China Continues to Provoke

our an idiot. Trump won in an electoral landslide. Fuck California popular vote numbers.

Right. because clearly, getting 2.7 million less votes than your rival makes you a "winner".
So when is Hillary getting sworn in? Oh, she's not. We have Constituion of the United States that established an electoral college to protect states rights.
Your defense of Trump not winning popular support or a mandate always deflects to this lame excuse. Everyone knows that Trump won the technical and legal requirements to become President. What is making you whine and cry is that the people are telling you and Trump that he did not win a landslide as he lies about, he did not win the majority of the people's support and any mandate he or his supporters try to promote is lame and unfounded other than the mandate to create and provide good-paying middle-class jobs.
our an idiot. Trump won in an electoral landslide. Fuck California popular vote numbers.

Right. because clearly, getting 2.7 million less votes than your rival makes you a "winner".
So when is Hillary getting sworn in? Oh, she's not. We have Constituion of the United States that established an electoral college to protect states rights.
Your defense of Trump not winning popular support or a mandate always deflects to this lame excuse. Everyone knows that Trump won the technical and legal requirements to become President. What is making you whine and cry is that the people are telling you and Trump that he did not win a landslide as he lies about, he did not win the majority of the people's support and any mandate he or his supporters try to promote is lame and unfounded other than the mandate to create and provide good-paying middle-class jobs.
So he's the "legal" aka legitimate winner. Won Rust Belt states that Democrats took for granted. Working people know this: Gay marriage and Black Lives Matter don't pay my power bill in the winter.
our an idiot. Trump won in an electoral landslide. Fuck California popular vote numbers.

Right. because clearly, getting 2.7 million less votes than your rival makes you a "winner".
So when is Hillary getting sworn in? Oh, she's not. We have Constituion of the United States that established an electoral college to protect states rights.
Your defense of Trump not winning popular support or a mandate always deflects to this lame excuse. Everyone knows that Trump won the technical and legal requirements to become President. What is making you whine and cry is that the people are telling you and Trump that he did not win a landslide as he lies about, he did not win the majority of the people's support and any mandate he or his supporters try to promote is lame and unfounded other than the mandate to create and provide good-paying middle-class jobs.
So he's the "legal" aka legitimate winner. Won Rust Belt states that Democrats took for granted. Working people know this: Gay marriage and Black Lives Matter don't pay my power bill in the winter.
Why do trump and his supporters continue to lie about having won the election in a landslide and with historically high margins? Why does the President-elect believe he has to start his Presidency by telling big lies about how popular he is and lie about his margins and how the country supports him. Half the country hates him and expects him to fail, yet he and his supporters are stuck in some delusional world believing nonsense.
our an idiot. Trump won in an electoral landslide. Fuck California popular vote numbers.

Right. because clearly, getting 2.7 million less votes than your rival makes you a "winner".
So when is Hillary getting sworn in? Oh, she's not. We have Constituion of the United States that established an electoral college to protect states rights.
Your defense of Trump not winning popular support or a mandate always deflects to this lame excuse. Everyone knows that Trump won the technical and legal requirements to become President. What is making you whine and cry is that the people are telling you and Trump that he did not win a landslide as he lies about, he did not win the majority of the people's support and any mandate he or his supporters try to promote is lame and unfounded other than the mandate to create and provide good-paying middle-class jobs.
So he's the "legal" aka legitimate winner. Won Rust Belt states that Democrats took for granted. Working people know this: Gay marriage and Black Lives Matter don't pay my power bill in the winter.
Why do trump and his supporters continue to lie about having won the election in a landslide and with historically high margins? Why does the President-elect believe he has to start his Presidency by telling big lies about how popular he is and lie about his margins and how the country supports him. Half the country hates him and expects him to fail, yet he and his supporters are stuck in some delusional world believing nonsense.
He is taking the oath in January...get the fuck over it.
Right. because clearly, getting 2.7 million less votes than your rival makes you a "winner".
So when is Hillary getting sworn in? Oh, she's not. We have Constituion of the United States that established an electoral college to protect states rights.
Your defense of Trump not winning popular support or a mandate always deflects to this lame excuse. Everyone knows that Trump won the technical and legal requirements to become President. What is making you whine and cry is that the people are telling you and Trump that he did not win a landslide as he lies about, he did not win the majority of the people's support and any mandate he or his supporters try to promote is lame and unfounded other than the mandate to create and provide good-paying middle-class jobs.
So he's the "legal" aka legitimate winner. Won Rust Belt states that Democrats took for granted. Working people know this: Gay marriage and Black Lives Matter don't pay my power bill in the winter.
Why do trump and his supporters continue to lie about having won the election in a landslide and with historically high margins? Why does the President-elect believe he has to start his Presidency by telling big lies about how popular he is and lie about his margins and how the country supports him. Half the country hates him and expects him to fail, yet he and his supporters are stuck in some delusional world believing nonsense.
He is taking the oath in January...get the fuck over it.
It is not a question of getting over anything. That is the lame excuse you try to use instead of facing the reality that your leader is going to be a rejected, disliked, and disrespected President of historic proportions. He will probably end up with the most corrupt administration in history, beating even the Reagan administration for crooks and liars convicted and indicted officials or requiring Presidential pardons.
So when is Hillary getting sworn in? Oh, she's not. We have Constituion of the United States that established an electoral college to protect states rights.
Your defense of Trump not winning popular support or a mandate always deflects to this lame excuse. Everyone knows that Trump won the technical and legal requirements to become President. What is making you whine and cry is that the people are telling you and Trump that he did not win a landslide as he lies about, he did not win the majority of the people's support and any mandate he or his supporters try to promote is lame and unfounded other than the mandate to create and provide good-paying middle-class jobs.
So he's the "legal" aka legitimate winner. Won Rust Belt states that Democrats took for granted. Working people know this: Gay marriage and Black Lives Matter don't pay my power bill in the winter.
Why do trump and his supporters continue to lie about having won the election in a landslide and with historically high margins? Why does the President-elect believe he has to start his Presidency by telling big lies about how popular he is and lie about his margins and how the country supports him. Half the country hates him and expects him to fail, yet he and his supporters are stuck in some delusional world believing nonsense.
He is taking the oath in January...get the fuck over it.
It is not a question of getting over anything. That is the lame excuse you try to use instead of facing the reality that your leader is going to be a rejected, disliked, and disrespected President of historic proportions. He will probably end up with the most corrupt administration in history, beating even the Reagan administration for crooks and liars convicted and indicted officials or requiring Presidential pardons.


