Child bride in Yemen dies of internal bleeding on wedding night: activist

Pooooooor l'il sherrriliar!

No amount of screeching "You hate Muslims" is going to drown out the sherriKKKins bellowing "I hate Jews"....... whether anyone else posting here has an irrational hatred of Muslims (not so irrational when one reads Jossy-pigturd's posts!) is not relevant to the l'il sherriliar's own blatant Jew-hatred.

No amount of others' sins can absolve you of your own evil, l'il sherriKKKins.

An now, I expect we'll get to see another rant wherein the pious l'il pustule pseudo-pacifist pimps herself as 'a follower of Jesus' and claims she's 'confronting evil and prejudice' here.

Marge PUHLEEEEZEE you are maligning ISA------ISA told sherri that all
good people hate jews. Did you forget about ISA? he was an arab who
lived in Palestine more than 2000 years ago. He spoke arabic and hated jews
and was a very holy person who now is in communication with sherri.
For some unfathomable reason----he pretended to be a pharisee jew
The story in the OP has been confirmed to be not true.

As far as who started the false storys circulation, I cannot answer that question.

That particular story may not be true - but, it's indicative of a very real problem in Yemen. Yemen has a reputation for child marriages.

That may be true. But the problem being raised through a fictious story that paints this as an evil of Islam is not the way to discuss this global problem of child marriages, that affects peoples of many different cultures and religions.

And that SOME individuals on here have wrongly done that, is no excuse for dragging in slander after slander from usubstantiated 'sources' to throw filth specifically at the non-Muslim communities.

Especially while SOME of us have repeatedly attempted to address the very real problem and had our posts ignored in favor of making further attacks.

Excellent list of citations Roudy-----but I am not sure if Sherri is willing to trust
that "AL JEZEERA" rag------did she not say that it has no credibility?

Excellent list of citations Roudy-----but I am not sure if Sherri is willing to trust
that "AL JEZEERA" rag------did she not say that it has no credibility?

Why? Has she claimed that it's 'Zionist owned' or some such?
Yeshiva University in New York City is the latest Jewish educational institution to be rocked by accusations of extensive pedophilia by rabbis and teachers. Yeshiva, including an elite high school, the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, the Benjamin N. Cardoza School of Law, and an endowment of nearly 1.3 billion dollars is the Harvard of Orthodox Judaism in America. But now 31 former high school and Yeshiva affiliate students allege sexual abuse by two highly respected Yeshiva rabbis during 1969-1989. They are suing Yeshiva U. for 380 million dollars. “Yeshiva University High School held itself out as an exemplary Jewish secondary school when in fact it was allowing known sexual predators to roam the school at will seeking other victims,” said attorney for the plaintiffs, Kevin Mulhearn. Mulhearn asserts that hundreds of boys were sexually molested or sodomized.

Typically, as with other Jewish child abuse scandals in Brooklyn, Sydney, Melbourne, Jerusalem, etc., Yeshiva's administration is evasive. As a result, AIG (American Insurance Group) may not continue insuring it.

Why do Jewish authority figures continue to be accused of pedophilia against primarily Jewish children?

The Talmud, highest authority for modern Talmudic Judaism, endorses pedophilia. It calls it "Halachah" or binding Jewish law!

The Talmudic rabbi most instrumental in persuading rabbis today to indulge in pedophilia is 2nd century A.D. Simeon ben Yohai. It's hard to imagine a rabbinic sage more esteemed than ben Yohai. He is credited by Ultra-Orthodox Jews as the author of the Zohar, or Kabbalah. Every year in Meron in Israel (where ben Yohai died), more than 10,000 Hasidic Jews gather for a week of singing, dancing, and praising ben Yohai, who may well be Kabbalist Judaism's most venerated authority.

In Orthodox Judaism, the most ancient first and second A.D. rabbis, the "Tannaim," are considered most authoritative. This is largely because they lived in Palestine closest in time to the Pharisees, who, originating in Babylon, created the Mishnah (oral law), which later became written down as the Babylonian Talmud. Some “Tanna” receive greater respect from Orthodox Jews than does Moses. Jesus accused the oral law of "making the law of God of none effect."

The Talmud is the greatest religious authority for observant Jews today. It teaches that when sages of ben Yohai’s stature pronounced new laws, they did so out of the memory of what God had taught them in heaven. The Talmud says such memory was imparted to ben Yohai's teacher, Rabbi Akiba: when Moses died he went to heaven and beheld Rabbi Akiba “expounding wondrously on the Torah.” Thus, when ben Yohai authorizes pedophilia in the Talmud, such permission becomes law for Orthodox Jews for all time.

In Yebamoth 60b the Talmud says:

It was taught: R. Simeon ben Yohai stated: ‘A proselyte who is under the age of three years and one day is permitted to marry a priest. For it is said, But all the women children that have not known men by lying with them, keep for yourselves; and Phinehas surely was with them.’

