Child abuse is a California value says liberal degenerates

So kids are not allowed to have sex but can change their sex?


It sounds just like kids in school who cannot take so much as an aspirin from the school nurse but can be driven to an abortion clinic without their parents knowledge.

At least the moonbats are consistent in their insane hypocritical lunacy.
I'm pretty sure lowering the age of consent is something liberals are striving to do. They're trying to normalize pedophiles already, and I'm sure they want to make sure it's perfectly legal for 11 year olds to have sex with each other.
Childhood is a weird time where you are trying to figure out who you are and your place in this life, etc. It can be very confusing time for a child and a time when you make a lot of mistakes and bad decisions because you are still in the learning, developing, growing process, which ANY psychologist or psychiatrist should KNOW. For people to demand that hormones be given or surgeries performed on children and/or teens because of gender confusion is definitely child abuse.
I'm pretty sure lowering the age of consent is something liberals are striving to do. They're trying to normalize pedophiles already, and I'm sure they want to make sure it's perfectly legal for 11 year olds to have sex with each other.

Maybe they will lower the age for those having the sex changes first.

Cut them a little slack. After all, they worship Satan.
Childhood is a weird time where you are trying to figure out who you are and your place in this life, etc. It can be very confusing time for a child and a time when you make a lot of mistakes and bad decisions because you are still in the learning, developing, growing process, which ANY psychologist or psychiatrist should KNOW. For people to demand that hormones be given or surgeries performed on children and/or teens because of gender confusion is definitely child abuse.
Childhood is a weird time where you are trying to figure out who you are and your place in this life, etc.
And this is the time when Adults in the room need to step up and be adults. Liberals though , don't like conflict resolution and avoid any arguments with their children so instead of telling little Johnny or Jane that their gender is what they are born with, the liberals sleeze away and allow the children to be whatever those precious snowflakes want to be. Then when others try to correct the problem, the liberals step in and use victimhood to prevent the children from being normal.

Moonbattery: Psychiatrist Confirms: Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder
The roots of liberalism — and its associated madness — can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind. When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious.
Welcome to the thread for the self righteous, the bigots and those who lack the basic characteristic of humanness, empathy. I will now shower after reading the hate characteristic of these sociopaths.
Welcome to the thread for the self righteous, the bigots and those who lack the basic characteristic of humanness, empathy. I will now shower after reading the hate characteristic of these sociopaths.

I believe the term you are looking for is "the deplorables".
Welcome to the thread for the self righteous, the bigots and those who lack the basic characteristic of humanness, empathy. I will now shower after reading the hate characteristic of these sociopaths.
Right on cue the leftist child abuse supporters chime in.
Welcome to the thread for the self righteous, the bigots and those who lack the basic characteristic of humanness, empathy. I will now shower after reading the hate characteristic of these sociopaths.
Welcome to the thread for the self righteous, the bigots and those who lack the basic characteristic of humanness
Liberals, the same people who champion rapists, murderers, and baby killers telling US that we are the immoral ones. Bwaahhhhaaaaahhhhhaaaaa.
Welcome to the thread for the self righteous, the bigots and those who lack the basic characteristic of humanness, empathy. I will now shower after reading the hate characteristic of these sociopaths.
Welcome to the thread for the self righteous, the bigots and those who lack the basic characteristic of humanness
Liberals, the same people who champion rapists, murderers, and baby killers telling US that we are the immoral ones. Bwaahhhhaaaaahhhhhaaaaa.
Yep, rip a babies limbs off as he/she is being born is acceptable, but how dare you put a convicted rapist murderer to death!
Mutilating a child's sexual organs and thereby sterilizing them for life for what could be a fleeting silly childhood fantasy is child abuse or at the very least negligence. Giving them potentially dangerous hormonal therapies? Same thing. The effects of delaying or stunting a child's natural puberty processes are not fully known about.
Mutilating a child's sexual organs and thereby sterilizing them for life for what could be a fleeting silly childhood fantasy is child abuse or at the very least negligence. Giving them potentially dangerous hormonal therapies? Same thing. The effects of delaying or stunting a child's natural puberty processes are not fully known about.

There is more chance for harm in doing something to early that is difficult to reverse than waiting until the person matures to take any action.

Let nature take its course before messing with it.
So kids are not allowed to have sex but can change their sex?


It sounds just like kids in school who cannot take so much as an aspirin from the school nurse but can be driven to an abortion clinic without their parents knowledge.

At least the moonbats are consistent in their insane hypocritical lunacy.

They claim someone can choose the gender they want yet have no say whatsoever in their sexual orientation.
Welcome to the thread for the self righteous, the bigots and those who lack the basic characteristic of humanness, empathy. I will now shower after reading the hate characteristic of these sociopaths.
Its like a cess pool.A truly disgusting thread displaying the polluted minds of the dumb.
Welcome to the thread for the self righteous, the bigots and those who lack the basic characteristic of humanness, empathy. I will now shower after reading the hate characteristic of these sociopaths.
Right on cue the leftist child abuse supporters chime in.

Fuck You. I spent years managing a domestic violence unit, and dumb piece of human excrement like you knows nothing about abuse. Your truly are the epitome of a stupid fucking asshole.
Mutilating confused children's sexual organs and/or stopping their natural puberty for some weirdo agenda is abuse no matter HOW you slice it!
Mutilating confused children's sexual organs and/or stopping their natural puberty for some weirdo agenda is abuse no matter HOW you slice it!

I'm not suggesting surgery for children, so your straw man will not burn.

The abuse I referenced was the psychological harm by parents and others who humiliate and punish a child who has not developed in the manner in which they approve.

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