
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015
Nadine Burke Harris

Dr. Harris: "I wanted to take a moment to share an update from Scotland!

The ACEs movement has taken off here! After an interview with the BBC yesterday, I had the opportunity to meet with ACE champions in Scotland today. They have hosted huge numbers of screenings of the film Resilience, and it has taken off like wildfire!"

Hello. PLEASE join pediatrician Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, in creating a worldwide movement to end an easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring medical disease known as 'Childhood Trauma' or 'Adverse Childhood Experiences' (#ACEs)!

tupac Dr. Nadine Burke Harris office.png

*(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our Global Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect;

There is no doubt that childhood trauma affects people their whole lives long. No argument from me there.

The problem we have is how schools are responding to it. The way schools are responding to it is only inflicting MORE trauma--and ironically, on kids who might not, to this point, even BE traumatized.

What I mean is: violence in schools is often overlooked if the child committing the violence was traumatized. But I say violence is violence. I can understand why you might resort to violence without condoning it or, worse, being willing to suffer its effects. But in schools, that's exactly what we do, and much too often. Most people would simply not believe how often teachers, staff, and adults are assaulted in school by students, and how often students assault OTHER students--and worse, how often these events are minimized because "trauma" or some other behavior/emotional label or disability.
Most people would simply not believe how often teachers, staff, and adults are assaulted in school by students, and how often students assault OTHER students--and worse, how often these events are minimized because "trauma" or some other behavior/emotional label or disability.

Hello, Sue. Thank you for taking the time to reply.

Perhaps a hard-line approach is required to shake up school teachers and their bosses?

Perhaps we should begin prosecuting teachers and admins for FAILING to Report Suspected Cases of Child Abuse & Neglect?

Frankly, looking back at my police career, I wish I was more aggressive in filing Reports of Suspected Child Abuse.

Sadly when I did report Suspected Cases of Child Abuse, my supervisors left me with the impression I was just wasting time.

That was back in the 80s-90s. Today, I have no idea if police apathy toward Child Abusing Adults has changed.


In the meantime, I would like to see my caring, RESPONSIBLE fellow citizens supporting Dr. Nadine Burke Harris and her medical colleagues in their efforts to bring attention to this potentially life scarring childhood DISEASE.


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