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Chomsky makes first Gaza visit

SO ? the US did things----which SOMEHOW---but not be design led to the empowerment of POL POT------ in fact the US and England ----ALSO did things----but NOT BY DESIGN that led to the empowerment of Adolf abu ali Hitler, too

how does that make Kissinger "responsible" for genocide in Cambodia --------btw----it also does not make the US responsible for the genocide comitted by Adolf Hitler
"Nixon was facing growing congressional opposition to his Indochina policy. A joint US–South Vietnam ground invasion of Cambodia in May and June of 1970 had failed to root out Vietnamese Communists, and Nixon now wanted to covertly escalate the air attacks, which were aimed at destroying the mobile headquarters of the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese Army (vc/nva) in the Cambodian jungle.

"After telling Kissinger that the US Air Force was being unimaginative, Nixon demanded more bombing, deeper into the country: 'They have got to go in there and I mean really go in . . . I want everything that can fly to go in there and crack the hell out of them. There is no limitation on mileage and there is no limitation on budget. Is that clear?'

"Kissinger knew that this order ignored Nixon’s promise to Congress that US planes would remain within thirty kilometres of the Vietnamese border, his own assurances to the public that bombing would not take place within a kilometre of any village, and military assessments stating that air strikes were like poking a beehive with a stick."

Nixon and Kissinger were responsible for hundreds of thousands of maimed and murdered Cambodians along with creating millions of refugees anxious to destroy their own government.

I'm unaware of any similar air actions leading to Hitler's rise, are you?

Bombs Over Cambodia: New Light on US Air War :: JapanFocus
American and British economic policies related to Germany have been blamed for the rise of your hero Adolf------I have no comment on your claim that Kissinger ordered bombings of villagers in Cambodia-----I did not know about it
American and British economic policies related to Germany have been blamed for the rise of your hero Adolf------I have no comment on your claim that Kissinger ordered bombings of villagers in Cambodia-----I did not know about it

if america's woodrow wilson had prevailed at versailles after world war one, and been softer on germany, Hitler ay have been prevented

the USA was right

the villain was France...clemenceau he said "squeexe germany till the pips squeak"

hitler was exactly that pipsqueak

britain very relunctantly supported france..your zio friend lloyd george

so britain and france were to blae not USA

the big lesson is that revenge just makes things worse

after world war 2..the marshall plan...rehabilitation...works

tell that to your horrific prisons now in USA..thay don't work

as gandhi said

an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.............

ten eyes for an eye a la israel.......

lebanon invasion created hizbollah
gaza vengeance created Hamas

worse than blind..........

yanx used to be so much more enlightened
wrong again-----I do not support any of those idiotic theories -----Hitler was what hitler was and he found lots of issues to BLAME on -----this or that or the other in order to find a CAUSE and exert his filth

same is true of the Hezbollah filth in Lebanon

there are always PROBLEMS and there are always vultures around to USE THEM TO CREATE LIBELS Iran is in the business right now The Jihadist pigs who attacked in Mumbai were not responding to their 'troubles' or something MUMBAI INDIANS did to them------they were responding to the filth they learned in kindergarten and the mosques
as I recall SIHANOUK was no bargain------he was considered very brutal skinny little tiny monster

The situation with POL POT was not predictable-----I still do not see how it can be BLAMED on Kissenger even if something he did------can be THEORIZED as being in some way an antecedent of POL POT Was Pol Pot a protege of Kissenger?
no but after the vietnamese took over cambodia from pol pot, the whole western world led by USA supported pol pot and sihanouk in alliance in retaining the UN seat for cambodia

the yanx hated the vietnamese who whopped 57,000 of them more than pol pot who killed millions
lots and lots of ------misjudgement just like the misjudgement that lead to SUPPORT OF THE TALIBAN-----and even support of disgusting pig SADAAM
wrong again-----I do not support any of those idiotic theories -----Hitler was what hitler was and he found lots of issues to BLAME on -----this or that or the other in order to find a CAUSE and exert his filth

same is true of the Hezbollah filth in Lebanon

there are always PROBLEMS and there are always vultures around to USE THEM TO CREATE LIBELS Iran is in the business right now The Jihadist pigs who attacked in Mumbai were not responding to their 'troubles' or something MUMBAI INDIANS did to them------they were responding to the filth they learned in kindergarten and the mosques
"The Jihadist pigs who attacked in Mumbai were not responding to their 'troubles' or something MUMBAI INDIANS did to them------they were responding to the filth they learned in kindergarten and the mosques"

well, yes and no..they were sent fro pakistan....no indians at all

but previous muslim bombs were organised by mubai crime boss dawoo ibrahim who now lives in style in pakistan but then was responding to many mahy murders of muslims by hindu fascist shiv sena thugs who control mumbai city council then and now.

