Chips in Guns: Turn-Off Switch

Like trigger locks, "smart guns" have a mechanical interface thatcan be disabled by someone with some time and the proper tools.

Thus, this will do nothing to keep criminals from getting and using guns.

but they would stop a criminal from grabbin a cops gun and escaping or shooting someone.
This is a good Idea for law enforcements guns.
Military as welll - that way the enemy can't use them.
Like trigger locks, "smart guns" have a mechanical interface thatcan be disabled by someone with some time and the proper tools.

Thus, this will do nothing to keep criminals from getting and using guns.

but they would stop a criminal from grabbin a cops gun and escaping or shooting someone.
This is a good Idea for law enforcements guns.

How often does that really happen? By the way, whenever some new technology comes along, there's always someone who creates a newer and better technology right? So how would you like to be the Police Officer who comes against that newer technology when that technology includes the ability to make that chip lock out the cop it's supposed to recognize? Or for that matter, how would you like to be the Police Officer who pulls out his weapon, tries to shooot it to defend himself, only to find there is a glitch in the system? We won't even get into the fact that for the civilian market you could be buying a gun that the govt could disable any time it wanted to. No thanks, they can keep their chips.

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