China Preparing for War - Americans confused, focused on transsexuals


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
While we are beating each other over the head, screaming over beer commercials and focusing on trans sexuals and how many genders there are, China is gearing up for war. They have begun a massive draft and are meeting with Russia as I write.
In fact, there has probably never been a better time to take on America considering our current anti-America "leadership" and the successful division of the nations people. Not to mention the weakening of the military over time.

China expands wartime military draft to include veterans and college students
While we are beating each other over the head, screaming over beer commercials and focusing on trans sexuals and how many genders there are, China is gearing up for war. They have begun a massive draft and are meeting with Russia as I write.
In fact, there has probably never been a better time to take on America considering our current anti-America "leadership" and the successful division of the nations people. Not to mention the weakening of the military over time.

China expands wartime military draft to include veterans and college students
China has a plan and is focused on winning, i don't buy those who doubt them. The rest of the world sees this and they are trying to get in good to avoid their own problems. Take Brazil for instance. As I've repeated many times, you didn't hold allies such as Canada and our.covert police apparatuses to account. They thus destroy good human being without consequences by any deceptive means as they spread anti-American propaganda. The rest of the world looks at U.S allies and asks, "are these nations REALLY any different (or worse?) than China or Russia"? So in turn, they feel free to lower their human right standards to accept such nations. America should not have bent, but you did and still do.
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The navy, our navy, is decommissioning 24 ships this year. In 5 years they expect the US navy to be down over 200 ships.

Our entire military is downsizing because of recruitment. The training exercises are all about DIE, pronouns and white supremacy. Actual combat training is almost non existent.

There is no better time for an attack against this country. Our military is a shadow of its former self. Our armament has been exhausted by a vampiric Ukraine and we skirt bankruptcy.
The navy, our navy, is decommissioning 24 ships this year. In 5 years they expect the US navy to be down over 200 ships.

Our entire military is downsizing because of recruitment. The training exercises are all about DIE, pronouns and white supremacy. Actual combat training is almost non existent.

There is no better time for an attack against this country. Our military is a shadow of its former self. Our armament has been exhausted by a vampiric Ukraine and we skirt bankruptcy.
You can cheer the Chinese and Ruskies while they pell-mell their asses into an early grave.
I't important to at least understand that China is preparing it's defenses for war.

The facts that spill the beans on US aggression in Taiwan are that China has always intended to take in Taiwan by friendly persuasion.

And now the the biggest part of the world is choosing peaceful alignment with China, over America's wars, the fear is that Taiwan will soon do so too.

And that would be the end of America's plans for war between Taiwan and China.

And so that's how we can now include the issue of the stolen documents. America's agencies are not secure due to the division of the country on domestic politics. Trump is not in favour of the war!
You anti-Americans are free to enlist in the Chinese army and support them with your vim and vigor.....
The Chinese army will find out what real fear is when they face us on the battlefield and Millie orders the tranny brigade to charge with their purses flailing.
Great national spirit and bravado! Biden's war is dependent on people who think exactly like you!

Russia's nuclear weapons have all expired and won't explode.
China's 250 can all be stopped and destroyed over the Pacific ocean!

Stay your course and god bluss!
De-dollarization has a popular vote in 50 countries. If trannies are not questioned about their exploitation of "diversity," then any defective genes will continue to fascinate the precise one who examines the genitals at birth, knowing it is a biological male, then deliberately deem it female on the birth certificate.

Even before mutilating, there are few Missouri shrinks who can also double as geneticists, nor even know what the tranny will do after it gets off the couch.
Great national spirit and bravado! Biden's war is dependent on people who think exactly like you!

Russia's nuclear weapons have all expired and won't explode.
China's 250 can all be stopped and destroyed over the Pacific ocean!

Stay your course and god bluss!
It is the trigger mechanism that deteriorates at a speed that will occur in your lifetime but not the half-life of Uranium 235 -236.
De-dollarization has a popular vote in 50 countries. If trannies are not questioned about their exploitation of "diversity," then any defective genes will continue to fascinate the precise one who examines the genitals at birth, knowing it is a biological male, then deliberately deem it female on the birth certificate.

Even before mutilating, there are few Missouri shrinks who can also double as geneticists, nor even know what the tranny will do after it gets off the couch.
Amazing how trannies are always on yer mind, obsess much!?
China now has the worlds largest Navy. They are working to build the world most advanced (and perhaps largest) nuclear weapons arsenal.
China can replace any losses rapidly as the worlds Manufacturing Superpower.
America has to ask China for it's replacement parts and resources.
Truth is, China could defeat America simply on attrition. We won't talk yet about the fact that they have 5 times the available troops.

We are in no position to go against China. We might have a chance against Somalia though.
Don't listen to some of the Canadians who hate your country. They are the standard provocateurs here to defend their cult of child abusers.

Consider that a S Korean cop years ago told me point blank that his own nations police don't trust or respect Canadian police. A U.S AND a Brit police officer (different times and people) had negative comments to make. Then consider who you may be believing and if they speak the truth or not.

Canadian police hiring teens from 3rd World Nations in Canada to "generate business" for themselves and they are rewarded with 6 figure careers in the future when they have less principle than the worst criminals.

What could go wrong? How does THAT help America in your global battle for influence and Goodwill?
Don't listen to some of the Canadians who hate your country. They are the standard provocateurs here to defend their cult of child abusers.

Consider that a S Korean cop years ago told me point blank that his own nations police don't trust or respect Canadian police. A U.S AND a Brit police officer (different times and people) had negative comments to make. Then consider who you may be believing and if they speak the truth or not.

Canadian police hiring teens from 3rd World Nations in Canada to "generate business" for themselves and they are rewarded with 6 figure careers in the future when they have less principle than the worst criminals.

What could go wrong? How does THAT help America in your global battle for influence and Goodwill?

America has lost it's way...and in the process lost it's means. it was inevitable. "A Fool and his Gold are soon parted"
Solution, give Taiwan 200 nukes and walk away. Same for South Korea. We are killing ourselves defending others.
Solution, give Taiwan 200 nukes and walk away. Same for South Korea. We are killing ourselves defending others.

And if China succeeds in taking Taiwan (bribery of leaders with millions etc)...they then have 200 of our nukes.
Any idea how much ONE 500KT bomb costs?

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