Chipotle may hike prices

Thought I heard that McDonalds and Walmart were also looking at raising prices as well. It may be more than just chipotle, just to be honest.
Those nickels add up to a pretty hefty tax hike. Amazing how historically tax averse republicans are turning back-flips about this. Oh well, at least they are paying for a little of Trump's giant cash bonanza for his rich friends.

Yea, really don't see anyone doing any backflips. But you go ahead and exaggerate as much as you'd like, we're use to it.
I think it's just odd that these reckless trade decisions are met with something resembling joy by the same people who would have formally had a hissy-fit about anything that might mess with "free trade".

Get up to snuff!
'Free Trade' was/is a misnomer.
Of course it is, but it was the rallying call that gutted our industrial base. Now that we have practically no market dominance in any sector protectionism is nothing but a tax hike.
Those nickels add up to a pretty hefty tax hike. Amazing how historically tax averse republicans are turning back-flips about this. Oh well, at least they are paying for a little of Trump's giant cash bonanza for his rich friends.

Yea, really don't see anyone doing any backflips. But you go ahead and exaggerate as much as you'd like, we're use to it.
I think it's just odd that these reckless trade decisions are met with something resembling joy by the same people who would have formally had a hissy-fit about anything that might mess with "free trade".

Since we pay for the tariffs, the whole essentially amounts to one giant tax hike...
Quite possibly as bad as mcdees

There’s no comparison. Chipotle is good, highly nutritious food. McDonald’s is junk food.

It sure is, it's just the e. coli ya gotta watch out for.

I ate a Chipotle once. About 15 years ago in San Diego. It wasn't bad. I prefer Moe's.

Not sure we have a Moe's out here in LA-LA land.

You don't. I hadn't heard about it until I moved to South Carolina. When I lived in California, Thousand Oaks to be exact, there was a local Mexican restaurant that couldn't be beaten... the only reason I ever had to hit a Chipotle or a Taco Bell was for a munchie run or a quick bite before a long drive...

Hey, you like South Carolina better than California?
Those nickels add up to a pretty hefty tax hike. Amazing how historically tax averse republicans are turning back-flips about this. Oh well, at least they are paying for a little of Trump's giant cash bonanza for his rich friends.

Yea, really don't see anyone doing any backflips. But you go ahead and exaggerate as much as you'd like, we're use to it.
I think it's just odd that these reckless trade decisions are met with something resembling joy by the same people who would have formally had a hissy-fit about anything that might mess with "free trade".

Yea, not seeing reckless either.
Never heard of them. I run away from fast Mexican food anyway. We were a town of steak houses, Basque, drive-ins and burger joints. Today 80% of the restaurants are Mexican. I dislike the change, but a do like El Centro market. They're five minutes from me, reasonable and GREAT FOOD. Better than the restaurants, of which there must be 30 in a town of 50K.

When I moved here there were two families from south of the border. Now they're approaching half.
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If they do raise their prices it is out of fear not reason...when you act out of fear in business you end up regretting it.....
There’s no comparison. Chipotle is good, highly nutritious food. McDonald’s is junk food.

It sure is, it's just the e. coli ya gotta watch out for.

I ate a Chipotle once. About 15 years ago in San Diego. It wasn't bad. I prefer Moe's.

Not sure we have a Moe's out here in LA-LA land.

You don't. I hadn't heard about it until I moved to South Carolina. When I lived in California, Thousand Oaks to be exact, there was a local Mexican restaurant that couldn't be beaten... the only reason I ever had to hit a Chipotle or a Taco Bell was for a munchie run or a quick bite before a long drive...

Hey, you like South Carolina better than California?

Except for the humidity and lack of really good Mexican food, yeah. In between California and South Carolina I spent three years in Albuquerque, I could have stayed there but the Mrs. didn't much care for it. When the company I worked for moved here and asked if I wanted to come along, I figured why not?

Honestly, this is one place I never figured I'd ever live.

I miss California to a certain degree, but not enough to go back permanently. I'll go out to visit my daughters and grandkids, and an old buddy of mine, but after living there for 35 years... I like the change and don't miss the high cost of living.

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