Choose A Woman

Choose a Woman

  • Mega Bitch Complainer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Overly Attentive Clinger

    Votes: 6 100.0%

  • Total voters
I know this question was aimed at someone else, but I never have a problem throwing in my two cents worth.

I don't see you as either. First, you are not a super negative, whining, complainer. You seem to roll with what life throws you.

And the super clingy type doesn't seem to fit either. Yeah, you might be passionate, but you seem to enjoy your own company well enough.
Wow... that was straight up asskissing with ulterior motives....

Nah, it was simply observations of a person on these forums. Bonzi is a lovely lady and lots of fun. But there is zero chance of anything beyond these forums. So no need to kiss ass.

sure there is.. I like it :)
#1 - Bitches and complains all the time. Nothing is ever right
#2 - Is overly lovey dovey, wants to be with you ever moment. Clingy

Both are equal in every other way.

Best Friend!

What do you mean by that? Everyone wants a woman (or man) that is their best friend.
But if you had a gun to your head and had to live with #1 or #2 what would it be? (option #3 is death obviously!)
I won't even date a bitch no matter how hot she is. There's plenty of hot girls out there who are not bitches.

I choose the attentive affectionate girl.
I won't even date a bitch no matter how hot she is. There's plenty of hot girls out there who are not bitches.

you have to know how to tame them.....

#1 - Bitches and complains all the time. Nothing is ever right
#2 - Is overly lovey dovey, wants to be with you ever moment. Clingy

Both are equal in every other way.

Best Friend!

What do you mean by that? Everyone wants a woman (or man) that is their best friend.
But if you had a gun to your head and had to live with #1 or #2 what would it be? (option #3 is death obviously!)

I'd be single. I dated both archetypes at one time or another, which is why I advised my sons that the best choice in a GF, SO or wife is someone who is honest and completes them. A friend to hang with and a lover.

Your false choice is unrealistic, and an example of why so many marriages fail (I've been married to my wife since Aug. 1977).
it was a game/fun thing to do
obviously, in real life, no one would want either... unless they had mental/psychological issues
I know this question was aimed at someone else, but I never have a problem throwing in my two cents worth.

I don't see you as either. First, you are not a super negative, whining, complainer. You seem to roll with what life throws you.

And the super clingy type doesn't seem to fit either. Yeah, you might be passionate, but you seem to enjoy your own company well enough.
Wow... that was straight up asskissing with ulterior motives....

WinterBorn is so smooooooooooooth :lmao:

You have no idea how smooth I can be.
I'd go clinger if I was a man. You can't shut up a bitch but you can find ways to put that clinginess to good use. Things like

Babe I'm hungry and thirsty, (give puppy dog eyes) can you get me a sandwich and a beer?
Babe my team lost, can you give me a BJ to make me feel better?
Honey I suck at rowing the boat, can you row while I fish?
Honey while you cuddle with me can you rub my back,my back needs love too?
Lets not go to visit your mother today Sweetheart, I just want to spend the afternoon with you watching a my favorite movie with my favorite girl. Yeah babe make that extra butter popcorn.
That's a pretty shirt Snookums,lets go out to dinner tonight. (puppy dog eyes) I'm in the mood for wings but the best wings are at Hooters and while It would make me happy, I know you wouldn't want to go. Can we go to Buffalo Wild Wings instead?

As a very Traditional guy, the ckinger us definitely the oprion to go with. It's amazing how much easier life gets when you can leave the Honey-Do list on your way out the door in the morning and know it'll be done when you get back, or she'll have a really good explanation as to why it isn't.
I know this question was aimed at someone else, but I never have a problem throwing in my two cents worth.

I don't see you as either. First, you are not a super negative, whining, complainer. You seem to roll with what life throws you.

And the super clingy type doesn't seem to fit either. Yeah, you might be passionate, but you seem to enjoy your own company well enough.
Wow... that was straight up asskissing with ulterior motives....

