China is the Threat We Need to Recognize it JFK Did. Communism is a Global Terror

Stop playing games. Hit them hard.

That was during the cold war. Communism is pretty much a failed ideaology everywhere its been tried. Fox News is jacking you up.
why do demofks want it then?
ready to go to war, again, and again, and again.......................................
Everytime if necessary.
Not with my children..
What are your children worth if they are not defending the greatest nation free people ever created. Slam dunk.
They are worth more than your inability to value them.
You stand-up for this nation. Comes by birth. JFK understood that.
My kids have already served their country as I have but they are not active in the military that was twenty years ago. China will not go to war they have too much at stake to lose.
then why post #6? odd. of course, it is you.

Stop playing games. Hit them hard.
Is there no aggressive move your dumb ass isn’t prepared to sacrifice other people’s children over? If you aren’t ready to suit yourself or your progeny up and join in, just shut the fuck up.
I served combat arms twice 13 B10 and O331.
Meaningless. You propose to put others at risk while you put no skin in the game.
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Stop playing games. Hit them hard.
Is there no aggressive move your dumb ass isn’t prepared to sacrifice other people’s children over? If you aren’t ready to suit yourself or your progeny up and join in, just shut the fuck up.
I served combat arms twice 13 B10 and O331.
Meaningless, you propose to put others at risk while you put no skin in the game.
30% tariff charges. Trump had it right.

Stop playing games. Hit them hard.

That was during the cold war. Communism is pretty much a failed ideaology everywhere its been tried. Fox News is jacking you up.
His message is a bit dated. Even Trump recognized that countries that refuse to allow free trade are the problem, but Trump didn't practice free trade either. So ...

Probably we should have led a multi-national effort to investigate the origins of covid. Even if it didn't escape from a lab, it's pretty obvious where covid virus seem to orginate. Maybe there should be some unified EU and US, maybe canada, response to what we require to trade with them.
His message is a bit dated. Even Trump recognized that countries that refuse to allow free trade are the problem, but Trump didn't practice free trade either. So ...
so you still don't get it. too funny.

Stop playing games. Hit them hard.
Is there no aggressive move your dumb ass isn’t prepared to sacrifice other people’s children over? If you aren’t ready to suit yourself or your progeny up and join in, just shut the fuck up.
What are you talking shit about? They are the enemy? Engage them! Are you Goddamn stupid?

Stop playing games. Hit them hard.
Is there no aggressive move your dumb ass isn’t prepared to sacrifice other people’s children over? If you aren’t ready to suit yourself or your progeny up and join in, just shut the fuck up.
I served combat arms twice 13 B10 and O331.
Meaningless. You propose to put others at risk while you put no skin in the game.
My son has been in the game?

Stop playing games. Hit them hard.
Is there no aggressive move your dumb ass isn’t prepared to sacrifice other people’s children over? If you aren’t ready to suit yourself or your progeny up and join in, just shut the fuck up.
What are you talking shit about? They are the enemy? Engage them! Are you Goddamn stupid?
he kisses their ass. A complicit ass.
ready to go to war, again, and again, and again.......................................
Everytime if necessary.

It has NOT been necessary, right, or a good idea to go to war ever, since the War of 1812.
War is always destructive and accomplishes nothing because all the use of force does is cause resentment that comes back later to make things even worse.

Stop playing games. Hit them hard.

That was during the cold war. Communism is pretty much a failed ideaology everywhere its been tried. Fox News is jacking you up.
It failed, but that doesn't stop the left from repackaging it as "socialism."

Stop playing games. Hit them hard.
Is there no aggressive move your dumb ass isn’t prepared to sacrifice other people’s children over? If you aren’t ready to suit yourself or your progeny up and join in, just shut the fuck up.
I served combat arms twice 13 B10 and O331.

And when you served, was the US government doing something legal or illegal?
For example, the war in Vietnam was illegal because the French and Vietnamese were the only parties of interest, and they had concluded a treaty establishing a nation wide plebiscite in Vietnam to happen in 1955. It was illegal for us to stop that election by encouraging Diem to overthrow Bau Dai.
The war in Desert Storm was illegal because Kuwait was stealing oil and violating treaties, and ambassador Glasspie authorized Saddam to do what ever he felt necessary.
The war in Iraq was illegal because it was based on WMD lies.

Stop playing games. Hit them hard.

That was during the cold war. Communism is pretty much a failed ideaology everywhere its been tried. Fox News is jacking you up.
It failed, but that doesn't stop the left from repackaging it as "socialism."

Communism has never failed and has never been tried on a large scale.
It likely would fail in my opinion, but Stalin had all the socialists, communists, and anarchists killed, so that he could implement state capitalism instead.
So communism has never been tried on a large scale.
The easy way to tell is that since communism implies being collective, communal, and cooperative, that is pretty much has to be a democratic republic.
Since Stalin implemented a dictatorship, it could hardly been at all even remotely communist.
A dictatorship like the USSR always has to be to profit a wealthy elite, and that is always capitalism by definition.

Stop playing games. Hit them hard.

That was during the cold war. Communism is pretty much a failed ideaology everywhere its been tried. Fox News is jacking you up.
It failed, but that doesn't stop the left from repackaging it as "socialism."

Communism has never failed and has never been tried on a large scale.
It likely would fail in my opinion, but Stalin had all the socialists, communists, and anarchists killed, so that he could implement state capitalism instead.
So communism has never been tried on a large scale.
The easy way to tell is that since communism implies being collective, communal, and cooperative, that is pretty much has to be a democratic republic.
Since Stalin implemented a dictatorship, it could hardly been at all even remotely communist.
A dictatorship like the USSR always has to be to profit a wealthy elite, and that is always capitalism by definition.
If you're referring to how Soviets and Maoists contradicted Marx's anarchistic intentions, then sure.

By the same logic, I could argue free market capitalism has never been tried either. Every capitalism is usually a mix between free markets and government controls.

However, the difference is that we can point to situations where capitalists have functioning systems, while people who call themselves Communists have repeatedly risen to power and betrayed their principles, leading to a massive amount of death and destruction.

The same applies to most socialists.

So, if every time that supposed Communists rise to power, things end badly, why trust any other movements for Communism? Why expect them to end up any differently?

Stop playing games. Hit them hard.

That was during the cold war. Communism is pretty much a failed ideaology everywhere its been tried. Fox News is jacking you up.
Then, why are the fucking Marxists still trying it here?

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