Chinese disinformation being used to undermine the Biden Administration and to Support Trump

"Covert Chinese accounts are masquerading online as American supporters of former President Donald J. Trump, promoting conspiracy theories, stoking domestic divisions and attacking President Biden ahead of the election in November, according to researchers and government officials.

The accounts signal a potential tactical shift in how Beijing aims to influence American politics, with more of a willingness to target specific candidates and parties, including Mr. Biden......

In February, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence reported that China was expanding its influence campaigns to “sow doubts about U.S. leadership, undermine democracy and extend Beijing’s influence.” The report expressed concern that Beijing could use increasingly sophisticated methods to try to influence the American election “to sideline critics of China.”

The goal of the Chinese as well as the Russians is to undermine the USA and to attack its democracy.

It makes sense to target Trump supporters as they are easy prey for any conspiracy theory and have a disdain for democratic institutions.

Trump wasnt the only one who didnt like he bill. It had a lot of problems.
Like what?
There's no reason to make a deal that is bad, being handed down from a previous administration.
Trump hated anything with Obama's signature on it.

His cult was just as bad.

McConnell fends off accusations of hypocrisy over holding ...​

Politico › news › 2020/09/21 › mccon...

Sep 22, 2020 — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell pushed back Monday against Democratic allegations of hypocrisy over holding a vote this year on Ruth ...

Republican McConnell would block a Biden Supreme ...​

Reuters › legal › government › republi...

Jun 14, 2021 — U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Monday that President Joe Biden would not get a Supreme Court nominee confirmed in 2024 ...

It has nothing to do with wanting to deal with China
Then why did Trump entertain the idea?

Trump signs China trade pact and boasts of 'the biggest ...​

The Guardian › business › jan › us-chin...

Jan 15, 2020 — President signs first phase of new agreement with China, hours after Democrats named team that will prosecute him in Senate.

Trump signs China trade pact and boasts of 'the biggest deal ever seen'.​

exclusively and Yes we know they are our enemy, for one because they are killing our people with fentanyl.... does that sound like whining to you? or do you even care about that?
secondly everyone knows that long before Trump came around our economy was deeply entwined with China's its just the way it is, so like it or not, trade deals will be endorsed one way or another. Ideally we can bring more hard manufacturing back here to the U.S. instead of shipping it overseas. There may ahve been good things in the pact, but like with everything there are pros and cons. thats the problem with adding so much Pork to these kinds of deals. Keep it simple.

U.S.-China trade war has cost up to 245000 U.S. jobs​

Reuters › article

Jan 14, 2021 — U.S. President Donald Trump's trade war with China has caused a peak loss of 245000 U.S. jobs, but a gradual scaling back of tariffs on both ...
Since it was the USA that started to attack/oppose/isolate China, and dozens of other countries via propagating it's "supposed democratic spirit" - it is fully understood that China and all those others, are totally fevering towards a Trump win. Since a Trump administration will ensure a further decline of US power and as such US global hegemony.

It's really funny and mind-boggling to see how MAGA's totally misinterpret Biden aka the Democrats to be on China's payroll. Being to naive and brainwashed to understand that "Western fake democracy" is the inherent enemy of any authoritarian and/or non Western country.

Says the Chinese guy posting from China.

Why are all the foreign posters on USMB lefties?

Weird huh?
"Covert Chinese accounts are masquerading online as American supporters of former President Donald J. Trump, promoting conspiracy theories, stoking domestic divisions and attacking President Biden ahead of the election in November, according to researchers and government officials.

The accounts signal a potential tactical shift in how Beijing aims to influence American politics, with more of a willingness to target specific candidates and parties, including Mr. Biden......

In February, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence reported that China was expanding its influence campaigns to “sow doubts about U.S. leadership, undermine democracy and extend Beijing’s influence.” The report expressed concern that Beijing could use increasingly sophisticated methods to try to influence the American election “to sideline critics of China.”

The goal of the Chinese as well as the Russians is to undermine the USA and to attack its democracy.

It makes sense to target Trump supporters as they are easy prey for any conspiracy theory and have a disdain for democratic institutions.
The Complex U.S.-China Trade Relationship

The U.S.-China trade relationship is a complex issue with various factors at play. Despite political tensions, the U.S. imports a significant amount of goods from China, amounting to over $560 billion in 2018, which made up more than 21% of the value of all goods imported by the U.S.

This includes products like soy sauce, of which China supplies 42%, but the U.S. also sources it from other countries like Japan, Hong Kong, and Thailand.

U.S. Ambitions and Concerns

The U.S. has concerns about its dependence on China for various products, including pharmaceuticals. For example, a hearing held by the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission highlighted the U.S.'s growing reliance on China's pharmaceutical products, with 97% of all antibiotics in the United States coming from China.

U.S. Endgame and Ambitions

The U.S. has clear ambitions to maintain its position as a leading power in the world, particularly in high-tech areas like robotics and AI. There is a recognition that China's success in these areas could potentially lead to it supplanting the United States as the leading power in the world.

What does the US want from China? What is its endgame?

This is a key factor in the U.S.'s approach to its trade relationship with China.


The U.S.-China trade relationship is influenced by a multitude of factors, including economic dependencies, concerns about pharmaceutical products, and ambitions to maintain technological leadership. The situation is complex and multifaceted, with both countries having their own strategic interests and concerns.

