Chris Christie: just like Barry Goldwater & Reagan pushed out the John Birch Society in the 60s, we need to do the same thing with MAGA Republicans

Call up GW and ask him why he and Rush Limbaugh were thrilled about the Housing Bubble.
I don't remember anyone being thrilled about the housing bubble. I remember Rush calling out the queer Barney Frank and his Butt buddy at Fannie Mae for instituting 'stated income' loans.
Don't faint...Reagan was Make Wall Street Filthy Rich.
Reagan had zero regard for the middle class or poor.
When Wall Street is rich, Americans tend to be rich. That's why we track the DOW numbers. Things are really bad when a president like Biden does everything he can to make China rich and the media goes along with it.
I don't remember anyone being thrilled about the housing bubble. I remember Rush calling out the queer Barney Frank and his Butt buddy at Fannie Mae for instituting 'stated income' loans.
Everybody was thrilled about the Housing Bubble or there would have been no crash.
Rush was one of the biggest bullshit artists on earth...
He credited GW with the Bubble and blamed the Democrats after the crash.
Wall Street ain't your freaking enemy. Reagan said it best in a joke, "we're from the government and we're here to help you". Reagan knew that government wasn't the solution but was part of the problem. Patriots and even fake patriots like Christie supported Reagan and it's a shame that he maligns Reagan's name today.
Wall Street ain't your freaking enemy. Reagan said it best in a joke, "we're from the government and we're here to help you". Reagan knew that government wasn't the solution but was part of the problem. Patriots and even fake patriots like Christie supported Reagan and it's a shame that he maligns Reagan's name today.
So the government allowed Unfettered Capitalism and that's how Trump became President.
It's amazing to me that the people who voted for Trump don't even realize he was against Reagan's Anything Goes In Business platform.
conservatives should not be afraid to call out white supremacists, we've had this problem before in the Republican party, we drove out the crazies, and went on to DOMINATE national politics with the Reagan Revolution

Your posts suck, by the way.

Totally meandering, incoherent, and obviously attention seeking.

No Sir, I don't like it. ;)
So the government allowed Unfettered Capitalism and that's how Trump became President.
It's amazing to me that the people who voted for Trump don't even realize he was against Reagan's Anything Goes In Business platform.
The Democrat run government did that.
Tell that to Trump; both parties did it.
I guess you didn't watch the debates when Trump ran the first time and blasted every bastard rival for being a Reagan Republican.

Or nearer the mark: Bush Jr. Republican.

I remember the sterling moment he absolutely pilloried the Iraq War and Lindsey Graham needed his smelling salts after an epic faint.

Trump stood up to the machine far more than Black Jesus ever did.

Obama was the machine.
Tell that to Trump; both parties did it.
I guess you didn't watch the debates when Trump ran the first time and blasted every bastard rival for being a Reagan Republican.
All I know is putting a raging queer leftist in charge of Fannie Mae loan policy was a huge mistake.
So the government allowed Unfettered Capitalism and that's how Trump became President.
It's amazing to me that the people who voted for Trump don't even realize he was against Reagan's Anything Goes In Business platform.
Unfettered (whatever that means) capitalism beats the unfettered fascist Biden/Fauci regime any day.

Chris Christie: just like Barry Goldwater & Reagan pushed out the John Birch Society in the 60s, we need to do the same thing with MAGA Republicans​

Bill Buckley did more to sideline the Birchers than anyone else.

Mostly due to Democrat policies. I lost my house in 2008 because of Democrat screwing with Fannie Mae. It wasn't 'funny'....
The housing bubble was a bipartisan effort.

Bush encouraged it because he got to take credit for more people getting into houses.

Mr. Contract With America, Newt Gingrich, actually couldn't say enough good things about the GSEs and wanted the government to create more of them in all aspects of the economy.

The Republican Congress and Republican Senate passed the CFMA which led to the explosion in the derivatives bubble which brought the whole house down. The CFMA was enthusiastically signed by Bill Clinton.

I can back up every bit of this with a massive amount of evidence if you doubt any of this.

If you lost your house, it was because you bit off more than you could chew. You got greedy.

You see, EVERYONE was to blame for the crash. From the originators of the loans to the home buyers, and the multitude of players in between.

I saw the crash coming and sold my house in August 2006. Then I rented until after it all came crashing down. Then I bought at the bottom of the market.

I then refinanced just before the Covid crash. I came on this forum to warn everyone and to suggest they refinance.

My monthly mortgage for my house is now under $1000 a month. Even in this slow market, I have equity out the wazoo.

The only person who had faith in me when I was telling everyone the housing crash was coming was my wife. Everyone else thought I was nuts.
After the 2008 crash, Bill Clinton admitted he had fucked up when he signed the Republicans' CFMA.

The Republicans never admitted to their mistake. They blamed the Negroes instead. Because that's how they roll.

When some idiot parroting retard in Congress who understood fuck-all about high finance asked Dick Fuld how much the CRA had to do with the collapse of Lehman, Fuld responded, "De minimus."

You'd have thought he would have jumped at the chance to blame Negroes.

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