China, best bet to keep the peace in the middle east?


The Magnificent!
Jun 24, 2011
The below article I found to be extremely interesting. With the Chinese presence being right at the back door of the middle east, the Chinese are in an ideal geographical position to render political stability to the less stable islamo countries. It just appears to me that Chinese influence would be superior in dealing with problems that arise in the islamo countries that are geographically east of the country of Israel. Read the article in the link below...

How China Sees Middle East | China Power

& let me know what you think.
The below article I found to be extremely interesting. With the Chinese presence being right at the back door of the middle east, the Chinese are in an ideal geographical position to render political stability to the less stable islamo countries. It just appears to me that Chinese influence would be superior in dealing with problems that arise in the islamo countries that are geographically east of the country of Israel. Read the article in the link below...

How China Sees Middle East | China Power

& let me know what you think.

China worries about China. They mind their own business. They're honest and smart enough to admit they only want the oil. They have no interest in meddling and controlling Middle Eastern Nations' internal affairs. I just wish we were that honest. We only want their oil. So lets buy it but stop meddling in nations' internal affairs over there. We need to dramatically scale back our presence in the Middle East. China's got it right.
Quite simply, China WOULD NOT keep the peace in the middle east and would not be inclined to try. It will react to events and try to buy oil from whomever is in control on any given day. And if the extremists start paying attention to what goes on in Xinjiang they would pine for the days of the other 'great satan.'
The below article I found to be extremely interesting. With the Chinese presence being right at the back door of the middle east, the Chinese are in an ideal geographical position to render political stability to the less stable islamo countries. It just appears to me that Chinese influence would be superior in dealing with problems that arise in the islamo countries that are geographically east of the country of Israel. Read the article in the link below...

How China Sees Middle East | China Power

& let me know what you think.

China worries about China. They mind their own business. They're honest and smart enough to admit they only want the oil. They have no interest in meddling and controlling Middle Eastern Nations' internal affairs. I just wish we were that honest. We only want their oil. So lets buy it but stop meddling in nations' internal affairs over there. We need to dramatically scale back our presence in the Middle East. China's got it right.

The Ron Paul Myopia Club is heard from...
They are not our friends and the sooner people realize it the clearer der picture is b/c we are all just an experiment right know.
China will back Iran. And so will Russia and Venezuela and probably even India. There's too much economic hegemony at stake for these countries to just sit back and let the US force Iran back onto the petrodollar. Simply put, if Iran's International Oil Bourse is allowed to operate free of US intervention, the dollar will lose its global reserve status and domestic economies everywhere -- including the US -- will have greater monetary freedom.

I don't see anyone launching missiles at the US but I'm pretty sure China could take out our satellites which would handcuff our military. Actually, I could see Putin being very tempted to launch a few missiles at Sarah Palin if our missile defenses were down.
China will back Iran. And so will Russia and Venezuela and probably even India. .

China and Russia would back Iran with nothing more than angry rhetoric. Venezuela is irrelevant, and India would NOT climb into bed with China against the US. Try again.
China will back Iran. And so will Russia and Venezuela and probably even India. There's too much economic hegemony at stake for these countries to just sit back and let the US force Iran back onto the petrodollar. Simply put, if Iran's International Oil Bourse is allowed to operate free of US intervention, the dollar will lose its global reserve status and domestic economies everywhere -- including the US -- will have greater monetary freedom.

I don't see anyone launching missiles at the US but I'm pretty sure China could take out our satellites which would handcuff our military. Actually, I could see Putin being very tempted to launch a few missiles at Sarah Palin if our missile defenses were down.

They could but it's funny how we let them in the game. The entire clintool administration and he distracted us with what to allow this to happen? Obama gave away WW3 when he allowed the drone to drop in their lap. Let's face it the dollar is pushed in a corner and has no place to go. We used up all the bag of tricks. It's by design.
China will back Iran. And so will Russia and Venezuela and probably even India. .

China and Russia would back Iran with nothing more than angry rhetoric. Venezuela is irrelevant, and India would NOT climb into bed with China against the US. Try again.

I doubt India would publicly oppose the US, but privately...

They've been replacing dollar reserves with gold for a while now and they're about to sign a currency swap deal with Japan. Just a few days ago Japan agreed to direct currency trading with China without using dollars as well as plans to start purchasing Chinese bonds. The freedom to invest in domestic development without having to first spend decades laboring to sell imports for dollars can make for some strange bedfellows.

But hey you capitalized NOT in your response so you must mean serious business.
They prefer to do battle in the financial markets. Why not the traditional way ?
[ame=]Why Asians Have Small Penis's - YouTube[/ame]
They've been replacing dollar reserves with gold for a while now and they're about to sign a currency swap deal with Japan. Just a few days ago Japan agreed to direct currency trading with China without using dollars as well as plans to start purchasing Chinese bonds. The freedom to invest in domestic development without having to first spend decades laboring to sell imports for dollars can make for some strange bedfellows.

None of which has any bearing on my post that you for some reason quoted.
Who is "they," and what experiment?

China= they
experiment=civilization= present kaos

If China is not our friend, neither are they really an enemy. As for the rest, your 'civilization as experiment' theory should probably be on a thread of its own where you can explore your craziness fully.

Your the kind of ignorant douchebag they are counting on. You fall right into the trap of cognitive dissonance. Keep believing the dollar is king and that you must keep bailing out the banks.
China wants nothing to with meddling and controlling Middle Eastern Nations' internal affairs. They just want their oil. They will not be keeping the peace in the Middle East. They're just way too smart for that. Why would they emulate our stupid & costly 'World's Policeman/Referee' foreign policy? They're focused on their country and their People. And we should be doing that too.
China= they
experiment=civilization= present kaos

If China is not our friend, neither are they really an enemy. As for the rest, your 'civilization as experiment' theory should probably be on a thread of its own where you can explore your craziness fully.

Your the kind of ignorant douchebag they are counting on. You fall right into the trap of cognitive dissonance. Keep believing the dollar is king and that you must keep bailing out the banks.

What the fuck are you talking about?
China wants nothing to with meddling and controlling Middle Eastern Nations' internal affairs. They just want their oil. They will not be keeping the peace in the Middle East. They're just way too smart for that. Why would they emulate our stupid & costly 'World's Policeman/Referee' foreign policy? They're focused on their country and their People. And we should be doing that too.

Short-sighted idiot.
ching chong potato

If you are this eager to declare yourself a racist fucking asshole, just come out and say it directly instead of acting like some stupid little kid about it. At least have that much balls, you loser.

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