Chinese disinformation being used to undermine the Biden Administration and to Support Trump


Do you mean there is ever a chance in hell thet you would vote for him?

We both know better than that
Missing the point on purpose? Probably because you can’t address it.

Trump won’t tell the electorate what he’d do about Ukraine. How can he ask for people to vote for him without telling them his policy agenda?
"Covert Chinese accounts are masquerading online as American supporters of former President Donald J. Trump, promoting conspiracy theories, stoking domestic divisions and attacking President Biden ahead of the election in November, according to researchers and government officials.

The accounts signal a potential tactical shift in how Beijing aims to influence American politics, with more of a willingness to target specific candidates and parties, including Mr. Biden......

In February, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence reported that China was expanding its influence campaigns to “sow doubts about U.S. leadership, undermine democracy and extend Beijing’s influence.” The report expressed concern that Beijing could use increasingly sophisticated methods to try to influence the American election “to sideline critics of China.”

The goal of the Chinese as well as the Russians is to undermine the USA and to attack its democracy.

It makes sense to target Trump supporters as they are easy prey for any conspiracy theory and have a disdain for democratic institutions.

Oh look, another idiot.
Why do you think he won’t say anything about what he’d do about the war?

Because it keeps the enemy guessing

Trump might have prevented the invasion if he was president but that horse is out of the barn

Negotiating a peace will be much more difficult

Because putin stands to lose everything if he doesent win
It keeps the electorate guessing too. Are we the enemy?

I think the people would want to know before voting.
Missing the point on purpose? Probably because you can’t address it.

Trump won’t tell the electorate what he’d do about Ukraine. How can he ask for people to vote for him without telling them his policy agenda?
And I say tell me what biden plans to do about ukraine?

This is one of the times when trump should keep his mouth shut
And I say tell me what biden plans to do about ukraine?

This is one of the times when trump should keep his mouth shut
BS. We need to know where he stands. That’s how democracies work.

He won’t say anything because he doesn’t know anything. Either that or he’s too weak to take a stand.

Actually probably the latter. He’s quite weak.
It keeps the electorate guessing too. Are we the enemy?

I think the people would want to know before voting.
Sometimes libs seem as if they are

The war has become an expensive drain on the US budget

And its hurting our reserve stockpile of wrapons

But it must be squeezing russia more

Would putin drain russia dry to save his own skin?

You betcha

So what should biden do in your opinion?

Or trump if he wins the election?
It was better than dealing with CHINA, exclusively.

Teabaggers whine they are the enemy, but endorse trade deals with them?

Trump wasnt the only one who didnt like he bill. It had a lot of problems. There's no reason to make a deal that is bad, being handed down from a previous administration. It has nothing to do with wanting to deal with China exclusively and Yes we know they are our enemy, for one because they are killing our people with fentanyl.... does that sound like whining to you? or do you even care about that?
secondly everyone knows that long before Trump came around our economy was deeply entwined with China's its just the way it is, so like it or not, trade deals will be endorsed one way or another. Ideally we can bring more hard manufacturing back here to the U.S. instead of shipping it overseas. There may ahve been good things in the pact, but like with everything there are pros and cons. thats the problem with adding so much Pork to these kinds of deals. Keep it simple.
"Covert Chinese accounts are masquerading online as American supporters of former President Donald J. Trump, promoting conspiracy theories, stoking domestic divisions and attacking President Biden ahead of the election in November, according to researchers and government officials.

The accounts signal a potential tactical shift in how Beijing aims to influence American politics, with more of a willingness to target specific candidates and parties, including Mr. Biden......

In February, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence reported that China was expanding its influence campaigns to “sow doubts about U.S. leadership, undermine democracy and extend Beijing’s influence.” The report expressed concern that Beijing could use increasingly sophisticated methods to try to influence the American election “to sideline critics of China.”

The goal of the Chinese as well as the Russians is to undermine the USA and to attack its democracy.

