Chinese disinformation being used to undermine the Biden Administration and to Support Trump

The fact you didn’t know Biden’s policy reveals your ignorance

The fact we don’t know Trump’s policy reveals his weakness.
Biden has no policy beyond welcoming as many foreigners into the country as he can

And he will keep doing so as long as he’s president
Biden has no policy beyond welcoming as many foreigners into the country as he can

And he will keep doing so as long as he’s president
Your statement is idiotic and patently false.

And now you’re trying to change the subject because you have nothing to say.

You are incredibly uninformed and believe many false conspiracies.

You are the prototypical Trump voter. A product of decades of indoctrination from conservative media.
Biden has no policy beyond welcoming as many foreigners into the country as he can

And he will keep doing so as long as he’s president
Biden has no policy beyond welcoming as many foreigners into the country as he can

And he will keep doing so as long as he’s president
right- and even if that's true, that china is feeding us misinformation- and they are! You want that kind of power in the hands of this administration. They've already been caught colluding with big tech.. wth? and they double down. Which is worse?
right- and even if that's true, that china is feeding us misinformation- and they are! You want that kind of power in the hands of this administration. They've already been caught colluding with big tech.. wth? and they double down. Which is worse?
China is worse

But biden is working hard to catch up
Biden isn’t ignoring anything

Ya know who is? Republicans in the Senate and House
Hey - shove your partisan bullshit where the sun don't shine.

The FACT is that China is completely agnostic when it comes to American politics. They'll brine whoever will take their money,left right or indifferent.
Hey - shove your partisan bullshit where the sun don't shine.

The FACT is that China is completely agnostic when it comes to American politics. They'll brine whoever will take their money,left right or indifferent.

Talking about partisanship?

Funny man
BS. We need to know where he stands. That’s how democracies work.

He won’t say anything because he doesn’t know anything. Either that or he’s too weak to take a stand.

Actually probably the latter. He’s quite weak.
Or maybe he doesn't want Russia/Ukraine to know what we would do. I guarantee that you don't know a tenth of what the current globalist cabal has planned.
Or maybe he doesn't want Russia/Ukraine to know what we would do. I guarantee that you don't know a tenth of what the current globalist cabal has planned.
Would you vote for someone without knowing what they would do?

It’s pretty fundamental to democracy.
"Covert Chinese accounts are masquerading online as American supporters of former President Donald J. Trump, promoting conspiracy theories, stoking domestic divisions and attacking President Biden ahead of the election in November, according to researchers and government officials.

The accounts signal a potential tactical shift in how Beijing aims to influence American politics, with more of a willingness to target specific candidates and parties, including Mr. Biden......

In February, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence reported that China was expanding its influence campaigns to “sow doubts about U.S. leadership, undermine democracy and extend Beijing’s influence.” The report expressed concern that Beijing could use increasingly sophisticated methods to try to influence the American election “to sideline critics of China.”

The goal of the Chinese as well as the Russians is to undermine the USA and to attack its democracy.

It makes sense to target Trump supporters as they are easy prey for any conspiracy theory and have a disdain for democratic institutions.
I guess we will have the Chinese hoax lead by Adam Shifty next Jan
The logical reply was that this isn’t a minor issue.

The pejorative is apt given you has no logical reply to mine.
Try again after you demonstrate that you had any clue of what ANY administration you've ever voted for would do. You are biased and you choose which lies to believe. In other words an ignorant democrat, but I'm being redundant.

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