Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

Americans overwhelmingly support a path to citizenship and DACA. They do not support building a wall. What got Trump elected was that voters decided he was less worse than Clinton.
FALSE! You ned to quit believing in those fake polls. You saw what they were on November 9, 2016. What's the matter ? You don't learn ?

THIS is what got Trump elected, (and will get him RE-elected) :biggrin:

Trump speech - Mexico is not sending us their best - Bing video

You are the one who spreads fake news. Trump won because he was seen as less awful than Clinton. The polls got it right. They had Clinton winning by a few points which was nearly dead on.

Actually I was crying when BOTH Clinton and Trump were nominated. We had 2 candidates who were crooks and dishonest. No matter who won the country was screwed.
Oops! NY Slimes photo taken during Hussein Obama's reign...


Trump inherited this from the Obama Administration and typical Liberal fashion, they had no problem with it under Obama but are simply using it to get Trump. Feckless.

Liars for Trump is very active. These were unaccompanied children not children separated from their parents.

You people had no problem with Children in cages then. Perhaps you would like to have children in detention centers with their parents? Incarcerate Children because their parents broke the Law? You Liberals are really full of scary precedents.

What is the Left going to do about illegal immigration when they can’t even recognize the term “illegal immigration”?

Franklin Graham is a Trump supporter and he calls it disgraceful. He is not as liberal. I am a Reagan conservative and Reagan would be disgusted by this as well.
Obama started it and rightly so, we can’t let these illegal aliens just run free into this country and live off of it free of charge. So shut the fuck up you fucking moron

You shut the fuck up you racist moron.
Donald Trump is a congenital liar. I am a Christian and you are not. I will remind you. Franklin Graham has called this disgraceful. The only crap I see is you.
Says a Clinton supporter

Is Franklin Graham a Clinton supporter. You are a piece of dirty and filthy trash. No one is allowed to disagree with Nazis like you.
I am a libertarian, you are more than welcome to disagree with me... I’m not a socialist/progressive Muslim

Libertarians are racist and Nazis as well I guess.
Na, Nazis are socialists. And I am an minority I can’t be racist...:abgg2q.jpg:

Yeah sure. Pig can fly as well.
Americans overwhelmingly support a path to citizenship and DACA. They do not support building a wall. What got Trump elected was that voters decided he was less worse than Clinton.
FALSE! You ned to quit believing in those fake polls. You saw what they were on November 9, 2016. What's the matter ? You don't learn ?

THIS is what got Trump elected, (and will get him RE-elected) :biggrin:

Trump speech - Mexico is not sending us their best - Bing video

You are the one who spreads fake news. Trump won because he was seen as less awful than Clinton. The polls got it right. They had Clinton winning by a few points which was nearly dead on.

Actually I was crying when BOTH Clinton and Trump were nominated. We had 2 candidates who were crooks and dishonest. No matter who won the country was screwed.

I just thought it was funny and still think it’s funny, there’s nothing more corrupt than a career politician… And no one can call Donald Trump a career politician.
And the lame Stream media still is having a fit over Donald Trump being president and the progressives are pissing their pants every day…
The Republican Party is racist, sexist, stupid, cultish, heartless, greedy and crooked.
That's what YOU are, you illegal alien lover, traitor, Mexico ass-kisser lowlife.

You are a filthy racist and a traitor. You are so much of a Trump ass kisser that no one else can get in.
Barack Obama was/is a hate filled racist shit stain, and the Clintons are sex traffickers. So shut the fuck up

You have no clue what you are talking about. Trump is a sexual harasser as much a Clinton was. Yet he bragged about it.
Americans overwhelmingly support a path to citizenship and DACA. They do not support building a wall. What got Trump elected was that voters decided he was less worse than Clinton.
FALSE! You ned to quit believing in those fake polls. You saw what they were on November 9, 2016. What's the matter ? You don't learn ?

THIS is what got Trump elected, (and will get him RE-elected) :biggrin:

Trump speech - Mexico is not sending us their best - Bing video

You are the one who spreads fake news. Trump won because he was seen as less awful than Clinton. The polls got it right. They had Clinton winning by a few points which was nearly dead on.

Actually I was crying when BOTH Clinton and Trump were nominated. We had 2 candidates who were crooks and dishonest. No matter who won the country was screwed.

I just thought it was funny and still think it’s funny, there’s nothing more corrupt than a career politician… And no one can call Donald Trump a career politician.
And the lame Stream media still is having a fit over Donald Trump being president and the progressives are pissing their pants every day…

Who says Trump is not a career politician. Just because he has not run for office does not mean he is not a career politician. He has been buying politicians for years. Then you have the current corruption that is going on in the EPA. Lobbyists being hired to regulate the very areas that they lobbied in.
The Republican Party is racist, sexist, stupid, cultish, heartless, greedy and crooked.
That's what YOU are, you illegal alien lover, traitor, Mexico ass-kisser lowlife.

