Chickenshit Media Scared: Montana Candidate Stands Up to Them

"You're". It will be on the next spelling test. And Trump won only the Electoral College, which makes him nuts to this day.
Oh..I don't belive in the Constitution or state rights. YOUR nuts. Lol.
Constitution? You dare speak about the Constitution when you are doing your best to destroy the first amendment?

The people are the only censors of their governors: and even their errors will tend to keep these to the true principles of their institution. To punish these errors too severely would be to suppress the only safeguard of the public liberty. The way to prevent these irregular interpositions of the people is to give them full information of their affairs thro’ the channel of the public papers, & to contrive that those papers should penetrate the whole mass of the people. The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them.

Thomas Jefferson

That criminal seeking to represent Montana in the House committed assault in an attempt to shut up the press.
Liberals are trying to destroy the Constitution by trying to overturn a democratic election and overthrow our government.
Should it be proven that there were those in the Trump campaign that colluded with the Russians, then we need to know who they are, and, if the orange clown knew of it, then he needs to be impeached, removed from office, and charged with treason.
Just a matter of time, maybe even months.
Hmmmmmm,. Let's crunch the numbers. GOP controls House and Senate. GOP likely to pick up seats in 2018. Impeachment talk is fantasy.
How demented must one be to believe that most Americans support politicians physically assaulting journalists?
Oh..I don't belive in the Constitution or state rights. YOUR nuts. Lol.
Constitution? You dare speak about the Constitution when you are doing your best to destroy the first amendment?

The people are the only censors of their governors: and even their errors will tend to keep these to the true principles of their institution. To punish these errors too severely would be to suppress the only safeguard of the public liberty. The way to prevent these irregular interpositions of the people is to give them full information of their affairs thro’ the channel of the public papers, & to contrive that those papers should penetrate the whole mass of the people. The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them.

Thomas Jefferson

That criminal seeking to represent Montana in the House committed assault in an attempt to shut up the press.
Liberals are trying to destroy the Constitution by trying to overturn a democratic election and overthrow our government.
Should it be proven that there were those in the Trump campaign that colluded with the Russians, then we need to know who they are, and, if the orange clown knew of it, then he needs to be impeached, removed from office, and charged with treason.
Just a matter of time, maybe even months.
Hmmmmmm,. Let's crunch the numbers. GOP controls House and Senate. GOP likely to pick up seats in 2018. Impeachment talk is fantasy.

They lost seats in 2016.
Oh..I don't belive in the Constitution or state rights. YOUR nuts. Lol.
Constitution? You dare speak about the Constitution when you are doing your best to destroy the first amendment?

The people are the only censors of their governors: and even their errors will tend to keep these to the true principles of their institution. To punish these errors too severely would be to suppress the only safeguard of the public liberty. The way to prevent these irregular interpositions of the people is to give them full information of their affairs thro’ the channel of the public papers, & to contrive that those papers should penetrate the whole mass of the people. The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them.

Thomas Jefferson

That criminal seeking to represent Montana in the House committed assault in an attempt to shut up the press.
Liberals are trying to destroy the Constitution by trying to overturn a democratic election and overthrow our government.
Should it be proven that there were those in the Trump campaign that colluded with the Russians, then we need to know who they are, and, if the orange clown knew of it, then he needs to be impeached, removed from office, and charged with treason.
Just a matter of time, maybe even months.
Hmmmmmm,. Let's crunch the numbers. GOP controls House and Senate. GOP likely to pick up seats in 2018. Impeachment talk is fantasy.
You're in for a huge surprise in 2018.
MSM sitting in their Greenwich Village bistro's are flabbergasted that citizens and candidates outside New York City and Left Coast have had enough of their shit. They hide behind 1st Amendment to push a liberal agenda. Well you liberal cherries expect more of same in fly over country you spit on.
Greg Gianforte just made a massive error on the final night of the Montana special election -

That's one thing I LOVED about Sean Penn. I loved how he would just beat the shit out of reporters. Can't say I blame him. Long gone are the days of real reporters. Had that been say, Ernie Pyle. I do wish he beat the little fag to teach him a little more respect.
Constitution? You dare speak about the Constitution when you are doing your best to destroy the first amendment?

The people are the only censors of their governors: and even their errors will tend to keep these to the true principles of their institution. To punish these errors too severely would be to suppress the only safeguard of the public liberty. The way to prevent these irregular interpositions of the people is to give them full information of their affairs thro’ the channel of the public papers, & to contrive that those papers should penetrate the whole mass of the people. The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them.

