Chinese Virus


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Wuhan Flu Reminder: Political Correctness Kills
17 Mar 2020 ~~ By Fletch Daniels

Political correctness is not just harmless virtue-signaling navel-gazing by a bored “elite” first-world populace. It is both a weapon and a disease that kills.
On January 31, on a day when the entire national press corps was fully focused on unserious impeachment theater, President Trump declared a national health emergency and implemented a travel ban to and from China.
Apparently unhappy that Trump wasn’t curled up in the fetal position, all the usual suspects on the left screamed bloody murder, convinced he was trying to distract from their important issue. Only a couple countries followed suit, since most were afraid they would be labeled as xenophobic or branded with the dreaded scarlet R.
Joe Biden called it “hysterical xenophobia.” He’s still thundering about Trump’s xenophobic bans during his occasional lucid moments.
Yet, this single action bought incredibly precious time, perhaps the most valuable commodity when trying to defend citizens from this virus.
It is the reason we aren’t already like Italy or Spain, societies that have been wrecked. It gave us time to observe and study the disease and to implement the best defensive measures. It drove home the critical importance of social distancing as the single most important step in slowing its spread.
It also bought time to overcome our bloated and ineffective bureaucracy while marshalling private industry.
Quite simply, putting American lives first while shrugging off political correctness saved many lives, the number of which we will never truly know.
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Americans were tired of the doublespeak that directly contradicted what was so obvious to them.
Luckily for America, the president was unwilling to be handcuffed by political correctness even as many other foreign leaders made fatal mistakes. We are at an inflection point in history. The Wuhan flu demonstrates once again that we can no longer afford politicians who worship at the altar of political correctness or attempt to weaponize it to overturn society. Stated another way, we no longer have the luxury of electing Democrats.

Political Correctness will never leave us....It will never go away. It is a potent poisonous tool for the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Left. The only way to contain it is to treat it as a contagious disease and isolate it to regain control of our culture. If rational people were in charge at our schools, entertainment industry, and news media we could teach young minds exactly how virulent and insidious Political Correctness is.
The phrase "Politically Correct" has its origins in Soviet observations and writing:
"Boris: Lysenkoism will feed the nation!Vitaly. But, Comrade, there is no food and the wheat crop has failed.Boris: You are factually correct, but politically incorrect."​
So, political correctness isn't merely virtue signaling, although in America it does serves to demonstrate "Wokeness". It signals that you are on board with the party message, willing to toe the line. That you understand the consequences of independent thought or words. There was, under the Soviet, an implied threat to political incorrectness, and no less now in America. Wandering off the narrow path will get you harassed, or fired, or punched. Sometimes these are the actions of private individuals, as with pro-life advocates being attacked on campus, sometimes at the urging of public figures like Maxine Waters' call to harry people in the Trump administration. Sometimes, like Joaquin Castro's publishing a list of Trump diners in his district, it comes from the actual elected official.
Political correctness is the denial of reality for the sake of conformity under threat.
As we see today Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftist believe that P.C. is more important fighting a pandemic that we know had it's origins in Wuhan China, than fighting the virus itself. They tell us it's Racist... It's their latest click word next to Russia, Russia....
I'm calling it what it is, The Wuhan Flu. Draw your own conclusions whether it was intentional or accidental.
Wuhan Flu Reminder: Political Correctness Kills
17 Mar 2020 ~~ By Fletch Daniels

Political correctness is not just harmless virtue-signaling navel-gazing by a bored “elite” first-world populace. It is both a weapon and a disease that kills.
On January 31, on a day when the entire national press corps was fully focused on unserious impeachment theater, President Trump declared a national health emergency and implemented a travel ban to and from China.
Apparently unhappy that Trump wasn’t curled up in the fetal position, all the usual suspects on the left screamed bloody murder, convinced he was trying to distract from their important issue. Only a couple countries followed suit, since most were afraid they would be labeled as xenophobic or branded with the dreaded scarlet R.
Joe Biden called it “hysterical xenophobia.” He’s still thundering about Trump’s xenophobic bans during his occasional lucid moments.
Yet, this single action bought incredibly precious time, perhaps the most valuable commodity when trying to defend citizens from this virus.
It is the reason we aren’t already like Italy or Spain, societies that have been wrecked. It gave us time to observe and study the disease and to implement the best defensive measures. It drove home the critical importance of social distancing as the single most important step in slowing its spread.
It also bought time to overcome our bloated and ineffective bureaucracy while marshalling private industry.
Quite simply, putting American lives first while shrugging off political correctness saved many lives, the number of which we will never truly know.
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Americans were tired of the doublespeak that directly contradicted what was so obvious to them.
Luckily for America, the president was unwilling to be handcuffed by political correctness even as many other foreign leaders made fatal mistakes. We are at an inflection point in history. The Wuhan flu demonstrates once again that we can no longer afford politicians who worship at the altar of political correctness or attempt to weaponize it to overturn society. Stated another way, we no longer have the luxury of electing Democrats.

