Chris Matthews Spends 75% Of Mondays Hardball Bashing Romney And The Mormon Faith.

Oct 10, 2011

Then again,why should we be surprised? Last night Chrissy Hardboils opened his show and didn't waste any time attacking Romney just for his religious beliefs, even to the extent of trying to make him out to be a Mormon Cult Leader. He was even trying to get his guests to say that they see Romney as an extreme Mormon Cult Leader. The final quarter of Harball was spent on the DOW protest,but no mention from Chrissy regarding public urination,defecating,public sex,the police car incident,mass arrests, etc.

Is this all Chrissy has on Romney? He obviously hates the Mormom faith. So much for the place for politics, more like the place for cable anchors who hate everybody except Obama&Black Panther supporters.:scared1::scared1
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Not surprised. I have a hard time watching him. I feel like cleaning his face all the time.
i am still waiting for ed and chrissy to bring up fast&furious! isn't that the top story? been for a few weeks now, what are they doing at PMS NBC? watching Porn?
well let's see if ed and chrissy report the new Iranian Bombing crisis tonight, it's another Obama scandal! Obama has been ignoring IRAN since day one, and look at where we are now? they wanna start war with DC.
Oooops, guess I was wrong about the liberal media avoiding mormon bashing because of the fallout it would have for Harry Reid, the Senate and by extension Obama.

I should know better than to underestimate the stupidity of Chris Matthews.

Edit: was Chris bashing, or was he trying to bait a Republican into doing the bashing. Guess I better try to find the segment. I don't get MSNBC so I'm usually saved from having to deal with him.
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Chris Matthew was DEFENDING the Mormon religion. He was arguing with an Evangelical preacher who called Mormonism a "cult", oh, excuse me, a "theological" cult. Which, of course, is STILL a "cult".

To me, ALL religions are "cults" with "equal evidence", which of course, is none. What makes a cult not a cult is the number of people who believe in their mystical beliefs.
Chris Matthews didn't directly bash the mormon faith, but you could tell that his view of Mitt Romney was that, well, he is a Republican, he is a Mormon, therefore he does not deserve to be President,he also stated that if Romney was the nominee,there will be a third candidate. Now what did he mean by that?
Lets see if Chrissy starts bashing Herman Cain, he never mentioned him last night, to where he is in the polling, What will Chrissy say? Herman Cain is an Oreo?
Lets see if Chrissy starts bashing Herman Cain, he never mentioned him last night, to where he is in the polling, What will Chrissy say? Herman Cain is an Oreo?

Let Herman Cain speak for himself. He has already been caught in a number of lies. First off, he said he was too young to march in the 60's when he attended college from 1963 to 1967. Then he said he wasn't anywhere where people were marching, when he was in Atlanta, Georgia.

But worst was when he said that when he got on the bus he always sat in the back like his father told him to. When ask what would have happened if Rosa Parks sat at the back of the bus, he said he father never told Rosa Parks where to sit. AND he says blacks have been "brainwashed".

I suspect he will never get much black vote. Which is fine since the Republican Party is 90% white.
Chris Matthews didn't directly bash the mormon faith, but you could tell that his view of Mitt Romney was that, well, he is a Republican, he is a Mormon, therefore he does not deserve to be President,he also stated that if Romney was the nominee,there will be a third candidate. Now what did he mean by that? your OP is incorrect?
aside from picking on Mitt Last night, Matthews never talked about anything else! does Matthews know about the pics of Obama hanging out with the Black Panthers? Black Panthers: anti-white,anti-jew. And I still have yet to see Chris Matthews bring up the other two scandals. God, Fast&Furious is a major news story yet he completely ignores it. Same with Schultz, he is more concerned over the Wall Street protestors over the 535 Trillion flushed down the toilet! alot of poor people could of used that money!
Mathews is an asshole and I hate his show.

He is terrible at what he does.

I would like to see him replaced.

BTW he voted for Bush in 2000 and talked about how good Bush looked in jeans.
Well, I can tolerate Chrissy and Ed, but I cant stomach the other two turd-wipers. I often compare Harball/Ed Show to the evening Fox Shows, god, it's like the MSNBC night cable hosts are all living in a bubble! You want to scream back them,,,,HELLO!!! ERIC HOLDER ANYONE??? HELLO?? 535 MILLION ???? HELLO CHRISSY? What about those pics of Obama marching with the Black Panthers!!! This is what I am getting at,,,,I can't wait to watch tonight considering all the news coming in today.

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