Child bride in Yemen dies of internal bleeding on wedding night: activist

I think the issue of child marriage is a complex one around the world, and I agree - religion is a factor (at least Muslim and Hindu). But in almost all of those regions you also have a great deal of poverty, traditional cultures and tribal councils or Sharia courts that work against national, secular law. You also have societies where educating girls (thus increasing their worth) is not considered worthwhile so girls are a drain on their family and their value is in their bride price. It would be nice to discuss this without generic and total bashing of an entire religion since where religion plays a role in the problem it will also need to play a role in fixing it. Marge, I appreciate your ability to do that :)

So what are the solutions?

Setting and enforcing minimum age laws for one. More and more countries have set a minimum age varying from 15 (with consent of family) to 18 but some still as young as 9, 12, 13 or nothing.


Educating women and increasing their value for another.

Confronting religious and cultural traditions that condone early marriage.

This is where modern religious leaders need to step up and promote religous values and interpretations that are in line with modern human rights standards. It's not necessarily contradictory in either Hindu or Muslim faiths - the material is there, it just needs to be enforced.

I think, ultimately though - you also need a heavy hand in enforcing minimum age because traditional cultures are very slow to change particularly when poverty is a huge factor. In India, the only way to stop the practice of Sati was a ban by the British, that was militarily enforced. It still occurs, but it's rare and modern Hindu doctrine now forbids it.
You keep pushing the "poverty excuse", as if being poor makes people pedophiles. There IS no excuse, why do you keep attempting to dismiss it by blaming poverty?

I'm simply reiterating what human rights groups and UNICEF say. If you have an issue take it up with them. They are the ones on the ground tracking this and trying to make changes. Not you, sitting at your computer.

Stating that poverty (or anything else) is a factor is not making an excuse.

Are you attempting to dismiss it or make excuses by blaming it on religion?

People are pedophiles because they are born that way.
Wow, a discussion of child marriages leads to the plight of Jews in Afghanistan and imagined pogroms against Jews.

Truth is Israels actions have hurt Jews globally far more than anything else has since her creation in 1948.

But that picture of self as always the victim cannot be let go of, it defines who persons like Hollie are.

I'm not Jewish, dear.

But it seems that you have been the one who enters every thread with one purpose: to promote your insensate Jooooo hatreds.

hmmm...kind of like some here who enter every thread with one purpose: to promote their insensate Moooooooooooooooooslim hatreds, eh?
I think the issue of child marriage is a complex one around the world, and I agree - religion is a factor (at least Muslim and Hindu). But in almost all of those regions you also have a great deal of poverty, traditional cultures and tribal councils or Sharia courts that work against national, secular law. You also have societies where educating girls (thus increasing their worth) is not considered worthwhile so girls are a drain on their family and their value is in their bride price. It would be nice to discuss this without generic and total bashing of an entire religion since where religion plays a role in the problem it will also need to play a role in fixing it. Marge, I appreciate your ability to do that :)

So what are the solutions?

Setting and enforcing minimum age laws for one. More and more countries have set a minimum age varying from 15 (with consent of family) to 18 but some still as young as 9, 12, 13 or nothing.


Educating women and increasing their value for another.

Confronting religious and cultural traditions that condone early marriage.

This is where modern religious leaders need to step up and promote religous values and interpretations that are in line with modern human rights standards. It's not necessarily contradictory in either Hindu or Muslim faiths - the material is there, it just needs to be enforced.

I think, ultimately though - you also need a heavy hand in enforcing minimum age because traditional cultures are very slow to change particularly when poverty is a huge factor. In India, the only way to stop the practice of Sati was a ban by the British, that was militarily enforced. It still occurs, but it's rare and modern Hindu doctrine now forbids it.
You keep pushing the "poverty excuse", as if being poor makes people pedophiles. There IS no excuse, why do you keep attempting to dismiss it by blaming poverty?

I'm simply reiterating what human rights groups and UNICEF say. If you have an issue take it up with them. They are the ones on the ground tracking this and trying to make changes. Not you, sitting at your computer.

Stating that poverty (or anything else) is a factor is not making an excuse.

Are you attempting to dismiss it or make excuses by blaming it on religion?

People are pedophiles because they are born that way.
UNICEF also states that child brides occurs highest in Muslim majority countries. Yet you failed to "reiterate" that little tidbit. LOL
Wow, a discussion of child marriages leads to the plight of Jews in Afghanistan and imagined pogroms against Jews.

Truth is Israels actions have hurt Jews globally far more than anything else has since her creation in 1948.

But that picture of self as always the victim cannot be let go of, it defines who persons like Hollie are.

I'm not Jewish, dear.

