China Builds Overseas Base: Trade Policies Help Them

Dude, you've broken the 3rd dimension. :rolleyes:
I'm serious. Why are there any Afghans left on this earth? After 9-11 in order to send a strong message every man,woman,child,jackrabbit, cockroach living in Afghanistan shoul have been eradicated from existence. Complete destruction. Leave it and uninhabited wasteland for 1,000 years.

Because they breed?
They breed the enemy and the future enemies.

The enemy very well could be an ET, and breeding can excel them. :wink:
No. When dealing with ones enemies there is only victory or death. You must not show any mercy or human kindness to the enemy.
And who would be our allies today if we adopted that crazy idea? UK? France? Canada? Mexico? Japan? Germany? None of these countries would even exist.
You can't explain your position. And that's no shit.

You really have no idea where Guam is?

You can't explain your position so you trot out a bunch of bs instead. Don't waste my time.
Yes they do

They do? For who?
Yes they do

They do? For who?
For me. Foreign affairs. If your a nation you exist in three realms. "Pro-USA" through pursuance of your foreign policy..."Anti-USA" through pursuance of your foreign policy...or on the sideline, and we are going to bring you over to our side. If you are anti United States the only possible outcome is our pursuance of the complete destruction of your nation, your people, your culture, and you way of life. Will will erase you from history.
Hypocrite and psychopath.
Nut job.
For me. Foreign affairs. If your a nation you exist in three realms.

Dude, you've broken the 3rd dimension. :rolleyes:
I'm serious. Why are there any Afghans left on this earth? After 9-11 in order to send a strong message every man,woman,child,jackrabbit, cockroach living in Afghanistan shoul have been eradicated from existence. Complete destruction. Leave it and uninhabited wasteland for 1,000 years.
What about Saudi Arabia? Many of the hijackers were Saudis, and some high-level officials in the Saudi government, Prince Bandar, were giving them money. Why aren't you advocating genocide against them?
They have oil. We can get a very good price after showing our willpower by destroying a completely useless area of the earth and it's inhabitants. We can make them work for us.
For me. Foreign affairs. If your a nation you exist in three realms.

Dude, you've broken the 3rd dimension. :rolleyes:
I'm serious. Why are there any Afghans left on this earth? After 9-11 in order to send a strong message every man,woman,child,jackrabbit, cockroach living in Afghanistan shoul have been eradicated from existence. Complete destruction. Leave it and uninhabited wasteland for 1,000 years.
What about Saudi Arabia? Many of the hijackers were Saudis, and some high-level officials in the Saudi government, Prince Bandar, were giving them money. Why aren't you advocating genocide against them?
They have oil. We can get a very good price after showing our willpower by destroying a completely useless area of the earth and it's inhabitants. We can make them work for us.
Well at least you're a pragmatic psycho.
I'm serious. Why are there any Afghans left on this earth? After 9-11 in order to send a strong message every man,woman,child,jackrabbit, cockroach living in Afghanistan shoul have been eradicated from existence. Complete destruction. Leave it and uninhabited wasteland for 1,000 years.

Because they breed?
They breed the enemy and the future enemies.

The enemy very well could be an ET, and breeding can excel them. :wink:
No. When dealing with ones enemies there is only victory or death. You must not show any mercy or human kindness to the enemy.
And who would be our allies today if we adopted that crazy idea? UK? France? Canada? Mexico? Japan? Germany? None of these countries would even exist.
Sure they would. Why not? Mexico would have some issues.
For me. Foreign affairs. If your a nation you exist in three realms.

Dude, you've broken the 3rd dimension. :rolleyes:
I'm serious. Why are there any Afghans left on this earth? After 9-11 in order to send a strong message every man,woman,child,jackrabbit, cockroach living in Afghanistan shoul have been eradicated from existence. Complete destruction. Leave it and uninhabited wasteland for 1,000 years.
What about Saudi Arabia? Many of the hijackers were Saudis, and some high-level officials in the Saudi government, Prince Bandar, were giving them money. Why aren't you advocating genocide against them?
They have oil. We can get a very good price after showing our willpower by destroying a completely useless area of the earth and it's inhabitants. We can make them work for us.
Well at least you're a pragmatic psycho.
Thank you.
Because they breed?
They breed the enemy and the future enemies.

The enemy very well could be an ET, and breeding can excel them. :wink:
No. When dealing with ones enemies there is only victory or death. You must not show any mercy or human kindness to the enemy.
And who would be our allies today if we adopted that crazy idea? UK? France? Canada? Mexico? Japan? Germany? None of these countries would even exist.
Sure they would. Why not? Mexico would have some issues.
If we wiped them off the map the way you claim we should do to our enemies they would exist?
For me. Foreign affairs. If your a nation you exist in three realms.

