Child ‘Grooming’ Summer Camp Teaches 3rd-5th Graders Gender ‘Spectrum,’ Sexual Kinks

You hate “Godbotherers” and you think that one of the defining traits of a “Godbotherer” is to oppose the sexual abuse and exploitation of children.
Youre wrong again. I hate all religions for the same reason. Its total rubbish and commits its adherents to the same description.
I believe it is the duty of every person to oppose the exploitation of children. That includes jesus junkies. The point being, paedophila is well proven in religion and by simply attending churches and donating money to those bastard priesrs etc, you are without doubt supporting their crimes. You cannot deny that you idiot. You do it daily. Believers are the main proponents of paedophilia by their actions. If you had morals and principles you would call them out, go to the police and charge them.
But you won't because you're frightened god might be offended and you won't get to heaven.
You are lower than a vegetarians cholesterol level. You are a hypocritical liar with a massive stain on you image. You support paedophila under the disguise of following gods word. What a disgusting despicable wicked human being you are and the world is expected to believe they are the attributes required to receive eternity. You grub.

What does this tell us about you? I'd get in trouble, here, if I came out and said it, but I don't need to. I think everyone knows.
It tells us you don't have the curiosity or courage to investigate truth but blindly follow the doctrine of the biggest con ever know to man.
It tells us you do not have morals enough to deserve life let alone eternity.
Its me religion is purely to support paedophilia for the perverted sexual pleasure of gods workers at the cost of human dignity.
You haven't got the guts to cut into me. You have nothing.
And now they're openly going after children.
That is a lie.
You know it.

Why are you lying?
It doesn't help your arguments to lie.
You lies only make whatever actual factual truths you might accidentally introduce seem like lies as well.

Educate yourself and maybe you'll lie better.

So you're in favor of lowering the age of consent so some old dude can bang a 12 year old girl without going to prison but you're opposed to it fir gays and lesbians?
Where has any conservative on this forum advocated any such thing?
All of you do.

It's a lie, and you know damn well that it's a lie. You cannot link to a single instance of any conservative, anywhere on this forum, advocating any such thing, or anything like it.

An absurd and a pathetic attempt at a tu quoque to distract away from the manner in which your side openly defends and supports such instances of sexual abuse and exploitation of children, as described in the OP of this thread.
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That is a lie.
You know it.

Why are you lying?
It doesn't help your arguments to lie.
You lies only make whatever actual factual truths you might accidentally introduce seem like lies as well.

Educate yourself and maybe you'll lie better.

Little boys are sexually abused almost as often as little girls.

But homosexual men make up only 2% to 4% of the population.

Who is sexually abusing little boys? By definition, a heterosexuals' man, if he were also a pedophile, would only be interested in sexually abusing little girls, not little boys.

When 2% to 4% of the whole population accounts for nearly half of all sexual abusers of children, then you have to know that there is something inherently wrong with that 2% to 4%.

It is certainly notable and relevant, that the sexual abuse now most openly being carried out against children is specifically geared at steering them toward homosexuality, transsexuality, and similar depraved perversions. Why is that? Why aren't we seeing a similar effort, taking place with similar openness, to groom little girls to be compliant prey for sexually-predatory men? Why is it all aimed at steering children toward homosexuality and gender confusion?
Little boys are sexually abused almost as often as little girls.

But homosexual men make up only 2% to 4% of the population.

Who is sexually abusing little boys? By definition, a heterosexuals' man, if he were also a pedophile, would only be interested in sexually abusing little girls, not little boys.

When 2% to 4% of the whole population accounts for nearly half of all sexual abusers of children, then you have to know that there is something inherently wrong with that 2% to 4%.

It is certainly notable and relevant, that the sexual abuse now most openly being carried out against children is specifically geared at steering them toward homosexuality, transsexuality, and similar depraved perversions. Why is that? Why aren't we seeing a similar effort, taking place with similar openness, to groom little girls to be compliant prey for sexually-predatory men? Why is it all aimed at steering children toward homosexuality and gender confusion?
Well, you didn't ask me, but I do know for a fact that little girls get groomed too. I have one, trust me I know, there are groomers out there.

But that IS something different from political activism, isn't it?

As near as I can discern (and liberals please jump in and correct me if I'm wrong), the lefties envision a fluid (continuous) landscape, in the sense that they just want to be accepted for who and what they are. Gay people are mostly born that way, and ragging on someone for how they're born is the same as racism or dissing the handicapped.

