Chris Christie attacks Rand Paul


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
Chris Christie: Rand Paul ?dangerous? - Hadas Gold -

I'm really sick of this fat fascist. Christie represents the worst of the republicrat party. RINO pukes like him should be embarrassed to suck the ass of the moonbat messiah, but they get praised by media sycophants and invited to parties for being a traitor.

I hope he gets beaten by a democrook next election cycle.
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Christie's problem is that he's a democrat in the republican party and can't understand why republicans don't take him seriously.

Chris Christie Still Not Invited To CPAC 2013: Report

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) has still not received an invite to speak at this year's upcoming Conservative Political Action Conference, NBC News reported on Monday.

While Christie's name was not included on an earlier list of invitees released by organizers at the American Conservative Union, the group told The Huffington Post that the schedule had not yet been finalized.

It remains unclear if the ACU will change its mind, but Christie's absence at the largest annual gathering of conservatives would likely end up raising questions, as the group has rounded up a thorough collection of potential GOP 2016 presidential candidates -- all included on the list of initial invitees -- to address the conference
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Christie's problem is that he's a democrat in the republican party and can't understand why republicans don't take him seriously.

Chris Christie Still Not Invited To CPAC 2013: Report

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) has still not received an invite to speak at this year's upcoming Conservative Political Action Conference, NBC News reported on Monday.

While Christie's name was not included on an earlier list of invitees released by organizers at the American Conservative Union, the group told The Huffington Post that the schedule had not yet been finalized.

It remains unclear if the ACU will change its mind, but Christie's absence at the largest annual gathering of conservatives would likely end up raising questions, as the group has rounded up a thorough collection of potential GOP 2016 presidential candidates -- all included on the list of initial invitees -- to address the conference

If they do invite that jackass RINO they may aswell invite Dippy Waterhead-Schlitz.
Let's get dangerous.

Nothing is more dangerous to corrupt politicians than the truth.
That GOP tent gets smaller and smaller.

Why don't the true believers start their own party?


Repeal Roe v. Wade
Repeal Obamacare
Defund all taxpayer funded educational institutions
Require all men over the age of 12 to own a gun.
Repeal Amendments 14, 16, 17, 24
Pass a Federal "Stand your Ground" bill
Build a Fence from Brownsville to San Diego, electrified.
Arrest and deport all persons in the US without proper papers
Make entry into the US illegally a capital offense.
End Social Security
End Medicare
End welfare of any kind
Rewrite the Preamble of the Constitution
Repeal Marbury v. Madison and all decisions based on said case.
Repeal the Judiciary Act of 1789.

Have I forgotten anything?
Other than in elections when do you ever hear a dem criticize a fellow dem?

Libertarians are NOT Republicans.

They're collectivists that have been kicked out of the hive.

We Republicans tolerate them because, while they are uniformly insane and have nothing to offer to the conversation, we still have more in common with them than we do with the Jack-Booted thugs in the dimocrap party.

Chris Christie will be the next nominee for President on the Republican Ticket.

And barring something totally unforeseen, will sweep into the White House.

Is he my favorite? No, not really. But Reagan is dead.

Is he perfect? No, but he is a smart politician.

His embrace of obama during the Sandy mess seriously pissed me off but it did nothing other than assure him of a Landslide victory in New Joisey this Fall.

It was pure political genius.

dimocrap scum won't have it so easy against Christie. A savvy politician who's gone up against the worst the dimocrap party can bring.

Like I said, unless there's a meltdown in Joisey in the next two years, Christie is in and dimocrap scum are out.

THAT is what matters. That dimocrap scum get kicked to the curb.

That is ALL that matters
I am pleased to see the Republican Party moving toward liberty. I will be pleased to see it run over Christie as it does.
Rand needs to come out and say what every republican knows. That Christie deliberately sabotaged romney's campaign so that he, christie, can run in 2016. It was pure party treason last november when christie lied and said obozo was doing a "super job" helping the state handle hurricane sandy.
Other than in elections when do you ever hear a dem criticize a fellow dem?

Libertarians are NOT Republicans.

They're collectivists that have been kicked out of the hive.

