Child bride in Yemen dies of internal bleeding on wedding night: activist

The story in the OP has been confirmed to be not true.

As far as who started the false storys circulation, I cannot answer that question.

That particular story may not be true - but, it's indicative of a very real problem in Yemen. Yemen has a reputation for child marriages.

That may be true. But the problem being raised through a fictious story that paints this as an evil of Islam is not the way to discuss this global problem of child marriages, that affects peoples of many different cultures and religions.

I agree...well said.
I am not even posting the MEMRI video, supposedly of an interview of the allegedly previously dead child.

CERTAINLY sheds some light on who may have been behind this Propaganda story.

who? the two remaining jews hiding in the mountains up north?
There are two left?

Better keep that on the qt as moslems will feel a need to go on the hunt for a bit of Peaceful Inner Struggling... of the AK-47 kind.

Moslems have been on a pogrom to purge the Jews (and all competing religions), from the Middle East per the writ of Islam's Feuher, Field Marshal General inventor.

Only One Jewish Resident Left in Afghanistan, Says State Department | CNS News Mobile

( –( – There is only “one known Jewish resident” still living in Afghanistan, according to the U.S. State Department.

That is despite the fact that Jews have lived in Afghanistan for nearly three That is despite the fact that Jews have lived in Afghanistan for nearly three millenia, and had a local population that was 40,000 strong as of the mid-1800s, millenia, and had a local population that was 40,000 strong as of the mid-1800s, according to the according to the Jewish Virtual Library Jewish Virtual Library , a division of the American-Israeli , a division of the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise. Cooperative Enterprise.
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Wow, a discussion of child marriages leads to the plight of Jews in Afghanistan and imagined pogroms against Jews.

Truth is Israels actions have hurt Jews globally far more than anything else has since her creation in 1948.

But that picture of self as always the victim cannot be let go of, it defines who persons like Hollie are.
Wow, a discussion of child marriages leads to the plight of Jews in Afghanistan and imagined pogroms against Jews.

Truth is Israels actions have hurt Jews globally far more than anything else has since her creation in 1948.

But that picture of self as always the victim cannot be let go of, it defines who persons like Hollie are.

I'm not Jewish, dear.

But it seems that you have been the one who enters every thread with one purpose: to promote your insensate Jooooo hatreds.
Wow, a discussion of child marriages leads to the plight of Jews in Afghanistan and imagined pogroms against Jews.

Truth is Israels actions have hurt Jews globally far more than anything else has since her creation in 1948.

But that picture of self as always the victim cannot be let go of, it defines who persons like Hollie are.

I'm not Jewish, dear.

But it seems that you have been the one who enters every thread with one purpose: to promote your insensate Jooooo hatreds.

I do not believe you, only Jews do not know how to spell the word Jew.

You reek of hate for Muslims.

No need for me to hate, I spend my time calling the haters on their Hate.

That is what this thread has been all about, demonizing Muslims.

And what is pathetic is how you could care less about what these children are suffering in these child marriages. Their hurting fuels your Hate.
Wow, a discussion of child marriages leads to the plight of Jews in Afghanistan and imagined pogroms against Jews.

Truth is Israels actions have hurt Jews globally far more than anything else has since her creation in 1948.

But that picture of self as always the victim cannot be let go of, it defines who persons like Hollie are.

I'm not Jewish, dear.

But it seems that you have been the one who enters every thread with one purpose: to promote your insensate Jooooo hatreds.

I do not believe you, only Jews do not know how to spell the word Jew.

You reek of hate for Muslims.

No need for me to hate, I spend my time calling the haters on their Hate.

That is what this thread has been all about, demonizing Muslims.

And what is pathetic is how you could care less about what these children are suffering in these child marriages. Their hurting fuels your Hate.

Oh, how you wrong me, Sherry. Here I was, making a benevolent gesture to advise that I'm not Jewish, (I have no religious faith).

I passed an opportunity to admit to being Jewish only so that I could have a bit of fun watching as you launched into your typical, feverish, sweaty, chest-heaving joooo tirades.
I'm not Jewish, dear.

But it seems that you have been the one who enters every thread with one purpose: to promote your insensate Jooooo hatreds.

I do not believe you, only Jews do not know how to spell the word Jew.

You reek of hate for Muslims.

No need for me to hate, I spend my time calling the haters on their Hate.

That is what this thread has been all about, demonizing Muslims.

And what is pathetic is how you could care less about what these children are suffering in these child marriages. Their hurting fuels your Hate.

Oh, how you wrong me, Sherry. Here I was, making a benevolent gesture to advise that I'm not Jewish, (I have no religious faith).

I passed an opportunity to admit to being Jewish only so that I could have a bit of fun watching as you launched into your typical, feverish, sweaty, chest-heaving joooo tirades.

No concern for the children at all.
I do not believe you, only Jews do not know how to spell the word Jew.

You reek of hate for Muslims.

No need for me to hate, I spend my time calling the haters on their Hate.

That is what this thread has been all about, demonizing Muslims.

And what is pathetic is how you could care less about what these children are suffering in these child marriages. Their hurting fuels your Hate.

Oh, how you wrong me, Sherry. Here I was, making a benevolent gesture to advise that I'm not Jewish, (I have no religious faith).

