Christian activists booted from Seattle coffee shop: ‘I’m gay. You have to leave’

I believe this case should have involved, "I heart gay guys" cups for those patrons; profit before morals in the for-profit sector.

I support the concept of "live and let live". I don't really care what gays or anyone else does as long as it doesn't adversely affect someone else.
Would those potential patrons, left on their own, in the case mentioned above?
Christian activists booted from Seattle coffee shop: ‘I’m gay. You have to leave’

Gay coffee shop owner boots out pro-life Christians, refusing them service.

Well, it's time to put these motherfuckers out of business!!!
I'm not sure what the problem is. If you stand up and say that gays cannot force a baker to serve a gay couple, how is it you have a problem with a gay not serving a straight person?

I support the right of business owners to refuse to do business with people, for any reason the choose.

The issue isn't serving a gay couple. The issue is when you ask a baker to be a part of something that they consider sinful, such as same-sex marriage. After all, I've never heard of a baker refusing to make a birthday cake for a gay person.
No, it is not. I get real tired of people trying to change the issue to suit their own intellectual dishonesty.

You can't eat your cake and have it too.

Either a business owner has the right to refuse service to whomever they wish, for whatever reason they wish, or they do not.

You cannot say they can when it suits My personal philosophy and they can't when its something I don't like.

Pick one and stop trying to justify everything.
Consistency would be nice, it is the law after all, but as things stand now gay bakers can refuse service to Christians but Christians cannot refuse service to fagots.

Not consistent application of the law what so ever.
What gay bakers have refused service to christians? And where would that be legal? Not in any of our 50 states because ALL 50 state PA laws protect christians and not all protect sexual orientation. In fact, the case referred to in Oregon as a precedent for the baker cake was a case where a christian was discriminated against by an employer and the fine against the employer was TWICE that of the bakers.
After all this time, this is the first time I heard they wanted the baker to be part of their gay marriage.

By forcing a baker to make their cake, the baker has indeed become a part of their wedding ceremony.
Even the cake itself isn't part of the wedding's part of a reception afterwards and both reception and cake are totally optional to any wedding. Nice try but.....not true.

The baker wants NOTHING to do with the event and is being FORCED by government to be a part of it. You're playing semantics and are being disingenuous.
No..the baker was not forced to do anything accept treat all their customers equally under the PA laws they agreed to in getting a business license.
Christian bakers have always made wedding cakes. What some of them did NOT do was make a wedding cake for a same-sex marriage, that is, until the law said they must.
My response----it seems to me that a store owner has a right to eject people who enter their premises for the purpose of proselytizing

The article didn't state that they were "proselytizing" in the coffee shop. If they were, I would agree with you. If not, then it seems pretty intolerant.

If they were carrying signs, banners or literature, he'd know what they were and yes, I'd refuse them service as well. Those pictures of abortions they so proudly display would be the reason why. People don't want or need to see that with their coffee.

Those abortion pics are disgusting, I dont think there is ever a need to see that.

they are used for SHOCK VALUE-----a picture or footage of
a TONSILLECTOMY would look just as gross. Have you ever seen anyone get an NG tube inserted? ----naso-gastric tube----a rubber tube introduced into the nostril and----threaded into the esophagus and down into the stomach.
IT LOOKS LIKE TORTURE -----and some jerks actually filmed
the procedure in a jail to "PROVE" that prisoners were being
TORTURED. Jerks will be Jerks
After all this time, this is the first time I heard they wanted the baker to be part of their gay marriage.

By forcing a baker to make their cake, the baker has indeed become a part of their wedding ceremony.
Even the cake itself isn't part of the wedding's part of a reception afterwards and both reception and cake are totally optional to any wedding. Nice try but.....not true.

The baker wants NOTHING to do with the event and is being FORCED by government to be a part of it. You're playing semantics and are being disingenuous.
No..the baker was not forced to do anything accept treat all their customers equally under the PA laws they agreed to in getting a business license.

I suspect many of these bakers were in business long before making same-sex wedding cakes became the law of the land.
My response----it seems to me that a store owner has a right to eject people who enter their premises for the purpose of proselytizing

The article didn't state that they were "proselytizing" in the coffee shop. If they were, I would agree with you. If not, then it seems pretty intolerant.

If they were carrying signs, banners or literature, he'd know what they were and yes, I'd refuse them service as well. Those pictures of abortions they so proudly display would be the reason why. People don't want or need to see that with their coffee.

Those abortion pics are disgusting, I dont think there is ever a need to see that.
They have people around here who put 6 x 8 ft blown up posters of that kind of stuff on the sides of their vans and park in front of elementary schools when they are letting out....they park on the street and stand on the public sidewalk handing out flyers knowing that nothing can be done about it.
Christian activists booted from Seattle coffee shop: ‘I’m gay. You have to leave’

Gay coffee shop owner boots out pro-life Christians, refusing them service.

Well, it's time to put these motherfuckers out of business!!!

I'm guessing the Christian activists won't file a civil rights complaint and there will be no conservative outrage threatening and/or harassing of the shop owners, their customers, their suppliers, etc. It is also important to note that the Christian bakers had happily and gracefully served the gay couple for quite some time with the products they normally served at the shop. It was the bakers' choice not to participate in an activity requested by the couple that got them in trouble.

The gay coffee shop owners would be perfectly within their right not to provide space for or cater an anti-abortion event. To refuse to serve Christian activists for no other reason than they were pro life is highly intolerant.