Dude, you've broken the 3rd dimension. :rolleyes:
I'm serious. Why are there any Afghans left on this earth? After 9-11 in order to send a strong message every man,woman,child,jackrabbit, cockroach living in Afghanistan shoul have been eradicated from existence. Complete destruction. Leave it and uninhabited wasteland for 1,000 years.

You're not an American.
If your Shogun had a house that continued to produce samurai that attacked him and his house...would he show mercy?......

When Samurai warlords clashed with other states they did not, in the vast majority of cases, wipe out entire populations or destroy arable lands, for obvious reasons. In some cases, warring provinces would even aid one another so that they would not win or lose by having entire populations wiped out by flood, famine, or other factors outside of battle between warriors.

In any case, at the time my ancestors were in Ireland trying to grow a few potatoes so as not to starve to death. In time, the British would try to achieve through starvation the conquest they could not complete by force.
They breed the enemy and the future enemies.

The enemy very well could be an ET, and breeding can excel them. :wink:
No. When dealing with ones enemies there is only victory or death. You must not show any mercy or human kindness to the enemy.
And who would be our allies today if we adopted that crazy idea? UK? France? Canada? Mexico? Japan? Germany? None of these countries would even exist.
Sure they would. Why not? Mexico would have some issues.
If we wiped them off the map the way you claim we should do to our enemies they would exist?
They have nothing we need. We can control them by putting our guy in power.
Dude, you've broken the 3rd dimension. :rolleyes:
I'm serious. Why are there any Afghans left on this earth? After 9-11 in order to send a strong message every man,woman,child,jackrabbit, cockroach living in Afghanistan shoul have been eradicated from existence. Complete destruction. Leave it and uninhabited wasteland for 1,000 years.

You're not an American.
Yes I am. .....

No, you're not. An American would know that's not what we are about.
That's why we have become weak.

So weak that there is not a nation on earth that could soberly consider standing before us directly in war?
For me. Foreign affairs. If your a nation you exist in three realms.

Dude, you've broken the 3rd dimension. :rolleyes:
I'm serious. Why are there any Afghans left on this earth? After 9-11 in order to send a strong message every man,woman,child,jackrabbit, cockroach living in Afghanistan shoul have been eradicated from existence. Complete destruction. Leave it and uninhabited wasteland for 1,000 years.

You're not an American.
If your Shogun had a house that continued to produce samurai that attacked him and his house...would he show mercy?......

When Samurai warlords clashed with other states they did not, in the vast majority of cases, wipe out entire populations or destroy arable lands, for obvious reasons. In some cases, warring provinces would even aid one another so that they would not win or lose by having entire populations wiped out by flood, famine, or other factors outside of battle between warriors.

In any case, at the time my ancestors were in Ireland trying to grow a few potatoes so as not to starve to death. In time, the British would try to achieve through starvation the conquest they could not complete by force.
My ancestors too. Afghanistan in global terms, is not the "arm pit" of the world, but that space between your balls and ass crack whete dingleberries accumulate. Totally useless. Nope your right. The winning warlord just bred his warriors with them losing sides women and assimilated them.
I'm serious. Why are there any Afghans left on this earth? After 9-11 in order to send a strong message every man,woman,child,jackrabbit, cockroach living in Afghanistan shoul have been eradicated from existence. Complete destruction. Leave it and uninhabited wasteland for 1,000 years.

You're not an American.
Yes I am. .....

No, you're not. An American would know that's not what we are about.
That's why we have become weak.

So weak that there is not a nation on earth that could soberly consider standing before us directly in war?
“Our Country won’t go on forever, if we stay soft as we are now. There won’t be any AMERICA because some foreign soldiery will invade us and take our women and breed a hardier race!”
– Lt. Gen. Lewis B. “Chesty” Puller, USMC
.... The winning warlord just bred his warriors with them losing sides women and assimilated them.....

Um, no. At the highest levels, political marriages were often arranged, but not some wide-scale 'breeding program' as you suggest.
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China built its first overseas base in Africa. All those products that say "made in China" that Americans buy at Wal-Mart and other stores help muscle up their military. Vote Trump and cut off Chinese defense spending on the backs of U.S. consumers!
China builds first overseas military outpost | Fox News

And how is Trump going to do this?

What choices does he have?

A) Have Americans working for $300 a month doing rubbish manufacturing jobs
B) Have Americans spend three times more for the same product because they're made by Americans and no Chinese
C) Get into a war with China that will increase taxes massively
D) Do nothing and US consumers get cheaper goods
E) Re-direct the US educational system so that education is producing young adults ready to go work in better paid jobs

You can bet your life he's not doing the last one.
I'm serious. Why are there any Afghans left on this earth? After 9-11 in order to send a strong message every man,woman,child,jackrabbit, cockroach living in Afghanistan shoul have been eradicated from existence. Complete destruction. Leave it and uninhabited wasteland for 1,000 years.

