Choose A Woman

Choose a Woman

  • Mega Bitch Complainer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Overly Attentive Clinger

    Votes: 6 100.0%

  • Total voters
#1 - Bitches and complains all the time. Nothing is ever right
#2 - Is overly lovey dovey, wants to be with you ever moment. Clingy

Both are equal in every other way.

She is the "OAC".....doing your every begging, and calls you all the time; hates to be away from you.....until you marry her then she become the "MBC".

Shadow 355

no, I just get bored... they can do whatever they want.. more like indifference
please I'm trying to work here... can't laugh while I'm on the phone with clients.....
It's not funny... See, you are laughing when I am dead serious... where does that leave me?

Work with it. Laughter is a sure way to a woman's heart.

he's so precious.... and dear to my heart....

Lucky fellow. He should write the fantasy I mentioned earlier. See if he can distract you from your work.
I'd go clinger if I ; I don't mind going to Hooters for dinner. I'm not all that clingy but I am a very traditional girl.


Shadow 355
I actually pulled that list from what my husband would say except the Hooters; I don't mind going to Hooters for dinner. I'm not all that clingy but I am a very traditional girl.

Good for you two. So long as you're both in agreement, that's wonderful for everyone.
I wouldn't choose either but if I had to I'd pick the one who was better in the sack
LMAO! That is simply nuts. You punish her, but she never punishes you?

How many places have you worked where the worker disciplines their Supervisor? Can't say Ive ever worked at such a place. You can ci.plain to their Boss, but no direct siscipline.

How nice. You have a pet that can do household chores. And you think of yourself as her employer. lol
How nice. You have a pet that can do household chores. And you think of yourself as her employer. lol

It was the easiest and most direct analogy. She's not a pet, she's my wife.

Her role in our relationship is being the homemaker and overseeing most of the domestic tasks. Mine is as the breadwinner and head of household. Very much like MOST marriages were until a half century ago.
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How nice. You have a pet that can do household chores. And you think of yourself as her employer. lol

It was the wasiest and most direct analogy. She's not a prt, she's my wife. Her role in our relationship is being the homemaker and overseeibg mist of the donestic tasks. Mine is as the breadwinner and head of household. Very much like MOST marriages were until a half century ago.
Screw that. I make a very nice buck and cook equally as well, self sufficient and even do my own sewing/ironing/laundry. I do not need a woman to complete my needs for household chores or expenses. I do have other expectations of the prospective partner.
How nice. You have a pet that can do household chores. And you think of yourself as her employer. lol

It was the easiest and most direct analogy. She's not a pet, she's my wife.

Her role in our relationship is being the homemaker and overseeing most of the domestic tasks. Mine is as the breadwinner and head of household. Very much like MOST marriages were until a half century ago.

And isn't it handy that you cannot be disciplined by her, but you do get to apply discipline to her.

Yeah, things were like that 50+ years ago. Also 50+ years ago, if a husband beat his wife is was their business, no one else's. If a child was being molested, no one did anything because the man is king of his castle.

You think how you live is right because it was that way for a long time. So were many other despicable actions.
How nice. You have a pet that can do household chores. And you think of yourself as her employer. lol

It was the wasiest and most direct analogy. She's not a prt, she's my wife. Her role in our relationship is being the homemaker and overseeibg mist of the donestic tasks. Mine is as the breadwinner and head of household. Very much like MOST marriages were until a half century ago.
Screw that. I make a very nice buck and cook equally as well, self sufficient and even do my own sewing/ironing/laundry. I do not need a woman to complete my needs for household chores or expenses. I do have other expectations of the prospective partner.

that is because Anathema claims to not want to be part of the modern world. Of course he still is a part of it. But he doesn't want a partner. He wants an underling to cook and clean for him and make him feel important.
How nice. You have a pet that can do household chores. And you think of yourself as her employer. lol

It was the wasiest and most direct analogy. She's not a prt, she's my wife. Her role in our relationship is being the homemaker and overseeibg mist of the donestic tasks. Mine is as the breadwinner and head of household. Very much like MOST marriages were until a half century ago.
Screw that. I make a very nice buck and cook equally as well, self sufficient and even do my own sewing/ironing/laundry. I do not need a woman to complete my needs for household chores or expenses. I do have other expectations of the prospective partner.

that is because Anathema claims to not want to be part of the modern world. Of course he still is a part of it. But he doesn't want a partner. He wants an underling to cook and clean for him and make him feel important.
I am far from perfect, just ask my exes but I am in the relationship 100% and expect 100% from my partner which does not mean they need to be perfect either.
#1 - Bitches and complains all the time. Nothing is ever right
#2 - Is overly lovey dovey, wants to be with you ever moment. Clingy

Both are equal in every other way.

at least you can shove a cock in her mouth to shut her the fuck up

and who doesn't like a good grudge - hate fuck?

there's something to be said about this choice.
I mean, you can always yell back. Get down and dirty verbally. Even set up "accidents" for her if you're really smart....

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