Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

We have millions of U.S. citizens in jail who have been separated from their children because the parents committed crimes.

It's a crime to enter the U.S. illegally. Illegals should not have superior parental rights to those of U.S. citizen criminals. Hence, the government is acting in a perfectly reasonable way when it separates illegal immigrant parents from their children. If they wanted to avoid separation, they shouldn't have committed a criminal act.

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Trump offered Democrats a historic immigration deal.

Democrats said "No."

Democrats wanted a campaign issue.

Democrats are crying wolf.

Democrats are to blame.

Democrats prefer illegal votes.

Too bad...

Kids weren't being seperated from their parents like this before Trump. The laws haven't changed. Only the priorities of the president have. He can stop this atrocity today. Why doesn't he?

Those pics of kids in "cages" that the media suddenly discovered were taken during Obama's administration.

Yes. That has been acknowledged and corrected. The kids are still kept from their mothers and fathers.
When? It was just acknowledged when liberals put the pictures out trying to make Trump look bad. You didn't care what Obama did.

Yes. It was widely acknowledged, and corrections were made when necessary throughout the credible media.

This must be some use of the word "credible" I hasn't previously heard before. Apparently it means they agree with your hateful bigotry
I know if it was widely known, the dumbasses wouldn't of tried to put the pictures out to try to make Trump look bad. I really hope they keep this up till the midterms. Just think their own media could sink them, Trump did lie. I'm never gonna get tired of winning!
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There was no Obama policy of separating children from their families. You are a liar. There was no law passed by Democrats you lying weasel. TRhis is a policy implemented UNILATERALLY by Republicans. Those photos were of unaccompanied minors.

Hardly. It is Republicans who are holding these kids hostage politically. If Republicans refuse to stop this then it should be used against them.

There was a attempt at immigration reform. It was the Gang of Eight bill. It was Republicans who played politics with the issue.

I don't see why Democrats should bail Republicans out. The Republicans made their soup and should lay in it.

1. We don't need a wall.
2. The Gang of Eight bill did that
3. Chain migration is a myth. In actuality only a few relatives are eligible and they cannot even apply for a period of time that could stretch over a decade.
4. For that to happen then the TRUMP policy needs to be reversed.
Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam. How many illegal aliens do you have working for you ? Watch out! ICE is coming to get you.
Typical shit from you. No one is harmed or battered by them crossing the border.
Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($138 Billion/year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

17. Influx of terrorists
They shouldn't be in jail.
Oh really ? Where should they be ? Working in one of your sweatshops for less than minimum wage, alongside all the illegal aliens you hire ?

You're an illegal employer if there ever was one. That's my guess. I can smell your illegal employer stench, right though my computer.
I love America and hate what people like Trump and you are turning it into. America has become a place to be ashamed of.
It has, because of people like YOU, and all YOUR illegal alien invaders, you traitor lowlife.
Naw, you used that question as a setup and what you're trying to sell now is utterly transparent! And by reading your 2nd paragraph in your OP it's apparent that it WAS, indeed, a setup! Now you've shown yourself to be a liar like your scion of The Deal!
NO, DODGER Boy, you have NOT answered the question because you're just a gutless coward, who doesn't answer questions you run from them. Then you cover it all up by concocting imaginary notions, that you lay on me (others probably also since your pathology wouldn't be particular)

And the only thing you've "flushed", is yourself right down this forum's toilet, where all faggots like you go, who can't stand up straight and tall likee a man and answer a question.

As for the words you say I wrote, yeah, I wrote them. I said them. And I say them again right now too. Did you think I wasn't standing behind them. Edit them ? No, I have no intention or need to do that. My OP is 100% correct when I wrote and now as well. I have the courage of my convictions, You're the punk-out in this exchange, and you still haven't answered my question, and you won't because you're just a cheap, 2 bit little punk, with a big mouth.

HA HA. Look at you still reverting back to your :lame2: post about the Japs in the internment camps. LOL. You really thought you made some points there, didn't you ? :rolleyes:
Now that you refuse once more to admit your errors and correct your lies, you're back to more trolling with your distortions, obfuscations, lies and abusive language now. Self control is not you strong suit, huh! And still without dealing with my first post to you on this thread to make any meaningful response regarding your blatantly false claim except to state I haven't responded to your "reply". Is truth a foreign language to you?

Tell you what, contact the Mods again and complain to them that I'm not playing your game fairly again, pound your heels and have a fit again, threaten that you'll put me on Ignore again and then return with yet another troll post chock full of angry-tudinal disdain for not getting your own way AGAIN !
You people had no problem with Children in cages then. Perhaps you would like to have children in detention centers with their parents? Incarcerate Children because their parents broke the Law? You Liberals are really full of scary precedents.