WinterBorn is so smooooooooooooth :lmao:

You have no idea how smooth I can be.

yeah I do.... I like my men rough around the edges ;)
I know this question was aimed at someone else, but I never have a problem throwing in my two cents worth.

I don't see you as either. First, you are not a super negative, whining, complainer. You seem to roll with what life throws you.

And the super clingy type doesn't seem to fit either. Yeah, you might be passionate, but you seem to enjoy your own company well enough.
Wow... that was straight up asskissing with ulterior motives....

WinterBorn is so smooooooooooooth :lmao:

You have no idea how smooth I can be.

yeah I do.... I like my men rough around the edges ;)

Smooth does not mean wuss. But yeah, I get it.
I'd go clinger if I was a man. You can't shut up a bitch but you can find ways to put that clinginess to good use. Things like

Babe I'm hungry and thirsty, (give puppy dog eyes) can you get me a sandwich and a beer?
Babe my team lost, can you give me a BJ to make me feel better?
Honey I suck at rowing the boat, can you row while I fish?
Honey while you cuddle with me can you rub my back,my back needs love too?
Lets not go to visit your mother today Sweetheart, I just want to spend the afternoon with you watching a my favorite movie with my favorite girl. Yeah babe make that extra butter popcorn.
That's a pretty shirt Snookums,lets go out to dinner tonight. (puppy dog eyes) I'm in the mood for wings but the best wings are at Hooters and while It would make me happy, I know you wouldn't want to go. Can we go to Buffalo Wild Wings instead?

As a very Traditional guy, the ckinger us definitely the oprion to go with. It's amazing how much easier life gets when you can leave the Honey-Do list on your way out the door in the morning and know it'll be done when you get back, or she'll have a really good explanation as to why it isn't.

And what happens if she doesn't?
I know this question was aimed at someone else, but I never have a problem throwing in my two cents worth.

I don't see you as either. First, you are not a super negative, whining, complainer. You seem to roll with what life throws you.

And the super clingy type doesn't seem to fit either. Yeah, you might be passionate, but you seem to enjoy your own company well enough.
Wow... that was straight up asskissing with ulterior motives....

WinterBorn is so smooooooooooooth :lmao:

You have no idea how smooth I can be.

yeah I do.... I like my men rough around the edges ;)

Smooth does not mean wuss. But yeah, I get it.

Oh I know. Smooth means charming, debonaire, good with words..... sophisticated (to me anyway)
I guess I really feel like people aren't being genuine with me unless they show a little crassness.. (but not too much!)
And what happens if she doesn't?

If she doesn't have a good reason, then we look at the seriousness of the infraction and how many other times it has occured, and we discipline appropriately from there.

Thoigh I must say, the clinger types rarely require much discipline. They're often harder on themselves than whatever punishment their Man can come up with.
I'd go clinger if I was a man. You can't shut up a bitch but you can find ways to put that clinginess to good use. Things like

Babe I'm hungry and thirsty, (give puppy dog eyes) can you get me a sandwich and a beer?
Babe my team lost, can you give me a BJ to make me feel better?
Honey I suck at rowing the boat, can you row while I fish?
Honey while you cuddle with me can you rub my back,my back needs love too?
Lets not go to visit your mother today Sweetheart, I just want to spend the afternoon with you watching a my favorite movie with my favorite girl. Yeah babe make that extra butter popcorn.
That's a pretty shirt Snookums,lets go out to dinner tonight. (puppy dog eyes) I'm in the mood for wings but the best wings are at Hooters and while It would make me happy, I know you wouldn't want to go. Can we go to Buffalo Wild Wings instead?

As a very Traditional guy, the ckinger us definitely the oprion to go with. It's amazing how much easier life gets when you can leave the Honey-Do list on your way out the door in the morning and know it'll be done when you get back, or she'll have a really good explanation as to why it isn't.

And what happens if she doesn't?

oh you know what kind of answer you are going to get. Just stop! LOL! ;)

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