Christian activists booted from Seattle coffee shop: ‘I’m gay. You have to leave’

My response----it seems to me that a store owner has a right to eject people who enter their premises for the purpose of proselytizing

The article didn't state that they were "proselytizing" in the coffee shop. If they were, I would agree with you. If not, then it seems pretty intolerant.
If they were customers.....they have every right to be there and be served....yes. If that is the case, they certainly have a case to bring to the state under PA laws because in EVERY state, religion is protected (sexual orientation is only protected in some).
Christian activists booted from Seattle coffee shop: ‘I’m gay. You have to leave’

Gay coffee shop owner boots out pro-life Christians, refusing them service.

Well, it's time to put these motherfuckers out of business!!!
I'm not sure what the problem is. If you stand up and say that gays cannot force a baker to serve a gay couple, how is it you have a problem with a gay not serving a straight person?

I support the right of business owners to refuse to do business with people, for any reason the choose.

The issue isn't serving a gay couple. The issue is when you ask a baker to be a part of something that they consider sinful, such as same-sex marriage. After all, I've never heard of a baker refusing to make a birthday cake for a gay person.
Since when is a baker part of a wedding? Even the cake they make isn't part of a's part of the reception AFTER the wedding.
Since when is a baker part of a wedding? Even the cake they make isn't part of a's part of the reception AFTER the wedding.

The baker is being FORCED to make a cake that is celebrating an act that he or she believes to be sinful. The baker wants no part of it but are being FORCED to be a part of it.
I understand that. I am taking the stance that Title II is wrong in this regard and that it is unreasonable to force associations of people when clear alternatives exist.

Then we agree. Whether taking photos, catering a party, baking cakes or serving coffee...association should be voluntary.
Then repeal PA laws...state AND federal.
Working on it. Every movement starts slow and in the weeds and grows into a tsunami (apologies to Japan).

Regardless, it does not change what I think or believe. Private business owners have rights and the right to associate with whomever they chose.
Look at you making shit up about my position. This where you are being a liar. Too funny.

If you believe that Christian bakers should be able to decline to make a wedding cake for a same-sex marriage, then I will concede that I was mistaken. Do you support Christian bakers in this instance?

Yes, I have said on numerous occasions that businesses should be able to serve or not serve people as they see fit and let the free market decide.
I would be very happy if an owner of the coffee shop posted a gay pride poster in their front door. It would make life much easier and honest.

Actually I am not sure why a store owner would reveal his sexual proclivities to a customer.

They have a gay pride/American flag hanging from their shop.

Here some the flyers they were handing out around the city:

Whether they were handing out these flyers in his shop or not, I don't know.
That second to the last one.....:lol: Blaming gay people for abortion. :lol: I remember posters here blaming gays for the increase in out of wedlock births too. :lol:
If they were customers.....they have every right to be there and be served....yes.

Actually and, legally speaking, I don't believe the coffee shop owner is legally out of line if the advocates were asked to leave because of their political beliefs. Now, if a court deemed they were asked to leave for their religious advocacy, perhaps things could change.
My response----it seems to me that a store owner has a right to eject people who enter their premises for the purpose of proselytizing

The article didn't state that they were "proselytizing" in the coffee shop. If they were, I would agree with you. If not, then it seems pretty intolerant.

If they were carrying signs, banners or literature, he'd know what they were and yes, I'd refuse them service as well. Those pictures of abortions they so proudly display would be the reason why. People don't want or need to see that with their coffee.
Christian activists booted from Seattle coffee shop: ‘I’m gay. You have to leave’

Gay coffee shop owner boots out pro-life Christians, refusing them service.

Well, it's time to put these motherfuckers out of business!!!
I'm not sure what the problem is. If you stand up and say that gays cannot force a baker to serve a gay couple, how is it you have a problem with a gay not serving a straight person?

I support the right of business owners to refuse to do business with people, for any reason the choose.