You are a filthy racist and a traitor. You are so much of a Trump ass kisser that no one else can get in.
Barack Obama was/is a hate filled racist shit stain, and the Clintons are sex traffickers. So shut the fuck up

The Republican Party is racist, sexist, stupid, cultish, heartless, greedy and crooked.
That's what YOU are, you illegal alien lover, traitor, Mexico ass-kisser lowlife.

You are a filthy racist and a traitor. You are so much of a Trump ass kisser that no one else can get in.
Barack Obama was/is a hate filled racist shit stain, and the Clintons are sex traffickers. So shut the fuck up

You have no clue what you are talking about. Trump is a sexual harasser as much a Clinton was. Yet he bragged about it.
Trump was not in the office, the Clintons were and still are into sex trafficking
FALSE! You ned to quit believing in those fake polls. You saw what they were on November 9, 2016. What's the matter ? You don't learn ?

THIS is what got Trump elected, (and will get him RE-elected) :biggrin:

Trump speech - Mexico is not sending us their best - Bing video

You are the one who spreads fake news. Trump won because he was seen as less awful than Clinton. The polls got it right. They had Clinton winning by a few points which was nearly dead on.

Actually I was crying when BOTH Clinton and Trump were nominated. We had 2 candidates who were crooks and dishonest. No matter who won the country was screwed.

I just thought it was funny and still think it’s funny, there’s nothing more corrupt than a career politician… And no one can call Donald Trump a career politician.
And the lame Stream media still is having a fit over Donald Trump being president and the progressives are pissing their pants every day…

Who says Trump is not a career politician. Just because he has not run for office does not mean he is not a career politician. He has been buying politicians for years. Then you have the current corruption that is going on in the EPA. Lobbyists being hired to regulate the very areas that they lobbied in.

The EPA does not benefit rural America in the least... In fact they are so corrupt they hinder rural America horribly
The Republican Party is racist, sexist, stupid, cultish, heartless, greedy and crooked.
That's what YOU are, you illegal alien lover, traitor, Mexico ass-kisser lowlife.

You are a filthy racist and a traitor. You are so much of a Trump ass kisser that no one else can get in.
Barack Obama was/is a hate filled racist shit stain, and the Clintons are sex traffickers. So shut the fuck up

View attachment 199380
Socialism is for pussy whipped morons
The Republican Party is racist, sexist, stupid, cultish, heartless, greedy and crooked.
That's what YOU are, you illegal alien lover, traitor, Mexico ass-kisser lowlife.

You are a filthy racist and a traitor. You are so much of a Trump ass kisser that no one else can get in.
Barack Obama was/is a hate filled racist shit stain, and the Clintons are sex traffickers. So shut the fuck up

View attachment 199380
Socialism is for pussy whipped morons

That's what YOU are, you illegal alien lover, traitor, Mexico ass-kisser lowlife.

You are a filthy racist and a traitor. You are so much of a Trump ass kisser that no one else can get in.
Barack Obama was/is a hate filled racist shit stain, and the Clintons are sex traffickers. So shut the fuck up

View attachment 199380
Socialism is for pussy whipped morons

View attachment 199383
I’m not the one that’s trying to force fucked up socialism on other people that want nothing to do with it
You are a filthy racist and a traitor. You are so much of a Trump ass kisser that no one else can get in.
Barack Obama was/is a hate filled racist shit stain, and the Clintons are sex traffickers. So shut the fuck up

View attachment 199380
Socialism is for pussy whipped morons

View attachment 199383
I’m not the one that’s trying to force fucked up socialism on other people that want nothing to do with it

Yes. I know fire departments and the military are such a pain.
Barack Obama was/is a hate filled racist shit stain, and the Clintons are sex traffickers. So shut the fuck up

View attachment 199380
Socialism is for pussy whipped morons

View attachment 199383
I’m not the one that’s trying to force fucked up socialism on other people that want nothing to do with it

Yes. I know fire departments and the military are such a pain.
Military, police and fire are an necessary, And overwhelmingly they vote conservative/libertarian. They are not a drag on Society like the fucked up civilian federal government/deep state...
I’m not the one that’s trying to force fucked up socialism on other people that want nothing to do with it

Yes. I know fire departments and the military are such a pain.
Military, police and fire are an necessary, And overwhelmingly they vote conservative/libertarian. They are not a drag on Society like the fucked up civilian federal government/deep state...

