNN. Trump is just defending himself as any coward would do.
Trump is the greatest President you will see in your life.

He'll be remembered by history as the worst President this country has ever elected.
And there is nothing his supporters can do to change that.
He'll be remembered by history as the best President this country has ever elected.
And there is nothing you nazi haters can do to change that.
CNN = Liars
Why haven't you downed any bleach yet?
I'm not a progressive democrat.
We know. You're an idiot. That's why he asked you.
You know that most of you vermain have no concept of an articulate flame. Notice that all my posts are approved. If you doubt it just look at that big red check mark next to all of them.
You DO flame with the best, Mike! Of course it's not hard to do on here considering the morons you have to deal with.
Your next post of any substance will be your first.
He-he, you ARE a dipshit liberal lunatic. Thanks for your always inane and hilarious posts. Well done, ya fartknocker!
Go to sleep. Haven't you had enough fun embarrassing yourself all day today?
You just keep cracking me up, mentally challenged one. Thanks SO much for the hilarity you've provided me with lame post after lame post after lame post. Bravo!
And once again, more of your usual nothing.

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