I thought all the Republican Fake News sites were saying that Hillary's election would lead to WWIII with Russia, and that was a bad thing.

Now, war with China is a good thing.

What's the matter with you idiots?

Russia is a country in decline. We do no business with them. China is a country on the rise, and they are our most important trading partner.
our an idiot. Trump won in an electoral landslide. Fuck California popular vote numbers.

Right. because clearly, getting 2.7 million less votes than your rival makes you a "winner".
So when is Hillary getting sworn in? Oh, she's not. We have Constituion of the United States that established an electoral college to protect states rights.
Your defense of Trump not winning popular support or a mandate always deflects to this lame excuse. Everyone knows that Trump won the technical and legal requirements to become President. What is making you whine and cry is that the people are telling you and Trump that he did not win a landslide as he lies about, he did not win the majority of the people's support and any mandate he or his supporters try to promote is lame and unfounded other than the mandate to create and provide good-paying middle-class jobs.

Whats the population of the US? like around 400 million? even if the popular vote went 2 mil in one direction or the other, its pretty insignificant to the fact that this really was a close race in most states. This in no way makes Trumps presidency Lame, it was just a close race and Trump won, time to get over the whining about it

I thought all the Republican Fake News sites were saying that Hillary's election would lead to WWIII with Russia, and that was a bad thing.

Now, war with China is a good thing.

What's the matter with you idiots?

Russia is a country in decline. We do no business with them. China is a country on the rise, and they are our most important trading partner.
China is ripping us off and conspiring against us 24/7. Time for them to pay the price for their insolence.

I thought all the Republican Fake News sites were saying that Hillary's election would lead to WWIII with Russia, and that was a bad thing.

Now, war with China is a good thing.

What's the matter with you idiots?

Russia is a country in decline. We do no business with them. China is a country on the rise, and they are our most important trading partner.
China is ripping us off and conspiring against us 24/7. Time for them to pay the price for their insolence.

Piss off with your warmongering.

We don't need a global recession caused by you idiots.

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I thought all the Republican Fake News sites were saying that Hillary's election would lead to WWIII with Russia, and that was a bad thing.

Now, war with China is a good thing.

What's the matter with you idiots?

Russia is a country in decline. We do no business with them. China is a country on the rise, and they are our most important trading partner.
China is ripping us off and conspiring against us 24/7. Time for them to pay the price for their insolence.

Piss off with your warmongering.

We don't need a global recession caused by you idiots.

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Fuck global economy to support European socialist policies at expense of American workers.

I thought all the Republican Fake News sites were saying that Hillary's election would lead to WWIII with Russia, and that was a bad thing.

Now, war with China is a good thing.

What's the matter with you idiots?

Russia is a country in decline. We do no business with them. China is a country on the rise, and they are our most important trading partner.
China is ripping us off and conspiring against us 24/7. Time for them to pay the price for their insolence.

Here's a news flash for you. WE provoked China into building those islands in the S. China Sea. We formed the TPPact with most of the Asian partners and EXCLUDING CHINA from their closest trading partners. TPP MAIN PURPOSE was to short circuit China's influence in its OWN REGION..

Nobody wants to talk about US -- provoking China. But that was an Obama/Clinton MILESTONE of foreign policy and diplomacy before the details of the SECRET TPP process started to dribble out.

Dont think China wants war with us, they need us as a customer. Theyre just trying to insert their influence at the beginning of a new administration. I think trump was right to take the Call from Taiwan however, theres no need to kiss China's ass either. We dont need to cower to their wishes, they've just been used to pushing us around and getting their way.
A war between USA and China would be a tragedy for all the world.
There's no need to fight
Talking could solved all problems here in my opinion :)
I also think China is overreacting.... :dunno:

I think the media is over-reacting. It will be a non-story in 1 month.

The US and China have always had a love hate relationship. What would bring us closer to war is when we default on Loans to China.

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