Chris Cuomo is Taking Ivermectin - Seems to have had a vaccine revelation of sorts.

When on CNN, Chris routinely shamed people for not taking the vaccine and for taking ivermectin. It seems as though he has since done his own research and seen negative affects of the vaccine on his own health. Maybe he is waking up and the brainwashing is wearing off...who knows.

My doctors say I have 'Long COVID'. I have the symptoms, they showed me my blood work. It scared the bejesus out of me to see this glowing micro-clot stuff that they see in my blood. So I'm doing all the protocols...I do not fault myself for telling people at the time what the government was giving us as best practices...

I am going to tell you something else that is going to get you a lot of hits. I am taking a regular dose, whatever, of Ivermectin. Ivermectin was a boogeyman early on in COVID. That was wrong. We were given bad information about Ivermectin. The real question is why? Everyone is going to say Joe Rogan was right. No, Joe Rogan was saying -- yeah we was right, but that's not what matters. What matters is the entire clinical community knew that Ivermectin couldn't hurt you. They knew it, Patrick. I know they knew it. How did I know it? Because now I am doing nothing but talking to these clinicians who at the time were overwhelmed but they weren't saying anything, not that they were hiding anything. But it's cheap, it's not owned by anybody and it's used as anti-microbial and an anti-viral in all these different ways and has been for a long time. My doctor was using it during COVID on her family and on her patients and it was working for them. So they were wrong to play scared on that. Didn't know it at the time, know it now, admit it now, reporting on it now.

I got IVM just before the window closed. Yes, yes, just before MY OWN GOVT banned doctors from prescribing a safe and legal medication.

Looking back, this is when I lost allegiance and trust in my former nation, whatever that was and is.
The Trump vaccine.

Somebody needs to get to the bottom of this.

Jordon should subpeana Trump and some big pharma execs and follow the money.

Don't you want to know how trump spent your tax money to facilitate the deadly Trump vaccine?
Informed independent thinkers and conscientious doctors and scientists got to the bottom of this 4 years ago. Dr. David E. Martin, Mikki Willis, RFK Jr. and many others analyzed the facts and reached the only logical conclusion. This event was planned years in advance. It was a magnificent Psy-Op in scaring hell out of the public, followed by the introduction of Biological weapons.

Any government "investigation" will do just what such commissions have done with the JFK assassination, 911 and a few other inside jobs--they will protect the guilty (which is damn near the entire federal government) and deceive the gullible.
Yeah, you definitely fell for the scam. You might want to do a little more research.
Those compliant ones are dug in deep huh? FDA--See this, this will save your life, even may help your cancer!!! Demofk, wooooooo wait, CNN said it was a dewormer for horses so you all are fked up! The demofk always listens to the paid off CNN puppet ahead of the FDA.
Yeah, you definitely fell for the scam. You might want to do a little more research.
I didn't believe it was, I had heard of some horse dewormer that the vaccine-phobic were lining up to get an injection of but I have no idea if it was this or something else.
I didn't believe it was, I had heard of some horse dewormer that the vaccine-phobic were lining up to get an injection of but I have no idea if it was this or something else.
again, you did no research of your own. makes you a puppet for continuing to spread the nonsense gossip little girl.
Informed independent thinkers and conscientious doctors and scientists got to the bottom of this 4 years ago. Dr. David E. Martin, Mikki Willis, RFK Jr. and many others analyzed the facts and reached the only logical conclusion. This event was planned years in advance. It was a magnificent Psy-Op in scaring hell out of the public, followed by the introduction of Biological weapons.

Thanks for sharing with me your outliers.

Evidently Trump was a useful idiot in this imagined plan.

Trump may have info regarding this.

Do you think Jordan should subpeana him?

Any government "investigation" will do just what such commissions have done with the JFK assassination, 911 and a few other inside jobs--they will protect the guilty (which is damn near the entire federal government) and deceive the gullible.
That's a lot of inside jobs.