Thomas Jefferson

That criminal seeking to represent Montana in the House committed assault in an attempt to shut up the press.
Liberals are trying to destroy the Constitution by trying to overturn a democratic election and overthrow our government.
Should it be proven that there were those in the Trump campaign that colluded with the Russians, then we need to know who they are, and, if the orange clown knew of it, then he needs to be impeached, removed from office, and charged with treason.
Just a matter of time, maybe even months.
Hmmmmmm,. Let's crunch the numbers. GOP controls House and Senate. GOP likely to pick up seats in 2018. Impeachment talk is fantasy.
You're in for a huge surprise in 2018.
LMFAO...not if media keeps helping the right by attacking Trump.
Lol. Nah...just had to refuse Bami's gay come on.
You're little secret, loving those dicks, is safe with us.

And any gay man so lacking in taste as to come on to you would make John Wayne Gacy seem like a fun date.
Constitution? You dare speak about the Constitution when you are doing your best to destroy the first amendment?

The people are the only censors of their governors: and even their errors will tend to keep these to the true principles of their institution. To punish these errors too severely would be to suppress the only safeguard of the public liberty. The way to prevent these irregular interpositions of the people is to give them full information of their affairs thro’ the channel of the public papers, & to contrive that those papers should penetrate the whole mass of the people. The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them.

Thomas Jefferson

That criminal seeking to represent Montana in the House committed assault in an attempt to shut up the press.
Liberals are trying to destroy the Constitution by trying to overturn a democratic election and overthrow our government.
1. It wasn't democratic. The loser won. 2. Turning the insane out of public office is not overthrowing the government. The process for such a thing was written down in - the Constitution.
Wron, wrong and wrong. Get over it. The people have spoken.
The people wanted Clinton, by three million more votes.
But the people of the individual states decide the election as per the genius of our Founding Fathers.
No. The Electors decide the Presidential election. It's very undemocratic, and that was intentional. It's in the Constitution.
MSM sitting in their Greenwich Village bistro's are flabbergasted that citizens and candidates outside New York City and Left Coast have had enough of their shit. They hide behind 1st Amendment to push a liberal agenda. Well you liberal cherries expect more of same in fly over country you spit on.
Greg Gianforte just made a massive error on the final night of the Montana special election -
I've been seeing this coming for months.
The left attacks us and attacks us....and we're not allowed to react.
Well, I think much of America is ready to do, kick-ass, whatever it takes, to end this constant BullShit.
Oh goody, another asshole condoning assault and battery.
That's rich.
You cunks have been condoning it for months since you lost the election.
You award diplomas to Trayvon Martin who assaulted somebody and got shot and killed as a result.
If anything, this is simply a reaction to the constant assaults you dickheads have perpetrated on us.
You bitch and moan about how you've been hurt when you spent the last several months bullying your attacker.
You're nothing but a bunch of whiny bitches.
MSM sitting in their Greenwich Village bistro's are flabbergasted that citizens and candidates outside New York City and Left Coast have had enough of their shit. They hide behind 1st Amendment to push a liberal agenda. Well you liberal cherries expect more of same in fly over country you spit on.
Greg Gianforte just made a massive error on the final night of the Montana special election -
I've been seeing this coming for months.
The left attacks us and attacks us....and we're not allowed to react.
Well, I think much of America is ready to do, kick-ass, whatever it takes, to end this constant BullShit.
Oh goody, another asshole condoning assault and battery.
That's rich.
You cunks have been condoning it for months since you lost the election.
You award diplomas to Trayvon Martin who assaulted somebody and got shot and killed as a result.
If anything, this is simply a reaction to the constant assaults you dickheads have perpetrated on us.
You bitch and moan about how you've been hurt when you spent the last several months bullying your attacker.
You're nothing but a bunch of whiny bitches.
Martin was killed by the vigilante stalking him. Who did so even after the police told him to back off.
MSM sitting in their Greenwich Village bistro's are flabbergasted that citizens and candidates outside New York City and Left Coast have had enough of their shit. They hide behind 1st Amendment to push a liberal agenda. Well you liberal cherries expect more of same in fly over country you spit on.
Greg Gianforte just made a massive error on the final night of the Montana special election -
I've been seeing this coming for months.
The left attacks us and attacks us....and we're not allowed to react.
Well, I think much of America is ready to do, kick-ass, whatever it takes, to end this constant BullShit.
Oh goody, another asshole condoning assault and battery.
That's rich.
You cunks have been condoning it for months since you lost the election.
You award diplomas to Trayvon Martin who assaulted somebody and got shot and killed as a result.
If anything, this is simply a reaction to the constant assaults you dickheads have perpetrated on us.
You bitch and moan about how you've been hurt when you spent the last several months bullying your attacker.
You're nothing but a bunch of whiny bitches.
Martin was killed by the vigilante stalking him. Who did so even after the police told him to back off.
Tre-Tre was killed because he was a rap culture asshole. The "White-Hispanic" who shot him was justified under law.
MSM sitting in their Greenwich Village bistro's are flabbergasted that citizens and candidates outside New York City and Left Coast have had enough of their shit. They hide behind 1st Amendment to push a liberal agenda. Well you liberal cherries expect more of same in fly over country you spit on.
Greg Gianforte just made a massive error on the final night of the Montana special election -