But the political activism, goes beyond that. This OP with the summer camp and all, is a voluntary thing so I have no problem with it, as a parent I just say no and that's the end of the story. (Unless my kid actually wanted to GO there, which she wouldn't - but if she did we'd sit down and have a talk about it).

The thing in the classroom is a whole different story though, that's NOT voluntary and the idiot teachers' unions think they don't even have to notify the parents, and I mean, if I catch my child's school doing anything like that I'll put them out of business. Quickly. Like, their doors will be shut the very next day.

But what I wanted to say is, you're much - "much" - more likely to find groomers at one of these private camps or whatever, than in the classroom. That much I will fully acknowledge. The classroom types actually have organizers that vet people, it doesn't 'always" work but most of the time it does. Whereas in camp ... who knows what you'll find.
It is certainly notable and relevant, that the sexual abuse now most openly being carried out against children is specifically geared at steering them toward homosexuality, transsexuality, and similar depraved perversions. Why is that? Why aren't we seeing a similar effort, taking place with similar openness, to groom little girls to be compliant prey for sexually-predatory men? Why is it all aimed at steering children toward homosexuality and gender confusion?
Well, you didn't ask me, but I do know for a fact that little girls get groomed too. I have one, trust me I know, there are groomers out there.

I'm not saying they don't, nor that there is anything at all acceptable about it.

But the sexual grooming and exploitation of children that is happening in the open, in public schools, in public libraries, with the full support and blessing of those on the left wrong, isn't very much about that. It's about brainwashing children to accept homosexuality, transsexualism, and other depraved perversions, as if they were normal or acceptable; and to make them into easier prey for perverts of all sorts who might be interested in more hands-on abuse.
Youre wrong again. I hate all religions for the same reason. Its total rubbish and commits its adherents to the same description.
I believe it is the duty of every person to oppose the exploitation of children. That includes jesus junkies. The point being, paedophila is well proven in religion and by simply attending churches and donating money to those bastard priesrs etc, you are without doubt supporting their crimes. You cannot deny that you idiot. You do it daily. Believers are the main proponents of paedophilia by their actions. If you had morals and principles you would call them out, go to the police and charge them.
But you won't because you're frightened god might be offended and you won't get to heaven.
You are lower than a vegetarians cholesterol level. You are a hypocritical liar with a massive stain on you image. You support paedophila under the disguise of following gods word. What a disgusting despicable wicked human being you are and the world is expected to believe they are the attributes required to receive eternity. You grub.

It tells us you don't have the curiosity or courage to investigate truth but blindly follow the doctrine of the biggest con ever know to man.
It tells us you do not have morals enough to deserve life let alone eternity.
Its me religion is purely to support paedophilia for the perverted sexual pleasure of gods workers at the cost of human dignity.
You haven't got the guts to cut into me. You have nothing.
So you do hate orphans and widows

You are one sick puppy

I'm not saying they don't, nor that there is anything at all acceptable about it.

But the sexual grooming and exploitation of children that is happening in the open, in public schools, in public libraries, with the full support and blessing of those on the left wrong, isn't very much about that. It's about brainwashing children to accept homosexuality, transsexualism, and other depraved perversions, as if they were normal or acceptable; and to make them into easier prey for perverts of all sorts who might be interested in more hands-on abuse.

I understand.

And, I'll go out on a limb for a moment.

With an analogy.

My son, is older than my daughter. And, I don't want him to be a druggie.

So, I have two choices. The first is, I can be very strict and watch him like a hawk, so he never falls into anything like that. But ... lots of parents have tried that strategy, and look what happened.

So, my second choice is, I can educate my son and try to make HIM strong, so he can resist the dealers even when I'm not there. Okay, so how do I do that?

Well... I was born and raised on the street. So, I take my son to the street. I show him. I go, "see that guy over there nodding off on the stoop? That's a junkie. That's what heroin does to you".

And then I tell him point blank: heroin is the best drug you're ever going to try. You'll be in heaven, in your mind. But outside, you're going to look like THAT.

And then I take him up real close to the guy, so he can smell the weeks without a shower, and then I poke the guy a couple of times till he wakes up, so my wide-eyed kid can count the seconds till he goes back to sleep again. Doesn't take long. Half a sentence usually does it.