Ben Yohai’s interpretation comes from Numbers 31:18. The Hebrews, after defeating the Midianites, were allowed to keep virginal females of all ages as wives or potential wives when they sexually matured. Ben Yohai exploited this verse to claim God gives Jews rights to sexual use of females of virtually any age, although he puts the lower bar at three years and a day. Further, he says that because the righteous Phinehas was among the Hebrew congregation who accepted the Midianite women, it means that Phinehas endorsed child sex.

Footnote 5 to this passage says ben Yohai's permission for sex with 3-year-old girls stands for all time.The footnote asks, “How could they [any other rabbi in history], contrary to the opinions of R. Simeon ben Yohai, which has scriptural support, forbid the marriage of the young proselytes?” Clearly, they can't. (The full text of this footnote and the entire passage from the Soncino edition of the Talmud are at the end of this article.)

Thus, the question posed by the Talmud footnote is extremely significant and timely. It says that just as no rabbinic authority can defy ben Yohai’s halachic permission for sex with 3-year-old girls, so no rabbinic authority in any Jewish organization, synagogue, Yeshiva high school, college, or seminary today is empowered to declare that pedophilia for the Jew is wrong!
I'll defer to some of the Judaic Studies scholars here. Tale it away, Irosie.

They will not "tale it away" they will ignore it, as they always ignore the truth

No one even went there:lol:

swish :eusa_shhh:
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Excellent list of citations Roudy-----but I am not sure if Sherri is willing to trust
that "AL JEZEERA" rag------did she not say that it has no credibility?

Why? Has she claimed that it's 'Zionist owned' or some such?

Zionists own everything and everyone does what zionists tell them to do----
just yesterday----sherri informed us that zionists tell shiites and sunnis to hate
and kill each other -------that son-in-law---of muhummad-----that wanted to be
the NEXT RULER------was-----as you will know uhm ali something---
or something ali the oncoiming mahdi ------was actually a mossad agent.

Even now zionists tell syrians to kill each other and syrians, simply, do so
I think the issue of child marriage is a complex one around the world, and I agree - religion is a factor (at least Muslim and Hindu). But in almost all of those regions you also have a great deal of poverty, traditional cultures and tribal councils or Sharia courts that work against national, secular law. You also have societies where educating girls (thus increasing their worth) is not considered worthwhile so girls are a drain on their family and their value is in their bride price. It would be nice to discuss this without generic and total bashing of an entire religion since where religion plays a role in the problem it will also need to play a role in fixing it. Marge, I appreciate your ability to do that :)

So what are the solutions?

Setting and enforcing minimum age laws for one. More and more countries have set a minimum age varying from 15 (with consent of family) to 18 but some still as young as 9, 12, 13 or nothing.


Educating women and increasing their value for another.

Confronting religious and cultural traditions that condone early marriage.

This is where modern religious leaders need to step up and promote religous values and interpretations that are in line with modern human rights standards. It's not necessarily contradictory in either Hindu or Muslim faiths - the material is there, it just needs to be enforced.

I think, ultimately though - you also need a heavy hand in enforcing minimum age because traditional cultures are very slow to change particularly when poverty is a huge factor. In India, the only way to stop the practice of Sati was a ban by the British, that was militarily enforced. It still occurs, but it's rare and modern Hindu doctrine now forbids it.
You keep pushing the "poverty excuse", as if being poor makes people pedophiles. There IS no excuse, why do you keep attempting to dismiss it by blaming poverty?
I think the issue of child marriage is a complex one around the world, and I agree - religion is a factor (at least Muslim and Hindu). But in almost all of those regions you also have a great deal of poverty, traditional cultures and tribal councils or Sharia courts that work against national, secular law. You also have societies where educating girls (thus increasing their worth) is not considered worthwhile so girls are a drain on their family and their value is in their bride price. It would be nice to discuss this without generic and total bashing of an entire religion since where religion plays a role in the problem it will also need to play a role in fixing it. Marge, I appreciate your ability to do that :)

So what are the solutions?

Setting and enforcing minimum age laws for one. More and more countries have set a minimum age varying from 15 (with consent of family) to 18 but some still as young as 9, 12, 13 or nothing.


Educating women and increasing their value for another.

Confronting religious and cultural traditions that condone early marriage.

This is where modern religious leaders need to step up and promote religous values and interpretations that are in line with modern human rights standards. It's not necessarily contradictory in either Hindu or Muslim faiths - the material is there, it just needs to be enforced.

I think, ultimately though - you also need a heavy hand in enforcing minimum age because traditional cultures are very slow to change particularly when poverty is a huge factor. In India, the only way to stop the practice of Sati was a ban by the British, that was militarily enforced. It still occurs, but it's rare and modern Hindu doctrine now forbids it.
You keep pushing the "poverty excuse", as if being poor makes people pedophiles. There IS no excuse, why do you keep attempting to dismiss it by blaming poverty?

