Child bride in Yemen dies of internal bleeding on wedding night: activist

That really is retarded.

How do you explain Nicaraqua - also in the top twenty? Not a single Muslim to blame that on. Third highest - Central African Republic - 80% Christian, Dominican Republic 95% Roman Catholic, no percentage listed for Muslim. Perhaps you have some data to show it's "all Muslims" who are the offenders but somehow I doubt it.

Your attempt to claim it's all Muslims is truly pathetic.

Your attempt to claim that anyone said "its all muslim" is infinitely pathetic----the above claim is that muslims do it "more" -----I will help you----in general the person of at least
average intelligence would interpret that statement to mean that the phenomenon exists
a bit more amongst muslims than other "groups" -----proportionately. In any case----"child marriage" is not even the topic of this thread-----the topic is a 40 year old "husband" to death. Your analysis which is that if a country had a christian majority and a muslim minority------than any child marriage statistic MUST be equally shared
by the two groups proportionately is about the most absurd idea I have encountered this week------besices sherri's contention that the shiites and sunnis hate each other because
JOOOOOOS tell them to.

That is a baseless claim, Muslims do it more.

The country where the largest numbers of child marriages occur is India.

try again sherri------I have repeatedly commented that this case is about a 40 year old
man-----handed an eight year old bride by her own parents-----who he then pounded
to death. You got stats on little girls being pounded to death in India? I have
interacted with LOTS AND LOTS of people from southeast asia-----as I have often noted.
Marriage in India amongst hindus puts the girl in the mother-in-law's kitchen. In fact----
the mother-in-law, daughter-in-law relationship is EXTREMELY close. A cultural
norm is for the 12 year old girl to quite indignantly avoid her 15 year old husband.
Mahatma Gandhi was 12 when he married his 12 year old bride-----thereafter he barely
saw her whilst they were still children. These are the typical circumstances of early
marriage described to me in detail by Hindus I have known. I have come across---
in the medical literature in the past 50 years ---one reported case of a man in his twenties
pounding his little 10 year old bride to death in India. Isn't dead little girl bride
the topic of this thread? The indian doctors who reported the case were horrified
that "a man so well edcuated that he spoke english well----would do such a thing"

I think Marie Antoinette was 17 when she married LOUIS Was that a child
marriage too?

Dim as she was----history reports she was a lot more vivacious than was he.

you have any information as to how this case is going to be handled by
the Yemeni judiciary?------according to islamic law----the man is entirely
guiltless no matter how much the little girl screamed, Investigation of
this case reveals that the man's tribe is doing a coverup. The social
activist who reported the incident should watch his back
Junior high schools in the US do not even accept Wikipedia as a source for students to use.

When I was in Junior High-----the teachers did not accept any Encyclopedias
as source material for WRITTEN PAPERS ie those damned "term
papers"-------what is your point? When citing ANY SOURCE BOOK ---be
aware that they are not DIVINELY INSPIRED (except, of course-----the history
SANAA (Reuters) - An eight-year-old Yemeni girl died of internal bleeding on her wedding night after marrying a man five times her age, a social activist and two local residents said, in a case that has caused an outcry in the media and revived debate about child brides.

"On the wedding night and after intercourse, she suffered from bleeding and uterine rupture which caused her death," Othman told Reuters. "They took her to a clinic but the medics couldn't save her life."

Othman said authorities had not taken any action against the girl's family or her husband.t

Many poor families in Yemen marry off young daughters to save on the costs of bringing up a child and earn extra money from the dowry given to the girl.

This is very wrong and needs to stop.

Let me guess this is on right wing Israeli news? Is there a credible link?
SANAA (Reuters) - An eight-year-old Yemeni girl died of internal bleeding on her wedding night after marrying a man five times her age, a social activist and two local residents said, in a case that has caused an outcry in the media and revived debate about child brides.

Many poor families in Yemen marry off young daughters to save on the costs of bringing up a child and earn extra money from the dowry given to the girl.

This is very wrong and needs to stop.

Let me guess this is on right wing Israeli news? Is there a credible link?

The story in the OP has been confirmed to be not true.

As far as who started the false storys circulation, I cannot answer that question.
This is very wrong and needs to stop.

Let me guess this is on right wing Israeli news? Is there a credible link?

The story in the OP has been confirmed to be not true.

