Chris Christie attacks Rand Paul

That GOP tent gets smaller and smaller.

Why don't the true believers start their own party?


Repeal Roe v. Wade
Repeal Obamacare
Defund all taxpayer funded educational institutions
Require all men over the age of 12 to own a gun.
Repeal Amendments 14, 16, 17, 24
Pass a Federal "Stand your Ground" bill
Build a Fence from Brownsville to San Diego, electrified.
Arrest and deport all persons in the US without proper papers
Make entry into the US illegally a capital offense.
End Social Security
End Medicare
End welfare of any kind
Rewrite the Preamble of the Constitution
Repeal Marbury v. Madison and all decisions based on said case.
Repeal the Judiciary Act of 1789.

Have I forgotten anything?
Repeal Roe v. Wade Every moral person abhors the killing of the innocent. Why don't you?
Repeal Obamacare Yes. It will not do what is purported and is a violation of the Constitution. This is the solution to a problem that did not exist.
Defund all taxpayer funded educational institutions A bold face lie.
Require all men over the age of 12 to own a gun. A bold face lie.
Repeal Amendments 14, 16, 17, 24 Half-truths at best.
Pass a Federal "Stand your Ground" bill A natural right, self defense. You would require every American citizen to retreat and give this country over to any criminal who decided to go out on a spree. Give the country to the criminals while law abiding must hide in fear. You're fucking right we want that.
Build a Fence from Brownsville to San Diego, electrified. It does not need to be electrified.
Arrest and deport all persons in the US without proper papers A half truth. Every nation has the right to deport illegals.
Make entry into the US illegally a capital offense. A bold face lie.
End Social Security A lie. Take Social Security out of the hands of the government.
End Medicare See Social Security.
End welfare of any kind Any able bodied individual must earn their own way in life.
Rewrite the Preamble of the Constitution A bold face lie.
Repeal Marbury v. Madison and all decisions based on said case. Another lie.
Repeal the Judiciary Act of 1789. Nearly perfect in your run. Another lie

Have I forgotten anything? The truth. You should give it a try sometime.
Christie's problem is that he's a democrat in the republican party and can't understand why republicans don't take him seriously.

Chris Christie Still Not Invited To CPAC 2013: Report

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) has still not received an invite to speak at this year's upcoming Conservative Political Action Conference, NBC News reported on Monday.

While Christie's name was not included on an earlier list of invitees released by organizers at the American Conservative Union, the group told The Huffington Post that the schedule had not yet been finalized.

It remains unclear if the ACU will change its mind, but Christie's absence at the largest annual gathering of conservatives would likely end up raising questions, as the group has rounded up a thorough collection of potential GOP 2016 presidential candidates -- all included on the list of initial invitees -- to address the conference

Plus they invited Palin to speak, if I was Christie I would be happy I wasn't invited. If they invite someone like Palin to speak over Christie then obviously it is a joke. If I was with Christie I wouldn't want to be apart of the sinking ship, and the party of outdated ideas.
That GOP tent gets smaller and smaller.

Why don't the true believers start their own party?


Repeal Roe v. Wade
Repeal Obamacare
Defund all taxpayer funded educational institutions
Require all men over the age of 12 to own a gun.
Repeal Amendments 14, 16, 17, 24
Pass a Federal "Stand your Ground" bill
Build a Fence from Brownsville to San Diego, electrified.
Arrest and deport all persons in the US without proper papers
Make entry into the US illegally a capital offense.
End Social Security
End Medicare
End welfare of any kind
Rewrite the Preamble of the Constitution
Repeal Marbury v. Madison and all decisions based on said case.
Repeal the Judiciary Act of 1789.

Have I forgotten anything?
Repeal Roe v. Wade Every moral person abhors the killing of the innocent. Why don't you?
Repeal Obamacare Yes. It will not do what is purported and is a violation of the Constitution. This is the solution to a problem that did not exist.
Defund all taxpayer funded educational institutions A bold face lie.
Require all men over the age of 12 to own a gun. A bold face lie.
Repeal Amendments 14, 16, 17, 24 Half-truths at best.
Pass a Federal "Stand your Ground" bill A natural right, self defense. You would require every American citizen to retreat and give this country over to any criminal who decided to go out on a spree. Give the country to the criminals while law abiding must hide in fear. You're fucking right we want that.
Build a Fence from Brownsville to San Diego, electrified. It does not need to be electrified.
Arrest and deport all persons in the US without proper papers A half truth. Every nation has the right to deport illegals.
Make entry into the US illegally a capital offense. A bold face lie.
End Social Security A lie. Take Social Security out of the hands of the government.
End Medicare See Social Security.
End welfare of any kind Any able bodied individual must earn their own way in life.
Rewrite the Preamble of the Constitution A bold face lie.
Repeal Marbury v. Madison and all decisions based on said case. Another lie.
Repeal the Judiciary Act of 1789. Nearly perfect in your run. Another lie

Have I forgotten anything? The truth. You should give it a try sometime.