But it seems that you have been the one who enters every thread with one purpose: to promote your insensate Jooooo hatreds.

hmmm...kind of like some here who enter every thread with one purpose: to promote their insensate Moooooooooooooooooslim hatreds, eh?
Oh my. I suppose you think I'm guilty of the egregious sin of 'hurting Moslem's feelings"

While moslems typically feel that their politico-religious ideology is to be held to a standard that defies criticism, I disagree.

Amid all the attempts to implicate competing Abrahamic religions and other external factors into the child abuse equation, one insidious element is unique to islamism: the example set for humanity by the religions' inventor.
You keep pushing the "poverty excuse", as if being poor makes people pedophiles. There IS no excuse, why do you keep attempting to dismiss it by blaming poverty?

I agree with you that although there is a correlation between areas of great poverty and
marriages at a very young age-----that the CAUSE is not poverty One can blame
poverty for just about all of the ills of mankind since the fact is that MOST HUMANS
ON THE PLANET are impoverished. Very wealthy people tend to have fewer children
than do ----the less affluent in the same societies -----you want to blame infertility on wealth?

I think there are more factors then that. The cause may have originally been culture but poverty seems to perpetuate it. Also - wealthy people have fewer children largely because they need fewer children and have access to the means and education to limit family size. In a lot of countries, mortality rates are high and children are a parents "social security" (or, at least sons are).

A reason I do not think child marriage is the problem some like to makre it out to be in Iran is the fact that the birth rate remains so low there. One child per family is the norm. And this is not reported to have changed the last few years either, despite attempts by the government to encourage more children by offering financial incentives. With an employment rate of 30 to 40% among the youth, that make up the majority of the population, the society cannot afford a higher birth rate. When a family has only one child, they are much less likely to marry that child off at a young age. They do all they can to encourage the child to do well in school, so they can go to college.

What explains peoples who cannot afford children having small versus large families? Compare Shiite Persian Iranians to Shiite Arab Lebanese, the latter have much larger families. I expect one explanation is education, the people of Iran are more literate, educated, and traditionally less fundamentalist Iin their religious beliefs. Also, in the 90s Iran enforced a two child per family rule, at that time the concern had been a too high birth rate. The people became accustomed to smaller families, more females started going to college, and the people today seem indisposed to returning to the days of larger families.

My husband has one sister and one brother, each have one child. They never planned to have more than one child, they say they cannot afford to have more than 1 child. Of my husband's cousins he speaks of, I know of two with two kids(one husband and wife are a brain surgeon and a pediatrician and one of these cousins lives in the US), one with one child and two with no children. No child marriages he has spoken about in his family.
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I'm not Jewish, dear.

But it seems that you have been the one who enters every thread with one purpose: to promote your insensate Jooooo hatreds.

hmmm...kind of like some here who enter every thread with one purpose: to promote their insensate Moooooooooooooooooslim hatreds, eh?
Oh my. I suppose you think I'm guilty of the egregious sin of 'hurting Moslem's feelings"

While moslems typically feel that their politico-religious ideology is to be held to a standard that defies criticism, I disagree.

Amid all the attempts to implicate competing Abrahamic religions and other external factors into the child abuse equation, one insidious element is unique to islamism: the example set for humanity by the religions' inventor.

Should we follow the example set by Abraham and marry our siblings?
For those of you who are not familiar with Sherri's hate, please have a look at these two threads she started several months ago:

The Myth of The Holocaust:

and then this one, which really exposed Sherri for the hateful, vile and disgusting bigot that she really is:

Please read this thread. She started the thread with a link to the article of two Israeli pilots who had just died in a accidental helicopter crash. Here are some memorable quotes from this thread:

What do Zionist pilots do? What are they trained to do? They carry out air strikes and deliberately target and kill innocent Palestinian children and civilians. The deaths of these pilots perhaps saved the lives of Palestinian babies they were on a mission to kill. You bet, I clap when such baby killing scum go to meet their Maker and are stopped from killing more babies in Palestine.

I praise God for this, all praise belongs to God!

Thank you, God!


That's right folks, she praised God for the death of two innocent pilots.

Why am I bringing this up ? Because Sherri actually has the nerve to call others hateful, after the disgusting portrayal of hatred she showed us in those two threads.
Be Fruitful And Multiply: Iran’s Program To Increase Its Population Might Not Work

By*Palash Ghosh*on April 22 2013*

The Iranian government, already burdened by Western sanctions over its disputed nuclear program, is again encouraging young couples in the country to have more children in order to cope with the kind of aging demographics that currently plague Western Europe and Japan.Teheran officials, who have spearheaded a door-to-door campaign to spread a health education propaganda drive, want to spark a baby boom that would double the Iranian population to about 150 million. The Daily Telegraph reported that no less than 150,000 health workers have mobilized for the ambitious project, literally knocking on the doors of homes to encourage single-child families to have more offspring.