The issue isn't serving a gay couple. The issue is when you ask a baker to be a part of something that they consider sinful, such as same-sex marriage. After all, I've never heard of a baker refusing to make a birthday cake for a gay person.
Since when is a baker part of a wedding? Even the cake they make isn't part of a's part of the reception AFTER the wedding.
The discussion isn't about the wedding, it's about the shop owner and all shop owners rights.
Look at you making shit up about my position. This where you are being a liar. Too funny.

If you believe that Christian bakers should be able to decline to make a wedding cake for a same-sex marriage, then I will concede that I was mistaken. Do you support Christian bakers in this instance?

Yes, I have said on numerous occasions that businesses should be able to serve or not serve people as they see fit and let the free market decide.

It's good to be wrong sometimes. I stand corrected. Thank you.
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I understand that. I am taking the stance that Title II is wrong in this regard and that it is unreasonable to force associations of people when clear alternatives exist.

Then we agree. Whether taking photos, catering a party, baking cakes or serving coffee...association should be voluntary.
Then repeal PA laws...state AND federal.
Working on it. Every movement starts slow and in the weeds and grows into a tsunami (apologies to Japan).

Regardless, it does not change what I think or believe. Private business owners have rights and the right to associate with whomever they chose.
How are you working on it.....grass roots groups? Petitions? Lawyers building a case (PA laws have already run thru the court system and have been declared Constitutional)....what have you been actively doing?
Christian activists booted from Seattle coffee shop: ‘I’m gay. You have to leave’

Gay coffee shop owner boots out pro-life Christians, refusing them service.

Well, it's time to put these motherfuckers out of business!!!

Good they are an obnoxious bunch. No its time to kick these zealots out. Move to Saudi Arabia, you can get all the preaching you want there.

Were they handing out literature and yelling faggot at the owners faces, or were they just ordering coffee?
If they were carrying signs, banners or literature...

Were they?

In any event, I think the coffee shop owner could be correctly accused of being intolerant, but I'm not sure that he could be deemed to be in violation of any law.
After all this time, this is the first time I heard they wanted the baker to be part of their gay marriage.

By forcing a baker to make their cake, the baker has indeed become a part of their wedding ceremony.
Even the cake itself isn't part of the wedding's part of a reception afterwards and both reception and cake are totally optional to any wedding. Nice try but.....not true.
Christian activists booted from Seattle coffee shop: ‘I’m gay. You have to leave’

Gay coffee shop owner boots out pro-life Christians, refusing them service.

Well, it's time to put these motherfuckers out of business!!!
I'm not sure what the problem is. If you stand up and say that gays cannot force a baker to serve a gay couple, how is it you have a problem with a gay not serving a straight person?

I support the right of business owners to refuse to do business with people, for any reason the choose.

The issue isn't serving a gay couple. The issue is when you ask a baker to be a part of something that they consider sinful, such as same-sex marriage. After all, I've never heard of a baker refusing to make a birthday cake for a gay person.
No, it is not. I get real tired of people trying to change the issue to suit their own intellectual dishonesty.

You can't eat your cake and have it too.

Either a business owner has the right to refuse service to whomever they wish, for whatever reason they wish, or they do not.

You cannot say they can when it suits My personal philosophy and they can't when its something I don't like.

Pick one and stop trying to justify everything.
Consistency would be nice, it is the law after all, but as things stand now gay bakers can refuse service to Christians but Christians cannot refuse service to fagots.

Not consistent application of the law what so ever.
After all this time, this is the first time I heard they wanted the baker to be part of their gay marriage.

By forcing a baker to make their cake, the baker has indeed become a part of their wedding ceremony.
Even the cake itself isn't part of the wedding's part of a reception afterwards and both reception and cake are totally optional to any wedding. Nice try but.....not true.

The baker wants NOTHING to do with the event and is being FORCED by government to be a part of it. You're playing semantics and are being disingenuous.
If they were carrying signs, banners or literature...

Were they?

In any event, I think the coffee shop owner could be correctly accused of being intolerant, but I'm not sure that he could be deemed to be in violation of any law.

Apparently yes. And the coffee shop in question proudly flies the rainbow flag so these fascists targetted this coffee shop because of their anti-gay stance.

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