They are socialism in it's purest form. Hypocrite much?
I’m not the one that’s trying to force fucked up socialism on other people that want nothing to do with it

Yes. I know fire departments and the military are such a pain.
Military, police and fire are an necessary, And overwhelmingly they vote conservative/libertarian. They are not a drag on Society like the fucked up civilian federal government/deep state...

They are socialism in it's purest form. Hypocrite much?
Actually they are not, Capitalism pays for them...
I’m not the one that’s trying to force fucked up socialism on other people that want nothing to do with it

Yes. I know fire departments and the military are such a pain.
Military, police and fire are an necessary, And overwhelmingly they vote conservative/libertarian. They are not a drag on Society like the fucked up civilian federal government/deep state...

They are socialism in it's purest form. Hypocrite much?
Actually they are not, Capitalism pays for them...

So you are ignorant about that too. Interesting.
I’m not the one that’s trying to force fucked up socialism on other people that want nothing to do with it

Yes. I know fire departments and the military are such a pain.
Military, police and fire are an necessary, And overwhelmingly they vote conservative/libertarian. They are not a drag on Society like the fucked up civilian federal government/deep state...

They are socialism in it's purest form. Hypocrite much?
Actually they are not, Capitalism pays for them...

So you are ignorant about that too. Interesting.
Yes, the successful pay for most things in this country. Thanks to capitalism.
It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.

Not when Laura Bush former first lady jumps into the middle and blasts Trump's policy, it's no Democrat Scam.

Former first lady Laura Bush tore into the Trump administration for separating migrant families at the border, calling the “zero tolerance” policy “cruel” and “immoral.”Bush penned an op-ed for the Washington Post, which was published Sunday night as public outcry over the hundreds of children in detention centers intensified.“I live in a border state,” Bush wrote. “I appreciate the need to enforce and protect our international boundaries, but this zero-tolerance policy is cruel. It is immoral. And it breaks my heart.”Bush’s commentary comes as more images and accounts from inside the detention centers have emerged, drawing harsh criticism from Democrats and some Republicans. Media reports about the centers described children being kept in “cages” after being separated from their parents, who crossed the border illegally
Bush wrote that the detention centers were “eerily reminiscent” of Japanese-American internment camps during World War II. Americans pride ourselves on being a moral nation,” she wrote. “If we are truly that country, then it is our obligation to reunite these detained children with their parents — and to stop separating parents and children in the first place." Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the so-called zero tolerance policy earlier this year, saying that the Justice Department would prosecute all adults crossing the border illegally, which could result in families being separated.


“Americans pride ourselves on being a moral nation,” she wrote. “If we are truly that country, then it is our obligation to reunite these detained children with their parents — and to stop separating parents and children in the first place."
Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the so-called zero tolerance policy earlier this year, saying that the Justice Department would prosecute all adults crossing the border illegally, which could result in families being separated.
Laura Bush blasts Trump migrant policy as 'cruel' and 'immoral'
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It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.

Not when Laura Bush former first lady jumps into the middle and blasts Trump's policy, it's no Democrat Scam.

Former first lady Laura Bush tore into the Trump administration for separating migrant families at the border, calling the “zero tolerance” policy “cruel” and “immoral.”Bush penned an op-ed for the Washington Post, which was published Sunday night as public outcry over the hundreds of children in detention centers intensified.“I live in a border state,” Bush wrote. “I appreciate the need to enforce and protect our international boundaries, but this zero-tolerance policy is cruel. It is immoral. And it breaks my heart.”Bush’s commentary comes as more images and accounts from inside the detention centers have emerged, drawing harsh criticism from Democrats and some Republicans. Media reports about the centers described children being kept in “cages” after being separated from their parents, who crossed the border illegally
Bush wrote that the detention centers were “eerily reminiscent” of Japanese-American internment camps during World War II. Americans pride ourselves on being a moral nation,” she wrote. “If we are truly that country, then it is our obligation to reunite these detained children with their parents — and to stop separating parents and children in the first place." Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the so-called zero tolerance policy earlier this year, saying that the Justice Department would prosecute all adults crossing the border illegally, which could result in families being separated.
Laura Bush blasts Trump migrant policy as 'cruel' and 'immoral'


“Americans pride ourselves on being a moral nation,” she wrote. “If we are truly that country, then it is our obligation to reunite these detained children with their parents — and to stop separating parents and children in the first place."
Attorney General Jeff Sessionsannounced the so-called zero tolerance policy earlier this year, saying that the Justice Department would prosecute all adults crossing the border illegally, which could result in families being separated.
She’s a career politician the home has no credibility...
Fuck these illegal aliens

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