After reading the history, I think Americans are just jealous of China's success in many things? Keep kicking Chinese's ass while eating Chinese food is now the US policy? lol. :)

Edit: Have the intelligence agencies found WMDs in Iraq yet ? lol. :)
The base voters hated the Senate bill only because Trump told them to.

Speaking as a card-carrying GOP base voter I can tell you I have had years of experience dealing with broken promises and bait and switch tactics of the swamp, and the senate bill was a stinker from the very beginning
Congratulations to President Xi and the Chinese people on the 70th Anniversary of the People's Republic of China!

We get it now................ Too funny.
When did we declare war on china?

I must have missed the announcement

Trump can be tough on china when he needs to but he also has to be a diplomat

Remember when Nixon the Cold Warrior went to china and toasted Mao?
True, but it makes no sense for them to help Trump when Biden is doing everything they ask.
I suspect that china plans for the winner - whoever it is - to take office as weak as possible l, and with America as divided as possible
When did we declare war on china?

I must have missed the announcement

Trump says blame China. His supporters are listening.​

Politico › news › 2020/05/03 › trump...

May 3, 2020 — In Virginia, a conservative talk radio host debated ways the Trump administration could punish China for inflicting a pandemic on the world. And ...

GOP Leader Pledges China Investigation If Republicans ...​

Bloomberg › news › articles › gop-lead...

Oct 30, 2022 — House Republicans would set up a committee to investigate how Covid-19 spread from China and focus on military and economic threats posed by ...

2024 Republican candidates hone in on a common foe​

Reuters › world › 2024-republican-can...

Aug 3, 2023 — At an economic policy speech on Monday, Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis repeatedly blamed China for sapping the United States ...

Trump can be tough on china when he needs to but he also has to be a diplomat
Now.............That is funny.

Trump a "Diplomat"?.......LOL.
Remember when Nixon the Cold Warrior went to china and toasted Mao?
Remember when Americans were complaining that most of the consumer goods in the US were made in Japan?


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When did we declare war on china?

I must have missed the announcement

Trump can be tough on china when he needs to but he also has to be a diplomat

Remember when Nixon the Cold Warrior went to china and toasted Mao?
We are only at war when Republicans talk about Hunter Biden having business deals with companies from China.

When Trump praises China, then we are back to being at peace.

Speaking as a card-carrying GOP base voter I can tell you I have had years of experience dealing with broken promises and bait and switch tactics of the swamp, and the senate bill was a stinker from the very beginning
Horse shit.

It was written by Republicans and does virtually everything Republicans want and leaves out “path to citizenship “ or anything for DACA folks
The dictators all like Trump. He wants to join their club.

Democrats are globalists. The main goal of Globalists is one-world government. Democrats are too ignorant to realize they are playing into the hands of the real authoritarians, who want control of everything.
Trump has never been a nice guy. He’s a blustering bully that doesn’t deserve the presidency.
"Blustering"? Now he's guilty of blustering? Seriously? LOL He's a New Yorker! The whole city is guilty of blustering, Konradv! It's who they are. Doesn't mean he didn't do a good job as President. How about you focus more on what he DID and less on what he SAYS? We can't do another four years of Joe the senile idiot. We can't. We can't do another four years of the left wing of the Democrat Party calling the shots. We can't. The country can only absorb so much damage.
Why do I get the distinct feeling that none of you on the left actually took the time to read the Senate version that was passed?

Trump says blame China. His supporters are listening.

View attachment 925965
Politico › news › 2020/05/03 › trump...
May 3, 2020 — In Virginia, a conservative talk radio host debated ways the Trump administration could punish China for inflicting a pandemic on the world. And ...

GOP Leader Pledges China Investigation If Republicans ...

View attachment 925966
Bloomberg › news › articles › gop-lead...
Oct 30, 2022 — House Republicans would set up a committee to investigate how Covid-19 spread from China and focus on military and economic threats posed by ...

2024 Republican candidates hone in on a common foe

View attachment 925964
Reuters › world › 2024-republican-can...
Aug 3, 2023 — At an economic policy speech on Monday, Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis repeatedly blamed China for sapping the United States ...

Now.............That is funny.

Trump a "Diplomat"?.......LOL.

Remember when Americans were complaining that most of the consumer goods in the US were made in Japan?
None of that is war

Dropping nukes on them for invading Taiwan is war

Sending fleet ships to the bottom of the Taiwan Straight is war

Whats taking place in Gaza is war

Only libs would think that blaming the communists for covid 19 is war
None of that is war
Either is this.
"Remember when Nixon the Cold Warrior went to china and toasted Mao"?
Teabaggers have an economic war with China.
Dropping nukes on them for invading Taiwan is war

Sending fleet ships to the bottom of the Taiwan Straight is war

Whats taking place in Gaza is war

Only libs would think that blaming the communists for covid 19 is war
That all teabaggers do, blame China.
Even their dear leader.

Trump Says China May Be 'Knowingly Responsible' for Virus​

Bloomberg › news › articles › trump-su...

Apr 18, 2020 — President Donald Trump raised the prospect that China deliberately caused the Covid-19 outbreak that's killed over 39000 Americans and said ...

Trump says blame China. His supporters are listening.​

Politico › news › 2020/05/03 › trump...

May 3, 2020 — In Virginia, a conservative talk radio host debated ways the Trump administration could punish China for inflicting a pandemic on the world. And ...

Trump Is Demanding China Pay 'Big Price' For Covid-19​

Forbes › Business

Oct 8, 2020 — Topline. President Donald Trump has repeatedly promised this week that China will “pay a big price” for its role in the coronavirus pandemic, a ...

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