even the new name mumbai is anti muslim. it's not a pre colonial name reclaimed as the world believes

its the name of a hindu goddess with no location whatsoever designed to force the poor muslims to utter the name of an idol worshipping blasphemy

and who thought up condemning idol worship and killing people for it

the jews of course

many of the fascist ideas in islam like no living forms in art, killing gays, stoning adulterers are straight from the torah and you and i are responsible.............
lots and lots of ------misjudgement just like the misjudgement that lead to SUPPORT OF THE TALIBAN-----and even support of disgusting pig SADAAM
and all the torturing fiends Israel helped to train and support all over the world??

a bit more than miss judgement day I would say

now israel is in bed with the shia fascists in azerbaijan...sells them weapons, trains their thugs, the whole caboodle

hopes the azeris will let israeli planes refuel there en route to bombing Iran...........so they say

are the shia azeri dictators sweeties all of a sudden just because they hate Iran??
you got a link to the Israeli training of SAVAK----and the world reknown Turkish prison guard sadists? Is it Israel that has advised that muslim girls be raped in jail before they are murdered in typical obscene mutilating islamic manner?

The azeris are certainly pigs and I am delighted that all the azeri jews have finally gotten out of that islamic cesspit because they do engage in lots of typically islamic mutilation filth
wrong again-----I do not support any of those idiotic theories -----Hitler was what hitler was and he found lots of issues to BLAME on -----this or that or the other in order to find a CAUSE and exert his filth

same is true of the Hezbollah filth in Lebanon

there are always PROBLEMS and there are always vultures around to USE THEM TO CREATE LIBELS Iran is in the business right now The Jihadist pigs who attacked in Mumbai were not responding to their 'troubles' or something MUMBAI INDIANS did to them------they were responding to the filth they learned in kindergarten and the mosques
"The Jihadist pigs who attacked in Mumbai were not responding to their 'troubles' or something MUMBAI INDIANS did to them------they were responding to the filth they learned in kindergarten and the mosques"

well, yes and no..they were sent fro pakistan....no indians at all

right----the islamo nazi pigs went to Mumbai to murder jews and hindus in honor of allah as they had been taught to do all their lives

but previous muslim bombs were organised by mubai crime boss dawoo ibrahim who now lives in style in pakistan but then was responding to many mahy murders of muslims by hindu fascist shiv sena thugs who control mumbai city council then and now.

right----my friends from mumbai have often told me of the filth of islamic crime in Mumbai

even the new name mumbai is anti muslim. it's not a pre colonial name reclaimed as the world believes

It is "anti muslim" for a Hindu country to recognize its own culture---they are OBLIGATED TO LIKE ISLAMIC DUNG?

its the name of a hindu goddess with no location whatsoever designed to force the poor muslims to utter the name of an idol worshipping blasphemy


and who thought up condemning idol worship and killing people for it

the jews of course

Wrong again----your Imam lied-----there was NEVER a program of murdering
of idol worshippers in jewish theology or jurisprudence------the issue was always that which you love best-------attacking your favorites----the people who sacrifice children
to you god of shit AMALEK that you claim to be a jew is hilarious

many of the fascist ideas in islam like no living forms in art, killing gays, stoning adulterers are straight from the torah and you and i are responsible.......

a ban on depicting the human form in art is FASCIST? as to killing gays
and adulterers------there are actually no recorded cases----the custom was to FIND A WAY OUT of all executions. In order to find gay person guilty of a crime----the "crime" would have to be witnessed by several witnesses who each gave separate IDENTICAL
testimony-----Ie it is a crime almost impossible to prove unless
the crime was done as a public spectacle------for someone claiming to
be a jew you know nothing about jewish jurisprudence
a ban on depicting the human form in art is FASCIST?

no not really but its naff

"as to killing gays and adulterers------there are actually no recorded cases----the custom was to FIND A WAY OUT of all executions. In order to find gay person guilty of a crime----the "crime" would have to be witnessed by several witnesses who each gave separate IDENTICAL
testimony-----Ie it is a crime almost impossible to prove unless
the crime was done as a public spectacle------for someone claiming to
be a jew you know nothing about jewish jurisprudence"

