Chinese Virologist Makes Chilling Admission About the Wuhan Lab


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2022
Appearing on Fox News, Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan claims that not only did COVID-19 originate from a lab, but that the leak “was not an accident.”

“Of course, it was not an accident,” the virologist said. “I can tell you based on the protocol and also the other surveillance system it will be impossible for the lab leak accidentally happen in such a lab and also cause the Wuhan outbreak and also the pandemic.”
Who will report it? Fox news?


Who else?


Who in government will care other than maybe Rand Paul?


Nothing will be done
This is a repeat of the claims she made in 2020 with others and why is it still relevant. Oh she appeared on fox again and repeated the same story. She first appeared on the Gateway pundit

Works well in certain circles but in the scientific circles she has no proven her case.

Appearing on Fox News, Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan claims that not only did COVID-19 originate from a lab, but that the leak “was not an accident.”

“Of course, it was not an accident,” the virologist said. “I can tell you based on the protocol and also the other surveillance system it will be impossible for the lab leak accidentally happen in such a lab and also cause the Wuhan outbreak and also the pandemic.”

The left: "No! It was dirty Chinese people eating bat soup, dammit! Chairman Xi loves us!"
This is a repeat of the claims she made in 2020 with others and why is it still relevant. Oh she appeared on fox again and repeated the same story. She first appeared on the Gateway pundit

Works well in certain circles but in the scientific circles she has no proven her case.

Have you read the news lately clown?
It was a no brainer to me.... motive and opportunity.... and the right amount of evil..... that's China....
China tried to thin the herd with their one child policy

Then when they saw that was a total disaster, they stopped it and moved to thinning the herd with Covid. I mean, who cares if the nonproductive elderly die with Covid, which was the target instead of the really young who are also not productive for the state? They are just using the states resources and producing carbon emissions.

And once they see this as a total disaster, or maybe not at all, they will move on to other evil idiocy cuz they can.
Appearing on Fox News, Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan claims that not only did COVID-19 originate from a lab, but that the leak “was not an accident.”

“Of course, it was not an accident,” the virologist said. “I can tell you based on the protocol and also the other surveillance system it will be impossible for the lab leak accidentally happen in such a lab and also cause the Wuhan outbreak and also the pandemic.”
Old news. First was here:
5 Jun 2021
Have you read the news lately clown?
She repeating the same thing she said years ago. The results are still the same

During the interview with Joe Hoft, Yan also claimed that the virus was released intentionally by the Chinese government, once again without providing evidence to support her claim. This review refrains from assessing the veracity of this claim, because there is no evidence to either prove or disprove it. Similarly, the hypothesis that the virus was leaked from a laboratory still remains under consideration by scientists, as there is no evidence to support or refute it.

But one thing that scientists have determined with a high degree of certainty, based on the scientific evidence so far, is that the virus is the product of natural evolution[3]. Its genetic features and evolutionary trajectory are consistent with those of naturally-occurring viruses and can already be explained by known evolutionary mechanisms.

No evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was engineered in a laboratory, contrary to claim by Li-Meng Yan

Have you read about scientific consensus and what can be proven? Usually they discussed with other scientist who can understand what is being debated.

Appearing on right wing TV shows pandering to the paranoid.

I have to admit it appears to be fun so here something for you

President Barack Obama, is a foreign-born Manchurian candidate sent by forces of the so-called "New World Order" to destroy American sovereignty and institute one-world socialist government.
Obama's father was 87.5% Arab, so he has duped quite a few. The natural evolution theory in post #15 is contradictory: "The intermediary host species of SARS1 was identified within four months of the epidemic's outbreak, and the host of MERS within 9 months." (Nicholas Wade)

Furthermore, the furin cleavage site in SARS2 is contradictory: no other sarbecovirus has a furin cleavage site. No furin cleavage site was ever mentioned in the first SARS2 paper. A furin cleavage site, however, was found in a Lyme disease tick on Long Island, New York, in 2008 by Columbia University and in an American dog tick on the same island in 2013. A furin cleavage site was inserted into SARS1 in a Montana lab during 2006.
So the paper that is being flaunted in post #15 contains Holmes, Worobey and Farrar, the latter is definitely linked to British MI5 through Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller (RFK Jr. The Real Anthony Fauci). Worobey links to the SARS2 retrovirus inserts via his publication on fopamy retroviruses in coelacanths. The coelacanths link to ancient fish of the Chengjiang Fauna in Yunnan Province, where all the conditions for the arising of a SARS-like virus from bats are in place.

Another author of the paper in post #15, Angie Rasmussen, is a flaming zoonoti:
DOE: How Seriously Should We Take the Lab Leak Theory?
'...."and is as ridiculous as the counterclaim that SC2 comes from a lab in the U.S.,"he said.'
Should read "foamy retroviruses." The URL may function if typed in the spacebar, otherwise: www.
But one thing that scientists have determined with a high degree of certainty, based on the scientific evidence so far, is that the virus is the product of natural evolution
Complete and utter BULLSHIT. We never would have had Covid19 if the Chinese bat virologists had left those friggin things in the bat caves 900 miles away from Wuhan. But thanks to funding and interest from the NIH and Fauci, they brought the plague into the Wuhan lab and then genetically modified it so it could leap to humans. I'm not convinced it was an intentional leak initially, but it is 100% certain that Xi Jinping sent known infected Chinese people around the world once the virus was spreading in China.

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