You sure know lots of stuffs.

How have you become so enlightened? Can you share a media link or two so I can see the source of your brilliance?
Thanks for sharing with me your outliers.

Evidently Trump was a useful idiot in this imagined plan.

Trump may have info regarding this.

Do you think Jordan should subpeana him?

That's a lot of inside jobs.

You sure know lots of stuffs.

How have you become so enlightened? Can you share a media link or two so I can see the source of your brilliance?
Yes, inside jobs is largely how government works. Read some by Christopher Bollyn. Apply common sense and a knowledge of human behavior, especially humans holding power.

Consider James Madison's warning that "in truth, all men holding power ought to be mistrusted"
Yes, inside jobs is largely how government works. Read some by Christopher Bollyn. Apply common sense and a knowledge of human behavior, especially humans holding power.

Consider James Madison's warning that "in truth, all men holding power ought to be mistrusted"
This is why I am skeptical of Trump's role in this vaccine stuff. He was president, had the power; certainly he can't be trusted.

You are great at finding reasons Jordon should subpeana Trump.

Thanks for that.
This is why I am skeptical of Trump's role in this vaccine stuff. He was president, had the power; certainly he can't be trusted.

You are great at finding reasons Jordon should subpeana Trump.

Thanks for that.
I try to avoid personalities and stick to issues and facts. Trump seems important to you. I have never trusted him, have never voted for him.

My take is that while he had nothing to do with the planning of the Scamdemic, he certainly played along with the perpetrators. He is just stupid enough to still brag about Warp Speed and the clot shots today.
Not much of a war. Seems like Trump walked right into it.

What a dupe.
cost him quite a lot, and Trump had no defense because the war was one sided. The elites have their money into everyone but him!!!! It was truly Trump against the world with folks like me as supporters.
I try to avoid personalities and stick to issues and facts. Trump seems important to you. I have never trusted him, have never voted for him.

My take is that while he had nothing to do with the planning of the Scamdemic, he certainly played along with the perpetrators. He is just stupid enough to still brag about Warp Speed and the clot shots today.
He did quite a lot that you ignored.
He did quite a lot that you ignored.
Yes, he withdrew the US from WHO, very admirable. He had a favorable impact on the economy.

Recognizing that he was under constant attack from the Deep State, he hired insiders into his cabinet, demonstrating he does not have the street cred so many attribute to him.

He backed out of his pledge to get us out of Syria, suggesting he's not really a strong leader. He failed to pardon Julian Assange, a man he had once praised. That shows he's rather unprincipled. He is tight buddies with Bibi Netanyahu, suggesting he is probably an Israel First sort of guy. Remember Trump Heights in the Golan Heights?
I try to avoid personalities and stick to issues and facts. Trump seems important to you. I have never trusted him, have never voted for him.
That's a silly argument.

Trump is important because it was his vaccine.

Do you think he requires your vote in order to be held accountable to the knowledge he as in the the development of the vaccine?

When you discuss inflation do you refuse to talk about Biden because you didn't vote for him?

My take is that while he had nothing to do with the planning of the Scamdemic, he certainly played along with the perpetrators. He is just stupid enough to still brag about Warp Speed and the clot shots today.
Yep. Which is another reason he should be subpeanad along with the heads of big pharma.

I want to know just how trump spent my tax money.
cost him quite a lot, and Trump had no defense because the war was one sided. The elites have their money into everyone but him!!!! It was truly Trump against the world with folks like me as supporters.

Trump gets lots of money from elites.

Hell, he just asked big oil for a billion dollars.

Have you seen the people he hangs out with? The people that visit mar a Lago?

Lol, you are cracking me up. The elites against Trump. ROFL.
Such a cover up hoax to harm Trump but more insidious is the long lasting effects of the experimental shots. Long Covid for example is merely a cover up , fake term for Lengthy Intense Adverse Reaction to Shots or LIARS

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