Christian activists booted from Seattle coffee shop: ‘I’m gay. You have to leave’

Yes, I am judging their positions and them for taking them. They chose the positions.

By your own admission you don't have any facts, just judgment. Gentle reminder - it was the gay guy who 'chose a position' and refused service, did you forget what thread you're on?

There is no evidence the group in the coffee shop did anything to him personally to deserve the vitriol. Actually- that was pretty hateful speech - and we all believe in equal protection under the law, right?

I'll stop portraying goofy leftists as ridiculous when they stop acting as such. The hysteria is underwhelming. :coffee:
Why don't Christians worry a little more about themselves? Why because they can't stand to look in the mirror, or they feel superior when making judgements on others. Intolerant people.
QUOTE="Fort Fun Indiana, post: 18306259, member: 62138"]

Yes, I am judging their positions and them for taking them. They chose the positions.

By your own admission you don't have any facts, just judgment. Gentle reminder - it was the gay guy who 'chose a position' and refused service, did you forget what thread you're on?

There is no evidence the group in the coffee shop did anything to him personally to deserve the vitriol. Actually- that was pretty hateful speech - and we all believe in equal protection under the law, right?

I'll stop portraying leftists as ridiculous when they stop acting as such. The hysteria is underwhelming.[/QUOTE]

I am sure it was staged. A group of Christians ending up in gay coffee shop. So obvious. Trying to make trouble. You know the honorable Christians, liars.
I'll stop portraying goofy leftists as ridiculous when they stop acting as such. The hysteria is underwhelming.

I am sure it was staged. A group of Christians ending up in gay coffee shop. So obvious. Trying to make trouble. You know the honorable Christians, liars.

Ending up in a 'gay coffee shop', huh?...quietly drinking coffee. Oh the humanity.
But we'll see.

My guess is the liberal city of Seattle will let this one slide, motherfuckers that they are.

The motherfuckers were the zealot Christians.

So? While I personally think that any business should be able to refuse service to anyone for any reason, if states are going to pass laws mandating Christian businesses cater to gays, how can you, in turn, not force gay owned businesses to serve Christians? You can't have it both ways. That would very much make YOU the bigot.

See why maybe it's not the greatest idea to have the government involved in people's personal business?
This is as ignorant as it is wrong.

No jurisdiction has passed a law ‘mandating’ Christian businesses ‘cater’ to gays.

Public accommodations laws have provisions prohibiting discrimination against certain classes of persons – such as race, religion, or sexual orientation.

All business owners are subject to those laws, whatever the religion of the business owner might be.

Indeed, if a business were to discriminate against a patron because that patron was a Christian, that business owner would be in violation of a public accommodations law with a provision prohibiting discrimination based on religion, where that business owner would be subject to legal action.

Moreover, public accommodations laws have nothing to do with government involvement in an individual’s personal business.

Public accommodations laws are necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policy designed to protect the integrity of local markets, where governments have correctly determined that to allow businesses open to the general public to discriminate based on religion, race, or sexual orientation is disruptive to local markets and poses a threat to a community’s economic well-being.

The issue is solely about business regulation and economics, not religion or individuals’ personal beliefs.
Yes, I am judging their positions and them for taking them. They chose the positions.

By your own admission you don't have any facts, just judgment. Gentle reminder - it was the gay guy who 'chose a position' and refused service, did you forget what thread you're on?

There is no evidence the group in the coffee shop did anything to him personally to deserve the vitriol. Actually- that was pretty hateful speech - and we all believe in equal protection under the law, right?

I'll stop portraying goofy leftists as ridiculous when they stop acting as such. The hysteria is underwhelming. :coffee:
I do have facts. You are not paying attention. The facts are their positions. The ideas they are peddling int heir activism. When I judged them and their shitty ideas, that was just my opinion of them and their evil ideas, regardless of any of the events in the video.

And if I were to put up fliers outside your door telling the world you are an evil, murderous agent of Satan who should be eradicated, I think maybe I would get a different reaction from you than your careful apologism we are witnessing here
I do have facts. You are not paying attention. The facts are their positions. The ideas they are peddling int heir activism. When I judged them and their shitty ideas, that was just my opinion of them and their evil ideas, regardless of any of the events in the video.

Unfortunately for you I am paying attention. What are their positions and evil ideas? The events in the video are the basis of this thread - no matter how much you would prefer to ignore it.