By 1986, seven years after the revolution, Iran’s population was growing by 3 percent annually, one of the highest rates in the world (by 2011, that figure dropped to 1 percent, according to the United Nations).

Be Fruitful And Multiply: Iran?s Program To Increase Its Population Might Not Work
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For those of you who are not familiar with Sherri's hate, please have a look at these two threads she started several months ago:

The Myth of The Holocaust:

and then this one, which really exposed Sherri for the hateful, vile and disgusting bigot that she really is:

Please read this thread. She started the thread with a link to the article of two Israeli pilots who had just died in a accidental helicopter crash. Here are some memorable quotes from this thread:

What do Zionist pilots do? What are they trained to do? They carry out air strikes and deliberately target and kill innocent Palestinian children and civilians. The deaths of these pilots perhaps saved the lives of Palestinian babies they were on a mission to kill. You bet, I clap when such baby killing scum go to meet their Maker and are stopped from killing more babies in Palestine.

I praise God for this, all praise belongs to God!

Thank you, God!


That's right folks, she praised God for the death of two innocent pilots.

Why am I bringing this up ? Because Sherri actually has the nerve to call others hateful, after the disgusting portrayal of hatred she showed us in those two threads.
I thought Sherri was a Christian cheek turner. Apparently not.
Wow, a discussion of child marriages leads to the plight of Jews in Afghanistan and imagined pogroms against Jews.

Truth is Israels actions have hurt Jews globally far more than anything else has since her creation in 1948.

But that picture of self as always the victim cannot be let go of, it defines who persons like Hollie are.

I'm not Jewish, dear.

But it seems that you have been the one who enters every thread with one purpose: to promote your insensate Jooooo hatreds.
I wouldn't be surprised if Frau Sherri, when she lived in the area, got hold of the women attending the mosque on Sherman Way, Reseda, CA telling them how evil the Jews are. I heard that there is now a young male cashier of Iranian background in Frau Sherri's favorite Middle Eastern market in Reseda who is wearing a large Star of David (the owner himself is a Lebanese Christian). Can you imagine the earful Frau Sherri would give him while she was checking out. The Farsi-speaking Iranian cashiers there said to tell Frau Sherri "Sobh Be kheyr!"
Well she lies like a jew
And, by now, many of the viewers realize that Yousef Mohammed;s Pinocchio nose keeps on growing and growing and growing!!! Whomever coined that expression "lying like a Persian rug" must have had Yousef Mohammed in mind.
You Muslims and Jews fight so much you'd think you were married or related.

There cousins, apart from the ones who come from east Europe, the AskaNazi's:lol:
While the Ashkenazi have the same gene as the Jews from the Middle East have, I would say that the Muslim Pakistanis have actually nothing to do with the Muslims from the Middle East nor even the Muslims you find in the Philiippines and China. Have you had your DNA tested yet, Yousef Mohammed, to see if your ancestors are true Persians or are your ancestors from those who invaded Persia?
You keep pushing the "poverty excuse", as if being poor makes people pedophiles. There IS no excuse, why do you keep attempting to dismiss it by blaming poverty?

I'm simply reiterating what human rights groups and UNICEF say. If you have an issue take it up with them. They are the ones on the ground tracking this and trying to make changes. Not you, sitting at your computer.

Stating that poverty (or anything else) is a factor is not making an excuse.

Are you attempting to dismiss it or make excuses by blaming it on religion?

People are pedophiles because they are born that way.
UNICEF also states that child brides occurs highest in Muslim majority countries. Yet you failed to "reiterate" that little tidbit. LOL

And you fail to look at any other reason given by UNICEF which repeatedly states poverty is the major driver. You fail to "reiterate" that little tidbit just like you completely bypass the fact that it's prevalent in Hindu India and there is even a Hindu festival promoting it. You are so focused on Islam being the only reason in Muslim majority countries. Are you going to continue to be a Hindu apologist?
I don't get what this Ashkenazi stuff has to do with anything...much less child marriage.
I'm afraid your only goal in this thread was to further your rabid jooooooo hatreds.

I am not the one who started a thread based on a lie and spread hate based on the lie in the OP.

Lies exist to be confronted with Truth, for some of us that is true anyway.

For me, it all goes back to a man who was crucified on a Cross, who died for every person. That includes every child the victim of child marriages.

Any person demonizes people as they have used this thread to do, and uses innocent children to do it with, deserves to have what they are doing exposed.

As far as discussing Jews here, the point is they have been a part of this too.
"Thread based on hate"?

