Chris Christie removes all doubt that he is a RINO

This is what "rightwinger" thinks of Israel getting away with murdering 4k Americans on 911.

Guess where "rightwinger" was invested???

If you guessed

the long bond
Defense Stocks

You have proven to have an IQ over 40....
Interesting how being a "RINO" has nothing to do with the actual issues.

All that matters is that you kiss and defend the orange ring, no matter what.

If you don't, you're just an Evil Radical Hitler Chinese Socialist Nazi Venezuelan Soros Deep State Swamp Commie™.
He's not enthralled by the cult.
This is what "rightwinger" thinks of Israel getting away with murdering 4k Americans on 911.

Read my signature…

It is difficult to argue with an intelligent person
It is IMPOSSIBLE to win an argument with a stupid person

You are the latter
And the party has changed, obviously.

The Republicans certainly have changed. The voters rejected the traditional GOP modus operandi of talking big and not doing squat, in favor of Trump who sought to fulfill his promises.

The only way traditional Republicans make a comeback is if they can work and get a record of accomplishment.

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