That's one thing I LOVED about Sean Penn. I loved how he would just beat the shit out of reporters. Can't say I blame him. Long gone are the days of real reporters. Had that been say, Ernie Pyle. I do wish he beat the little fag to teach him a little more respect.
I suspect the judge will have a slightly different opinion when Candidate In This Corner has his day in court. He's due to appear before June 7th.
MSM sitting in their Greenwich Village bistro's are flabbergasted that citizens and candidates outside New York City and Left Coast have had enough of their shit. They hide behind 1st Amendment to push a liberal agenda. Well you liberal cherries expect more of same in fly over country you spit on.
Greg Gianforte just made a massive error on the final night of the Montana special election -
I've been seeing this coming for months.
The left attacks us and attacks us....and we're not allowed to react.
Well, I think much of America is ready to do, kick-ass, whatever it takes, to end this constant BullShit.
Oh goody, another asshole condoning assault and battery.
That's rich.
You cunks have been condoning it for months since you lost the election.
You award diplomas to Trayvon Martin who assaulted somebody and got shot and killed as a result.
If anything, this is simply a reaction to the constant assaults you dickheads have perpetrated on us.
You bitch and moan about how you've been hurt when you spent the last several months bullying your attacker.
You're nothing but a bunch of whiny bitches.
Martin was killed by the vigilante stalking him. Who did so even after the police told him to back off.
Tre-Tre was killed because he was a rap culture asshole. The "White-Hispanic" who shot him was justified under law.
He wasn't justified he just got away with it. That happens here, daily.
Oh..I don't belive in the Constitution or state rights. YOUR nuts. Lol.
Constitution? You dare speak about the Constitution when you are doing your best to destroy the first amendment?

The people are the only censors of their governors: and even their errors will tend to keep these to the true principles of their institution. To punish these errors too severely would be to suppress the only safeguard of the public liberty. The way to prevent these irregular interpositions of the people is to give them full information of their affairs thro’ the channel of the public papers, & to contrive that those papers should penetrate the whole mass of the people. The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them.

Thomas Jefferson

That criminal seeking to represent Montana in the House committed assault in an attempt to shut up the press.
Liberals are trying to destroy the Constitution by trying to overturn a democratic election and overthrow our government.
Should it be proven that there were those in the Trump campaign that colluded with the Russians, then we need to know who they are, and, if the orange clown knew of it, then he needs to be impeached, removed from office, and charged with treason.
Just a matter of time, maybe even months.
Hmmmmmm,. Let's crunch the numbers. GOP controls House and Senate. GOP likely to pick up seats in 2018. Impeachment talk is fantasy.
The GOP will lose the House in 2018, and impeachment is very, very likely, if nothing more than for the coverup and obstruction of justice. Impeachment is a political process not a criminal one. All Trump has to be is the fuck-up that he already is.
MSM sitting in their Greenwich Village bistro's are flabbergasted that citizens and candidates outside New York City and Left Coast have had enough of their shit. They hide behind 1st Amendment to push a liberal agenda. Well you liberal cherries expect more of same in fly over country you spit on.
Greg Gianforte just made a massive error on the final night of the Montana special election -

That's one thing I LOVED about Sean Penn. I loved how he would just beat the shit out of reporters. Can't say I blame him. Long gone are the days of real reporters. Had that been say, Ernie Pyle. I do wish he beat the little fag to teach him a little more respect.
I suspect the judge will have a slightly different opinion when Candidate In This Corner has his day in court. He's due to appear before June 7th.

Very likely. That's why had it been me the little fucker would have gotten the boot when he went down. The press today are a bunch of little inconsiderate entitled pussys.

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