Chris Sununu bashes both Trump and DeSantis. Does he have a point w/ the latter RE Disney?

I don't know the details on the situation btwn DeS and Disney. Anyone here familiar w/ that one? Please inform the rest of us. But I never thought of it as punishing disney for being woke... If that is what DeS is doing... well, I have several thoughts on that but first I have to find out what the details are on how DeS is punishing (not my word) Disney..

In any case, I saw Sununu on Fox some time ago and boy, did he get on my nerves. For one thing, he criticizes Trump too damn much... but that perpetual smile he has... OMG... What the hell is there to smile about these days?

He comes across as smug and ambitious for the presidency. I pray it is Trump or DeSantis who gets the nomination, not that dude... annoying as hell

They are punishing Disney for exercising their free speech rights. They did not lobby for or against it and they have not made any attempts to roll it back. They just stated their opinion to their employees.

Sununu gets it. Trump is toxic and anyone who doesn't see it is a Nazi themselves. DeSantis has attacked free speech rights, attacks voting rights, minority rights, censors books and is Noth Koreaizing our edu7cation. He is a bully.n He is like a coral snake. It is pretty to look at but is deadly.
He didn't punish Disney. At all in any way, shape or form.

Disney was given special privileges in Florida other corporations don't have and he left them completely alone until they attacked him with incorrect information and mislabeling his bill as "don't say gay" bill when his bill was simply about protecting school kids and never once said gay or that you couldn't talk about it, it discriminated against no one.

Then Disney increased their stance and desantis simply took away their special privileges and made them as equals as any other company in Florida. He didn't punish them, he made them equal and to people like Disney being treated on a level field to them is being punished.

Yes he did. Disney did not lobby for or against the bill. Nor have they made any attempt to repeal it. They told their employees that they did not support it. DeSantis is a bully band nothing more. They have punished Disney.
Gates was apolitical till the clinton apparatus started attacking him

The result was that gates became bery political and has been ever since

Gates became political because both sides were trying to play politics with Microsoft.
It seems that your allegation lacks factual substance.

The thing about DeSantis is that it’s just so transparent. You yourself said that Disney is facing “pushback” for doing nothing more than exercising their constitutional rights.
Damn right

And we are exercising our constitutional rights against disney
That wasn't my point but thanks for sharing.

i'm so sick of him i could puke.....~S~
Here’s the thing. Your candidates don’t win, but guys like Sununu who would still give you 80% of what you want as opposed to Biden or one of the other Democrats who will give you 10% of what you want can win.

Decide which is better. Should not be a hard decision.
De Santis is very aggressive, pugilistic and authoritarian, which is why Trumpsters look at him as the best alternative to their hero.
Trump is still the better candidate of the two...but...DeSantis looks attractive to voters when he tells minorities we've had enough of their crap.
You’re being evasive.

How does that equate to voting against Disney?
They will resist the woke agenda either through legislation or by carrying the debate

If trump were president he would be calling out disney to counter their indirect pressure on school boards, for instance

It always helps to have moral support at the top
The Disney corporation had a special status in Florida. Basically they're their own self-contained city, with the right to make their own laws and raise taxes. DeSantis revoked that status when Disney opposed his anti-woke law.

Actually he did not revoke it. There was a lot of talk about doing so, just feeding the Rubes what they want to hear. In the end it was not revoked becuase doing so would cost the state and the counties too much money.
They will resist the woke agenda either through legislation or by carrying the debate

If trump were president he would be calling out disney to counter their indirect pressure on school boards, for instance

It always helps to have moral support at the top
Legislation like the taking over the Reddy Creek Improvement District?

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