So like, I want to educate my daughter too, so SHE can be strong when I'm not there, and resist the groomers and the lotharios and all manner of whatever else. She's not old enough yet, but "when the time comes" I'll take her to a bar and show her what the hookup culture is about. She sort of knows already, but she doesn't "really" know - but she's developing emotionally and any day now she'll be prime pickings for a womanizer (of whatever gender) unless we can educate her up front. So far so good - whew - and, really we just want her to be happy, so ultimately she's going to choose her own lifestyle, but for now we'd like her focused on the three R's and if a boy wants to take her out he has to come meet her parents first. We're old fashioned and conservative that way.
So you do hate orphans and widows

You are one sick puppy

View attachment 615255
If you cared for kids, you would be doing something about your hypocrisy instead of attempting blame everyone else.
Your filthy religion is a magnet for kiddy fiddlers and you know it.
Yet you parade yourselves as purists that everyone should admire. Kiss my arse with your hypocrisy
If you cared for kids, you would be doing something about your hypocrisy instead of attempting blame everyone else.
Your filthy religion is a magnet for kiddy fiddlers and you know it.
Yet you parade yourselves as purists that everyone should admire. Kiss my arse with your hypocrisy
Catholics have been doing it for thousands of years where are the atheist schools and homeless food kitchens and centers?
Catholics have been doing it for thousands of years
well. Why haven't you don't anything about it?
where are the atheist schools and homeless food kitchens and centers?
Who cares? You don't because all you republican godbotherers are against abortion which leads to poverty and soup kitchens then you blame the atheists. Piss off you gibbering fool
My son, is older than my daughter. And, I don't want him to be a druggie.

So, I have two choices. The first is, I can be very strict and watch him like a hawk, so he never falls into anything like that. But ... lots of parents have tried that strategy, and look what happened.

So, my second choice is, I can educate my son and try to make HIM strong, so he can resist the dealers even when I'm not there. Okay, so how do I do that?

Well... I was born and raised on the street. So, I take my son to the street. I show him. I go, "see that guy over there nodding off on the stoop? That's a junkie. That's what heroin does to you".

And then I tell him point blank: heroin is the best drug you're ever going to try. You'll be in heaven, in your mind. But outside, you're going to look like THAT.

And then I take him up real close to the guy, so he can smell the weeks without a shower, and then I poke the guy a couple of times till he wakes up, so my wide-eyed kid can count the seconds till he goes back to sleep again. Doesn't take long. Half a sentence usually does it.

So, how would you like it, then, if your son's school took it to teach him about drugs? Nothing about the moral or ethical aspects of drug use. Nothing about the terrible consequences of drug abuse. Perhaps just some basics as to how to obtain free needles, and to avoid sharing needles with others. How to avoid certain dealers that might lace his drugs with adulterants that might kill him more quickly. How normal and proper drug use really is. and what bigots his parents might be for telling him not to do it, or looking down on those who do.
So, how would you like it, then, if your son's school took it to teach him about drugs? Nothing about the moral or ethical aspects of drug use. Nothing about the terrible consequences of drug abuse. Perhaps just some basics as to how to obtain free needles, and to avoid sharing needles with others. How to avoid certain dealers that might lace his drugs with adulterants that might kill him more quickly. How normal and proper drug use really is. and what bigots his parents might be for telling him not to do it, or looking down on those who do.
Yes. I understand completely. That's why we moved out of San Francisco. Things were getting just a tad too liberal up there, if you know what I mean. Literally, that's what did it. My son came home one day and said they were giving away free needles right outside his school, and right then I said that's it we're out of here. (Well, and a week later before I had a chance to find another place the BLM thing happened, then I said now we're "really" out of here).

I can't even begin to describe my sorrow about San Francisco. It used to be a beautiful city. I could tell you so much... the city is being run by complete morons, and they're destroying it. Oh well, /rant, sorry for the detail.
Yes. I understand completely. That's why we moved out of San Francisco. Things were getting just a tad too liberal up there, if you know what I mean. Literally, that's what did it. My son came home one day and said they were giving away free needles right outside his school, and right then I said that's it we're out of here. (Well, and a week later before I had a chance to find another place the BLM thing happened, then I said now we're "really" out of here).

I can't even begin to describe my sorrow about San Francisco. It used to be a beautiful city. I could tell you so much... the city is being run by complete morons, and they're destroying it. Oh well, /rant, sorry for the detail.
Where did you move?

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