Political Correctness will never leave us....It will never go away. It is a potent poisonous tool for the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Left. The only way to contain it is to treat it as a contagious disease and isolate it to regain control of our culture. If rational people were in charge at our schools, entertainment industry, and news media we could teach young minds exactly how virulent and insidious Political Correctness is.
The phrase "Politically Correct" has its origins in Soviet observations and writing:
"Boris: Lysenkoism will feed the nation!Vitaly. But, Comrade, there is no food and the wheat crop has failed.Boris: You are factually correct, but politically incorrect."​
So, political correctness isn't merely virtue signaling, although in America it does serves to demonstrate "Wokeness". It signals that you are on board with the party message, willing to toe the line. That you understand the consequences of independent thought or words. There was, under the Soviet, an implied threat to political incorrectness, and no less now in America. Wandering off the narrow path will get you harassed, or fired, or punched. Sometimes these are the actions of private individuals, as with pro-life advocates being attacked on campus, sometimes at the urging of public figures like Maxine Waters' call to harry people in the Trump administration. Sometimes, like Joaquin Castro's publishing a list of Trump diners in his district, it comes from the actual elected official.
Political correctness is the denial of reality for the sake of conformity under threat.
As we see today Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftist believe that P.C. is more important fighting a pandemic that we know had it's origins in Wuhan China, than fighting the virus itself. They tell us it's Racist... It's their latest click word next to Russia, Russia....
Fantastic post. Thanks, Doc.
I'm calling it what it is, The Wuhan Flu. Draw your own conclusions whether it was intentional or accidental.

Someone called it the Kung Flu. But I'm with you "Wuhan Flu" works for me.
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Americans will probably remember the coronavirus COVID-19 as the Trump Plague.
Americans will probably remember the coronavirus COVID-19 as the Trump Plague.
IMHO, the general population is in no mood for this sort of stupid Political Correctness. No one is enjoying the isolation. People are stressed. The virus came from China. We know that. It’s a Chinese virus. Get over it. No one cares about journalists trying to be holier-than-thou in their political correctness and 'Wokeness'.
No one appreciates the panic and fear mongering of Leftist mayors that continue to spew their disinformation. That goes especially for May of New York city Desgraciado aka De Blasio.
IMHO, the general population is in no mood for this sort of stupid Political Correctness. No one is enjoying the isolation. People are stressed. The virus came from China. We know that. It’s a Chinese virus. Get over it. No one cares about Journ0lists trying to be holier-than-thou in their political correctness and 'Wokeness'.
No one appreciates the panic and fear mongering of Leftist mayors that continue to spew their disinformation. That goes especially for Mayor of New York City Mr. Desgraciado aka De Blasio.
The dumb cvnts are referring to the Middle Ages.

Lyme disease is from Lyme, stupid fucks.

Do we attack people from that town?

You Liberal cwords need to shut up.
How Long Will Americans Tolerate Corona-Madness?
19 Mar 2020 ~~ By Lloyd Marcus
A usually level-headed Christian conservative lashed out on Facebook, scolding everyone they thought was not taking the coronavirus seriously enough. Fake news media has successfully infected many with irrational fear.
Hearing Gov. Larry Hogan on my car radio announcing his executive order to close bars, restaurants, gyms, and theaters sounded like the script of a 1950s horror movie. “We will stop the spread of this deadly disease!” dramatically proclaimed Hogan. Litle more than 100 have died in the U.S. and under 9,000 worldwide. According to the CDC, during the 2018-2019 flu season, an estimated 16.5 million people got sick and 34,000 died in the U.S.
When Hogan mentioned plans to restrict church gatherings, a chill went up my spine. In the United States of America, government is mandating that people not attend church. Wow!
CDC data confirms that the martial-law-light mandates steamrolling across America are disproportionate to the threat of the virus. Some governors and most corporations are responding to media-mob pressure to halt life in America. Others see an opportunity to land a death-blow to the Trump administration.
Insidiously ignoring the CDC's no-need-to-panic-data, fake news media created and is gleefully fueling corona-madness. Using their huge bully pulpit, fake news media says anyone who dares to contradict their you're-all-gonna-die narrative will be dragged into the high tech public square, stripped naked, branded an irresponsible idiot with a hot iron and their career will be canceled.
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Folks, the light I see at the end of the corona-madness tunnel is the strong will, spirit, and instincts of the American people. Without analyzing their feelings through a lens of political ideology, Americans will begin demanding to have their lives back: work, weddings, kid's birthday parties, restaurants, and so on. We are Americans!
Trump is the perfect man in office when that day comes. He will gladly say, “I am with you folks. Let's get back to keeping America great!”

The infection has spread around the world and now has to run its course. Had the Chinese let word on this out sooner rather than later we might have had a better chance. President Trump's swift action of restricting flights to and from China slowed the introduction of the Wuhan virus into America. At this point according to some the death rate here is at around 1%... Here's hoping it stays that way.....
The fear mongering of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left has totally crash our economy, destroy peoples retirement accounts, and freely give up our constitutional rights over a virus that has killed 160 elderly who were already in poor health.
Americans will probably remember the coronavirus COVID-19 as the Trump Plague.

Would you agree then that the H1N1 was the Obama Plague? Surely he didn't blink and eye until thousands died from the H1N1 Swine Flu in the USA. He was too busy lying about and passing a 9,000 page Obamacare Bill. As your friend Pelosi urged us, it had to be passed in order to see what was in it.
Just when you thought blob supporters couldn’t get any lower...they find a shovel and start digging. Calling the virus the novel Coronavirus is not only’s xenophobia free. It amazes me that you fuckstains are able to look at yourself in the mirror
Americans will probably remember the coronavirus COVID-19 as the Trump Plague.

No, they actually won't. The only people who will be saying that are dishonest and dishonorable hate filled crackpots like you.

Generally, people aren't prone to changing leaders in a time of crisis. You people suffering with your TDS better walk a very fine line if you don't want to create a landslide against you in this upcoming election.
Just when you thought blob supporters couldn’t get any lower...they find a shovel and start digging. Calling the virus the novel Coronavirus is not only’s xenophobia free. It amazes me that you fuckstains are able to look at yourself in the mirror

H1N1 = Spanish Influenza
MERS = Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
Rubella = German Measles
Japanese Encephalitis

How are those fuckstains able to look at the themselves in the mirror? Better question, why are you propagandizing for the Chinese?

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