So let us get this straight, nutmeg. Muslim animals forced an 8 year old to marry, and the poor girl dies from internal bleeding because of being RAPED, and bringing that to light, is considered "hate".


Sherri makes one very good point. You and your supporters don't give a damn that it occurs in non-Muslim countries. All your posts are focused on Islam. What do you really care about child brides and the brutality they have to endure? You only care that's it is another way you can demonize Islam.

Not once do you address the actual issue - what these girls go through, how they are treated and what can be done.
I don't get what this Ashkenazi stuff has to do with anything...much less child marriage.

It has to do with the canard that Jews are a 'race': the Jew-haters invariably make the claim that Ashkenazi (Eastern European) Jews are somehow 'not real Jews' because SOME of the Askenazi ancestry isn't from the ME.

If anyone reads the 'OT', it's clear on the people going out from Egypt being a 'mixed multtude' - and it also becomes clear that whoever accepted the Covenant at Sinai was henceforth a Jew. According to the laws given by YHVH through Moshe, anyone who lives with the Jewish people and brings up their children by the teachings of Torah, those children are Jews.

Judaism has ALWAYS accepted converts: in fact the Greek word 'proselyte' was initially limited to people converting Judaism.

Like the spurious 'explanations' of various Talmud discussions, the 'Ashkenazi' bit is brought up ONLY by bigots and hate-mongers, and ONLY for malicious and hateful purpose.

A look at WHO has been dragging that into the discussion here should make the truth of my words obvious.
I don't get what this Ashkenazi stuff has to do with anything...much less child marriage.

It has to do with the canard that Jews are a 'race': the Jew-haters invariably make the claim that Ashkenazi (Eastern European) Jews are somehow 'not real Jews' because SOME of the Askenazi ancestry isn't from the ME.

If anyone reads the 'OT', it's clear on the people going out from Egypt being a 'mixed multtude' - and it also becomes clear that whoever accepted the Covenant at Sinai was henceforth a Jew. According to the laws given by YHVH through Moshe, anyone who lives with the Jewish people and brings up their children by the teachings of Torah, those children are Jews.

Judaism has ALWAYS accepted converts: in fact the Greek word 'proselyte' was initially limited to people converting Judaism.

Like the spurious 'explanations' of various Talmud discussions, the 'Ashkenazi' bit is brought up ONLY by bigots and hate-mongers, and ONLY for malicious and hateful purpose.

A look at WHO has been dragging that into the discussion here should make the truth of my words obvious.

In other words it has nothing to do with child marriage.
No concern for the children at all.

I'm afraid your only goal in this thread was to further your rabid jooooooo hatreds.

I am not the one who started a thread based on a lie and spread hate based on the lie in the OP.

Lies exist to be confronted with Truth, for some of us that is true anyway.

For me, it all goes back to a man who was crucified on a Cross, who died for every person. That includes every child the victim of child marriages.

Any person demonizes people as they have used this thread to do, and uses innocent children to do it with, deserves to have what they are doing exposed.

As far as discussing Jews here, the point is they have been a part of this too.

Did I call the pious pustule's pissy l'il self-pimping post here, or what!

Sherrriliar - you've been among the worst offenders in this thread. As for 'innocent children' - nobody's forgotten that you've called SOME of them 'spawn'. Or that you stated the world was a better place without them after they were slain in their beds.

Nor has anyone forgotten how you declared to another poster "Better had you never been born, than to be raised by Zionists".

Hater, liar, hypocrite - that's you, sherriKKKins.
I don't get what this Ashkenazi stuff has to do with anything...much less child marriage.

It has to do with the canard that Jews are a 'race': the Jew-haters invariably make the claim that Ashkenazi (Eastern European) Jews are somehow 'not real Jews' because SOME of the Askenazi ancestry isn't from the ME.

If anyone reads the 'OT', it's clear on the people going out from Egypt being a 'mixed multtude' - and it also becomes clear that whoever accepted the Covenant at Sinai was henceforth a Jew. According to the laws given by YHVH through Moshe, anyone who lives with the Jewish people and brings up their children by the teachings of Torah, those children are Jews.

Judaism has ALWAYS accepted converts: in fact the Greek word 'proselyte' was initially limited to people converting Judaism.

Like the spurious 'explanations' of various Talmud discussions, the 'Ashkenazi' bit is brought up ONLY by bigots and hate-mongers, and ONLY for malicious and hateful purpose.

A look at WHO has been dragging that into the discussion here should make the truth of my words obvious.

In other words it has nothing to do with child marriage.

It has nothing to do really with the I/P conflict. It's just another excuse for the Islamist Nazi supporters to trash Israelis or Jews in some cases.

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