As far as who started the false storys circulation, I cannot answer that question.

you got a link to that "story not true" assertion? I know how to google ----
and do not find it. The story was reported in "SANAA" remember sanaa?
It is not a city in Israel Yemenis from Sanaa have a reputation in Yemen----
it is something like being born in Boston -----a condition of nobility almost
as good as being born in Aden.

as to whether the story shows up in the Israeli press-----I will let you know,

For the record----in YEMEN----when muslims marry----the male side---pays
a sum of money to the parents of the bride called "mahr". If someone tries
to convince you that the GIRL GETS THAT MONEY-----well-----no she does not.
HER GUARDIAN gets the money ---ie her father. . Theoretically----it is for
her support should her husband dump her-----but actually in Yemen the father
of the bride just gets to keep it. Mahr can be a big issue once the bride's family
accepts it-----if the bride refuses the marriage. The economic issue of arab-islamic
are left unmarried until they are able to come up with the MAHR

For hindu families----the economic strain is on the bride's family
Junior high schools in the US do not even accept Wikipedia as a source for students to use.

When I was in Junior High-----the teachers did not accept any Encyclopedias
as source material for WRITTEN PAPERS ie those damned "term
papers"-------what is your point? When citing ANY SOURCE BOOK ---be
aware that they are not DIVINELY INSPIRED (except, of course-----the history

Oh, they can cite Encyclopedias, but not sources like Wikipedia that individuals can go in and edit the way they can. All kinds of opportunities to control facts and disseminate Propaganda.
Credibility for Wikipedia

Because you have a right to my opinionWikipedia is a great idea, but it suffers from such such horrendous lack of credibility that it has been banned as a reference citation at all respectable schools and universities.In my article on*evaluating the credibility*of Oracle information on the web, I noted that only by providing a real identify and qualifications can the credibility of a publication be accessed.The same is true from Wikipedia. Wikipedia has a huge ultra-liberal bias, with most of the entries being made by people who have lots of free time.* For example, the Wikipedia entry for Hillary Rodham Clinton a few months ago described her with profanity as "The First B***h of the World." Kid's have no business on Wikipedia.This article*notes that librarians are working hard to discredit Wikipedia and encourage "real" authoritative references for research:"We feel strongly about our responsibility to educate our students on the good, credible and scholarly material on the Internet and discourage their pulling out the first thing they find which may or may not be accurate. . .For less than $25 you can transfer the entire Encyclopedia Britannica to your desktop or laptop for immediate access. Call me old fashioned, but that's my idea of authority."

Getting Credibility for Wikipedia

OH GEE a great Miracle -----they found another 8 year old girl in Yemen
Thanks sherri-------you describe the same yemen I have been hearing
about for decades-------a society based on baksheesh and lies
I am not even posting the MEMRI video, supposedly of an interview of the allegedly previously dead child.

CERTAINLY sheds some light on who may have been behind this Propaganda story.
Last edited:
UPDATE: 8-Year-Old Yemeni Bride NOT DEAD, Shows Up In Video All Alive and Well [VIDEO]

UPDATE: 8-Year-Old Yemeni Bride NOT DEAD, Shows Up In Video All Alive and Well [VIDEO] - International Business Times

So, because this specific situation is proven erroneous, that causes the issue to disappear?

The thread OP addresses an incident that never happened.

whether it happened or not remains to be discovered ----your citation proved
nothing. A picture of a man and a kid proves nothing. Why would a Yemeni
social worked lie? He is a mossad plant? The original article was pubished in
the zionist city of SANAA
This is very wrong and needs to stop.

Let me guess this is on right wing Israeli news? Is there a credible link?

The story in the OP has been confirmed to be not true.

As far as who started the false storys circulation, I cannot answer that question.

That particular story may not be true - but, it's indicative of a very real problem in Yemen. Yemen has a reputation for child marriages.
So, because this specific situation is proven erroneous, that causes the issue to disappear?

The thread OP addresses an incident that never happened.

whether it happened or not remains to be discovered ----your citation proved
nothing. A picture of a man and a kid proves nothing. Why would a Yemeni
social worked lie? He is a mossad plant? The original article was pubished in
the zionist city of SANAA

What social worker? What is his name? How do we contact him? Where is the grave?
I am not even posting the MEMRI video, supposedly of an interview of the allegedly previously dead child.

CERTAINLY sheds some light on who may have been behind this Propaganda story.

really? Memri interviewed the child? I did not know that Memri goes to Yemen
to interview arab children. In fact I know it does not. What it does is publish
translations of material gleaned from arab sources. I am surprised that families
in Yemen allowed interviews by Israelis of their daughters-----or---for that matter ---
interviews of their daughters in general Why be afraid to post the link? If Memri
shows a current interview of the same child who was reported dead in Yemen---then
she is alive and you can prove your point--------do not be afraid
Let me guess this is on right wing Israeli news? Is there a credible link?

The story in the OP has been confirmed to be not true.

As far as who started the false storys circulation, I cannot answer that question.

That particular story may not be true - but, it's indicative of a very real problem in Yemen. Yemen has a reputation for child marriages.

That may be true. But the problem being raised through a fictious story that paints this as an evil of Islam is not the way to discuss this global problem of child marriages, that affects peoples of many different cultures and religions.

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