China Continues to Provoke

China will be very vocal until January 20, around noon. After that they will fall silent 'cause they really have no idea what President Trump might or might not do. Their fun-fest of taunting a limp-wristed, limp peckered poseur are ending.
When the "Mad Dog" takes charge...shit will cease.
Yeah, well the problem is, just as the US tried to stop Iran and North Korea getting nukes (on the pretext that they would use them, yeah, the only country to have used nukes on people complaining others might do it) so that it could potentially invade if it wanted to, China would do anything and everything to stop Taiwan getting them too.
If there was no Pearl Harbor Attack there would not have been a Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Don't start none if you don't want none.

And there hadn't been a kick up the ass for Japan after WW1 when the British promised the Japanese a share of the spoils, and then the US said it wasn't happening, then there wouldn't have been a Pearl Harbor. Oh, we could go on all day like this.
Jap's launched a sneak attack on a Sunday moring. Fuck you. You are an anti American piece of shit.

Oh, wow, can't get your own way, so you resort to insults.
Not an insult, just the truth. How can you justify the attack on Pearl Harbor? What a fuckhead.

Wow, more attacks and more insults. Here's a clue, if you actually want to debate, be civil, otherwise....
If there was no Pearl Harbor Attack there would not have been a Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Don't start none if you don't want none.

And there hadn't been a kick up the ass for Japan after WW1 when the British promised the Japanese a share of the spoils, and then the US said it wasn't happening, then there wouldn't have been a Pearl Harbor. Oh, we could go on all day like this.
Jap's launched a sneak attack on a Sunday moring. Fuck you. You are an anti American piece of shit.

Oh, wow, can't get your own way, so you resort to insults.
Not an insult, just the truth. How can you justify the attack on Pearl Harbor? What a fuckhead.

Wow, more attacks and more insults. Here's a clue, if you actually want to debate, be civil, otherwise....
I will not be civil toward someone who wants to make excuses for the cold blooded murder of US servicemen. We should have dropped 10 atomic bombs on Japan.
If there was no Pearl Harbor Attack there would not have been a Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Don't start none if you don't want none.

And there hadn't been a kick up the ass for Japan after WW1 when the British promised the Japanese a share of the spoils, and then the US said it wasn't happening, then there wouldn't have been a Pearl Harbor. Oh, we could go on all day like this.
Jap's launched a sneak attack on a Sunday moring. Fuck you. You are an anti American piece of shit.

Oh, wow, can't get your own way, so you resort to insults.
Not an insult, just the truth. How can you justify the attack on Pearl Harbor? What a fuckhead.

Wow, more attacks and more insults. Here's a clue, if you actually want to debate, be civil, otherwise....

Japs were just sooooooo lovable.
And there hadn't been a kick up the ass for Japan after WW1 when the British promised the Japanese a share of the spoils, and then the US said it wasn't happening, then there wouldn't have been a Pearl Harbor. Oh, we could go on all day like this.
Jap's launched a sneak attack on a Sunday moring. Fuck you. You are an anti American piece of shit.

Oh, wow, can't get your own way, so you resort to insults.
Not an insult, just the truth. How can you justify the attack on Pearl Harbor? What a fuckhead.

Wow, more attacks and more insults. Here's a clue, if you actually want to debate, be civil, otherwise....
I will not be civil toward someone who wants to make excuses for the cold blooded murder of US servicemen. We should have dropped 10 atomic bombs on Japan.

You're not civil, let's just stop the sentence there. It's quite clear.
We need to get our navy out of the south China sea. How would we feel if they were sailing theirs in the gulf?
They sail there ships to our coast everyday filled with products to sell on our shelves while American jobs deteriorate. We have our Navy in South China Sea to monitor a threat to our security.
And there hadn't been a kick up the ass for Japan after WW1 when the British promised the Japanese a share of the spoils, and then the US said it wasn't happening, then there wouldn't have been a Pearl Harbor. Oh, we could go on all day like this.
Jap's launched a sneak attack on a Sunday moring. Fuck you. You are an anti American piece of shit.

Oh, wow, can't get your own way, so you resort to insults.
Not an insult, just the truth. How can you justify the attack on Pearl Harbor? What a fuckhead.

Wow, more attacks and more insults. Here's a clue, if you actually want to debate, be civil, otherwise....
I will not be civil toward someone who wants to make excuses for the cold blooded murder of US servicemen. We should have dropped 10 atomic bombs on Japan.

That's just stupid.
Jap's launched a sneak attack on a Sunday moring. Fuck you. You are an anti American piece of shit.

Oh, wow, can't get your own way, so you resort to insults.
Not an insult, just the truth. How can you justify the attack on Pearl Harbor? What a fuckhead.

Wow, more attacks and more insults. Here's a clue, if you actually want to debate, be civil, otherwise....
I will not be civil toward someone who wants to make excuses for the cold blooded murder of US servicemen. We should have dropped 10 atomic bombs on Japan.

That's just stupid.
We should have dropped 10 A- bombs on the sonofabitches!