I passed an opportunity to admit to being Jewish only so that I could have a bit of fun watching as you launched into your typical, feverish, sweaty, chest-heaving joooo tirades.

No concern for the children at all.

I'm afraid your only goal in this thread was to further your rabid jooooooo hatreds.
The thread OP addresses an incident that never happened.

whether it happened or not remains to be discovered ----your citation proved
nothing. A picture of a man and a kid proves nothing. Why would a Yemeni
social worked lie? He is a mossad plant? The original article was pubished in
the zionist city of SANAA

What social worker? What is his name? How do we contact him? Where is the grave?

the story appeared in the gulf news and in Sanaa-----the social worker was characterized
as being a male-----considering the nature of islamic society ----identifying the name of the
social worker would lead to his inevitable murder. Why would you want to contact him.
As to the grave of the child---contact the family but you will probably not get an answer.
My husband was born in ADEN YEMEN-----At that time Aden was the most civilized area of
Yemen---being occupied by the Brits----His birth was registered and as a 20 something year
old student----20 something years later in London----he did try to get a copy of his birth
certificate------The yemeni consulate simply took his evidence (in the pre xerox days)
and -----ignored him thereafter-----claimed he never existed nor did his papers-----Keep
in mind-----the place is YEMEN-----the shariah cesspit Yemen. To your colleagues in
Yemen----a jewish infant who made it out of Yemen-----before 1947 was just one who should never have escaped the throat slitters of 1947

The good thing about yemen is that the people know how to keep a secret----and if you
pay them off------you can escape safely
That particular story may not be true - but, it's indicative of a very real problem in Yemen. Yemen has a reputation for child marriages.

That may be true. But the problem being raised through a fictious story that paints this as an evil of Islam is not the way to discuss this global problem of child marriages, that affects peoples of many different cultures and religions.

I agree...well said.

An interesting perspective When discussing incidents of child abuse or forced
child marriages----it should become outlawed to mention the country or the ethniciy
or the religion of the players

the story should have been "female X aged 8---banged to death by male Y aged
40-----perhaps they were a married couple

In fact---in case of casualties of war----aside from mentioning name and gender----
no mention should be made of place or name

Stories of throat slittings could just be throat slitting # 309522 male aged 9

in medical journals case reports are reported by the INITIALS OF THE PATIENT ---
guess who was the Pt in this New England Journal of Medicine article many
years ago "JFK---male aged 44----Addison's disease. Obviously initials must
be deleted
Credibility for Wikipedia

Because you have a right to my opinionWikipedia is a great idea, but it suffers from such such horrendous lack of credibility that it has been banned as a reference citation at all respectable schools and universities.In my article on*evaluating the credibility*of Oracle information on the web, I noted that only by providing a real identify and qualifications can the credibility of a publication be accessed.The same is true from Wikipedia. Wikipedia has a huge ultra-liberal bias, with most of the entries being made by people who have lots of free time.* For example, the Wikipedia entry for Hillary Rodham Clinton a few months ago described her with profanity as "The First B***h of the World." Kid's have no business on Wikipedia.This article*notes that librarians are working hard to discredit Wikipedia and encourage "real" authoritative references for research:"We feel strongly about our responsibility to educate our students on the good, credible and scholarly material on the Internet and discourage their pulling out the first thing they find which may or may not be accurate. . .For less than $25 you can transfer the entire Encyclopedia Britannica to your desktop or laptop for immediate access. Call me old fashioned, but that's my idea of authority."

Getting Credibility for Wikipedia

Did you research that the Russians are not protecting the Christians in Syria?
I am not even posting the MEMRI video, supposedly of an interview of the allegedly previously dead child.

CERTAINLY sheds some light on who may have been behind this Propaganda story.

What a totally IDIOTIC post!!!! How about the ACTIVIST who was the ultimate source???? Desn't the word ACTIVIST clue you in that it's a person with an agenda???

And of course noACTIVIST has ever, ever been known to slant or exaggerate anything ever!
What a totally IDIOTIC post!!!! How about the ACTIVIST who was the ultimate source???? Desn't the word ACTIVIST clue you in that it's a person with an agenda???

And of course noACTIVIST has ever, ever been known to slant or exaggerate anything ever!

What a totally IDIOTIC post!!!! How about the ACTIVIST who was the ̶u̶l̶t̶i̶m̶a̶t̶e̶ Primary source???? The ultimate source debunked the tale the zionists ran with
Pooooooor l'il sherrriliar!

No amount of screeching "You hate Muslims" is going to drown out the sherriKKKins bellowing "I hate Jews"....... whether anyone else posting here has an irrational hatred of Muslims (not so irrational when one reads Jossy-pigturd's posts!) is not relevant to the l'il sherriliar's own blatant Jew-hatred.

No amount of others' sins can absolve you of your own evil, l'il sherriKKKins.

An now, I expect we'll get to see another rant wherein the pious l'il pustule pseudo-pacifist pimps herself as 'a follower of Jesus' and claims she's 'confronting evil and prejudice' here.
Ted Pike = hate speech.

Jos = coprocephalic.

SherriKKKins = suffers from cerebro/rectal prolapse.

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