It wasn't their refusal to bake the cake that got them in real trouble. It was publishing the names, addresses and phone numbers of the couple on their FaceBook page which lead to harassment and death threats against the couple and their children and their refusal to remove the information when ordered to do so by the court that got them in trouble.

That's what lead to the $125,000 fine. Courts don't take kindly to those who refuse to comply with court orders, especially those which endanger small children.
After all this time, this is the first time I heard they wanted the baker to be part of their gay marriage.

By forcing a baker to make their cake, the baker has indeed become a part of their wedding ceremony.
Even the cake itself isn't part of the wedding's part of a reception afterwards and both reception and cake are totally optional to any wedding. Nice try but.....not true.

The baker wants NOTHING to do with the event and is being FORCED by government to be a part of it. You're playing semantics and are being disingenuous.
No..the baker was not forced to do anything accept treat all their customers equally under the PA laws they agreed to in getting a business license.

I suspect many of these bakers were in business long before making same-sex wedding cakes became the law of the land.
And......? If they were in business before some health laws were passed are they exempt from following the new health standards? Better yet, can they claim religious exemption from health standards laws?
I support the right of business owners to refuse to do business with people, for any reason they choose.

That's it. I agree. A leftist was haranguing me about how-awful how-awful it was that she saw a knitting store with a sign at the cashier, "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone." Turns out this is a common sign at BARS, and the law really forces that. Sheeeeesh. Why a knitting store had captured one, I don't know, maybe the owner thought it was funny.

But it got me thinking. Within the lifetime of many of us, business owners could indeed refuse service to anyone. I am a Libertarian and I think that's correct. After all, people will sell to everyone and anyone if they safely can! If they think it's disgusting, like homosexual wedding cakes or wedding venues, they shouldn't have to. And no "religious" excuse needed: that's all bogus anyway, people are just disgusted, really. And if blacks behave badly, why should stores put up with them? The riots on Black Friday --- a person would have to be crazy to get into that! and ruining of bars and nightclubs in my county when they started to play rap music and quickly got the "wrong" crowd --- one riot at a road house had three types of police, helicopters, dogs, riot guns. Lots of licenses lost, they cleaned it up. So many supermarkets near the black area have closed because of shoplifting -- big stores I shopped at for decades, gone. These legal requirements to serve everyone no matter how awful they are, that's crazy and immoral. I want business owners to be able to eject people if they want to. And if people behave well, no doubt they'll want to make profits from them. Freedom makes more sense.
My response----it seems to me that a store owner has a right to eject people who enter their premises for the purpose of proselytizing

Were they proselytizing? I think a store owner has the right to refuse service to anyone. And the refused have the right to peacefully picket.

The shop owner said he was offended by those people. Refuse to bake a cake, refuse to cater a wedding, refuse to serve coffee...all the same, and within the rights of the business owner.

Karma's a bitch when your integrity is situational.
You need to acquaint yourself with PA laws.

Appreciate the advice...I am acquainted with them - the above is opinion, hence the use of 'I think...' My advice to you?...keep reading.
And......? If they were in business before some health laws were passed are they exempt from following the new health standards? Better yet, can they claim religious exemption from health standards laws?

Did I say that?
The Washington Times is a broadsheet founded and owned by a nutty religious cult known as the Moonies. They are known for a lot of things but serious journalism is not one of them.
The Washington Times - Wikipedia

Nonsense. Rev. Moon has been dead for decades. No more Moonies. The Washington Times is a great conservative paper with major conservative writers like Charles Hurt and Victor Davis Hanson. I get it delivered every weekday and strongly recommend it.

They have sports and funnies, too. :)
No..the baker was not forced to do anything accept treat all their customers equally under the PA laws they agreed to in getting a business license.

Those bakers had never before make a same-sex wedding cake. Now they're forced to do so. I disagree with this law but I expect said bakers to abide by the law. I take it you don't have any issue with sanctuary cities ignoring federal immigration laws. Is that right?
I'm just referring to your mindset, which would allow it:

That's total bullshit. I support gay people to do whatever the fuck they want and I have NO PROBLEM with their lifestyle. Don't be a fucking liar.
Then what did you mean by the quote you so conveniently left out? Your words. Explain the logical ramifications of that belief of yours.
I'm just referring to your mindset, which would allow it:

That's total bullshit. I support gay people to do whatever the fuck they want and I have NO PROBLEM with their lifestyle. Don't be a fucking liar.
Then what did you mean by the quote you so conveniently left out? Your words. Explain the logical ramifications of that belief of yours.

What quote is that?
why did they go into a gay coffee shop? Too cause trouble. Why aren't they voicing concerns over lack of funding for Chip.

How do you know they went in there to cause trouble? I am not seeing that anywhere. Probably they went in for coffee. You need to back up a statement like that.
My response----it seems to me that a store owner has a right to eject people who enter their premises for the purpose of proselytizing

The article didn't state that they were "proselytizing" in the coffee shop. If they were, I would agree with you. If not, then it seems pretty intolerant.

If they were carrying signs, banners or literature, he'd know what they were and yes, I'd refuse them service as well. Those pictures of abortions they so proudly display would be the reason why. People don't want or need to see that with their coffee.

Those abortion pics are disgusting, I dont think there is ever a need to see that.
I lived two blocks from an abortion clinic once. People carrying those signs were out on the sidewalk every day. It was a major thoroughfare. I complained; all the little kids whose parents are driving by, being exposed to that? Of course, my complaint did nothing.

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