Christie's problem is that he's a democrat in the republican party and can't understand why republicans don't take him seriously.

Chris Christie Still Not Invited To CPAC 2013: Report

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) has still not received an invite to speak at this year's upcoming Conservative Political Action Conference, NBC News reported on Monday.

While Christie's name was not included on an earlier list of invitees released by organizers at the American Conservative Union, the group told The Huffington Post that the schedule had not yet been finalized.

It remains unclear if the ACU will change its mind, but Christie's absence at the largest annual gathering of conservatives would likely end up raising questions, as the group has rounded up a thorough collection of potential GOP 2016 presidential candidates -- all included on the list of initial invitees -- to address the conference

Plus they invited Palin to speak, if I was Christie I would be happy I wasn't invited. If they invite someone like Palin to speak over Christie then obviously it is a joke. If I was with Christie I wouldn't want to be apart of the sinking ship, and the party of outdated ideas.

LOL are they paying you to say that stuff these days? :lol:
Democrat ideas are to expand abortion rights to include healthy babies after they are born.
Christie's problem is that he's a democrat in the republican party and can't understand why republicans don't take him seriously.

Chris Christie Still Not Invited To CPAC 2013: Report

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) has still not received an invite to speak at this year's upcoming Conservative Political Action Conference, NBC News reported on Monday.

While Christie's name was not included on an earlier list of invitees released by organizers at the American Conservative Union, the group told The Huffington Post that the schedule had not yet been finalized.

It remains unclear if the ACU will change its mind, but Christie's absence at the largest annual gathering of conservatives would likely end up raising questions, as the group has rounded up a thorough collection of potential GOP 2016 presidential candidates -- all included on the list of initial invitees -- to address the conference

Plus they invited Palin to speak, if I was Christie I would be happy I wasn't invited. If they invite someone like Palin to speak over Christie then obviously it is a joke. If I was with Christie I wouldn't want to be apart of the sinking ship, and the party of outdated ideas.

Has it occurred to you that Christie is facing re-election in one of the Bluest of Blue States in a few short Weeks?

And that if he looks like a hard core Conservative, the 65% Registered Voter Base of dimocraps in New Joisey might not take too kindly to it?

Especially when whatever dishonest opposition dimocrap scum manage to put up on TV and start hammering him with it while the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM accuse him of screaming "Seig Heil!!" in the middle of the speech?
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Democrat ideas are to expand abortion rights to include healthy babies after they are born.

[ame=]Students Sign Petition to Legalize 4th Trimester Abortion - YouTube[/ame]
Christie's problem is that he's a democrat in the republican party and can't understand why republicans don't take him seriously.

Chris Christie Still Not Invited To CPAC 2013: Report

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) has still not received an invite to speak at this year's upcoming Conservative Political Action Conference, NBC News reported on Monday.

While Christie's name was not included on an earlier list of invitees released by organizers at the American Conservative Union, the group told The Huffington Post that the schedule had not yet been finalized.

It remains unclear if the ACU will change its mind, but Christie's absence at the largest annual gathering of conservatives would likely end up raising questions, as the group has rounded up a thorough collection of potential GOP 2016 presidential candidates -- all included on the list of initial invitees -- to address the conference

Plus they invited Palin to speak, if I was Christie I would be happy I wasn't invited. If they invite someone like Palin to speak over Christie then obviously it is a joke. If I was with Christie I wouldn't want to be apart of the sinking ship, and the party of outdated ideas.

Has it occurred to you that Christie is facing re-election in one of the Bluest of Blue States in a few short Weeks?

And that if he looks like a hard core Conservative, the 65% Registered Voter Base of dimocraps in New Joisey might not take too kindly to it?

Especially when whatever dishonest opposition dimocrap scum manage to put up on TV and start hammering him with it while the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM accuse him of screaming "Seig Heil!!" in the middle of the speech?

New Jersey is FAR from the bluest of blue states.

But don't let reality intrude on your pre-conceived notions.
Christie's problem is that he's a democrat in the republican party and can't understand why republicans don't take him seriously.

Chris Christie Still Not Invited To CPAC 2013: Report

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) has still not received an invite to speak at this year's upcoming Conservative Political Action Conference, NBC News reported on Monday.

While Christie's name was not included on an earlier list of invitees released by organizers at the American Conservative Union, the group told The Huffington Post that the schedule had not yet been finalized.

It remains unclear if the ACU will change its mind, but Christie's absence at the largest annual gathering of conservatives would likely end up raising questions, as the group has rounded up a thorough collection of potential GOP 2016 presidential candidates -- all included on the list of initial invitees -- to address the conference

Plus they invited Palin to speak, if I was Christie I would be happy I wasn't invited. If they invite someone like Palin to speak over Christie then obviously it is a joke. If I was with Christie I wouldn't want to be apart of the sinking ship, and the party of outdated ideas.

Has it occurred to you that Christie is facing re-election in one of the Bluest of Blue States in a few short Weeks?

