Chilling moment a Slovakian woman taken to UK as a sex slave


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
A woman was smuggled from Slovakia into Britain and sold as a sex slave as part of a ‘Dickensian’ sham marriage racket to keep immigrants in the UK, it was revealed today.
The 20-year-old victim was drugged and kidnapped before being taken to England to forcibly wed a shop assistant due to be deported back to Pakistan, Preston Crown Court in Lancashire was told.
She was plied with vodka and beer before the illegal ‘Nikah’ marriage ceremony at a mosque, and then repeatedly raped by her new ‘husband’ whilst being detained in a flat above his family's shop.

She was rescued from a house in October 2012 following a series of raids on homes in Burnley, Lancashire, and Bradford, West Yorkshire, following a tip-off she was being held against her will.
Police believe several locals turned a blind eye to her ordeal, and fear she is among several women abducted from Eastern Europe then sold for £6,000 to immigrant men looking to stay in Britain.
Phillip Boyd, prosecuting, told the court that the woman had no understanding of what was going on during the ceremony at the Burnley mosque because she spoke no English.

He said: ‘What links all these people together is a series of events which sounds more like something from a 19th century novel by Dickens than anything happening in Europe in the 21st century.
‘The victim was handled round the continent and this country like a commodity. All the more cruel and inexcusable (as) being so unable to cope on her own, she was so ill-fitted to do anything about it.'
Those involved were convicted of a series of people trafficking and sex offences. Imrich Bodor, 45, and Abdul Shinwary, 38, from Bradford, were found guilty of people trafficking for exploitation.

Read more: Slovakian woman taken to Britain as a sex slave handed to Pakistani immigrant for 'Dickensian' sham marriage | Mail Online
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