You're not an American.
Yes I am. .....

No, you're not. An American would know that's not what we are about.
That's why we have become weak.

So weak that there is not a nation on earth that could soberly consider standing before us directly in war?
See Vietnam, a Wild Weasels and our great power being tied down by a bunch of fucking Liliputians in Washington DC and Congress. Only if the fear you will unleash the power. Otherwise it is useless.
China built its first overseas base in Africa. All those products that say "made in China" that Americans buy at Wal-Mart and other stores help muscle up their military. Vote Trump and cut off Chinese defense spending on the backs of U.S. consumers!
China builds first overseas military outpost | Fox News

And how is Trump going to do this?

What choices does he have?

A) Have Americans working for $300 a month doing rubbish manufacturing jobs
B) Have Americans spend three times more for the same product because they're made by Americans and no Chinese
C) Get into a war with China that will increase taxes massively
D) Do nothing and US consumers get cheaper goods
E) Re-direct the US educational system so that education is producing young adults ready to go work in better paid jobs

You can bet your life he's not doing the last one.
$300 a month rubbish manufacturing jobs? You are fucking ignorant. Try $3,000 a month jobs. Thosejobs were a house note,truck note, collegs education for kids...WITHOUT students loans, and payed for infrastructure and school districts. You are the problem. Rubbish manufacturing jobs...backbone of our country and those working class folks have the warriors we needed to defend ourselves. You must be dumbass. If I'm making more I spend more on high ticket items and if those high ticket items are made here it helps my economic situation and my partner in America making that high ticket item.Your young you have never seen a great America.
.... The winning warlord just bred his warriors with them losing sides women and assimilated them.....

Um, no. At the highest levels, political marriages were often arranged, but not some wide-scale 'breeding program' as you suggest.
When the opposing warrior class is eradicated...that will be the logical outcome.
China built its first overseas base in Africa. All those products that say "made in China" that Americans buy at Wal-Mart and other stores help muscle up their military. Vote Trump and cut off Chinese defense spending on the backs of U.S. consumers!
China builds first overseas military outpost | Fox News

And how is Trump going to do this?

What choices does he have?

A) Have Americans working for $300 a month doing rubbish manufacturing jobs
B) Have Americans spend three times more for the same product because they're made by Americans and no Chinese
C) Get into a war with China that will increase taxes massively
D) Do nothing and US consumers get cheaper goods
E) Re-direct the US educational system so that education is producing young adults ready to go work in better paid jobs

You can bet your life he's not doing the last one.
$300 a month rubbish manufacturing jobs? You are fucking ignorant. Try $3,000 a month jobs. Thosejobs were a house note,truck note, collegs education for kids...WITHOUT students loans, and payed for infrastructure and school districts. You are the problem. Rubbish manufacturing jobs...backbone of our country and those working class folks have the warriors we needed to defend ourselves. You must be dumbass. If I'm making more I spend more on high ticket items and if those high ticket items are made here it helps my economic situation and my partner in America making that high ticket item.Your young you have never seen a great America.

I'm talking in China here, don't shout out that people are ignorant when you don't understand what is being said.

In China people in those manufacturing jobs might earn $300 a month. It depends, but many unskilled people earn that. The point being that in the US it might be $3,000 a month and China $300 a month, which is going to be more competitive?

Rubbish manufacturing jobs WERE the backbone of the country. Times have changed, you might have noticed, and the US isn't going to be competitive (this is called capitalism, so much loved in the US until problems emerge) if it is trying to compete with China.

If the US wants to compete, it's going to have to go more up market, like Germany has done with quality products like BMWs etc.

Right now there is no strategy in the US for dealing with this. So things are being problematic.

But hey, you're insulting like crazy, you can't spell properly, you make shit up "your young", my young? Don't you mean "you're young"? Do you know if I'm young? I could be 85 for all you know.

So, I guess that's why you insult, because you don't have knowledge to back yourself up with, you don't think before you open your gob, you make up whatever is convenient, and then you insult like crazy.

Maybe you could just stick to you argument, no matter how weak it is.
This is how the Soviet Union did this too. Hehe.

With the Kulaks?
I asked a Russian and he says that the kulaks were Russian peasants that didn't want the communist party to take away their lands into soviet government property. I am not sure though.

The only thing I heard about them is that the Russians wanted to pick their brains.
To my understanding, the word kulak in Russian means a hand fist. Not exactly a brainy thing. But maybe that's what the communist thing brain is.

No, it's based on the theme cream rises to the top.

Is it like the foam of the beer rising to the top? The other day I was to Berlin, and I tried the Berliner Weiss. That one true to its name has a super white super think one towering on its top, very satisfyingly. You must try it.

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