I agree with you that although there is a correlation between areas of great poverty and
marriages at a very young age-----that the CAUSE is not poverty One can blame
poverty for just about all of the ills of mankind since the fact is that MOST HUMANS
ON THE PLANET are impoverished. Very wealthy people tend to have fewer children
than do ----the less affluent in the same societies -----you want to blame infertility on wealth?
Oh, how you Arong me, Sherry. Here I was, making a benevolent gesture to advise that I'm not Jewish, (I have no religious faith).

I passed an opportunity to admit to being Jewish only so that I could have a bit of fun watching as you launched into your typical, feverish, sweaty, chest-heaving joooo tirades.

No concern for the children at all.

I'm afraid your only goal in this thread was to further your rabid jooooooo hatreds.

I am not the one who started a thread based on a lie and spread hate based on the lie in the OP.

Lies exist to be confronted with Truth, for some of us that is true anyway.

For me, it all goes back to a man who was crucified on a Cross, who died for every person. That includes every child the victim of child marriages.

Any person demonizes people as they have used this thread to do, and uses innocent children to do it with, deserves to have what they are doing exposed.

As far as discussing Jews here, the point is they have been a part of this too.

Excellent list of citations Roudy-----but I am not sure if Sherri is willing to trust
that "AL JEZEERA" rag------did she not say that it has no credibility?
Sherri likes to step in "it" all the time. Like her claim that India is an example where child brides occurs the most, and then it turns out that all the other religions are abiding by this new law that was passed banning marriage under 18, EXCEPT FOR THE 15 MILLION MUSLIM INDIANS, CITING "RELIGIOUS AND SHARIAT LAWS". And it's the Muslim Indians that have the most child marriages. Wow, what a surprise!

"No, Islam has is not a main contributor to child marriages among Muslims" <----GOOD JOKE
No concern for the children at all.

I'm afraid your only goal in this thread was to further your rabid jooooooo hatreds.

I am not the one who started a thread based on a lie and spread hate based on the lie in the OP.

Lies exist to be confronted with Truth, for some of us that is true anyway.

For me, it all goes back to a man who was crucified on a Cross, who died for every person. That includes every child the victim of child marriages.

Any person demonizes people as they have used this thread to do, and uses innocent children to do it with, deserves to have what they are doing exposed.

As far as discussing Jews here, the point is they have been a part of this too.
"Thread based on hate"?

So let us get this straight, nutmeg. Muslim animals forced an 8 year old to marry, and the poor girl dies from internal bleeding because of being RAPED, and bringing that to light, is considered "hate".

I think the issue of child marriage is a complex one around the world, and I agree - religion is a factor (at least Muslim and Hindu). But in almost all of those regions you also have a great deal of poverty, traditional cultures and tribal councils or Sharia courts that work against national, secular law. You also have societies where educating girls (thus increasing their worth) is not considered worthwhile so girls are a drain on their family and their value is in their bride price. It would be nice to discuss this without generic and total bashing of an entire religion since where religion plays a role in the problem it will also need to play a role in fixing it. Marge, I appreciate your ability to do that :)

So what are the solutions?

Setting and enforcing minimum age laws for one. More and more countries have set a minimum age varying from 15 (with consent of family) to 18 but some still as young as 9, 12, 13 or nothing.


Educating women and increasing their value for another.

Confronting religious and cultural traditions that condone early marriage.

This is where modern religious leaders need to step up and promote religous values and interpretations that are in line with modern human rights standards. It's not necessarily contradictory in either Hindu or Muslim faiths - the material is there, it just needs to be enforced.

I think, ultimately though - you also need a heavy hand in enforcing minimum age because traditional cultures are very slow to change particularly when poverty is a huge factor. In India, the only way to stop the practice of Sati was a ban by the British, that was militarily enforced. It still occurs, but it's rare and modern Hindu doctrine now forbids it.
You keep pushing the "poverty excuse", as if being poor makes people pedophiles. There IS no excuse, why do you keep attempting to dismiss it by blaming poverty?

I agree with you that although there is a correlation between areas of great poverty and
marriages at a very young age-----that the CAUSE is not poverty One can blame
poverty for just about all of the ills of mankind since the fact is that MOST HUMANS
ON THE PLANET are impoverished. Very wealthy people tend to have fewer children
than do ----the less affluent in the same societies -----you want to blame infertility on wealth?

I think there are more factors then that. The cause may have originally been culture but poverty seems to perpetuate it. Also - wealthy people have fewer children largely because they need fewer children and have access to the means and education to limit family size. In a lot of countries, mortality rates are high and children are a parents "social security" (or, at least sons are).

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