What is the Left going to do about illegal immigration when they can’t even recognize the term “illegal immigration”?
They have no solutions, no proposals, they just attack Trump, hoping to will lead to them getting back into power. That power is all they see or recognize. They just grab for it by any means necessary, no matter how bad it affects the country.
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Now that you refuse once more to admit your errors and correct your lies, you're back to more trolling with your distortions, obfuscations, lies and abusive language now. Self control is not you strong suit, huh! And still without dealing with my first post to you on this thread to make any meaningful response regarding your blatantly false claim except to state I haven't responded to your "reply". Is truth a foreign language to you?

Tell you what, contact the Mods again and complain to them that I'm not playing your game fairly again, pound your heels and have a fit again, threaten that you'll put me on Ignore again and then return with yet another troll post chock full of angry-tudinal disdain for not getting your own way AGAIN !
Shut up, jerk. I don't talk with FAGGOTS (or MAGGOTS)
Crossing the U.S. border illegally with children does not give anyone immunity from prosecution. Americans who break the law are not immune from being separated from their children.

So to recap, don’t illegally cross the border. The end.
But when an American citizen in this country goes to jail or prison, his/her children already have an established life in this country. A place to stay or maybe relatives take them in. The children of most of the illegals, not so much. How would a parent even know if immigration didn't separate the children from each other if there were more than one. Inhumane treatment I say, considering that it's not a violent offense to try to sneak into our country.
It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.

There was no border problem until Trump made it one. There has been a net negative of border crossings since 2015. The current problem is a made up one by Trumps DOJ. Democrats made a deal with Trump last year to give him the $25 billion he wanted for the wall, in return for DACA, which he reneged on, which was another problem, that wasn't a problem before he made it one.

Here's your new deal. You get nothing.

And when the Dems win back the House, and with it the country's check book in November, and the chairs on all of those investigative committees, we're going to give you another deal you're really going to like.

See you in November dipshit.
Now that you refuse once more to admit your errors and correct your lies, you're back to more trolling with your distortions, obfuscations, lies and abusive language now. Self control is not you strong suit, huh! And still without dealing with my first post to you on this thread to make any meaningful response regarding your blatantly false claim except to state I haven't responded to your "reply". Is truth a foreign language to you?

Tell you what, contact the Mods again and complain to them that I'm not playing your game fairly again, pound your heels and have a fit again, threaten that you'll put me on Ignore again and then return with yet another troll post chock full of angry-tudinal disdain for not getting your own way AGAIN !
Shut up, jerk. I don't talk with FAGGOTS (or MAGGOTS)
Well, there is your perpetual abusive language, yet again coupled with your heel stomping petulance again signaling you've been caught out with you knickers down around your ankles with more distortions, obfuscations and lies forced by your own subliminal guilt you strive to suppress. Must suck big time being you!
But when an American citizen in this country goes to jail or prison, his/her children already have an established life in this country. A place to stay or maybe relatives take them in. The children of most of the illegals, not so much. How would a parent even know if immigration didn't separate the children from each other if there were more than one. Inhumane treatment I say, considering that it's not a violent offense to try to sneak into our country.
Lots of American kids have no place to go when a single parent is jailed. Yu show a typical lack of concern for American kids, while being all upset about illegals.

Lots of crimes pertain to things that are not violence. That doesn't make them OK.
But when an American citizen in this country goes to jail or prison, his/her children already have an established life in this country. A place to stay or maybe relatives take them in. The children of most of the illegals, not so much. How would a parent even know if immigration didn't separate the children from each other if there were more than one. Inhumane treatment I say, considering that it's not a violent offense to try to sneak into our country.
Lots of American kids have no place to go when a single parent is jailed. Yu show a typical lack of concern for American kids, while being all upset about illegals.

Lots of crimes pertain to things that are not violence. That doesn't make them OK.

Requesting asylum isn't breaking any law.
It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.

There was no border problem until Trump made it one. There has been a net negative of border crossings since 2015. The current problem is a made up one by Trumps DOJ. Democrats made a deal with Trump last year to give him the $25 billion he wanted for the wall, in return for DACA, which he reneged on, which was another problem, that wasn't a problem before he made it one.

Here's your new deal. You get nothing.

And when the Dems win back the House, and with it the country's check book in November, and the chairs on all of those investigative committees, we're going to give you another deal you're really going to like.

See you in November dipshit.
1. FALSE! There has BEEN a border problem for 70 years (with the one exception of Operation Wetback in 1954)

2. There should be NO illegal border crossings. "Net" isn't good enough.

3. You got your facts jumbled up. It was Trump who agreed to allow the DACAs to stay, and the Democrats who refused the deal, because they wouldn't pay for the wall. Wow. Do liberals ever mess up truth.

4. Talk to me about what you're going to do IF you win back the House, (my guess is you won't)...dipstick.

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