Chris Wallace - Saying for Trump to condemn white supremacists was proof of his shill, Democrat partisanship

They don't care that he has repeatedly condemned them. THe point is to use "Questions" to give credibility to the rest of their constant race baiting.
Those darn "questions"!


Correct. "Questions" that are actually thinly veiled attacks are not questions.

That was my point. It was a clear point.

You expressed ridicule, but did not actually address my valid point.

That makes you the asshole here. Not me.
Of course. You're the victim. Again.

I made a point, all you did was ridicule it, without addressing it at all.

So yes, once again, I am the "victim" of your asshole behavior.

I'm here to discuss issues, and you are here to be a troll.

Talking about it, like it did not just happen, for everyone to see, does not change that.
That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

- No, he won't condemn white supremacists

- It had to be asked, you finally condemned them

It's called a loaded question. There is nothing but a lose in the answer. That Chris Wallace would ask a loaded question like that shows he had no place moderating a debate. And of course there were no such loaded questions for Joe Dementia Biden.

Then again anyone who has seen him on Fox already knows he's a DNC stooge

It's also a lie, Trump does condemn them in his answer. He just recognized it for the trap it was and tried not to give Chris the loaded answer he wanted.

Watch Biden, "so do it." Biden saw just like Trump did that it was a trap and was trying to push him in

It's only a loaded question if you support white supremacist groups and don't want the world to know.

You're stupid as a bag of rocks. That's the easiest answer. Hell no I'm not a white supremist.

How stupid dare you? OMG you don't think a white supremacist would drop denials without thinking about it all over the place?

It's exactly like asking Joe Biden if he's a Marxist now. Hell no is his answer because he is and doesn't want anyone to know
That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

- No, he won't condemn white supremacists

- It had to be asked, you finally condemned them

It's called a loaded question. There is nothing but a lose in the answer. That Chris Wallace would ask a loaded question like that shows he had no place moderating a debate. And of course there were no such loaded questions for Joe Dementia Biden.

Then again anyone who has seen him on Fox already knows he's a DNC stooge

It's also a lie, Trump does condemn them in his answer. He just recognized it for the trap it was and tried not to give Chris the loaded answer he wanted.

Watch Biden, "so do it." Biden saw just like Trump did that it was a trap and was trying to push him in

Chris Wallace is a smug self absorbed main street media asshat like all of the other worthless assholes.

I didn't like him before the debate. But this particular question proved what a partisan leftist Democrat ass hat he is. If Biden could have had one question, this was it.

And he didn't once ask a remotely similar question to Biden
That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

- No, he won't condemn white supremacists

- It had to be asked, you finally condemned them

It's called a loaded question. There is nothing but a lose in the answer. That Chris Wallace would ask a loaded question like that shows he had no place moderating a debate. And of course there were no such loaded questions for Joe Dementia Biden.

Then again anyone who has seen him on Fox already knows he's a DNC stooge

It's also a lie, Trump does condemn them in his answer. He just recognized it for the trap it was and tried not to give Chris the loaded answer he wanted.

Watch Biden, "so do it." Biden saw just like Trump did that it was a trap and was trying to push him in

jaaa ja ja, Wallace made the pussygrabber look like the thug he is....

View attachment 395184

Well, since you keep voting for rapists and their enablers, you're not really in a position to talk, are you?
That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

- No, he won't condemn white supremacists

- It had to be asked, you finally condemned them

It's called a loaded question. There is nothing but a lose in the answer. That Chris Wallace would ask a loaded question like that shows he had no place moderating a debate. And of course there were no such loaded questions for Joe Dementia Biden.

Then again anyone who has seen him on Fox already knows he's a DNC stooge

It's also a lie, Trump does condemn them in his answer. He just recognized it for the trap it was and tried not to give Chris the loaded answer he wanted.

Watch Biden, "so do it." Biden saw just like Trump did that it was a trap and was trying to push him in

How the hell, in anybody's language, is "do you condemn white supremacy?" a loaded question? Are you serious?

I explained it in the op, empty headed hysterical teenage girl.

Are you a racist? Do you condemn white supremacy? Why haven't you already condemned it?
That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

- No, he won't condemn white supremacists

- It had to be asked, you finally condemned them

It's called a loaded question. There is nothing but a lose in the answer. That Chris Wallace would ask a loaded question like that shows he had no place moderating a debate. And of course there were no such loaded questions for Joe Dementia Biden.

Then again anyone who has seen him on Fox already knows he's a DNC stooge

It's also a lie, Trump does condemn them in his answer. He just recognized it for the trap it was and tried not to give Chris the loaded answer he wanted.

Watch Biden, "so do it." Biden saw just like Trump did that it was a trap and was trying to push him in

It wasn’t proof of anything. He asked a similar question of Biden regarding the rioters in certain cities.

Biden: OK, so maybe I didn't come out strongly enough about rioting in a few cities, but Trump is a RACIST.

Obviously it is NOT the same. Get real.

I haven't seen you condemn white supremacy. Why not?
That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

- No, he won't condemn white supremacists

- It had to be asked, you finally condemned them

It's called a loaded question. There is nothing but a lose in the answer. That Chris Wallace would ask a loaded question like that shows he had no place moderating a debate. And of course there were no such loaded questions for Joe Dementia Biden.