And if I were to put up fliers outside your door telling the world you are an evil, murderous agent of Satan who should be eradicated, I think maybe I would get a different reaction from you than your careful apologism we are witnessing here

Is that what they did?
Yes, I am judging their positions and them for taking them. They chose the positions.

By your own admission you don't have any facts, just judgment. Gentle reminder - it was the gay guy who 'chose a position' and refused service, did you forget what thread you're on?

There is no evidence the group in the coffee shop did anything to him personally to deserve the vitriol. Actually- that was pretty hateful speech - and we all believe in equal protection under the law, right?

I'll stop portraying goofy leftists as ridiculous when they stop acting as such. The hysteria is underwhelming. :coffee:
And here is more ignorance and stupidity from the right.

Again: a business owner has the right to ask a patron to leave for any reason the business owner so desires – provided that reason doesn’t violate public accommodations law.

And again: the patrons were asked to leave the coffee shop because they were hateful bigots, not because they were Christian – resulting in no violation of the law.

As for ‘equal protection under the law,’ that applies solely to the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons or organizations.

In this case a private business cannot ‘violate’ the equal protection rights of an individual – only government has the potential of violating such rights.

Consequently, only you and other conservatives are being goofy and ridiculous.
I'll stop portraying goofy leftists as ridiculous when they stop acting as such. The hysteria is underwhelming.

I am sure it was staged. A group of Christians ending up in gay coffee shop. So obvious. Trying to make trouble. You know the honorable Christians, liars.

Ending up in a 'gay coffee shop', huh?...quietly drinking coffee. Oh the humanity.

staged and planned.
This fails as a red herring fallacy.

LOL. You're claiming that Christian bakers make cakes for rapists and pedophiles. That's probably true, only because said bakers don't know that the customer is a rapist or pedophile. That's not the case when a same-sex couple request a wedding cake celebrating a same-sex marriage. A Christian baker doesn't want to make a cake celebrating same-sex marriage or a cake that celebrates any other sin.
Both those things are illegal, you know. However that being said...what does a rape or pedophilia cake look like?

Penelope tried to make an analogy that was not analogous. I guess you missed it.
They might be, and cake bakers do not need to celebrate a wedding. If you think one sin is better than another then you must might be God, and cake bakers are not Gods. Heck they might be a pedophile or a rapist, no one knows. Imagine having a serial rapist bake your cake.

Penelope, feel free to show me a Christian baker that refuses to make a same-sex wedding cake but is willing to make a cake celebrating rape or pedophilia. I won't hold my breath waiting for you to provide one. Your analogy is no analogous.
They didn't ask for anything on top of the cake.

Apparently, somehow, they became aware that they were being asked to make a cake as part of a celebration for a same-sex marriage. I notice you like to play semantics.
The nonsense about the gay cabal forcing homosexuality and abortions on us. You don't share their positions? Ok.

I don't believe in forcing anyone to be a homosexual nor forcing one to have an abortion. I guess we're in agreement, for a change. :)
If turnabout is fair play, I have a question for all of you.

Would you support a coffee shop owner's "right" to kick out people that the owner knew had been out advocating for the legalization of same-sex marriage?
I do have facts. You are not paying attention. The facts are their positions. The ideas they are peddling int heir activism. When I judged them and their shitty ideas, that was just my opinion of them and their evil ideas, regardless of any of the events in the video.

Unfortunately for you I am paying attention. What are their positions and evil ideas? The events in the video are the basis of this thread - no matter how much you would prefer to ignore it.

And if I were to put up fliers outside your door telling the world you are an evil, murderous agent of Satan who should be eradicated, I think maybe I would get a different reaction from you than your careful apologism we are witnessing here

Is that what they did?

Yep! You can find their leaflet yourself.
If turnabout is fair play, I have a question for all of you.

Would you support a coffee shop owner's "right" to kick out people that the owner knew had been out advocating for the legalization of same-sex marriage?
No, because that's different.
In shariah law ---preaching a religion OTHER than islam is a CAPITAL OFFENSE. It is probably dangerous for a Shiite to preach SHIITISM over there------I don't have any examples
Gee, I wonder where they learned that from?

De 13:6 If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers;

7 Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you, nigh unto thee, or far off from thee, from the one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth;

8 Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him:

9 But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people.

10 And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die...

15 Thou shalt surely smite the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword, destroying it utterly, and all that is therein, and the cattle thereof, with the edge of the sword.

16 And thou shalt gather all the spoil of it into the midst of the street thereof, and shalt burn with fire the city, and all the spoil thereof every whit, for the LORD thy God: and it shall be an heap for ever; it shall not be built again.

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