And that if he looks like a hard core Conservative, the 65% Registered Voter Base of dimocraps in New Joisey might not take too kindly to it?

Especially when whatever dishonest opposition dimocrap scum manage to put up on TV and start hammering him with it while the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM accuse him of screaming "Seig Heil!!" in the middle of the speech?
Yes. Your answer is that we, or more correctly, the people of New Jersey, should cast votes for a political coward.

I'll pass.
Other than in elections when do you ever hear a dem criticize a fellow dem?

Libertarians are NOT Republicans.

They're collectivists that have been kicked out of the hive.

We Republicans tolerate them because, while they are uniformly insane and have nothing to offer to the conversation, we still have more in common with them than we do with the Jack-Booted thugs in the dimocrap party.

Chris Christie will be the next nominee for President on the Republican Ticket.

And barring something totally unforeseen, will sweep into the White House.

Is he my favorite? No, not really. But Reagan is dead.

Is he perfect? No, but he is a smart politician.

His embrace of obama during the Sandy mess seriously pissed me off but it did nothing other than assure him of a Landslide victory in New Joisey this Fall.

It was pure political genius.

dimocrap scum won't have it so easy against Christie. A savvy politician who's gone up against the worst the dimocrap party can bring.

Like I said, unless there's a meltdown in Joisey in the next two years, Christie is in and dimocrap scum are out.

THAT is what matters. That dimocrap scum get kicked to the curb.

That is ALL that matters

The irony of calling an entire political ideology "collectivists," incorrectly, by the way, is apparently lost on you.
Chris Christie attacks Rand Paul

Might have something to do with the fact that the latest poll shows Rand Paul in the lead (16%) , Christie (13%) for the GOP 2016 Presidential Nomination (which means almost nothing at this point), in American Politics it's never too early to start attempting to define potential opponents.
Chris Christie attacks Rand Paul

Might have something to do with the fact that the latest poll shows Rand Paul in the lead (16%) , Christie (13%) for the GOP 2016 Presidential Nomination (which means almost nothing at this point), in American Politics it's never too early to start attempting to define potential opponents.

As edge pointed out, he's a republicrat running for re-election in a moonbat state. There's a plausible explaination he might be taking the opportunity to distance himself from conservatives.

Either way, if he's the GOP nominee the democrook will win and the empire will probably collapse shortly thereafter.
Other than in elections when do you ever hear a dem criticize a fellow dem?

Libertarians are NOT Republicans.

They're collectivists that have been kicked out of the hive.

We Republicans tolerate them because, while they are uniformly insane and have nothing to offer to the conversation, we still have more in common with them than we do with the Jack-Booted thugs in the dimocrap party.

Chris Christie will be the next nominee for President on the Republican Ticket.

And barring something totally unforeseen, will sweep into the White House.

Is he my favorite? No, not really. But Reagan is dead.

Is he perfect? No, but he is a smart politician.

His embrace of obama during the Sandy mess seriously pissed me off but it did nothing other than assure him of a Landslide victory in New Joisey this Fall.

It was pure political genius.

dimocrap scum won't have it so easy against Christie. A savvy politician who's gone up against the worst the dimocrap party can bring.

Like I said, unless there's a meltdown in Joisey in the next two years, Christie is in and dimocrap scum are out.

THAT is what matters. That dimocrap scum get kicked to the curb.

That is ALL that matters

This is the BIGGEST load of horse shit I've ever read from a so called Conservative.. Ann Coulter, is that you?! He's a blowhard who is a liberal.. Nothing conservative about that fat son of a bitch.. but you go ahead and toot his dingy.
Christie's problem is that he's a democrat in the republican party and can't understand why republicans don't take him seriously.

Chris Christie Still Not Invited To CPAC 2013: Report

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) has still not received an invite to speak at this year's upcoming Conservative Political Action Conference, NBC News reported on Monday.

While Christie's name was not included on an earlier list of invitees released by organizers at the American Conservative Union, the group told The Huffington Post that the schedule had not yet been finalized.

It remains unclear if the ACU will change its mind, but Christie's absence at the largest annual gathering of conservatives would likely end up raising questions, as the group has rounded up a thorough collection of potential GOP 2016 presidential candidates -- all included on the list of initial invitees -- to address the conference

Plus they invited Palin to speak, if I was Christie I would be happy I wasn't invited. If they invite someone like Palin to speak over Christie then obviously it is a joke. If I was with Christie I wouldn't want to be apart of the sinking ship, and the party of outdated ideas.

Has it occurred to you that Christie is facing re-election in one of the Bluest of Blue States in a few short Weeks?

And that if he looks like a hard core Conservative, the 65% Registered Voter Base of dimocraps in New Joisey might not take too kindly to it?

Especially when whatever dishonest opposition dimocrap scum manage to put up on TV and start hammering him with it while the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM accuse him of screaming "Seig Heil!!" in the middle of the speech?

That could be one reason, plus Christie doesn't seem to be some partisan hack.

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