Then again anyone who has seen him on Fox already knows he's a DNC stooge

It's also a lie, Trump does condemn them in his answer. He just recognized it for the trap it was and tried not to give Chris the loaded answer he wanted.

Watch Biden, "so do it." Biden saw just like Trump did that it was a trap and was trying to push him in

It wasn’t proof of anything. He asked a similar question of Biden regarding the rioters in certain cities.

I do find it strange that the Deplorables talk about the manliness of Trump (even though he is far from being so), then whine like little pigs over how poor widdle Trumpie Wumpie was bullied on air...

Poor guy. Whining bothers you, huh?

That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

- No, he won't condemn white supremacists

- It had to be asked, you finally condemned them

It's called a loaded question. There is nothing but a lose in the answer. That Chris Wallace would ask a loaded question like that shows he had no place moderating a debate. And of course there were no such loaded questions for Joe Dementia Biden.

Then again anyone who has seen him on Fox already knows he's a DNC stooge

It's also a lie, Trump does condemn them in his answer. He just recognized it for the trap it was and tried not to give Chris the loaded answer he wanted.

Watch Biden, "so do it." Biden saw just like Trump did that it was a trap and was trying to push him in

One of the accusations Trump always faces is that he supports white supremacy groups so Wallce gave him a chance to refute them. Trump asked for an example and Biden said Proud Boys..Trumps answer..stand back and stand by, somebody has to counter antifa and the leftists etc. The Proud Boys were said to have cheered that comment. Get ready for some violent confrontations at protests from now on...welcome to the Trump Era.

Screaming butt hurt, huh? Poor guy. Try the TDS ointment in cream form. I hear it works faster.

And don't be a dumb ass. Deny you're a white supremacist is a total loaded question. Even Biden knew that, which is why he got a hard on and tried to push Trump into answering it

Is that TDS ointment as good as the ODS and HDS ointment??

Um ... you think I hate Trump? I'm voting for him, jackass.

Here's a dollar, buy a clue.

WTF? What planet are you idiots on?
That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

- No, he won't condemn white supremacists

- It had to be asked, you finally condemned them

It's called a loaded question. There is nothing but a lose in the answer. That Chris Wallace would ask a loaded question like that shows he had no place moderating a debate. And of course there were no such loaded questions for Joe Dementia Biden.

Then again anyone who has seen him on Fox already knows he's a DNC stooge

It's also a lie, Trump does condemn them in his answer. He just recognized it for the trap it was and tried not to give Chris the loaded answer he wanted.

Watch Biden, "so do it." Biden saw just like Trump did that it was a trap and was trying to push him in

Chris Wallace is a smug self absorbed main street media asshat like all of the other worthless assholes.

I didn't like him before the debate. But this particular question proved what a partisan leftist Democrat ass hat he is. If Biden could have had one question, this was it.

And he didn't once ask a remotely similar question to Biden

It turned out to be a very legitimate question

Trumps response showed how important it was
Biden: OK, so maybe I didn't come out strongly enough about rioting in a few cities, but Trump is a RACIST.

Biden repeatedly said he opposed violent protest (when Trump let him get a word in edgewise)

Trump showed he is RACIST by refusing to condemn White Supremacy
That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

- No, he won't condemn white supremacists

- It had to be asked, you finally condemned them

It's called a loaded question. There is nothing but a lose in the answer. That Chris Wallace would ask a loaded question like that shows he had no place moderating a debate. And of course there were no such loaded questions for Joe Dementia Biden.

Then again anyone who has seen him on Fox already knows he's a DNC stooge

It's also a lie, Trump does condemn them in his answer. He just recognized it for the trap it was and tried not to give Chris the loaded answer he wanted.

Watch Biden, "so do it." Biden saw just like Trump did that it was a trap and was trying to push him in

It wasn’t proof of anything. He asked a similar question of Biden regarding the rioters in certain cities.

I do find it strange that the Deplorables talk about the manliness of Trump (even though he is far from being so), then whine like little pigs over how poor widdle Trumpie Wumpie was bullied on air...

1. There is nothing wrong with discussing whether a leader is strong or "manly".

2. Traps can be laid for the strongest man. Indeed, the stronger the target the more motive to avoid a fair fight.

3. Your sentence is structured as though there is a conflict between those two ideas, but there isn't. Are you delusional or lying?

Dr. Grump was pretty upset. I hope he's OK
Biden: OK, so maybe I didn't come out strongly enough about rioting in a few cities, but Trump is a RACIST.

Biden repeatedly said he opposed violent protest (when Trump let him get a word in edgewise)

Trump showed he is RACIST by refusing to condemn White Supremacy

After evading the question for month, Biden did finally come out against violent protests, yes.

You're lying again about Trump. He's repeatedly condemned white supremacy. Put on your big boy pants and stop lying
That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

- No, he won't condemn white supremacists

- It had to be asked, you finally condemned them

It's called a loaded question. There is nothing but a lose in the answer. That Chris Wallace would ask a loaded question like that shows he had no place moderating a debate. And of course there were no such loaded questions for Joe Dementia Biden.

