China Newspaper: Rise Of 'Racist' Trump Shows Democracy Is Scary


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Mussolini and Hitler came to power through elections, China’s Global Times reminded readers Monday. Now an “abusively racist and extremist” candidate is on the rise in the United States, it says. Maybe democracy isn’t such a good idea after all.

In an editorial Monday, China’s state-owned Global Times newspaper used Donald Trump’s rise to gloat about the fault lines in U.S. society and to argue that democracy was both a waste of time -- and downright scary.

From the rise of a “narcissistic and inflammatory candidate” to the violence that surrounded his planned rally in Chicago, the paper said it was shocking this could happen in a country that “boasts one of the most developed and mature democratic election systems” in the world.

More: China Newspaper: Rise Of 'Racist' Trump Shows Democracy Is Scary

Wow, is China right? Some interesting food for thought.
Mussolini and Hitler came to power through elections, China’s Global Times reminded readers Monday. Now an “abusively racist and extremist” candidate is on the rise in the United States, it says. Maybe democracy isn’t such a good idea after all.

In an editorial Monday, China’s state-owned Global Times newspaper used Donald Trump’s rise to gloat about the fault lines in U.S. society and to argue that democracy was both a waste of time -- and downright scary.

From the rise of a “narcissistic and inflammatory candidate” to the violence that surrounded his planned rally in Chicago, the paper said it was shocking this could happen in a country that “boasts one of the most developed and mature democratic election systems” in the world.

More: China Newspaper: Rise Of 'Racist' Trump Shows Democracy Is Scary

Wow, is China right? Some interesting food for thought.
China is and has always been an unabashedly racist country, just like the rest of Asia.

But of course "racism" is only wrong when white people do it...
If the people's republick of China hates a particular American political candidate doesn't it validate the candidate's position? I expect China loves the old commie and Hillary.
If you're looking to a bloodbath like China for advice & moral guidance, you dumb, whiny, alcoholic Injun, that automatically proves what a completely amoral psychopath you are. Why don't you take your crybaby, sniveling historical grudge against whites and stick it into your man-gina at a painful angle? Now go dive back into your bottle. Your silly race never even invented a WRITTEN ALPHABET!
lol, can you believe how desperate that party is. now they are posting stuff from a freaking Communist country, who has one of the WORST records for human rights abuse, but they are wailing on Trump. this has gotten so sad and the desperation is shining bright
Mussolini and Hitler came to power through elections, China’s Global Times reminded readers Monday. Now an “abusively racist and extremist” candidate is on the rise in the United States, it says. Maybe democracy isn’t such a good idea after all.

In an editorial Monday, China’s state-owned Global Times newspaper used Donald Trump’s rise to gloat about the fault lines in U.S. society and to argue that democracy was both a waste of time -- and downright scary.

From the rise of a “narcissistic and inflammatory candidate” to the violence that surrounded his planned rally in Chicago, the paper said it was shocking this could happen in a country that “boasts one of the most developed and mature democratic election systems” in the world.

More: China Newspaper: Rise Of 'Racist' Trump Shows Democracy Is Scary

Wow, is China right? Some interesting food for thought.

Get back to me when Trump institutes plans that will kill about 10% of the nation's population off through famine and just shrugs it off as the cost of doing business like Mao and his Great Leap Forward did.

A xenophobe and racist is still preferable to a Communist.

Trump is George Wallace on steroids.

It may seem odd to link a Manhattan billionaire to a dirt-farm Alabama governor, but their messages are roughly the same -- just delivered more than four decades apart.

Like the late George Wallace, Trump exudes a sneering hatred for political establishments and blames the ills of the county on those whose race, faith or origin makes them somehow “un-American.”

Wallace softened somewhat in later years, but Trump, at 69, shows no signs of doing so. Indeed, he is doubling down on his willingness to allow verbal and even physical antagonism in his name and at his campaign rallies.

Indeed, it's his rallies -- more than Trump's tweets or called-in TV interviews -- that have become the central feature of his campaign, a theater of deliberate confrontation that he thinks adds energy and meaning to his angry candidacy.

Trump has far more clout and money in a system that's more fragmented and easier to penetrate. Far from being a fringe character -- which is what, in the end, Wallace was -- Trump is the party front-runner.

More: This Election Is 1968 All Over Again, And That's Not A Good Thing

We survived George Wallace - but can we survive Trump? Maybe China has a point.
James Madison might agree with the whole "Democracy is scary" thing.
Maybe we should use Chinese examples. After all, Obama took a page from the Red Guard playbook when he set up an email address so Americans could rat out their fellow citizens if they didn't toe the party line about how awesome Obamacare was going to be.
China will soon be a greater financial and military superpower than America.
If we keep building it and impoverish our country, then yes. Also, Asia is not easily infiltrated by Global Elitists for obvious reasons.

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