I am not good at english ,who can do me a favor ,sent this letter to president donold trump,t can not the taiwan
大多数大陆人认为, 台湾必须尽快拥有对大陆沿海14个省24个直辖市的核打击能力。如果台湾被大陆攻占,最终中国将被俄罗斯人肢解(长城以北)和吞并(黄河以南)。
先说必要性:1 部分或全面战争是大陆独裁政权与欧美民主社会斗争的不可回避的终极阶段,让台湾实际用有核打击能力是国内外民主力量以最小代价赢得最大效果的捷径,因为大陆当局走民主的可能性根本不存在。
2对大陆政治的统治集团内部产生离心力,对其国际政治扩张形成一定压力,促其内部政治该弦。 3 对大陆以东南沿海房地产为主的经济给予致命打击。 4 对大陆国内各阶层矛盾起到激化和发酵 ,将老百姓根本利益与当局剥离对立。 5 对大陆军事形成较长时间无法超越的制衡,同时令其外交陷入窘境,发展道一定情况,大陆当局会主动请国际介入。 6 对国内民主力量的鼓舞,大陆人都知道台湾拥有核武器,才会真切的关心政治,尤其是两岸政治,不再做吃了就睡的猪。

Oh, wow, can't get your own way, so you resort to insults.
Not an insult, just the truth. How can you justify the attack on Pearl Harbor? What a fuckhead.

Wow, more attacks and more insults. Here's a clue, if you actually want to debate, be civil, otherwise....
I will not be civil toward someone who wants to make excuses for the cold blooded murder of US servicemen. We should have dropped 10 atomic bombs on Japan.

That's just stupid.
We should have dropped 10 A- bombs on the sonofabitches!

Yeah, that's the attitude of people who'll never get into government.

I am not good at english ,who can do me a favor ,sent this letter to president donold trump,t can not the taiwan
大多数大陆人认为, 台湾必须尽快拥有对大陆沿海14个省24个直辖市的核打击能力。如果台湾被大陆攻占,最终中国将被俄罗斯人肢解(长城以北)和吞并(黄河以南)。
先说必要性:1 部分或全面战争是大陆独裁政权与欧美民主社会斗争的不可回避的终极阶段,让台湾实际用有核打击能力是国内外民主力量以最小代价赢得最大效果的捷径,因为大陆当局走民主的可能性根本不存在。
2对大陆政治的统治集团内部产生离心力,对其国际政治扩张形成一定压力,促其内部政治该弦。 3 对大陆以东南沿海房地产为主的经济给予致命打击。 4 对大陆国内各阶层矛盾起到激化和发酵 ,将老百姓根本利益与当局剥离对立。 5 对大陆军事形成较长时间无法超越的制衡,同时令其外交陷入窘境,发展道一定情况,大陆当局会主动请国际介入。 6 对国内民主力量的鼓舞,大陆人都知道台湾拥有核武器,才会真切的关心政治,尤其是两岸政治,不再做吃了就睡的猪。


Democrats have popular California, New York, and Chicago, Illinois. There is your problem liberals. "Nobody" lives in states outside your liberal shell. These "nobody's " just elected Trump POTUS in a landslide.typical elitist asshole.

Uh, no, because he didn't get a majority of the vote. That's not a landslide. More people voted against him.

when 54% didn't want you, it doesn't matter why 46% did.
Let's see............ President Trump will have a Senate majority. A majority in Congress. In two years the REPs will have a 'super majority' in the Senate. The LIBs have lost about 1000 legislative seats in the country to the REPs.

Uh,n ot really. in Two years, youa re going to see the GOP lose a lot of seats because they'll take out their anger at Trump on lower ranking office holders.
Let's see............ President Trump will have a Senate majority. A majority in Congress. In two years the REPs will have a 'super majority' in the Senate. The LIBs have lost about 1000 legislative seats in the country to the REPs.

Uh,n ot really. in Two years, youa re going to see the GOP lose a lot of seats because they'll take out their anger at Trump on lower ranking office holders.
Your an idiot. Trump won in an electoral landslide. Fuck California popular vote numbers.
our an idiot. Trump won in an electoral landslide. Fuck California popular vote numbers.

Right. because clearly, getting 2.7 million less votes than your rival makes you a "winner".
So when is Hillary getting sworn in? Oh, she's not. We have Constituion of the United States that established an electoral college to protect states rights.
Let's see............ President Trump will have a Senate majority. A majority in Congress. In two years the REPs will have a 'super majority' in the Senate. The LIBs have lost about 1000 legislative seats in the country to the REPs.

Uh,n ot really. in Two years, youa re going to see the GOP lose a lot of seats because they'll take out their anger at Trump on lower ranking office holders.
Your an idiot. Trump won in an electoral landslide. Fuck California popular vote numbers.
Trump got lower margins and percentages of EC votes than Obama did in '08 or '12. Plus Obama won the popular votes in those Presidential elections. Are you saying that Obama won landslide elections? Did his opponents give him some kind of special status or support mandates of the people for winning by those margins so much larger than Trump even came close to?

2008 Obama EC VOTES 365 vs. McCain 173
2012 Obama EC VOTES 332 vs. Romney 206
Let's see............ President Trump will have a Senate majority. A majority in Congress. In two years the REPs will have a 'super majority' in the Senate. The LIBs have lost about 1000 legislative seats in the country to the REPs.

Uh,n ot really. in Two years, youa re going to see the GOP lose a lot of seats because they'll take out their anger at Trump on lower ranking office holders.
Your an idiot. Trump won in an electoral landslide. Fuck California popular vote numbers.
Trump got lower margins and percentages of EC votes than Obama did in '08 or '12. Plus Obama won the popular votes in those Presidential elections. Are you saying that Obama won landslide elections? Did his opponents give him some kind of special status or support mandates of the people for winning by those margins so much larger than Trump even came close to?

2008 Obama EC VOTES 365 vs. McCain 173
2012 Obama EC VOTES 332 vs. Romney 206
Trump is taking oath of office in January 2017...only result I care about.

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