Then again anyone who has seen him on Fox already knows he's a DNC stooge

It's also a lie, Trump does condemn them in his answer. He just recognized it for the trap it was and tried not to give Chris the loaded answer he wanted.

Watch Biden, "so do it." Biden saw just like Trump did that it was a trap and was trying to push him in

Chris Wallace is a smug self absorbed main street media asshat like all of the other worthless assholes.

I didn't like him before the debate. But this particular question proved what a partisan leftist Democrat ass hat he is. If Biden could have had one question, this was it.

And he didn't once ask a remotely similar question to Biden

It turned out to be a very legitimate question

Trumps response showed how important it was

We've been having a hard time getting a condemnation of white supremacy out of you, RW. So do you condemn it or not? First you ignored the question, then you gave the same answer a white supremacist would give. Now you keep trying to deflect.

So what is it, RW? Do you condemn white supremacy? Why are you struggling so much with this? Do you condemn it or not?
Biden: OK, so maybe I didn't come out strongly enough about rioting in a few cities, but Trump is a RACIST.

Biden repeatedly said he opposed violent protest

(when Trump let him get a word in edgewise)

Trump showed he is RACIST by refusing to condemn White Supremacy
Biden refuses to condemn ANTIFA or Black Lies Matter

so he’s talking out both sides of his mouth
Biden: OK, so maybe I didn't come out strongly enough about rioting in a few cities, but Trump is a RACIST.

Biden repeatedly said he opposed violent protest (when Trump let him get a word in edgewise)

Trump showed he is RACIST by refusing to condemn White Supremacy

After evading the question for month, Biden did finally come out against violent protests, yes.

You're lying again about Trump. He's repeatedly condemned white supremacy. Put on your big boy pants and stop lying
Biden has never evaded the question about violent protests. He has repeatedly called for calm and opposed violence

Trump condemns White Supremacy when his bizarre statements make it necessary.

He usually walks it back after a few days.
Biden: OK, so maybe I didn't come out strongly enough about rioting in a few cities, but Trump is a RACIST.

Biden repeatedly said he opposed violent protest

(when Trump let him get a word in edgewise)

Trump showed he is RACIST by refusing to condemn White Supremacy
Biden refuses to condemn ANTIFA or Black Lies Matter

so he’s talking out both sides of his mouth

Biden supports BLM

Why doesn’t Trump?
That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

- No, he won't condemn white supremacists

- It had to be asked, you finally condemned them

It's called a loaded question. There is nothing but a lose in the answer. That Chris Wallace would ask a loaded question like that shows he had no place moderating a debate. And of course there were no such loaded questions for Joe Dementia Biden.

Then again anyone who has seen him on Fox already knows he's a DNC stooge

It's also a lie, Trump does condemn them in his answer. He just recognized it for the trap it was and tried not to give Chris the loaded answer he wanted.

Watch Biden, "so do it." Biden saw just like Trump did that it was a trap and was trying to push him in

Chris Wallace is a smug self absorbed main street media asshat like all of the other worthless assholes.

I didn't like him before the debate. But this particular question proved what a partisan leftist Democrat ass hat he is. If Biden could have had one question, this was it.

And he didn't once ask a remotely similar question to Biden

It turned out to be a very legitimate question

Trumps response showed how important it was

We've been having a hard time getting a condemnation of white supremacy out of you, RW. So do you condemn it or not? First you ignored the question, then you gave the same answer a white supremacist would give. Now you keep trying to deflect.

So what is it, RW? Do you condemn white supremacy? Why are you struggling so much with this? Do you condemn it or not?

You keep beating that dead horse
It doesn’t work.

Biden: OK, so maybe I didn't come out strongly enough about rioting in a few cities, but Trump is a RACIST.

Biden repeatedly said he opposed violent protest (when Trump let him get a word in edgewise)

Trump showed he is RACIST by refusing to condemn White Supremacy

After evading the question for month, Biden did finally come out against violent protests, yes.

You're lying again about Trump. He's repeatedly condemned white supremacy. Put on your big boy pants and stop lying
Biden has never evaded the question about violent protests. He has repeatedly called for calm and opposed violence

Trump condemns White Supremacy when his bizarre statements make it necessary.

He usually walks it back after a few days.

That's a lie. Now you're making your shit up. Biden was repeatedly asked and refused to condemn it until the polls started turning against him for it.

What about you? Now you're back to just ignoring condemning white supremacy completely. So I guess your inability to clearly answer the question once and for all is proof you are a white supremacist. No surprise there
Biden: OK, so maybe I didn't come out strongly enough about rioting in a few cities, but Trump is a RACIST.

Biden repeatedly said he opposed violent protest

(when Trump let him get a word in edgewise)

Trump showed he is RACIST by refusing to condemn White Supremacy
Biden refuses to condemn ANTIFA or Black Lies Matter

so he’s talking out both sides of his mouth

Biden supports BLM

Why doesn’t Trump?

I notice Trump has clearly condemned white supremacy, but you haven't, RW. Why is that? Why can't you condemn it?

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