Chinese court upholds death penalty for Canadian prisoner Robert Schellenberg

Ok. Just making sure I didn't get bad drugs.

Trump was loud but not strong on China. Everything he did regarding China had the effect of helping them while hurting us. Starting with TPP. Then weakly caving on Hong Kong. Then imposing tariffs that hurt U.S. taxpayers while China just switched to Brazil - hurting our farmers. Then abdicating the seas where we used to hold the line. Then letting them get away with human rights abuses with the Uyghurs. But Ivanka did get two fistfuls full of Chinese patents, while Donald had a secret Chinese bank account that who knows what was deposited into it by who knows who?

Add it up and it's pathetically weak and massively corrupt.
and Trump did compliment Xi on making himself dictator for life.....

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida aired by CNN. “And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great."

But the media didn't know that this was all part of Trump's special 3D chess strategy....
and Trump did compliment Xi on making himself dictator for life.....

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida aired by CNN. “And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great."

But the media didn't know that this was all part of Trump's special 3D chess strategy....
Did he say this before or after he got Chinese trademarks for his daughter??

Did he say this before or after giving China high-fives on their COVID response?? 15 times....

But as usual with you Trump end up admitting that your cult leader is a moron....
...but you are agreeing with Chinas decision to murder THIS man.
I am recognizing that China is an independent country with its own laws no matter how good or reprehensible those laws may be. If China is a terrible country that mistreats its citizens that brings no justification to breaking their laws.

Again, the man did not get the death penalty for smuggling drugs. He only got 15 years for that.
Did he say this before or after giving China high-fives on their COVID response?? 15 times....
I think that was really dumb of trump to say that because china has been the evil empire throughout the wuflu epidemic

but obama said dumb stuff too
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Did he say this before or after he got Chinese trademarks for his daughter??

Did he say this before or after giving China high-fives on their COVID response?? 15 times....

But as usual with you Trump end up admitting that your cult leader is a moron....
Oh please. How much of a moron do you have to be to think shitstain obama got Chinese trademarks for his daughter. Which one, Malia or Sasha?
Why do drug dealers garner sympathy when they get caught smuggling drugs in other countries ? These people are scum.

For me it's not sympathy, it's the fact that when he appealed his 15 year sentence, instead of China doing what normal humans do

Humans who are confident, judicially sound and principled would simply telling him, "we looked at the facts and your appeal has been denied, now do your 15 years". Those with a low level of of confidence in their own character tell him, "you dare challenge us, your supreme ruler? You will now be put to death!".

It's symbolic of people who are inhumane to their core and not very confident in themselves, their system or even their authority. I don't need to bully someone more if I am in a position of power, I am confident in who I am because of my strength.

We should always judge others by how they act when in a position of power. Whether it's a cop taking a stick to a young mans groin, persecuting others in their community, or, the CCP putting a man to death after handing him a 15 year sentence.
I missed that part of the story

what did he get the death penalty for?

For their claim that he was a smuggler.

In reality, he has been put to death for daring to challenge the 15 year sentence and for the unfortunate timing of Canada having arrested Meng. She, a darling princess of the CCP royalty who is accused by the U.S government of violating the sanctions with Iran. In other words, she was allegedly arming your enemy.

Maybe all of us in the West can learn from her and not do the same...
I am recognizing that China is an independent country with its own laws no matter how good or reprehensible those laws may be. If China is a terrible country that mistreats its citizens that brings no justification to breaking their laws.

Again, the man did not get the death penalty for smuggling drugs. He only got 15 years for that.

However, they can arbitrarily put someone to death for it, as we have seen here. Though it's more complicated than just the initial crime I'm sure.
It isn't like no one knows how awful China is. Don't go there. They have no respect for human rights. Stay away.
It isn't like no one knows how awful China is. Don't go there. They have no respect for human rights. Stay away.

That's not going to happen. More citizens will go there because businesses and politicians have promoted them for many years. Hell Canadians go there not just for opportunity but because their human rights may not be even as bad as ours!

The U.S may soon become like Canada and you will lose your best and brightest talent to China, replaced with low skill illegal citizens. What a great deal!

There are days when I am critical of China, even as I give grudging credit to their government for taking advantage of the weak, self-serving Western businesses and politicians. I then have stop and remind myself of my own experiences here and then I sadly admit, "is what China is doing to their citizens any different than the civil liberty and human right abuses which are rampant in Canada?"

This is why I continually remind Americans to NOT become like us. Make sure you choose your allies wisely, they are NOT created equal...
Hell Canadians go there not just for opportunity but because their human rights may not be even as bad as ours!
There are several canadian white monkeys on
YouTube singing the praises of china

they are shameless lowlifes
Never travel to Asian countries. It's as simple as that.
Thats a gross over simplification

asia has many amazing places to visit or even live

but communist china is not one of them
There are several canadian white monkeys on
YouTube singing the praises of china

they are shameless lowlifes

Thats a gross over simplification

asia has many amazing places to visit or even live

but communist china is not one of them

I've been to most. The reality is that with our worthless government no travel to Asian countries is safe. They are too corrupt and the fear they once had to molest American citizens is now gone. NO country in Asia is truly secure except for Japan and Taiwan.
I've been to most. The reality is that with our worthless government no travel to Asian countries is safe. They are too corrupt and the fear they once had to molest American citizens is now gone. NO country in Asia is truly secure except for Japan and Taiwan.
Not true

south korea has civil rights equal to Japan or Taiwan

And Singspore

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