I said ideas didn't I; I didn't say practice. I am aware jews, and actually some muslims too avoid persecuting gays, etc..

killing gays aint in the koran, so they say, only some hadiths

there's loads of gays in the taliban and saudi etc...costs so much to marry there

but these boneheaded christians that take the bible literally and muslim fascists take many or their worst notions from the torah, as well as some of the best, of course

other old cultures, roman, greek etc were tolerant towards gays; the jews were the taliban of those times and have to share the blame for all the suffering of gays whatever their later practice has evolved to

now tel aviv is being sold as the gay Mecca while the jewish orthodox puritans in jerusalem scowl!!
you are very OVERBLOWN in your notions regarding acceptance or rejection of homosexuality in ancient times----In fact lesbianism was considered quite a HORROR to the greeks ------it was male homosexuality which was accepted. Jewish rejection of lots of kinds of sexuality was a reaction to the canaanite religions which engaged in overt public acts as a kind of religious ritual In general----some scholars say-----the issue of HOMOSEXUALITY as a morbid sin was related to its use a RELIGIOUS RITE ------which for some reason utterly horrified the ancient hebrews. Lots of those capital "crimes" noted become capital crimes only if used in big orgies -------not hidden in the tent There is no question that screwing up the family line with adulteries WAS a significant crime----but just how it was adjudicated is subject to debate
"On Saturday December 27, 2008, the latest US-Israeli attack on helpless Palestinians was launched. The attack had been meticulously planned, for over 6 months according to the Israeli press.

"The planning had two components: military and propaganda. It was based on the lessons of Israel's 2006 invasion of Lebanon, which was considered to be poorly planned and badly advertised.

"We may, therefore, be fairly confident that most of what has been done and said was pre-planned and intended.

"That surely includes the timing of the assault: shortly before noon, when children were returning from school and crowds were milling in the streets of densely populated Gaza City. It took only a few minutes to kill over 200 people and wound 700, an auspicious opening to the mass slaughter of defenseless civilians trapped in a tiny cage with nowhere to flee."

"Exterminate all the Brutes": Gaza 2009
Still waiting for Kvetch to provide some evidence for his FLORID CLAIM that it was MOSSAD THAT TRAINED SAVAK and IT WAS MOSSAD THAT MADE THE TURKISH PRISON GUARDS NOTABLE FOR SADISTIC SAVAGERY and it was MOSSAD THAT TAUGHT MUSLIMS TO SEVER THE MALE GENITALIA AND STUFF THE ORGANS DOWN THE THROATS OF THE LIVING VICTIMS------and even MOSSAD WHICH TAUGHT PAKISTANI TERRORISTS IN MUMBAI TO CUT THE FETUS FROM THE BELLY OF A RABBI'S WIFE-------go for it ---kvetch----feel free to post your links or-----the myriad of evidence you have to support your asserstions
Still waiting for Kvetch to provide some evidence for his FLORID CLAIM that it was MOSSAD THAT TRAINED SAVAK and IT WAS MOSSAD THAT MADE THE TURKISH PRISON GUARDS NOTABLE FOR SADISTIC SAVAGERY and it was MOSSAD THAT TAUGHT MUSLIMS TO SEVER THE MALE GENITALIA AND STUFF THE ORGANS DOWN THE THROATS OF THE LIVING VICTIMS------and even MOSSAD WHICH TAUGHT PAKISTANI TERRORISTS IN MUMBAI TO CUT THE FETUS FROM THE BELLY OF A RABBI'S WIFE-------go for it ---kvetch----feel free to post your links or-----the myriad of evidence you have to support your asserstions
i only said about SAVAK, none of the rest

i already posted a link for that and other terrible regimes

that doesn't say the mossad did the torturing or taught it

only that they were helping them in basic techniques of intelligence OR SUCH LIKE


Noam Chumpski liberal nitwit


Noam Chumpski liberal nitwit

What's your Erdos number, Einstein?