We Republicans tolerate them because, while they are uniformly insane and have nothing to offer to the conversation, we still have more in common with them than we do with the Jack-Booted thugs in the dimocrap party.

Chris Christie will be the next nominee for President on the Republican Ticket.

And barring something totally unforeseen, will sweep into the White House.

Is he my favorite? No, not really. But Reagan is dead.

Is he perfect? No, but he is a smart politician.

His embrace of obama during the Sandy mess seriously pissed me off but it did nothing other than assure him of a Landslide victory in New Joisey this Fall.

It was pure political genius.

dimocrap scum won't have it so easy against Christie. A savvy politician who's gone up against the worst the dimocrap party can bring.

Like I said, unless there's a meltdown in Joisey in the next two years, Christie is in and dimocrap scum are out.

THAT is what matters. That dimocrap scum get kicked to the curb.

That is ALL that matters

You're breaking my heart Edge...

While I agree some libertarian positions are loopy, like complete drug legalization and total withdrawl of all over seas military assests, they're also right about a lot of other issues. They're by no means collectivists.

Christie is a RINO, he will get his ass kicked just like McCain and Romney because he offers no tangible difference. He's mostly anti-gun as well. I won't vote for him, and I know most of the base won't either.

I agree defeating democrooks is the top priority, but it doesn't make sense to toss in a moderate that just slows down the intentionally damaging effects of liberalism. We need someone who will REVERSE liberalism, not "compromise" with it. I say this as someone who's %93 Republican according to this survey:

I side 93% with Republicans

Republicans %93
on economic, domestic policy, immigration, environmental, social, healthcare, and science issues

Libertarians 78%
on domestic policy, economic, healthcare, science, and social issues

Democrats 18%
no major issues

Socialist 4%
no major issues

Green Party 4%
no major issues
Other than in elections when do you ever hear a dem criticize a fellow dem?

Libertarians are NOT Republicans.

They're collectivists that have been kicked out of the hive.

We Republicans tolerate them because, while they are uniformly insane and have nothing to offer to the conversation, we still have more in common with them than we do with the Jack-Booted thugs in the dimocrap party.

Chris Christie will be the next nominee for President on the Republican Ticket.

And barring something totally unforeseen, will sweep into the White House.

Is he my favorite? No, not really. But Reagan is dead.

Is he perfect? No, but he is a smart politician.

His embrace of obama during the Sandy mess seriously pissed me off but it did nothing other than assure him of a Landslide victory in New Joisey this Fall.

It was pure political genius.

dimocrap scum won't have it so easy against Christie. A savvy politician who's gone up against the worst the dimocrap party can bring.

Like I said, unless there's a meltdown in Joisey in the next two years, Christie is in and dimocrap scum are out.

THAT is what matters. That dimocrap scum get kicked to the curb.

That is ALL that matters

You're breaking my heart Edge...

While I agree some libertarian positions are loopy, like complete drug legalization and total withdrawl of all over seas military assests, they're also right about a lot of other issues. They're by no means collectivists.

Christie is a RINO, he will get his ass kicked just like McCain and Romney because he offers no tangible difference. He's mostly anti-gun as well. I won't vote for him, and I know most of the base won't either.

I agree defeating democrooks is the top priority, but it doesn't make sense to toss in a moderate that just slows down the intentionally damaging effects of liberalism. We need someone who will REVERSE liberalism, not "compromise" with it. I say this as someone who's %93 Republican according to this survey:

I side 93% with Republicans

Republicans %93
on economic, domestic policy, immigration, environmental, social, healthcare, and science issues

Libertarians 78%
on domestic policy, economic, healthcare, science, and social issues

Democrats 18%
no major issues

Socialist 4%
no major issues

Green Party 4%
no major issues

Look at what Christie has done in Jersey with the teachers Unions.

[ame=]Chris Christie Takes on Teachers' Unions on Morning Joe - YouTube[/ame]
One more

[ame=]Chris Christie: This is the Crap I Have to Hear - YouTube[/ame]
How can you not love this guy

[ame=]Gov. Chris Christie Talks Tough Against Union Thug Tactics - YouTube[/ame]
Chris Christie: Rand Paul ?dangerous? - Hadas Gold -

I'm really sick of this fat fascist. Christie represents the worst of the republicrat party. RINO pukes like him should be embarrassed to suck the ass of the moonbat messiah, but they get praised by media sycophants and invited to parties for being a traitor.