It makes sense to target Trump supporters as they are easy prey for any conspiracy theory and have a disdain for democratic institutions.
Are these the same idiots that said we had a secure election?

Give me 5 minutes on national television with these fools, I'll tear them multiple new assholes faster than you can turn around.
Notice the laughter

The audience understood that trump was criticizing the chinese

Its too bad that libs were not smart enough to figure it out also

“Don’t forget China’s great and Xi is a great gentleman. He’s now president for life,” Trump told Republican backers. The crowd erupted in laughter in response to the remarks made Saturday at his Mar-a-Lago estate.

The remarks come as China’s national parliament gathers in Beijing for two weeks of meetings expected to culminate in Xi’s appointment to a second term and a constitutional change allowing him to stay on indefinitely. The Communist Party announced the planned amendment Feb. 25, in a surprising break with succession practices set up after Mao Zedong’s fraught tenure.

“And look, he was able to do that,” Trump said. “I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll give that a shot some day,” he said, prompting more laughter. The White House didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.

The comments could add another source of tension between the world’s two largest economies days after Trump pledged to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports, fanning fears of a trade war. The plan to repeal term limits has prompted unusually open expressions of dissent in China.”
Hate makes people stupid, proof is on here 24/7.
Are these the same idiots that said we had a secure election?

Give me 5 minutes on national television with these fools, I'll tear them multiple new assholes faster than you can turn around.
Yeah. Because you’re such a great debater here…
"Covert Chinese accounts are masquerading online as American supporters of former President Donald J. Trump, promoting conspiracy theories, stoking domestic divisions and attacking President Biden ahead of the election in November, according to researchers and government officials.

The accounts signal a potential tactical shift in how Beijing aims to influence American politics, with more of a willingness to target specific candidates and parties, including Mr. Biden......

In February, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence reported that China was expanding its influence campaigns to “sow doubts about U.S. leadership, undermine democracy and extend Beijing’s influence.” The report expressed concern that Beijing could use increasingly sophisticated methods to try to influence the American election “to sideline critics of China.”

The goal of the Chinese as well as the Russians is to undermine the USA and to attack its democracy.

It makes sense to target Trump supporters as they are easy prey for any conspiracy theory and have a disdain for democratic institutions.
What a yawn...So all this disinformation is anti-Biden, and Pro-Trump

Wasn't that stupid Joe's reason for the infamous stupid

Disinformation Governance Board (DGB)
methnks you will find Biden behind this all the way. what are the chances mega-country China cares exactly for what Biden needs to instute his

Disinformation Governance Board (DGB)​

What a yawn...So all this disinformation is anti-Biden, and Pro-Trump

Wasn't that stupid Joe's reason for the infamous stupid

Disinformation Governance Board (DGB)

Disinformation Governance Board | Homeland Security
methnks you will find Biden behind this all the way. what are the chances mega-country China cares exactly for what Biden needs to instute his

Disinformation Governance Board (DGB)

I can't believe all these MAGAs are in such denial over this. Of course China would prefer Trump over Biden. If Trump is elected, among his more disruptive activities, will be to weaken the Western alliance. That should be no shock to Trumpers who are neo-isolationists to begin with. Anyone who weakens the West strengthens the Chinese and our adversaries. That is a fact.

On top of that Trump continually praises Xi while Xi and Biden are at loggerheads.

Xi is salivating at the thought of a new Trump presidency.
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Fund the war with US weapons as long as Ukraine is willing to fight with them.
Thats noble

Whats not noble is biden ignoring the foreign invasion on our southern border

That is unforgivable
Thats noble

Whats not noble is biden ignoring the foreign invasion on our southern border

That is unforgivable
The fact you didn’t know Biden’s policy reveals your ignorance

The fact we don’t know Trump’s policy reveals his weakness.

As is normal for you, you simply ignore anything you don’t want to believe.

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