"(Chomsky's) Academic achievements, awards, and honors

"In early 1969, he delivered the John Locke Lectures at Oxford University; in January 1970, the Bertrand Russell Memorial Lecture at University of Cambridge; in 1972, the Nehru Memorial Lecture in New Delhi; in 1977, the Huizinga Lecture in Leiden; in 1988 the Massey Lectures at the University of Toronto, titled 'Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in Democratic Societies'; in 1997, The Davie Memorial Lecture on Academic Freedom in Cape Town,[149] and many others.[150]

"Chomsky has received many honorary degrees from universities around the world, including from the following:ncluding from the following:

University of London
University of Chicago
Loyola University Chicago
Swarthmore College
University of Delhi
Bard College
University of Massachusetts Amherst
University of Pennsylvania
Georgetown University
Amherst College
University of Cambridge
University of Colorado[151]
University of Buenos Aires
McGill University
Rovira i Virgili University
Columbia University
Villanova University
University of Connecticut
University of Maine
Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
University of Western Ontario
University of Toronto
Harvard University
University of Chile
University of Bologna
University of La Frontera
University of Calcutta
National University of Colombia
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Santo Domingo Institute of Technology
Uppsala University
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
University of Cyprus
Central Connecticut State University
National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
Peking University[152]
National Tsing Hua University[153]

"He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the National Academy of Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society. In addition, he is a member of other professional and learned societies in the United States and abroad, and is a recipient of the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award of the American Psychological Association, the Kyoto Prize in Basic Sciences, the Helmholtz Medal, the Dorothy Eldridge Peacemaker Award, the 1999 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Computer and Cognitive Science, and others.[154] He is twice winner of The Orwell Award, granted by The National Council of Teachers of English for "Distinguished Contributions to Honesty and Clarity in Public Language" (in 1987 and 1989).[155]

"He is a member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Department of Social Sciences.[156]

"In 2005, Chomsky received an honorary fellowship from the Literary and Historical Society.[157] In 2007, Chomsky received The Uppsala University (Sweden) Honorary Doctor's degree in commemoration of Carolus Linnaeus.[158] In February 2008, he received the President's Medal from the Literary and Debating Society of the National University of Ireland, Galway.[159] Since 2009 he is an honorary member of IAPTI.[160]

"In 2010, Chomsky received the Erich Fromm Prize in Stuttgart, Germany.[161] In April 2010, Chomsky became the third scholar to receive the University of Wisconsin's A.E. Havens Center's Award for Lifetime Contribution to Critical Scholarship.[162]

Chomsky has an Erdős number of four.[163]

"Chomsky was voted the leading living public intellectual in The 2005 Global Intellectuals Poll conducted by the British magazine Prospect. He reacted, saying "I don't pay a lot of attention to polls".[164] In a list compiled by the magazine New Statesman in 2006, he was voted seventh in the list of 'Heroes of our time'.[165]"

Noam Chomsky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
so? does that mean everyone believe everything he writes -------I find him a victim of the PUBLISH OR PERISH-----ethos of the academic world The poor guy just cannot give up PUSHING THE ENVELOPE A BIT FURTHER AND FURTHER AND FURTHER

My eldest brother is writing a book in his ---"latter years"-------as my second brother notes --------it is not easy being among the few of one's closest colleagues who has failed to win a Nobel Prize

It is important to view with a touch of skepticism -----anyone who DEPENDS on publication of his writings
so? does that mean everyone believe everything he writes -------I find him a victim of the PUBLISH OR PERISH-----ethos of the academic world The poor guy just cannot give up PUSHING THE ENVELOPE A BIT FURTHER AND FURTHER AND FURTHER

My eldest brother is writing a book in his ---"latter years"-------as my second brother notes --------it is not easy being among the few of one's closest colleagues who has failed to win a Nobel Prize

It is important to view with a touch of skepticism -----anyone who DEPENDS on publication of his writings

Fuck you man. Quit telling us more tales and lies.
so? does that mean everyone believe everything he writes -------I find him a victim of the PUBLISH OR PERISH-----ethos of the academic world The poor guy just cannot give up PUSHING THE ENVELOPE A BIT FURTHER AND FURTHER AND FURTHER

My eldest brother is writing a book in his ---"latter years"-------as my second brother notes --------it is not easy being among the few of one's closest colleagues who has failed to win a Nobel Prize

It is important to view with a touch of skepticism -----anyone who DEPENDS on publication of his writings

Fuck you man. Quit telling us more tales and lies.

I do not lie habibi please save the mosque lingo "fuck" for the mosque where it belongs I am not a man------I am a lady unlike the sluts-----who are stuck looking at your ass each friday

it is habit of islamo nazis to fart out "lie" without even saying to what "lie" they imagine they are referring-------you disgusting lying pimp

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