China was our #1 threat and problem when W was elected...

Communism made China, and Russia more civilized than antisemitic America did with capitalism.

America is not antisemitic.

If America realized the truth about Israel, and did to Israel what Israel deserved for doing

the USS Liberty
the Marines in Lebanon 1983

then the term might apply....

Israel is what interfered with the US' ability to deal with China....
China doesn't shoot up synagogues like America. China isn't antisemitic like the United States.
Nazi America, and Nazi Palestine killed the most Jews in the modern era.List of attacks on Jewish institutions in the United States - Wikipedia
China is an ally.


China is a communist state. It is hostile to America, freedom, and democracy.

China is only an "ally" to those who want to murder humans who do not support communism...
Communism turned China from the poorest country on the planet into a super power. China also doesn't have the history of antisemitism that America does.

They don't have antisemitism, of course they don't, it's a communist country dumbass.
Communism made China, and Russia more civilized than antisemitic America did with capitalism.

If limiting freedom, limiting choices, suppressing people is your idea of being civilized, the US is not the place for you.
Communism made China, and Russia more civilized than antisemitic America did with capitalism.

America is not antisemitic.

If America realized the truth about Israel, and did to Israel what Israel deserved for doing

the USS Liberty
the Marines in Lebanon 1983

then the term might apply....

Israel is what interfered with the US' ability to deal with China....
China doesn't shoot up synagogues like America. China isn't antisemitic like the United States.
Nazi America, and Nazi Palestine killed the most Jews in the modern era.List of attacks on Jewish institutions in the United States - Wikipedia
As we speak, China has over a million Uighurs in concentration camps.
Communism turned China from the poorest country on the planet into a super power

No, nice try.

Communism made China poor and kept them poor.

The communist leaders of China figured out that if they could whore out their slave labor force for peanuts, greedy shortsighted capitalists would see profits and build PRIVATE SECTOR factories there....

All of Chin's wealth comes from that policy....
Liar. China had a per capita income GDP 1/3rd of Haiti in 1960. Haiti chose capitalism, China chose communism. In 2016 Haiti had a per capita income GDP 1/7th of China.List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia
China Fat From Gluttony and Thievery.
We put China on Diet.
Don't worry. Trump is doing his very best to run up more debt than anyone ever has before.

He hates being second to anyone.
Trump is repairing the damage done by Obama....repairs are pricey...and America is never second to anyone...even if you want us to be....
China is an ally.


China is a communist state. It is hostile to America, freedom, and democracy.

China is only an "ally" to those who want to murder humans who do not support communism...
Communism turned China from the poorest country on the planet into a super power. China also doesn't have the history of antisemitism that America does.

They don't have antisemitism, of course they don't, it's a communist country dumbass.
Communism made China, and Russia more civilized than antisemitic America did with capitalism.

If limiting freedom, limiting choices, suppressing people is your idea of being civilized, the US is not the place for you.
Civilization requires management. China understands this. Which is why China has grown very fast economically, unlike America.
When W took office, the US had a $5 trillion debt and a budget surplus. We were capable of dealing with China with that solvency behind us, as long as W and the Republicans behaved like Gingrich and Reagan, which they did NOT. Instead, the post 1998 GOP just did nothing but sell out America to the cause of Zionism, and we are no longer "great" because of that.

W was the worst Traitor in American history, and because of his total rejection of fiscal conservatism and patriotism to America, the cowardly closeted compromised Cocksucker in Chief followed him, and drained another $9 trillion from America's wealth. With a debt of $22 trillion and a deficit of a trillion, we are not capable of engaging China the way we need to. In short, Trump is over his head, and the people of Hong Kong may perish because of that.

China's leaders do not care about trade wars. They won't get thrown out of office if the public is upset at having to pay more for stuff. We are completely the opposite.

They have cash. We have debt, thanks to W and O.

We will lose this one, and if Trump lets China move armour into Hong Kong to slaughter those protesters, we will look incredibly weak as well.

Communist leaders are the world's worst murderers. Is China about to validate that statement yet again?

If they do, remember who is really at fault. The worst traitor in American history....

Do you think they had a threesome?
Civilization requires management. China understands this

True ZIONISTS really do believe what Mr. Bernstein is posting.

They practiced that on 911.

Those around the Pentagon who saw the cruise missile hit the Pentagon were "managed..."

they were murdered and hence the official version is a "plane" hit the Pentagon...

3500 were "managed" when Moses came down the mountain and "looked different." They were "managed" because they were part of Moses' tribe and knew the guy who came down the mountain WAS NOT MOSES....

China is a communist state. It is hostile to America, freedom, and democracy.

China is only an "ally" to those who want to murder humans who do not support communism...
Communism turned China from the poorest country on the planet into a super power. China also doesn't have the history of antisemitism that America does.

They don't have antisemitism, of course they don't, it's a communist country dumbass.
Communism made China, and Russia more civilized than antisemitic America did with capitalism.

If limiting freedom, limiting choices, suppressing people is your idea of being civilized, the US is not the place for you.
Civilization requires management. China understands this. Which is why China has grown very fast economically, unlike America.
Communism turned China from the poorest country on the planet into a super power

No, nice try.

Communism made China poor and kept them poor.

The communist leaders of China figured out that if they could whore out their slave labor force for peanuts, greedy shortsighted capitalists would see profits and build PRIVATE SECTOR factories there....

All of Chin's wealth comes from that policy....
Liar. China had a per capita income GDP 1/3rd of Haiti in 1960. Haiti chose capitalism, China chose communism. In 2016 Haiti had a per capita income GDP 1/7th of China.List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia

Apples and screwdrivers. Haiti has a black hole where all the money goes.

Now shake that chicken leg.
Don't worry. Trump is doing his very best to run up more debt than anyone ever has before.

He hates being second to anyone.
Trump is repairing the damage done by Obama....repairs are pricey...and America is never second to anyone...even if you want us to be....
Yeah, keep telling yourself that lie, rube. :lol:
What are you going to do about China? Remember now. The deplorables do not care about certain parts of the nation as we used to. Ph uk Hawaii and the west coast cities. I am talking passion as an American. Watch what happens if we get another 9/11 in your blue commie areas.

China is a communist state. It is hostile to America, freedom, and democracy.

China is only an "ally" to those who want to murder humans who do not support communism...
Communism turned China from the poorest country on the planet into a super power. China also doesn't have the history of antisemitism that America does.

They don't have antisemitism, of course they don't, it's a communist country dumbass.
Communism made China, and Russia more civilized than antisemitic America did with capitalism.

If limiting freedom, limiting choices, suppressing people is your idea of being civilized, the US is not the place for you.
Civilization requires management. China understands this. Which is why China has grown very fast economically, unlike America.
you should move there sure as hell are a great cheerleader for them....

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