I hope he gets beaten by a democrook next election cycle.

There's a shocker!

It's not like he was positioning himself for libertarian support.
Other than in elections when do you ever hear a dem criticize a fellow dem?

Libertarians are NOT Republicans.

They're collectivists that have been kicked out of the hive.

We Republicans tolerate them because, while they are uniformly insane and have nothing to offer to the conversation, we still have more in common with them than we do with the Jack-Booted thugs in the dimocrap party.

Chris Christie will be the next nominee for President on the Republican Ticket.

And barring something totally unforeseen, will sweep into the White House.

Is he my favorite? No, not really. But Reagan is dead.

Is he perfect? No, but he is a smart politician.

His embrace of obama during the Sandy mess seriously pissed me off but it did nothing other than assure him of a Landslide victory in New Joisey this Fall.

It was pure political genius.

dimocrap scum won't have it so easy against Christie. A savvy politician who's gone up against the worst the dimocrap party can bring.

Like I said, unless there's a meltdown in Joisey in the next two years, Christie is in and dimocrap scum are out.

THAT is what matters. That dimocrap scum get kicked to the curb.

That is ALL that matters

No matter how much demonrats want it, Chris Christie will not be the republican candidate. Outside of New Jersey he won't be able to win a primary. As popular as Christie is in demonrat circles, he's just not that popular among republicans.
Christie's problem is that he's a democrat in the republican party and can't understand why republicans don't take him seriously.

Chris Christie Still Not Invited To CPAC 2013: Report

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) has still not received an invite to speak at this year's upcoming Conservative Political Action Conference, NBC News reported on Monday.

While Christie's name was not included on an earlier list of invitees released by organizers at the American Conservative Union, the group told The Huffington Post that the schedule had not yet been finalized.

It remains unclear if the ACU will change its mind, but Christie's absence at the largest annual gathering of conservatives would likely end up raising questions, as the group has rounded up a thorough collection of potential GOP 2016 presidential candidates -- all included on the list of initial invitees -- to address the conference

That is probably a good thing. The way the right is going I am sure he would rather not be connected with them.
Other than in elections when do you ever hear a dem criticize a fellow dem?

Libertarians are NOT Republicans.

They're collectivists that have been kicked out of the hive.

We Republicans tolerate them because, while they are uniformly insane and have nothing to offer to the conversation, we still have more in common with them than we do with the Jack-Booted thugs in the dimocrap party.

Chris Christie will be the next nominee for President on the Republican Ticket.

And barring something totally unforeseen, will sweep into the White House.

Is he my favorite? No, not really. But Reagan is dead.

Is he perfect? No, but he is a smart politician.

His embrace of obama during the Sandy mess seriously pissed me off but it did nothing other than assure him of a Landslide victory in New Joisey this Fall.

It was pure political genius.

dimocrap scum won't have it so easy against Christie. A savvy politician who's gone up against the worst the dimocrap party can bring.

Like I said, unless there's a meltdown in Joisey in the next two years, Christie is in and dimocrap scum are out.

THAT is what matters. That dimocrap scum get kicked to the curb.

That is ALL that matters

No matter how much demonrats want it, Chris Christie will not be the republican candidate. Outside of New Jersey he won't be able to win a primary. As popular as Christie is in demonrat circles, he's just not that popular among republicans.

After the obama 'hug' a lot of Republicans soured on Christie. I did.

But you can't let your emotions get the better of you.

And this is what has been killing us for a long time....

Too many of us have been the living embodiment of 'The Perfect Is The Enemy Of The Good".

Some of you guys are like the Old Maid still holding out for Mr Right to come along and sweep her off her feet at age 55.

Ain't gonna happen.

Not being critical, just saying we have to play the hands we're dealt. Four more years of dimocraps and this Country is finished forever.

The only thing that will fix it at that point will be a bloody revolution. And I don't want that. Neither does anybody else that's sane.

So it won't happen. And we're fucked because.... We let pride get in the way and wouldn't support our 'guy' because he isn't Perfect. Or Mister Right.


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