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Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Chris Coons Calls Kavanaugh Partisan, Concedes RBG Is, Too
Democratic Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware condemned Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s partisan comments Thursday after criticizing Judge Brett Kavanaugh for being too partisan himself.... “I really did have trouble with the partisan nature of his direct attack on Democrats broadly and the Democrats on the [Senate Judiciary] Committee in particular,” Coons said on “Fox and Friends.” “I think Judge Kavanaugh would have been better served leaving those arguments to his partisan defenders.” … “We are elected as politicians and we do at times attack each other from a partisan perspective,” Coons continued. “I don’t think a sitting judge should have come at us with quite that tone.” ... .
Anchor Brian Kilmeade confronted Coons with a statement Judge Ginsburg made in 2016 regarding President Donald Trump’s election:
I can’t imagine what this place would be – I can’t imagine what the country would be – with Donald Trump as our president. For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be – I don’t even want to contemplate that.
Brian Kilmeade asked Coons why he never expressed concern with her partisanship, compelling him to admit the inappropriateness of her remark.

Hmm..., Senator Coons stepped in it. Unless Coons was camping out under a rock for the past two years, there is no way he could not know about RBGs partisan hack comments. Should she have been removed from the court for those statements? Coons et al have seemed to have missed that. They're either partisan hacks themselves or just useful idiots.
Judge Kavanaugh was defending himself, and the targets of his wrath were the people who were attacking him. They just all happened to be all DSA Democrats.
There's no doubt in the minds of Americans, that these attacks aimed at Kavanaugh went far beyond "Partisan". Judge Kavanaugh is not a partisan who is subject to those attacks. Coons and his fellow DSA Democrats made unsubstantiated, personal attack accusing him of criminal, amoral behavior.
Everyone with an IQ above 70 knows the Democrats were out to get Kavanaugh from the moment he was nominated. According to Coons Kavanaugh's crime was in telling the truth - something the SDA Democrats cannot abide.
Everyone with an IQ above 70 knows the Democrats were out to get Kavanaugh from the moment he was nominated. According to Coons Kavanaugh's crime was in telling the truth - something the SDA Democrats cannot abide.
Aha! It's the 70 IQ that's stumped the Dems! Well, it is the party of Pelosi and Waters, right?
Kav is a lunatic, bad history of drunkenness, hyper partisan, full of hatred for women, rabid, and most likely a female assaulter, although he might be gay and that is why he surrounds himself with women. He just might be bi.

Of course RBG is partisan , she fought hard for female equal rights.
Kav is a lunatic, bad history of drunkenness, hyper partisan, full of hatred for women, rabid, and most likely a female assaulter, although he might be gay and that is why he surrounds himself with women. He just might be bi.

Of course RBG is partisan , she fought hard for female equal rights.
Kav is a lunatic, bad history of drunkenness, hyper partisan, full of hatred for women, rabid, and most likely a female assaulter, although he might be gay and that is why he surrounds himself with women. He just might be bi.

Of course RBG is partisan , she fought hard for female equal rights.
They're all partisan, you can read each name of the justices and tag them.
Everyone acts like it's a big revelation, elections have consequences and the right to nominate the person of their choice is one of the consequences.
Not sure what happened in your life, but you might try Christine Ford's shrink.
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Kav is a lunatic, bad history of drunkenness, hyper partisan, full of hatred for women, rabid, and most likely a female assaulter, although he might be gay and that is why he surrounds himself with women. He just might be bi.

Of course RBG is partisan , she fought hard for female equal rights.

The hatred of women thing is getting real old.
We love WOMEN. Real WOMEN
Ask our wives, daughters, mothers, sisters, female friends.

You want to act like a femanazi. That's your choice, but it's my choice not to recognize you as a woman.
Kav is a lunatic, bad history of drunkenness, hyper partisan, full of hatred for women, rabid, and most likely a female assaulter, although he might be gay and that is why he surrounds himself with women. He just might be bi.

Of course RBG is partisan , she fought hard for female equal rights.

Stop with the toxic femininity.
The Democrats just allowed a female Senator to throw a private female citizen to the wolves in a hearing not of her choosing. Who hates who?
Kav is a lunatic, bad history of drunkenness, hyper partisan, full of hatred for women, rabid, and most likely a female assaulter, although he might be gay and that is why he surrounds himself with women. He just might be bi.

Of course RBG is partisan , she fought hard for female equal rights.

Wow!!!!...., What other epithet's can you come up with? Your prose is dripping with hatred just another part of your failed partisan DSA ideology. Meanwhile you discount the partisanship and unseemly judgement of Justice Ginsberg... Bless your heart.....
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