Chinese Bank Hands Over Biden Financial Records

Wow, I really triggered you.

I am in the "wait and see" mode.

You are in the dancing a victory dance mode.

If they lied to you again, I will enjoy the shit out of laughing my ass off at you.
Hey asshole, we’re already laughing at you, g5000, the rest of the retards that are crying this isn’t true, despite bank records. You aren’t capable of triggering anything but laughter at your utter bullshit you libturd.
and there is nothing wrong with people doing business in or with China....we are just curious what the Xiden family was doing.....for example, why was Joey Xiden's daugher in law, that's a guidance counsoler in Delaware, getting paid from the Chinese? For what?
Hunter gave her some money because she was having a hard time duhhh along with everybody else because Bo Biden had just died... you ridiculous ghoulish people ooops brainwashed functional ridiculous ghoulish people.
You’re doing nothing but whining that it isn’t true. Just like your Dem masters want,
if it's like everything else you know from GOP garbage, it is not true. They've been investigating this for years, that's Business big time business zzzzzzz. The Trump Kids get away with murder because nobody's making up anything about them...
Hunter gave her some money because she was having a hard time duhhh along with everybody else because Bo Biden had just died... you ridiculous ghoulish people ooops brainwashed functional ridiculous ghoulish people.
the bank records don’t show the money coming from hunter

more over why was hunter getting CCP money? And Uncle Biden? and who’s the forth account just named Biden for?
the Department of Justice has been looking into these things for five years and there's nothing illegal about it. Hunter is a international business lawyer end of story.... Your lying propaganda machine is so powerful and full of it that Hunter had to actually get out of any real business while his father's president. Meanwhile the trump children get away with murder and corporate not democratic media doesn't give a damn.....
Its absurd that you would even waste the time to type that ^. How can the DOJ be looking into it for 5 years, yet House republicans found all this in just a couple months? If Hunter was supplying legal services, that would make him one of the highest paid lawyers in the US. There is nothing in his career history that would suggest he could command that kind of legal fee. Furthermore, there is zero evidence that he supplied any service, nor did he sell anything. You will also notice that Hunter hasnt said a fucking word about it. If he was innocent, wouldnt he have squashed this story years ago by just showing the receipts of his "business"?

Then there are all the other family members who are getting paid by China. What do you suppose his sons widow did to earn that money?
It's none of your business.
haha yeah it’s none of my business if the president of the united states is compromised

you didn’t seem to have that view 6 years ago…heck last year in june when the dems opened up an investigation of jared you said nothing…you are still rambling on about him in this thread despite the investigation
These records prove the Biden family used at least three family members—Hallie Biden, James Biden, and Hunter Biden—and various companies to receive the lucrative payments from Robinson Walker, LLC, including Owasco PC, JBBSR INC, and RSTP II, LLC.

Hallie Biden a received a $25,000 distribution from Walker, then a $10,000 distribution.

State Energy HK Limited is a Hong Kong energy company which paid Walker. No one has yet to prove any of the business conducted with the energy company was illegitimate.

What laws were broken?


This is all one giant nothing burger.
for what? why was she getting 35k? why was a CCP run energy company paying the xidens?

i don’t know if any where…that’s why we have an investigation…hopefully the special counsel looks at that.

as for now the house simply is investigating to see if new laws need to be made to ensure the executive isn’t compromised. The house doesn’t investigate law breaking
Hey asshole, we’re already laughing at you, g5000, the rest of the retards that are crying this isn’t true, despite bank records. You aren’t capable of triggering anything but laughter at your utter bullshit you libturd.
Nobody is arguing that Hunter and his uncle got paid- . The problem is finding anything illegal about it. so you just make up crap, brainwashed functional moron.
the bank records don’t show the money coming from hunter

more over why was hunter getting CCP money? And Uncle Biden? and who’s the forth account just named Biden for?
Hunter and his uncle are in the business. Do you want a diagram?
Nobody is arguing that Hunter and his uncle got paid- . The problem is finding anything illegal about it. so you just make up crap, brainwashed functional moron.

Hunter and his uncle are in the business. Do you want a diagram?
the House isn’t investigating crimes you idiot! they aren’t law enforcement. They are investigating if new law needs to be made, to protect the oval office from corruption…

oh we know they are in business…doing what? and why was Hallie paid? and who’s the fourth biden account?

where any of rhe stolen classified documents at risk during these deals?

unanswered questions…
Its absurd that you would even waste the time to type that ^. How can the DOJ be looking into it for 5 years, yet House republicans found all this in just a couple months? If Hunter was supplying legal services, that would make him one of the highest paid lawyers in the US. There is nothing in his career history that would suggest he could command that kind of legal fee. Furthermore, there is zero evidence that he supplied any service, nor did he sell anything. You will also notice that Hunter hasnt said a fucking word about it. If he was innocent, wouldnt he have squashed this story years ago by just showing the receipts of his "business"?

Then there are all the other family members who are getting paid by China. What do you suppose his sons widow did to earn that money?
She had a bad year, idiot. she didn't do a damn thing. what the hell is wrong with you people? I'm kidding Of course
the House isn’t investigating crimes you idiot! they aren’t law enforcement. They are investigating if new law needs to be made, to protect the oval office from corruption…

oh we know they are in business…doing what? and why was Hallie paid? and who’s the fourth biden account?

where any of rhe stolen classified documents at risk during these deals?

unanswered questions…
You know nothing and you learn even less from your garbage propaganda. Yes you are ignorant Look it up. they have been investigating it for five years, Jesus you people are absolute brain washed functional morons.
haha yeah it’s none of my business if the president of the united states is compromised

Of course it is. What does that have to do with Biden's getting money from china?

Was Trump compromised when he lied about the bank he had in China?

you didn’t seem to have that view 6 years ago…heck last year in june when the dems opened up an investigation of jared you said nothing…you are still rambling on about him in this thread despite the investigation
Lol, I didn't even know they opened an investigation of Kushner. Who did?
Of course it is. What does that have to do with Biden's getting money from china?

Was Trump compromised when he lied about the bank he had in China?

Lol, I didn't even know they opened an investigation of Kushner. Who did?
1) because joey is president
2) nope, the dems investigated…we shall see if that true wirh xiden’s lie
3) the dems leading rhe house oversight committee. I’m not surprised at your lack of knowledge
Look at the bright side. If Hunter Biden is found to be guilty of money-laundering, his dad can always pardon him!

Just like Trump pardoned money-launderer Paul Manafort.

Even steven!
Paul Manafoet wasn’t convicted of money laundering. try again

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